Thanks for the interesting replies folks!
I didn't want to start the thread with my views, but instead see what other thought without any context which could artificially rail-road the conversation.
It's interesting that morals are seen as subjective. It's true they're not quantitative, you can't measure the morality of different options and give them a numeric value for comparison. It's also true that morals are not absolute. It's wrong to kill, but what if killing one person saves the lives of 1,000 people? But does that mean they are arbitrary? Or is there a universal concept that underlies all moral systems?
I would have to say there is. It is that you should avoid harming others as much as you possibly can, and when ever you do harm someone, it is probably immoral to a lesser or greater extent. Without any religion being involved, this principle is at the root of most of the legal systems in the world. Why is it illegal to murder someone? Is it because God says so? Or because doing so harms the victim and their families, and indeed the whole of society? Same with theft. Same with rape, same with assault, same with drunk driving, etc. etc. etc.. As hinted at earlier, sometimes the moral underpinning of laws is to protect the common good of society. This is why we have taxation systems that allow us to build roads, bridges, railways, public buildings, to fund schools and hospitals, and so forth.
At no point does religion need to enter into moral discussions. In my mind, you lose any moral argument when all you have to justify your point of view is "because I believe God wants it that way".
So - how does all this relate to porn? I think Zortek was on the money. You can look at porn in terms of morals very easily. Were all the participants willing? Were they harmed? Were they in any way victimised?
I think that the majority of porn is perfectly moral, it is adults choosing to partake in a particular job of their own free will. They get paid, we get off - win win
Indeed, many people get off simply on sharing their own sensuality and sexuality, and do so solely for the pleasure of doing so, without getting paid. Just look at the vast swaths of amateur porn all over the net. Just look in these very boards in fact, we have a 'show yourself off' section where many people (myself included) freely share their home made porn without getting paid!
There can be no doubt that there is porn at all levels of the morality scale. From amateur stuff done for fun on one end, right the way to secret cameras, filmed rape, and snuff porn at the very other extreme, with perhaps some grey areas in the middle like the example Zortek gives in his post.
It's also interesting to see the idea that porn can be art raised by numerous contributors. You can put me down as very firmly of that opinion too! The more artistically done, the better porn is, and conversely, the more mechanical and formulaic porn is, the worse it is!
Porn is also nothing new. As far back in history as we can trace art, we can find porn. A lot of it has been kept hidden from us and out of our school books, but it was all over the ancient world. The Romans decorated their houses with pron for heavens sake! It was not hidden away, it was literally embedded into the very plaster on the walls of their houses! Channel 4 in the UK did a great series a decade or so ago called "The Secret History of Pornography", well worth getting a copy of, it will certainly open your eyes!