LOL!!! It`s nothing like Prison Break. I`ve only seen 2 or 3 episodes of Prison Break and I didn`t like it
I was more into OZ when they aired it...
I was in my last year of high school when they aired OZ on a local tv station
But Lost is way has mystery in it more than you can handle
and every episode ends with a new enigma making you bang your head on the walls waiting for the next episode
It`s different and I love it
And it`s like Lost starts with the middle...there is the past ...the middle (on the island) and the future after they leave the island... One of the aspects I like the most is the stories of each character... how they are connected somehow...through other people or through themselves... like Claire who was at that psychic who`s the same who has the daughter coming back from the dead and Mr Ecko goes visit her ... or how Jack meets Ana Lucia in the airport not knowing she`s the same woman who helped his father wile he was in Sydney...etc etc. Well, lol, sorry for the messed up explanation but it`s see season 4 or season 5 and u can`t not want to re watch season 1 or 2 so you can see where some things happened...things they show in season 4 or 5 ...
Anyways, apparently noone here likes Lost, lol.