any·thing /ˈɛniˌθɪŋ/ pronoun
: a thing of any kind
▪ We were allowed to do anything we wanted to.
▪ If you're not sure what to say, just say anything that comes to mind.
▪ She didn't say anything at all. [=she said nothing at all]
▪ That dog will eat almost/nearly/practically/virtually anything.
▪ We didn't talk about anything much.
▪ The new stadium is spectacular. There's never been anything like it.
▪ She never does anything but complain. [=all she does is complain]
▪ I'll do anything I can to help.
▪ They were ready for anything (that might happen).
▪ You can't tell him anything about computers. He thinks he's an expert.
▪ I can't think of her as anything but a good friend. [=I can only think of her as a good friend]
▪ He'll do anything for a laugh.
▪ I'd do/give anything to see her again.
▪ He won't take anything from anyone. [=he won't allow anyone to mistreat him, to be rude to him, etc.]
▪ She ate hardly anything. [=she ate almost nothing]
▪ He said he was sorry, but that doesn't really mean anything.
▪ I don't have anything against them. [=I don't have any reason for disliking them]
▪ She thought it was funny but I didn't see anything funny about it. [=I didn't think it was funny at all]
▪ They've been doing everything and anything to finish on time. = They've been doing anything and everything to finish on time.
▪ The problems were caused by lack of time as much as anything.
▪ She dresses conservatively at work, but on the weekends, anything goes. [=anything is acceptable; there are no rules that have to be followed]
I believe that's explain pretty much
everything about
anything now don't ask if we can explain everything to you or I'll come back with a similar answer :rofl::rofl::rofl: