Cute Prince101
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Charmed: The Third Generation
A New Destiny
I woke up to the sound of music playing from my brother's room. Peter must
be up already. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep
now that he was up, so I got up and went into the bathroom and brushed my
teeth. I was so glad that today was Saturday and I didn't have to go to
school. Being a senior in high school has its up and downs, I guess. When I
finished washing up I went downstairs and my oldest brother, Patrick, was
in the kitchen fixing breakfast. I am the youngest son of 3 boys; my older
brothers are 25 and 21 and I am 17 years old, but my birthday is in 3
days. Yay!
About the time Patrick turned twenty-one our parents died and he became
legal Patrick has been good to us since our parents died. We were too busy
with the loss of our parents to really realize what had happened. But now
that I am walking into the kitchen I can't help but notice that my brother
Patrick looks just like our father: blonde curly hair, baby blue eyes, and
a swimmer's body. Peter and I have brown hair like our mother. My eyes are
a greenish blue color and Peter's are hazel.
"Good morning, Perry, breakfast will be finished in a minute," Patrick said
as he had just finished the pancakes, bacon and sausage. The eggs were the
last thing he always cooked so that they would be really fresh and we
wouldn't have to warm them up.
"Good morning, Patrick, do you have to go to work today?" I said, getting
the silverware and plates out.
"No, actually, mom and dad's lawyer is coming by today to tell us
something. He said it was really important," Patrick said as he took the
eggs out of the pan and put it in a big plate.
"Good morning brothers!" Peter said coming down the stairs with a big smile
on his face.
"Hey, Peter, why are you so happy this morning?" I asked him as he sat down
next to me and wrapped his arm around me.
"I don't know! I just feel that something good is going to happen today,
but I don't know what it is yet." He said, beaming like his birthday was
coming up.
"I guess. Well you know that mom and dad's lawyer is coming over today so
we have to be ready. He said he was coming over at like noon." Patrick told
us as we finished eating the rest of the breakfast that he had made.
"So what do you think this lawyer wants to see us now? It's been almost 5
years since our parents died... why didn't he come right then?" Peter
said. He looked over at me and saw that I had stopped eating and sat
"Aww, little guy... I'm sorry that I upset you. I didn't mean to. I was
just wondering." Peter said as he gave me a hug. Patrick came over and
hugged me and kissed me on top of my head.
"It's all right. We'll get through this together, guys," Patrick said then
he continued. "I really don't know what he wants to talk to us about but I
guess we will find out when he gets here. He said for us all to be there so
don't go running off until then," he said in a fatherly type way.
After breakfast we all helped wash the dishes. It is something that we all
usually do on Saturdays if everyone is off. Once the dishes were done we
kind of dispersed, each going our separate ways until noon. I was up in my
room putting on some clothes when the doorbell rang.
"Guys, come to the living room, the lawyer is here!" Patrick called to
us. I quickly finished putting on my clothes and ran downstairs. When I
walked in the living room I saw a tall man with brown hair. He was kind of
buff and was pretty damn hot, I might add. Peter came down seconds after I
did and asked what was up.
"Well, first, it is nice to see you guys again." I was confused I don't
think I have every met this guy before. If I had I would have remember
hehe. He continued. "You may not remember me but I first met you 5 years
ago, at your parent's funeral...but I guess you were grieving at the time
and didn't really notice me," he said to us as we sat down on the couch.
"Ok I think I remember you now--it's just been a while. So why have you
come here after five years?" Patrick said as he was the only one that had
remembered him.
"Well your parents wanted me to tell you what I came to do today when it
was close to Perry's 18th birthday. Now what I'm going to tell you is going
to be really unbelievable but everything that I'm about to tell you is
true." He said looking very serious.
"What is it you have to tell us?" Patrick asked him, a little nervous to
know what it was.
"Well first... your parents didn't die by ordinary killers. They were
killed by demons..." He said before I interrupted him.
"No, there is no such thing as a demon. Now, I've heard of mutants but,
demons, come on. Our parents were killed by some good for nothing low-life
that wanted something from them--plain and simple." I said, getting upset
that he would say something so stupid.
"Believe me when I say this. Your parents were killed by demons and that's
not the only thing. They weren't normal themselves. They were
witches. Actually, your mother was half witch, half demon and your father
was half witch and half white-lighter." He said looking at all of our
"Hold on just a minute! I entertained this for a minute but now you are
just talking crazy. What the hell are demons and white-lights? And by
witches are you talking about pointy hat double " Patrick said, also
getting upset.
"I didn't mean to upset any of you but what I'm telling you is the honest
truth. OK. Well. First, witches are mostly all good. There are some bad
witches but most bad or corrupt witches are called warlocks. And before you
ask-- warlocks and witches can be male or female. White-lighters are
protectors of future white-lighters and good witches. Now demons are mostly
all evil and they try to either hurt and kill other witches or
innocents. Innocents are just normal humans." Once he said this we were all
in a state of shock.
"OK, so let's say that everything you said is true. Would that mean that we
have powers too?" Peter finally said something for the first time since
we've sat here.
"Yes. It's not just that you are the most powerful witches in
existence. You father was the twice-blessed son of Piper Halliwell and Leo
Wyatt. He was the most powerful witch of all until his powers were taken
away and killed by an unknown demon that's taken out most of your
family. The only thing we know is he has a sidekick named Alister. No one
really knows much about either of them, but that's why I'm here. These
demons might be after you. When Perry turns 18 your powers will be unbound
and you will have to be charmed to save yourselves. This is something that
has to be done or else you all will die." Mr. Stanley said strongly.
We were all shocked by this revelation that Mr. Stanley just told us. It
was so farfetched and at the same time he said it with such conviction that
I had to believe what he said was true.
"Ok if this is all true then what can we do to protect ourselves from this
evil person." I said trying to gather all the courage I had in me because I
knew what he was going to say.
"You have to get your powers and fight." Mr. Stanley said with the same
conviction he just had.
"Ok what do we have to do in order to get our powers? And what will our
powers actually be?" Patrick said standing up and walking around the room
"First you have to perform spell to give you your powers. The big problem
is that you won't be able to be Charmed until midnight on Perry's 18th
birthday when the bind on your Charmed powers are broken. You'll be able to
use them, but you won't have the power of three yet. But first, I think we
will need to go into the attic and do something else. We have to call upon
the original charmed ones because they know how your powers work more than
I would. I can do that much at least the rest is up to you." Mr. Stanley
said as he got up and started to walk up the stairs to the attic. As we
followed him to the attic my brothers and I were kind of wondering what he
was talking about calling upon the original charmed one's if what he said
was all true shouldn't they be dead too like our parents. We never really
met our grandparents or anyone else from our family. Mom and Dad said it
was "safer" for us not to know them. When we got to the attic Mr. Stanley
went to the cabinet where there was all of these things that we just
thought were form a chemistry set. I guess we were wrong. Mr. Stanley got 5
big white candles and handed us each one. He told us to put them in a loose
circle and to light them. He told us to stand behind him. Then he started
to say some words that sounded like a spell.
"Hear these words
hear my cry
Spirit from the
other side
Come to me
I summon thee
Cross now the Great Divide"
Golden lights started to swirl in circle of candles. My brothers and I were
kind of freaked out by this so we all ran and hid behind the couch. Patrick
trying to be the strong older brother decided to take a peek from behind
the couch when he saw what had happened he pulled both of us up and we all
stared. In the circle of candles there stood 3 older women. But something
was odd about them. They were transparent. Oh my god there ghosts! I was
freaking out right about now. Then all three of them stepped out of the
circle and became solid. This is just too crazy for words. One of them
started to speak.
"Boys come on out from behind that couch and come give your grandmother a
hug." The lady with the long dark brown hair said. Her hair was beginning
to turn gray. Patrick stood up and pulled Peter with him and Peter pulled
me. I know we were all still a little freaked out about all of this but
reluctantly we went over to lady that spoke first and gave her a hug. It
was like she was real I couldn't explain it.
"My name is Piper, but you can call me Grams. I've always wanted to be
called that. And these are my two younger sisters Phoebe and Paige, your
great aunts." Grams Piper said indicating the other two ladies. One had
long light brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, which was great aunt
Phoebe, and the other had shoulder length fiery red hair and pale skin,
which I assumed was great aunt Paige. Grams Piper continued. "We are the
original Charmed Ones and I am your Father's mother. I was so sad when your
father and mother showed up, up there. I just knew you kids would be
devastated about them dying. But I can tell you that they love you very
much, and there sorry that they can't be down here with you guys. They
can't see you until your ready to let them go. I'm sorry." She said showing
so much sympathy in her eyes. I was trying to be strong because I knew what
was coming next. "But now let's get down to business. There is an evil
beyond anything that we have ever encountered before. Whoever it is, is
trying to take over the world. And the way they are doing it is by killing
anyone that stands in there way. It started 10 years ago. They started to
take out any witch that they felt would stand in there way starting with
the lesser witches then moving on to the more stronger witches and that is
our family unfortunately.
"They started off by killing the oldest one's, which was us. Some how they
found a way to take away our powers and kill us. After us they went for the
weakest children. I'm sorry Paige I'm just telling them what happened." She
stopped to go comfort her youngest sister. Then she continued. "Paige's
kids were only a quarter witch and a quarter white-lighter so they were the
easiest prey. Then they went for Phoebe's kids who were half witch and half
cupid. Those girls put up a pretty good fight but they just didn't have
enough power to protect themselves." She stopped again to console her other
sister. My brothers and I were just as sad knowing that this thing what
ever it is caused so much trouble in our family.
Grams continued. "Then they came for my kids. My kids were the strongest
together than all the other kids, so they were attacked individually,
starting with my daughter Melinda, the youngest. She was the weakest one
of my three kids because she was only half witch. Her and her husband were
both only half witches so they couldn't really handle the demon that
attacked them either. Neither could my second oldest Chris. Him and his
wife, who was a Phoenix witch held there own for some time. There battle
took a while, but eventually they too were taken over. Then the last to
fight were your parents." By this time everyone was crying. My brothers
held me close as our great aunts held grams. Mr. Stanley handed everyone
some tissues and all of us tried to calm down.
"Your parents were a force to be reckoned with. Your father being the
twice-blessed son used his Excalibur to fend off the demon and your mother
helped a lot. Her being half harpy, her enhanced strength and her high
resistance to weapons and various powers were here best asset. They were a
great team but unfortunately they too were beaten. But they were the ones
to finally get and edge on the demons. They found a way to so the demons
couldn't take away any more of our families powers, well at least the way
that they did with the rest of us." She paused in her story to let
everything that we just heard to sink in a little. I was a little
overwhelmed with all of this news we finally know why our parents died and
an idea of who did it.
" what? After all of that happened why don't we have our powers
now? And why are we just finding out about this now?" Peter said after a
pregnant silence. "And for that matter why don't we remember anything about
any of you or our other relatives?" He finished.
The sisters looked at each other seemingly not wanting to tell
us. " was for you own protection we, meaning us, your
parents, and all of your aunts and uncles decided that we needed to keep
the third generation safe so we kind of all bound your powers until the
youngest turned 18 and erased your memories of us and your powers." Great
aunt Phoebe said speaking for the first time. I know I was visibly shocked
at this point I looked at my brothers on either side of me and saw that
they were int the same state of shock that I was in.
"Wha...what?! You guys erased our memory? Why would you do something like
that. How many of us did you erase memories how many of us are left?"
Patrick said kind of irritated at the situation. I've only seen him like
this when he gets really upset about something.
"Well first like Phoebe said we did it to protect you from all of the
fighting. We wanted all of you to have a normal childhood instead of
fighting. And we needed you to carry on the Halliwell name. And to answer
your other question...there are 15 of you. There will be 5 sets of new
Charmed Ones." Aunt Paige spoke for the first time also. "And you have to
find them all and tell them what we just told you. They are all living in
various cities in California. You have to get them to move close to here so
all of you will be together. You could do a simple blood to blood spell but
there are too many to do that with so you will probably have to scry for
them and either orb or smoke to get to them. We really don't know what kind
of powers you will have since your guys have so much different magical
beings in you. We'll just have to see what turns up." Gram Piper said as
she got up and walked over to a podium with a rather large book on it. The
aunts also got up and stood on each side of her.
"Come here boys this is called the Book of Shadows. This book has been
passed down from generation to generation of Warren witches. That is our
coven name starting with our ancestor Melinda Warren who was the original
carrier of the Charmed powers. She prophesied that each generation of
Warren Witches would become stronger and stronger until the culmination of
three sisters who will be known as the Charmed Ones and will be the most
powerful witches in existence. That was us so after us all of our children
and our children's children will also be Charmed until the end of time."
Grams said telling us the history about our family. I was starting to kind
of get excited about this whole thing. You always wonder what would it like
to be a super hero when your a little kid and now I think this will make us
kinda like superheroes I think that would be kind of cool. Grams continued,
"As long as you don't use your powers for personal gain they will be the
greatest gifts you have every gotten. But you will have to fight with these
powers the demons that killed us are still out there and even though they
don't have that same power to take your powers the way the took ours
doesn't there aren't other ways. So you guys have to be brave and gather
your cousins for a final battle against evil." Grams finished.
Patrick looked at me and Peter and asked, "What do you guys think about
this. Would this be something you would want to do?"
"Heck yeah that's something I would want to do I knew something awesome was
going to happen today. This is gonna be so awesome!" Peter exclaimed. The
sisters shared a glace at each other knowingly. I wonder what that was
"It's fine with me I want to be able see that the people that killed our
parents are destroyed." I said and then blushed and said, "I always did
want to be a kind of superhero." Everyone laughed at that. After all the
emotions that we had been through since Grams and her sisters got he it was
good to break the sadness.
"That's great guys I think its a good idea also so lets give it all we've
got together we can get through anything." Patrick said.
"I so glad you guys know that together you are strong. Now you have to say
the spell that gave us our powers to restore yours. You won't be charmed
until the bind is broken, but you will have your powers." Grams said as she
opened the book to the first page. She them positioned us in front of the
book and told us to say the spell together out loud. We glanced at each
other before we chanted:
"Hear now the words
of the witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of spells are invoked
The great gift of magic
is sought
In this night and in this hour
I call upon the ancient
Bring your powers to
we brothers three!
We want the power!
Give us the power!"
Story from
A New Destiny
I woke up to the sound of music playing from my brother's room. Peter must
be up already. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep
now that he was up, so I got up and went into the bathroom and brushed my
teeth. I was so glad that today was Saturday and I didn't have to go to
school. Being a senior in high school has its up and downs, I guess. When I
finished washing up I went downstairs and my oldest brother, Patrick, was
in the kitchen fixing breakfast. I am the youngest son of 3 boys; my older
brothers are 25 and 21 and I am 17 years old, but my birthday is in 3
days. Yay!
About the time Patrick turned twenty-one our parents died and he became
legal Patrick has been good to us since our parents died. We were too busy
with the loss of our parents to really realize what had happened. But now
that I am walking into the kitchen I can't help but notice that my brother
Patrick looks just like our father: blonde curly hair, baby blue eyes, and
a swimmer's body. Peter and I have brown hair like our mother. My eyes are
a greenish blue color and Peter's are hazel.
"Good morning, Perry, breakfast will be finished in a minute," Patrick said
as he had just finished the pancakes, bacon and sausage. The eggs were the
last thing he always cooked so that they would be really fresh and we
wouldn't have to warm them up.
"Good morning, Patrick, do you have to go to work today?" I said, getting
the silverware and plates out.
"No, actually, mom and dad's lawyer is coming by today to tell us
something. He said it was really important," Patrick said as he took the
eggs out of the pan and put it in a big plate.
"Good morning brothers!" Peter said coming down the stairs with a big smile
on his face.
"Hey, Peter, why are you so happy this morning?" I asked him as he sat down
next to me and wrapped his arm around me.
"I don't know! I just feel that something good is going to happen today,
but I don't know what it is yet." He said, beaming like his birthday was
coming up.
"I guess. Well you know that mom and dad's lawyer is coming over today so
we have to be ready. He said he was coming over at like noon." Patrick told
us as we finished eating the rest of the breakfast that he had made.
"So what do you think this lawyer wants to see us now? It's been almost 5
years since our parents died... why didn't he come right then?" Peter
said. He looked over at me and saw that I had stopped eating and sat
"Aww, little guy... I'm sorry that I upset you. I didn't mean to. I was
just wondering." Peter said as he gave me a hug. Patrick came over and
hugged me and kissed me on top of my head.
"It's all right. We'll get through this together, guys," Patrick said then
he continued. "I really don't know what he wants to talk to us about but I
guess we will find out when he gets here. He said for us all to be there so
don't go running off until then," he said in a fatherly type way.
After breakfast we all helped wash the dishes. It is something that we all
usually do on Saturdays if everyone is off. Once the dishes were done we
kind of dispersed, each going our separate ways until noon. I was up in my
room putting on some clothes when the doorbell rang.
"Guys, come to the living room, the lawyer is here!" Patrick called to
us. I quickly finished putting on my clothes and ran downstairs. When I
walked in the living room I saw a tall man with brown hair. He was kind of
buff and was pretty damn hot, I might add. Peter came down seconds after I
did and asked what was up.
"Well, first, it is nice to see you guys again." I was confused I don't
think I have every met this guy before. If I had I would have remember
hehe. He continued. "You may not remember me but I first met you 5 years
ago, at your parent's funeral...but I guess you were grieving at the time
and didn't really notice me," he said to us as we sat down on the couch.
"Ok I think I remember you now--it's just been a while. So why have you
come here after five years?" Patrick said as he was the only one that had
remembered him.
"Well your parents wanted me to tell you what I came to do today when it
was close to Perry's 18th birthday. Now what I'm going to tell you is going
to be really unbelievable but everything that I'm about to tell you is
true." He said looking very serious.
"What is it you have to tell us?" Patrick asked him, a little nervous to
know what it was.
"Well first... your parents didn't die by ordinary killers. They were
killed by demons..." He said before I interrupted him.
"No, there is no such thing as a demon. Now, I've heard of mutants but,
demons, come on. Our parents were killed by some good for nothing low-life
that wanted something from them--plain and simple." I said, getting upset
that he would say something so stupid.
"Believe me when I say this. Your parents were killed by demons and that's
not the only thing. They weren't normal themselves. They were
witches. Actually, your mother was half witch, half demon and your father
was half witch and half white-lighter." He said looking at all of our
"Hold on just a minute! I entertained this for a minute but now you are
just talking crazy. What the hell are demons and white-lights? And by
witches are you talking about pointy hat double " Patrick said, also
getting upset.
"I didn't mean to upset any of you but what I'm telling you is the honest
truth. OK. Well. First, witches are mostly all good. There are some bad
witches but most bad or corrupt witches are called warlocks. And before you
ask-- warlocks and witches can be male or female. White-lighters are
protectors of future white-lighters and good witches. Now demons are mostly
all evil and they try to either hurt and kill other witches or
innocents. Innocents are just normal humans." Once he said this we were all
in a state of shock.
"OK, so let's say that everything you said is true. Would that mean that we
have powers too?" Peter finally said something for the first time since
we've sat here.
"Yes. It's not just that you are the most powerful witches in
existence. You father was the twice-blessed son of Piper Halliwell and Leo
Wyatt. He was the most powerful witch of all until his powers were taken
away and killed by an unknown demon that's taken out most of your
family. The only thing we know is he has a sidekick named Alister. No one
really knows much about either of them, but that's why I'm here. These
demons might be after you. When Perry turns 18 your powers will be unbound
and you will have to be charmed to save yourselves. This is something that
has to be done or else you all will die." Mr. Stanley said strongly.
We were all shocked by this revelation that Mr. Stanley just told us. It
was so farfetched and at the same time he said it with such conviction that
I had to believe what he said was true.
"Ok if this is all true then what can we do to protect ourselves from this
evil person." I said trying to gather all the courage I had in me because I
knew what he was going to say.
"You have to get your powers and fight." Mr. Stanley said with the same
conviction he just had.
"Ok what do we have to do in order to get our powers? And what will our
powers actually be?" Patrick said standing up and walking around the room
"First you have to perform spell to give you your powers. The big problem
is that you won't be able to be Charmed until midnight on Perry's 18th
birthday when the bind on your Charmed powers are broken. You'll be able to
use them, but you won't have the power of three yet. But first, I think we
will need to go into the attic and do something else. We have to call upon
the original charmed ones because they know how your powers work more than
I would. I can do that much at least the rest is up to you." Mr. Stanley
said as he got up and started to walk up the stairs to the attic. As we
followed him to the attic my brothers and I were kind of wondering what he
was talking about calling upon the original charmed one's if what he said
was all true shouldn't they be dead too like our parents. We never really
met our grandparents or anyone else from our family. Mom and Dad said it
was "safer" for us not to know them. When we got to the attic Mr. Stanley
went to the cabinet where there was all of these things that we just
thought were form a chemistry set. I guess we were wrong. Mr. Stanley got 5
big white candles and handed us each one. He told us to put them in a loose
circle and to light them. He told us to stand behind him. Then he started
to say some words that sounded like a spell.
"Hear these words
hear my cry
Spirit from the
other side
Come to me
I summon thee
Cross now the Great Divide"
Golden lights started to swirl in circle of candles. My brothers and I were
kind of freaked out by this so we all ran and hid behind the couch. Patrick
trying to be the strong older brother decided to take a peek from behind
the couch when he saw what had happened he pulled both of us up and we all
stared. In the circle of candles there stood 3 older women. But something
was odd about them. They were transparent. Oh my god there ghosts! I was
freaking out right about now. Then all three of them stepped out of the
circle and became solid. This is just too crazy for words. One of them
started to speak.
"Boys come on out from behind that couch and come give your grandmother a
hug." The lady with the long dark brown hair said. Her hair was beginning
to turn gray. Patrick stood up and pulled Peter with him and Peter pulled
me. I know we were all still a little freaked out about all of this but
reluctantly we went over to lady that spoke first and gave her a hug. It
was like she was real I couldn't explain it.
"My name is Piper, but you can call me Grams. I've always wanted to be
called that. And these are my two younger sisters Phoebe and Paige, your
great aunts." Grams Piper said indicating the other two ladies. One had
long light brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, which was great aunt
Phoebe, and the other had shoulder length fiery red hair and pale skin,
which I assumed was great aunt Paige. Grams Piper continued. "We are the
original Charmed Ones and I am your Father's mother. I was so sad when your
father and mother showed up, up there. I just knew you kids would be
devastated about them dying. But I can tell you that they love you very
much, and there sorry that they can't be down here with you guys. They
can't see you until your ready to let them go. I'm sorry." She said showing
so much sympathy in her eyes. I was trying to be strong because I knew what
was coming next. "But now let's get down to business. There is an evil
beyond anything that we have ever encountered before. Whoever it is, is
trying to take over the world. And the way they are doing it is by killing
anyone that stands in there way. It started 10 years ago. They started to
take out any witch that they felt would stand in there way starting with
the lesser witches then moving on to the more stronger witches and that is
our family unfortunately.
"They started off by killing the oldest one's, which was us. Some how they
found a way to take away our powers and kill us. After us they went for the
weakest children. I'm sorry Paige I'm just telling them what happened." She
stopped to go comfort her youngest sister. Then she continued. "Paige's
kids were only a quarter witch and a quarter white-lighter so they were the
easiest prey. Then they went for Phoebe's kids who were half witch and half
cupid. Those girls put up a pretty good fight but they just didn't have
enough power to protect themselves." She stopped again to console her other
sister. My brothers and I were just as sad knowing that this thing what
ever it is caused so much trouble in our family.
Grams continued. "Then they came for my kids. My kids were the strongest
together than all the other kids, so they were attacked individually,
starting with my daughter Melinda, the youngest. She was the weakest one
of my three kids because she was only half witch. Her and her husband were
both only half witches so they couldn't really handle the demon that
attacked them either. Neither could my second oldest Chris. Him and his
wife, who was a Phoenix witch held there own for some time. There battle
took a while, but eventually they too were taken over. Then the last to
fight were your parents." By this time everyone was crying. My brothers
held me close as our great aunts held grams. Mr. Stanley handed everyone
some tissues and all of us tried to calm down.
"Your parents were a force to be reckoned with. Your father being the
twice-blessed son used his Excalibur to fend off the demon and your mother
helped a lot. Her being half harpy, her enhanced strength and her high
resistance to weapons and various powers were here best asset. They were a
great team but unfortunately they too were beaten. But they were the ones
to finally get and edge on the demons. They found a way to so the demons
couldn't take away any more of our families powers, well at least the way
that they did with the rest of us." She paused in her story to let
everything that we just heard to sink in a little. I was a little
overwhelmed with all of this news we finally know why our parents died and
an idea of who did it.
" what? After all of that happened why don't we have our powers
now? And why are we just finding out about this now?" Peter said after a
pregnant silence. "And for that matter why don't we remember anything about
any of you or our other relatives?" He finished.
The sisters looked at each other seemingly not wanting to tell
us. " was for you own protection we, meaning us, your
parents, and all of your aunts and uncles decided that we needed to keep
the third generation safe so we kind of all bound your powers until the
youngest turned 18 and erased your memories of us and your powers." Great
aunt Phoebe said speaking for the first time. I know I was visibly shocked
at this point I looked at my brothers on either side of me and saw that
they were int the same state of shock that I was in.
"Wha...what?! You guys erased our memory? Why would you do something like
that. How many of us did you erase memories how many of us are left?"
Patrick said kind of irritated at the situation. I've only seen him like
this when he gets really upset about something.
"Well first like Phoebe said we did it to protect you from all of the
fighting. We wanted all of you to have a normal childhood instead of
fighting. And we needed you to carry on the Halliwell name. And to answer
your other question...there are 15 of you. There will be 5 sets of new
Charmed Ones." Aunt Paige spoke for the first time also. "And you have to
find them all and tell them what we just told you. They are all living in
various cities in California. You have to get them to move close to here so
all of you will be together. You could do a simple blood to blood spell but
there are too many to do that with so you will probably have to scry for
them and either orb or smoke to get to them. We really don't know what kind
of powers you will have since your guys have so much different magical
beings in you. We'll just have to see what turns up." Gram Piper said as
she got up and walked over to a podium with a rather large book on it. The
aunts also got up and stood on each side of her.
"Come here boys this is called the Book of Shadows. This book has been
passed down from generation to generation of Warren witches. That is our
coven name starting with our ancestor Melinda Warren who was the original
carrier of the Charmed powers. She prophesied that each generation of
Warren Witches would become stronger and stronger until the culmination of
three sisters who will be known as the Charmed Ones and will be the most
powerful witches in existence. That was us so after us all of our children
and our children's children will also be Charmed until the end of time."
Grams said telling us the history about our family. I was starting to kind
of get excited about this whole thing. You always wonder what would it like
to be a super hero when your a little kid and now I think this will make us
kinda like superheroes I think that would be kind of cool. Grams continued,
"As long as you don't use your powers for personal gain they will be the
greatest gifts you have every gotten. But you will have to fight with these
powers the demons that killed us are still out there and even though they
don't have that same power to take your powers the way the took ours
doesn't there aren't other ways. So you guys have to be brave and gather
your cousins for a final battle against evil." Grams finished.
Patrick looked at me and Peter and asked, "What do you guys think about
this. Would this be something you would want to do?"
"Heck yeah that's something I would want to do I knew something awesome was
going to happen today. This is gonna be so awesome!" Peter exclaimed. The
sisters shared a glace at each other knowingly. I wonder what that was
"It's fine with me I want to be able see that the people that killed our
parents are destroyed." I said and then blushed and said, "I always did
want to be a kind of superhero." Everyone laughed at that. After all the
emotions that we had been through since Grams and her sisters got he it was
good to break the sadness.
"That's great guys I think its a good idea also so lets give it all we've
got together we can get through anything." Patrick said.
"I so glad you guys know that together you are strong. Now you have to say
the spell that gave us our powers to restore yours. You won't be charmed
until the bind is broken, but you will have your powers." Grams said as she
opened the book to the first page. She them positioned us in front of the
book and told us to say the spell together out loud. We glanced at each
other before we chanted:
"Hear now the words
of the witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of spells are invoked
The great gift of magic
is sought
In this night and in this hour
I call upon the ancient
Bring your powers to
we brothers three!
We want the power!
Give us the power!"
Story from