Part 1/Part 2
This story is a work of fiction which may contain male on male sexual acts, strong drug use and violence. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this), please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental. This story is my own work and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
“Adam. I have something for you.”
Nick pulled me aside to speak to me privately. When we were in private, he handed me a bundle of money.
“What’s this for?”
“It’s your payment. Each person in the pack gets a percentage of the profit we bring in each week. You don’t get as much as the upper level but you still get something. There’s a bit extra in there as a welcome aboard present as well. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
I thanked him and we parted ways. He had to go organise a few things for the club deal. I hung out with the rest of the group for a while before we all went separate ways. I had to head off to work. When I arrived at work, Adrian was on my ass about a do
ent which went missing that he needed for a client. I spent most of my shift back-tracking for it before I came across his pile of weed. Trust him to have a secret stash in his workplace. That night, a few of the pack members were going to meet up at Nicks for a few drinks. There was nothing that really needed doing during this week. All deals had pretty much gone quiet. Jake came to my place to pick me up but we decided to walk from mine. We will be drinking all night and I had to start work early in the morning.
On our way there, we noticed something odd between three guys that were hanging out in a dimly lit street. Two of the guys had cornered a third guy and were yelling at him. We slowed down but they couldn’t see us. One of the guys punched the third guy in the stomach, sending him to the ground before they began kicking him. Jake and I ran over to them as Jake grabbed one of the guys and pinned him to the wall. I grabbed the other guy and threw him down onto the ground. I pinned him down. The working out I had previously started had helped me out. I had noticed a bit more definition and increased strength.
“What the fuck are you doing to this guy?!” Jake was pissed.
“This faggot tried hitting on me.”
Both of us looked over at the stranger who was staggering to his feet and breathing heavily.
“I’ve never seen these guys before.” He spoke. His voice was soft, innocent. “I was walking past and they started wailing on me.”
“Fuck off you fag.” The guy I had my foot on top of yelled. “You tried to get in my pants.”
I kicked him in the ribs to shut him up.
Jake slammed the guy against the wall. “If I ever see you fuck with anyone around here again, I swear I’ll cut your fucking dick off. Got it?”
The guy could see pure anger in Jake’s eyes. He nodded. Jake released the guy and pushed him to the ground. I took my foot off of the guy I was pinning down. The third man walked over to us and stood behind us. We began to walk away. One of the guys picked up a steel pipe that was lying near a piled of trash cans. All three of us turned around to see the guy running at us. As he was getting closer, Jake reached into his jacket and pulled out a handgun, pointing it straight at the thug. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the light shine of the gun. He dropped the pipe and raised his arms in terror.
“What the fuck Jake? You have a gun?”
“You never know when you’ll need one Adam. It’s mostly just a scare tactic but I’m never afraid to pull the trigger if need be.”
I was just as shocked at the guy he was pointing the gun at. I looked over and could see a wet patch forming on the thugs pants. Well, maybe I wasn’t as scared as him but I was still pretty terrified.
“Watch who you fuck with buddy. Get the fuck out of here, you and your mate, before my finger tightens around this trigger.”
Both men ran out of sight and Jake lowered his gun.
“Lets get rolling.”
“What about the other guy?”
“He’s already gone Adam.”
I looked around and saw no sign of the third guy. He must have done a runner when he saw the gun. I didn’t notice that he left. Jake and I continued to walk to Nick’s.
“Where did you get the gun from?”
“Steve is our weapons guy. He knows where to get all this stuff. The upper level and above have a gun on them. It’s pretty much just a safety precaution in case things get out of hand. Don’t expect to get one. None of the lower level get guns. You have to prove your worth and trust before you can handle anything like this.”
We arrived at Nick’s where a few of the pack were. The night was full of alcohol and pot once again. This was becoming a habit. Nick showed us the product we would be selling at the club. He pulled out a bag of pills.
“This is high grade ecstasy. We have to sell it all in a few days at the club. I’ll get it in, hand them to you all and then we sell from there. The owner knows about this and he’s getting a cut of the profit. Just don’t get up to anything stupid or drag any unwanted attention. That’s the last thing we need. Afterwards, give me the payment and any leftover E.”
He explained to us all the precautions we need to take, how to handle people and make sure you take the payment up front.
“Ummm… Nick?” A voice spoke from a person standing at the back.
I turned around to see Chris standing there with the usually angry look on his face. I could never tell if he was actually angry or if he just always looked like that.
“Do you think this is such a good idea?”
“What do you mean Chris? A job’s a job. As long as we do this right, there’s no danger for us. The owner is in on this so he’s got our back.”
“Can we really trust him? What happens if the club gets raided and he flips on us?”
“He wouldn’t flip and the club won’t get raided. Cops never touch that place, that’s why there are so many drugs being passed around there. Everything will be fine as long as we all do our jobs right.”
We spent the rest of the night talking about the job we had to do and what was involved. That didn’t mean we couldn’t have fun. We had our usual fun of getting pissed. I think all these nights staying out late or not coming home at all had been worrying to my mother but I was a grown man as I kept assuring her. That never stopped her motherly instinct from kicking in all the time.
The night came for our task to begin. Everyone was dressed up and ready for a big night out. The club was packed when we arrived there but the security guard let us in straight away. Nick shook his hand on the way through and handed over a small bag of pills. When we entered, everyone was dancing and drinking. The flashing colours of the lights were mesmerising and the music was bass heavy which made everyone want to dance. Nick was instantly recognised by a few people at the club so he went on his own. We started splitting up to cover more of the club. People approached discretely from all angles and we were selling in no time.
Just as I had finished another sale, I turned to see a familiar face. It was the same guy that way getting beaten the other night. As he looked over, I could see slight panic in his face. I approached him and he just stood there. The music was too loud to talk to him so I grabbed his arm and we went some place quiet around the corner which was pretty deserted.
“You’re the guy from the other night, the one who was getting beat up.”
“Yeah… that’s me.”
“Why did you run?”
“Your friend had a fucking gun. I couldn’t get caught up in that shit if someone got shot.”
“Fair enough… anyway, I’m Adam.”
“Troy… and thank you for helping me out the other night.”
“Just doing what I do best. You looked like you could use a hand.”
“Yeah… I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there… I have to go. My friends are waiting for me.”
“That’s cool. I’ll see you ‘round Troy.”
We went separate ways and I got went back to business. Half my bag was sold a few hours in. These pills were a hit. I kept looking over at Troy and we kept making eye contact. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he had a thing for me. He wasn’t too bad looking either. He was young, my age, and kind of had a skater look about him. He wore a backwards hat which his hair stuck out from underneath, a tight singlet which outlined his body, baggy jeans and dress shoes which were a requirement at the club. They were pretty relaxed with the dress code but the shoe part was enforced.
After a while of the loud music, people getting pumped on ecstasy and alcohol going around, Troy approached me. It came as a huge surprise when he pushed me up against the wall, pressed his body against mine and locked lips with me. I had no idea what was going on so I went with it. I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to explore it. He was an amazing kisser. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me deeper. I could feel something in his mouth. He put it in my mouth and I soon realised it was one of the pills we were selling. I didn’t want to upset him so I swallowed. He ended the kiss and pulled away from me with a smile on his face.
“You have fun tonight. We will definitely be seeing more of each other. Here’s my number.”
He slid a piece of paper into my shirt pocket and walked away. I stood there, still shocked and half aroused about what just happened. I made my way over to Nick before things started to get a little weird. I had never been on ecstasy before but this was feeling alright. My body started to feel more pumped, the music was something beyond sound and the lights were incredible. I couldn’t stop myself from moving to the sounds that I was hearing. No one seemed to care what I was on because everyone was on the same thing.
The night was pretty much a haze for the rest of it. I came across a few of the group that I remember. I saw Chris who seemed a little angry… still. Jake was laughing when he saw that I was on E. I remember him telling me not to let Nick find out. I think it was too late by that point as Nick was avoiding me that night. Troy and I had a few jager bombs throughout the night as well.
The next morning, I awoke in the spare bed at Nicks. I got up to see that I was dressed in my boxers. I don’t even remember coming back here. I walked out to see that no one was around since it was 1:00 in the afternoon. Lucky I didn’t have to work today. I walked back to the room and grabbed the cash out of my pocket. When I searched the other pockets, I realised that the remaining ecstacy was missing. I don’t know where the bag went. I started to freak out a little. I don’t know what Nick will do when he finds out but I knew that sooner or later, I would have to tell him.
I walked down the hall and up to his room. The door was shut so I took a deep breath and knocked twice. I heard him faintly tell me to enter. I turned the handle and opened the door. He was sitting on his couch, one leg up, one arm across the arm rest and the other across the back of the couch. He was dressed in board shorts.
“Ah… hey Nick.”
“Adam… you got the money?”
I handed him the cash that I had and he counted it.
“You got the rest of the pills?”
“Umm… about that.”
I saw anger in his face. He jumped up, pushed me against the wall and held me there with both hands. I couldn’t help but notice the bulge of his biceps as he did this. I’d have to say, it was kind of hot. That was until I looked at his face and saw pure anger.
“What the FUCK did you do with the rest of it?!”
“I… umm… I don’t have it. I don’t know what happened to it.”
“This is why you don’t sample your own merchandise. You stay sober while you’re selling.”
“I’m sorry Nick… I really am.”
He let go of me and sat back down in the same position.
“You bought be enough money to cover just over half the bag. Even with your cut covering the rest of it, you’re still a little short. You know, I did mention to you when you started that I accept other payments.”
I knew what he meant and I knew that this was going to happen. He stood up and pulled down his shorts. He was already half hard. He pulled them all the way off while maintaining eye contact with me as if to say ‘I own you. You’ll do what I want.’ He sat down with his legs spread and his arms across the back of the couch.
“Get to work Adam. I need payment.”
I stepped forward and got onto my knees. His half hard cock felt warm in my hand as I lifted it to gain access to his balls. I put my face forwards and started to suck on them. He moaned while I stroked his cock and sucked his balls into my mouth. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it further into his balls. When he released my head, I licked up the shaft of his now fully hard cock, and took the head into my mouth. He moaned louder as I took more of his cock into my mouth. I could take it about half way before I started to gag a little.
“If this is your payment, you’re gonna have to do better than that boy. You’re gonna have to take more of my cock.”
He started pushing my head down on his cock which made me gag again. I pulled my head off it.
“I don’t think I can. It’s huge.”
“Sit on the couch, I think I can help.”
I did as I was told and I sat down. I was still in my boxers and the tent in them was causing my pre
to form a wet patch. He stood up and kneeled over me. My legs were between his on the couch and his cock was right in front of my face.
I did what he wanted and I opened my mouth. He slowly started to slide his thick cock in until it reached the back of my throat. He reached down and started stroking my throat.
“Breath slowly and relax. I’ll take it slow.”
I slowed my breathing and he inched forward. More and more of his cock filled my mouth. I had my eyes closed to try and relax more. My eyes shot open when I felt his hairless balls against my chin. I did it. I was taking his entire cock.
“That’s it boy. Take every inch.”
Nick slowly started thrusting. He placed a hand on either side of my head and thrusted faster.
“Fuck yeah Adam. Damn your mouth feels good.”
He took his cock out and put his hand under my chin, lifting my head to make eye contact with him.
“Adam, you’re a great cock sucker but I don’t think it’ll do.”
He looked so hot, towering over me with a devilish grin on his face.
“I want to have a go at your ass.”
I instantly felt my stomach drop.
“Nick… I… I’ve never been fucked before. I’ve only ever topped.”
“There’s a first time for everything. I’ll tell you what, you let me fuck you, the payments made and you’ll still get your cut.”
I had to think about it for a little bit but then I looked at him again and he knew I accepted. He climbed off me and stood in front of me.
“Take your boxers off and bend over on the couch.”
I stood up and slid my boxers off. My cock was as hard as ever. I was still scared but I also wanted this. I turned around and bent over the couch, my feet planted firmly on the floor.
“Mmmm. You shave as well. Damn that ass is hot.”
I looked over my shoulder to see him stroking his cock and staring at my hole. He moved forward and bent down. I felt his hands on my cheeks, spreading them. I then felt his tongue touch my hole which made me jump a little. As his tongue entered me, I moaned loudly. It felt incredible. His tongue explored my ass while I gripped onto the couch. When he was done rimming me, he stood up and reached over to his table, pulling up a bottle of lube. He squirted some onto his cock and slicked it up.
“You really are tight Adam. I’m gonna enjoy taking your cherry.”
He moved forward and pressed his cock against my hole. It wasn’t so bad until he started pushing in. The head split my ass. It was so big. The pain washed over me as I yelled.
“Adam… its ok. Just breathe and relax. You’ll be ‘right.”
He pushed forward some more and his cock entered me. My hole burned so I grit my teeth to bare the pain. He kept sliding in until every inch was inside me before he held it there.
“Fuck your ass feels amazing. Best thing I’ve ever had my cock inside. I’ll start slow but the closer I get to shooting my load, the rougher I become.”
He slowly thrusted as the pleasure began. Every time his cock filled me, a wave of pleasure flowed over my body. He started to thrust a bit harder and faster. He pulled his cock out of my ass, grabbed me and threw me onto my stomach on the couch. He jumped on top of me, lined his cock up and thrusted it into me. I released a half yell, half moan. He started pounding my ass.
“Take my fucking cock bitch. I’m gonna fill you good.”
I could feel his ripped body against my back as he drove his cock into me.
“Your ass is mine Adam. I’m gonna blow soon.”
He pulled out of my ass again and flipped me over. Lifting my legs, he spared no time in sliding his cock back into me. He had each one of his muscled arms next to my head, fucking me hard. I was moaning loud as I could feel my own load building. This felt amazing. My hands explored his sexy body. I ran them over his bulging pecs and toned stomach.
“I’m gonna blow.”
He thrusted hard as his load filled me. This sent me over the edge, making
shoot from my cock onto my chest. He continued to thrust while he grunted, emptying his entire load inside me. After he was finished, he slid his cock out and sat back on the couch. I stood up, trying not to get any
on the couch. He threw me a towel as I started cleaning the
off my chest.
“Payment made.”
Once we cleaned up, Nick got dressed and he and I left the room. I only had my boxers on. We walked out and noticed a few of the pack here. They all smiled at me as I walked to the room to get my clothes. When I walked back out, there was a knock on the door. Nick walked over and opened it.
“Nick Penrose?”
“Yeah. That’s me.”
“My name’s officer Raymond Lester. I’m placing you under arrest for the dealing of illegal drugs.”
I hope you like it so far. There’s more drama in it now and more storyline and plot twists later to come. I like where I’m going with this and have a few things planned for future stories. I want to know if people like it so far or anything that people want to read more or less of. Thank you to all the people who have emailed me with your responses. It’s always good to have fans. Feedback keeps me writing. If you have any ideas, comments or just want to say hey, feel free to email me on message me.
This story is a work of fiction which may contain male on male sexual acts, strong drug use and violence. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this), please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental. This story is my own work and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
“Adam. I have something for you.”
Nick pulled me aside to speak to me privately. When we were in private, he handed me a bundle of money.
“What’s this for?”
“It’s your payment. Each person in the pack gets a percentage of the profit we bring in each week. You don’t get as much as the upper level but you still get something. There’s a bit extra in there as a welcome aboard present as well. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
I thanked him and we parted ways. He had to go organise a few things for the club deal. I hung out with the rest of the group for a while before we all went separate ways. I had to head off to work. When I arrived at work, Adrian was on my ass about a do

On our way there, we noticed something odd between three guys that were hanging out in a dimly lit street. Two of the guys had cornered a third guy and were yelling at him. We slowed down but they couldn’t see us. One of the guys punched the third guy in the stomach, sending him to the ground before they began kicking him. Jake and I ran over to them as Jake grabbed one of the guys and pinned him to the wall. I grabbed the other guy and threw him down onto the ground. I pinned him down. The working out I had previously started had helped me out. I had noticed a bit more definition and increased strength.
“What the fuck are you doing to this guy?!” Jake was pissed.
“This faggot tried hitting on me.”
Both of us looked over at the stranger who was staggering to his feet and breathing heavily.
“I’ve never seen these guys before.” He spoke. His voice was soft, innocent. “I was walking past and they started wailing on me.”
“Fuck off you fag.” The guy I had my foot on top of yelled. “You tried to get in my pants.”
I kicked him in the ribs to shut him up.
Jake slammed the guy against the wall. “If I ever see you fuck with anyone around here again, I swear I’ll cut your fucking dick off. Got it?”
The guy could see pure anger in Jake’s eyes. He nodded. Jake released the guy and pushed him to the ground. I took my foot off of the guy I was pinning down. The third man walked over to us and stood behind us. We began to walk away. One of the guys picked up a steel pipe that was lying near a piled of trash cans. All three of us turned around to see the guy running at us. As he was getting closer, Jake reached into his jacket and pulled out a handgun, pointing it straight at the thug. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the light shine of the gun. He dropped the pipe and raised his arms in terror.
“What the fuck Jake? You have a gun?”
“You never know when you’ll need one Adam. It’s mostly just a scare tactic but I’m never afraid to pull the trigger if need be.”
I was just as shocked at the guy he was pointing the gun at. I looked over and could see a wet patch forming on the thugs pants. Well, maybe I wasn’t as scared as him but I was still pretty terrified.
“Watch who you fuck with buddy. Get the fuck out of here, you and your mate, before my finger tightens around this trigger.”
Both men ran out of sight and Jake lowered his gun.
“Lets get rolling.”
“What about the other guy?”
“He’s already gone Adam.”
I looked around and saw no sign of the third guy. He must have done a runner when he saw the gun. I didn’t notice that he left. Jake and I continued to walk to Nick’s.
“Where did you get the gun from?”
“Steve is our weapons guy. He knows where to get all this stuff. The upper level and above have a gun on them. It’s pretty much just a safety precaution in case things get out of hand. Don’t expect to get one. None of the lower level get guns. You have to prove your worth and trust before you can handle anything like this.”
We arrived at Nick’s where a few of the pack were. The night was full of alcohol and pot once again. This was becoming a habit. Nick showed us the product we would be selling at the club. He pulled out a bag of pills.
“This is high grade ecstasy. We have to sell it all in a few days at the club. I’ll get it in, hand them to you all and then we sell from there. The owner knows about this and he’s getting a cut of the profit. Just don’t get up to anything stupid or drag any unwanted attention. That’s the last thing we need. Afterwards, give me the payment and any leftover E.”
He explained to us all the precautions we need to take, how to handle people and make sure you take the payment up front.
“Ummm… Nick?” A voice spoke from a person standing at the back.
I turned around to see Chris standing there with the usually angry look on his face. I could never tell if he was actually angry or if he just always looked like that.
“Do you think this is such a good idea?”
“What do you mean Chris? A job’s a job. As long as we do this right, there’s no danger for us. The owner is in on this so he’s got our back.”
“Can we really trust him? What happens if the club gets raided and he flips on us?”
“He wouldn’t flip and the club won’t get raided. Cops never touch that place, that’s why there are so many drugs being passed around there. Everything will be fine as long as we all do our jobs right.”
We spent the rest of the night talking about the job we had to do and what was involved. That didn’t mean we couldn’t have fun. We had our usual fun of getting pissed. I think all these nights staying out late or not coming home at all had been worrying to my mother but I was a grown man as I kept assuring her. That never stopped her motherly instinct from kicking in all the time.
The night came for our task to begin. Everyone was dressed up and ready for a big night out. The club was packed when we arrived there but the security guard let us in straight away. Nick shook his hand on the way through and handed over a small bag of pills. When we entered, everyone was dancing and drinking. The flashing colours of the lights were mesmerising and the music was bass heavy which made everyone want to dance. Nick was instantly recognised by a few people at the club so he went on his own. We started splitting up to cover more of the club. People approached discretely from all angles and we were selling in no time.
Just as I had finished another sale, I turned to see a familiar face. It was the same guy that way getting beaten the other night. As he looked over, I could see slight panic in his face. I approached him and he just stood there. The music was too loud to talk to him so I grabbed his arm and we went some place quiet around the corner which was pretty deserted.
“You’re the guy from the other night, the one who was getting beat up.”
“Yeah… that’s me.”
“Why did you run?”
“Your friend had a fucking gun. I couldn’t get caught up in that shit if someone got shot.”
“Fair enough… anyway, I’m Adam.”
“Troy… and thank you for helping me out the other night.”
“Just doing what I do best. You looked like you could use a hand.”
“Yeah… I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there… I have to go. My friends are waiting for me.”
“That’s cool. I’ll see you ‘round Troy.”
We went separate ways and I got went back to business. Half my bag was sold a few hours in. These pills were a hit. I kept looking over at Troy and we kept making eye contact. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he had a thing for me. He wasn’t too bad looking either. He was young, my age, and kind of had a skater look about him. He wore a backwards hat which his hair stuck out from underneath, a tight singlet which outlined his body, baggy jeans and dress shoes which were a requirement at the club. They were pretty relaxed with the dress code but the shoe part was enforced.
After a while of the loud music, people getting pumped on ecstasy and alcohol going around, Troy approached me. It came as a huge surprise when he pushed me up against the wall, pressed his body against mine and locked lips with me. I had no idea what was going on so I went with it. I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to explore it. He was an amazing kisser. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me deeper. I could feel something in his mouth. He put it in my mouth and I soon realised it was one of the pills we were selling. I didn’t want to upset him so I swallowed. He ended the kiss and pulled away from me with a smile on his face.
“You have fun tonight. We will definitely be seeing more of each other. Here’s my number.”
He slid a piece of paper into my shirt pocket and walked away. I stood there, still shocked and half aroused about what just happened. I made my way over to Nick before things started to get a little weird. I had never been on ecstasy before but this was feeling alright. My body started to feel more pumped, the music was something beyond sound and the lights were incredible. I couldn’t stop myself from moving to the sounds that I was hearing. No one seemed to care what I was on because everyone was on the same thing.
The night was pretty much a haze for the rest of it. I came across a few of the group that I remember. I saw Chris who seemed a little angry… still. Jake was laughing when he saw that I was on E. I remember him telling me not to let Nick find out. I think it was too late by that point as Nick was avoiding me that night. Troy and I had a few jager bombs throughout the night as well.
The next morning, I awoke in the spare bed at Nicks. I got up to see that I was dressed in my boxers. I don’t even remember coming back here. I walked out to see that no one was around since it was 1:00 in the afternoon. Lucky I didn’t have to work today. I walked back to the room and grabbed the cash out of my pocket. When I searched the other pockets, I realised that the remaining ecstacy was missing. I don’t know where the bag went. I started to freak out a little. I don’t know what Nick will do when he finds out but I knew that sooner or later, I would have to tell him.
I walked down the hall and up to his room. The door was shut so I took a deep breath and knocked twice. I heard him faintly tell me to enter. I turned the handle and opened the door. He was sitting on his couch, one leg up, one arm across the arm rest and the other across the back of the couch. He was dressed in board shorts.
“Ah… hey Nick.”
“Adam… you got the money?”
I handed him the cash that I had and he counted it.
“You got the rest of the pills?”
“Umm… about that.”
I saw anger in his face. He jumped up, pushed me against the wall and held me there with both hands. I couldn’t help but notice the bulge of his biceps as he did this. I’d have to say, it was kind of hot. That was until I looked at his face and saw pure anger.
“What the FUCK did you do with the rest of it?!”
“I… umm… I don’t have it. I don’t know what happened to it.”
“This is why you don’t sample your own merchandise. You stay sober while you’re selling.”
“I’m sorry Nick… I really am.”
He let go of me and sat back down in the same position.
“You bought be enough money to cover just over half the bag. Even with your cut covering the rest of it, you’re still a little short. You know, I did mention to you when you started that I accept other payments.”
I knew what he meant and I knew that this was going to happen. He stood up and pulled down his shorts. He was already half hard. He pulled them all the way off while maintaining eye contact with me as if to say ‘I own you. You’ll do what I want.’ He sat down with his legs spread and his arms across the back of the couch.
“Get to work Adam. I need payment.”
I stepped forward and got onto my knees. His half hard cock felt warm in my hand as I lifted it to gain access to his balls. I put my face forwards and started to suck on them. He moaned while I stroked his cock and sucked his balls into my mouth. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it further into his balls. When he released my head, I licked up the shaft of his now fully hard cock, and took the head into my mouth. He moaned louder as I took more of his cock into my mouth. I could take it about half way before I started to gag a little.
“If this is your payment, you’re gonna have to do better than that boy. You’re gonna have to take more of my cock.”
He started pushing my head down on his cock which made me gag again. I pulled my head off it.
“I don’t think I can. It’s huge.”
“Sit on the couch, I think I can help.”
I did as I was told and I sat down. I was still in my boxers and the tent in them was causing my pre

I did what he wanted and I opened my mouth. He slowly started to slide his thick cock in until it reached the back of my throat. He reached down and started stroking my throat.
“Breath slowly and relax. I’ll take it slow.”
I slowed my breathing and he inched forward. More and more of his cock filled my mouth. I had my eyes closed to try and relax more. My eyes shot open when I felt his hairless balls against my chin. I did it. I was taking his entire cock.
“That’s it boy. Take every inch.”
Nick slowly started thrusting. He placed a hand on either side of my head and thrusted faster.
“Fuck yeah Adam. Damn your mouth feels good.”
He took his cock out and put his hand under my chin, lifting my head to make eye contact with him.
“Adam, you’re a great cock sucker but I don’t think it’ll do.”
He looked so hot, towering over me with a devilish grin on his face.
“I want to have a go at your ass.”
I instantly felt my stomach drop.
“Nick… I… I’ve never been fucked before. I’ve only ever topped.”
“There’s a first time for everything. I’ll tell you what, you let me fuck you, the payments made and you’ll still get your cut.”
I had to think about it for a little bit but then I looked at him again and he knew I accepted. He climbed off me and stood in front of me.
“Take your boxers off and bend over on the couch.”
I stood up and slid my boxers off. My cock was as hard as ever. I was still scared but I also wanted this. I turned around and bent over the couch, my feet planted firmly on the floor.
“Mmmm. You shave as well. Damn that ass is hot.”
I looked over my shoulder to see him stroking his cock and staring at my hole. He moved forward and bent down. I felt his hands on my cheeks, spreading them. I then felt his tongue touch my hole which made me jump a little. As his tongue entered me, I moaned loudly. It felt incredible. His tongue explored my ass while I gripped onto the couch. When he was done rimming me, he stood up and reached over to his table, pulling up a bottle of lube. He squirted some onto his cock and slicked it up.
“You really are tight Adam. I’m gonna enjoy taking your cherry.”
He moved forward and pressed his cock against my hole. It wasn’t so bad until he started pushing in. The head split my ass. It was so big. The pain washed over me as I yelled.
“Adam… its ok. Just breathe and relax. You’ll be ‘right.”
He pushed forward some more and his cock entered me. My hole burned so I grit my teeth to bare the pain. He kept sliding in until every inch was inside me before he held it there.
“Fuck your ass feels amazing. Best thing I’ve ever had my cock inside. I’ll start slow but the closer I get to shooting my load, the rougher I become.”
He slowly thrusted as the pleasure began. Every time his cock filled me, a wave of pleasure flowed over my body. He started to thrust a bit harder and faster. He pulled his cock out of my ass, grabbed me and threw me onto my stomach on the couch. He jumped on top of me, lined his cock up and thrusted it into me. I released a half yell, half moan. He started pounding my ass.
“Take my fucking cock bitch. I’m gonna fill you good.”
I could feel his ripped body against my back as he drove his cock into me.
“Your ass is mine Adam. I’m gonna blow soon.”
He pulled out of my ass again and flipped me over. Lifting my legs, he spared no time in sliding his cock back into me. He had each one of his muscled arms next to my head, fucking me hard. I was moaning loud as I could feel my own load building. This felt amazing. My hands explored his sexy body. I ran them over his bulging pecs and toned stomach.
“I’m gonna blow.”
He thrusted hard as his load filled me. This sent me over the edge, making

“Payment made.”
Once we cleaned up, Nick got dressed and he and I left the room. I only had my boxers on. We walked out and noticed a few of the pack here. They all smiled at me as I walked to the room to get my clothes. When I walked back out, there was a knock on the door. Nick walked over and opened it.
“Nick Penrose?”
“Yeah. That’s me.”
“My name’s officer Raymond Lester. I’m placing you under arrest for the dealing of illegal drugs.”
I hope you like it so far. There’s more drama in it now and more storyline and plot twists later to come. I like where I’m going with this and have a few things planned for future stories. I want to know if people like it so far or anything that people want to read more or less of. Thank you to all the people who have emailed me with your responses. It’s always good to have fans. Feedback keeps me writing. If you have any ideas, comments or just want to say hey, feel free to email me on message me.