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I don't want to be gay..


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I am in pretty much the same situation, I have not come out to my family just some friends. I have felt the same way but I am on my way to learning to love myself. I have never been in a relationship with anyone but I know I am gay. I am 18. I felt like if I was just a girl it would be so much easier but I am a bit past that. I have a very good friends at the moment and it makes so much of a difference.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
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My advise is to suck some dick, If you like dicks.. Suck um. Don't tell nobody you are gay. They will find that out own their own. The only people that will care that you are gay anyway are fat old bitches that go to church on sunday (After they have sucked some dick (LOL)).

The feelings that you have about your straight friends I totaly understand. They will all grow up, find some woman and have some kids. BLAH-BLAH-BLAH. If it does you any good they will probally all get DIVORCES and their kids will hate them. So do them and youself a favor (SUCK their dicks).

Don't waste you life by being confussed or trying to figure out? Why am I Gay?, because the truth about it is the only person that cares is u. Trust me sucking dick will change your life..

Proud to say also, I have never went down on a gay guy... (YEAH). Gay guys give me the willies... So I understand where you are at there also..

Anymore and I will just be ranting..


New member
Apr 19, 2010
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same story as me but hey i'm 33 and still figure out how to be not gay

i don't wanna to be gay but what choice do i have, i push myself to get married, as a goverment officer , married is a duty i must to achive, i do but that is total disaster, pay the doctor to announce me as impotent, and the alimony to the woman who i never has sex with. cause what?! my penis is not like a light I can switch on or off.

coming out is not an option....its forbidden..its my opinion but act like a straight is way worse.

i still looking switch to another light......if it is your choice to be gay congrats....i hope my environment as welcome as you, but if act straight...good luck....it's a war with your heart...


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Re: Coming Out

Here is what I think.

It is never impossible to come out and let people know that you are gay.

But there is always a price to pay. For some, it's low; for others the price is incredibly high.

Here's the question: Is the price (losing friends, disappointing family, being laughed at, being attacked, in some places being thrown into prison) worth the benefit of being completely yourself (truth, integrity, not having to keep track of lies, being able to express everything you feel).

Some will decide that the price is too high. Others will feel that the benefits are too valuable to lose. But while the external circumstances are a big factor - they are not the only consideration. Because two people in the same environment might make different decisions.

Before I go on, let me say that for me right now, the price of being out is amazingly low. When I came out 30 years ago - it was a lot harder and I eventually had to move away from family and friends and start life over.

But now I live in a big American city and the gay community is large and influential. So I am in no position to be telling someone living in a strict religious conservative culture to come out and everything will be fine. I am not in your shoes and I would not presume to push you into taking on enormous risk.

But I will say this - some people in your position do pay that price. Which is why I say it is not impossible.

There have always been parallels to this in religion and politics. The Christian church honors the martyrs who did not deny their faith, even when condemned to death. Some Jews in Germany during the Nazi era refused to go "into the closet" and pass for gentile, even though they knew it would cost them their jobs, social position, and eventually their lives. Black civil rights leaders in the US were lynched because they wouldn't "stay in their place". Gandhi led a nation in rebellion, not by attacking oppressors, but by being willing to suffer and die if necessary for what was plainly right.

Some of their friends thought that they were self-destructive fools. Most of them we know now as heroes.

Everyone has to set their own path. Circumstances never completely determine the way we go. I humbly respect your decision not to come out if you feel you are in danger. I only suggest that you see if there are ways to minimize the threat (like moving somewhere else?), and also weigh that danger against the price you will be paying to stay safe (loss of love, having to pretend you are someone you are not).

And know that while you are faced with difficult decisions, you have family around the world praying for your safety and peace, and working for change in the way we are all treated.
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