My name is Chris Heaton and when I was eighteen, I applied for my first job after leaving school and landed an interview for an office job at a large engineering company - Harrison and Brown - in my town.
Even though I was quite a cocky dude, I was nervous about the interview and really wanted this job as it was situated close to my house, and I was anxious to earn my first ever wage packet.
My interview was at 9.30 am on Friday morning, and I was to report to a Mr Saunders. I put on a shirt, tie and jacket (I didn’t own a suit) and made sure that I had showered and smelt good. I put loads of aftershave on and wanted to make a really good impression. With my C.V. in hand, I sat in the reception area promptly, arriving at 9.20. Shortly after 9.30, Mr Saunders appeared and gestured for me to follow him.
We went down a long corridor to his office and the interview seemingly went very well. He appeared to be a jovial guy and put me at my ease. He suggested partway through the interview that the job was as good as mine and I began to raise my hopes.
“You seem to be a very motivated young man with lots of potential, your credentials are good and you are just the right sort of candidate that we are looking for actually. If you got the job, you would be working directly under me and I would ensure that I give you a very good apprenticeship. I saw one other applicant yesterday, but to be honest you are far more suited to this position than they are. If I was to offer you the job, would you accept it?,” he asked.
“Of course, Mr Saunders, this is a really good position and a good opportunity for me. I would love to work here,” I replied with great conviction.
I went on and tried to argue my case.
"I would like to think that I am a quick learner and I know that I am very good at following orders", I enthused.
“Okay then, I am happy to say that I can offer you the job now. Congratulations, Chris! Welcome to the company. Your salary will be eighteen thousand pounds per year, on an initial three month contract, and we will appraise your work performance and extend the contract at that time. You will get twenty five days holiday and I can also enrol you in the company medical cover and pension,” said Mr Saunders.
“Thank you sir, I really appreciate the opportunity and I won’t let you down, I promise,” I continued, smiling. He leaned over to shake my hand.
“There is just one other outstanding matter that we will need to attend to. You will need to undergo a company physical before we can take you on. Nothing too strenuous you understand, but we have to do this legally, and for a fit young lad like you, there won’t be any problem, I am sure. Ideally I would like you to start on Monday, if possible, but I don’t know whether we can get the physical completed in time. I can give the doctor a call now, if you are agreeable ?” he helpfully suggested.
“Yes please, Mr Saunders, I would like to start as soon as I can. I need the money!,” I truthfully stated.
At this, he got up to go and phone the company doctor and I eagerly awaited his return. Surely this couldn’t be too bad, could it ?
“Great news, Chris, the Doctor has done me a big favor and has managed to squeeze you in at 11 O'Clock today, as he has just had a cancellation. It is at a medical facility across town, and as we only have forty minutes, I will need to run you across there now if we are to fill the appointment on time”, said Mr Saunders as he immediately stood up and began putting his jacket on.
“Come on then Chris, let’s get going. It is no problem for me to drive you there. You aren't in the car, are you?” he asked. I wasn't, of course. I couldn't afford to run a car. this job would change that!
Eager not to offend him or weaken my chances of getting this job, I leaped up and followed my soon to be new boss out of his office.
After twenty minutes of small-chat in his car when he asked me which soccer team I supported, what my parents did, etc etc, we arrived at the Milton Medical Center. It was just 10.45 so we were in good time. I followed Mr Saunders into the Medical Center.
“Good Morning, Hello Mary, I have got Chris Heaton with me. He has got an appointment at 11am with Doctor Simon Adams,” began Mr Saunders.
“Oh yes, he has just told me that he had fitted in this additional appointment. His last patient has just left so feel free to go straight in, third door on the right” smiled “Mary”, who was possibly four or five years older than me and very pretty.
Mr Saunders then walked briskly through the waiting room and I duly followed. He knocked on the third door and a doctor aged in his late 20's/ early 30's immediately appeared and stretched out his hand. “Hello Andrew, good to see you. Do come in,” stated Doctor Adams.
“Hello Simon, I hope you are keeping well,” said Mr. Saunders as he walked into his surgery.
“Come along, Chris. Meet Doctor Adams,” he said as I followed him into the room and shook the doctor’s hand. I couldn’t help wondering why Mr Saunders had actually come into the doctor’s surgery?
“Pleased to meet you, Chris, please take a seat. Mmm I like your aftershave, what is it?” he asked.
I thought this was a little odd but was pleased that my efforts had not gone unnoticed.
"Dolce and Gabanna - The One. I got it for Christmas off my Mum," I answered with perhaps too much detail.
"I really like it," said Doctor.
"So do I, I noticed it as soon as you walked in my office" said Mr Saunders.
Doctor Adams then continued,
“For these company physicals, it is a legal requirement for a representative of Harrison and Brown to be present throughout the examination, to ensure that everything is done according to the book. I am sure that you understand, yes?” he stated matter-of-fact style.
“Oh, are you saying that Mr Saunders is going to stay during the examination?” I asked hesitantly, somewhat bewildered.
“Yes, that is what I have just said. If there is any doubt at all that I have not carried out all required tasks, your medical cover under the company medical scheme could be jeopardized and you would not be covered. You wouldn’t want that, would you Chris?” he asked.
“No, Doctor Adams, I understand,” I replied, again hesitantly.
“Mr Saunders has been present at several of these company physicals, so there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Let’s get started.” He continued.
Mr Saunders just sat in the corner of the small room as the doctor pulled out several sheets and began asking me various questions from the first sheet. He made me feel uncomfortable as he just seemed to stare at me most of the time.
The questionnaire over, Doctor Adams, instructed,
“Right Chris, please remove your shirt, tie, trousers and socks. You can leave your underwear on. Just over to that chair near Mr Saunders and put your clothes on there.
"How’s your golf swing coming on, Andrew?” he nonchalantly continued.
I did as instructed, feeling both men’s eyes watching me throughout. As I lowered my pants, I noticed that Mr Saunders definitely seemed to take an unhealthy interest. I was now stood in just my underwear with my future boss sat two foot away from me and seemingly perusing my hairy legs and my whole body as I exposed it gradually. I was only eighteen, but I was hairy for my age – in most places, as they would no doubt find out shortly.
"Firstly Chris, I will need to check your reflexes, blood pressure, eyesight, hearing and also check your teeth and take swab from your throat" he informed me. When that list was finally completed, he began tapping in different areas down my back and lifting my arms up in the air.
As he did this, Mr Saunders suddenly shouted out,
“You really are a very hairy young man Chris, aren’t you!” which prompted Doctor Adams to add,
“Yes Andrew, I was just thinking the very same thing myself. His armpit and leg hair is particularly extensive and he also has much more chest hair than you normally find on an eighteen year old boy.
I objected silently to the use of the word ‘boy’ and wondered why it was necessary to discuss my body hair at all? I just smiled at the two men without saying anything.
When did you first develop your body hair Chris? Asked Mr Saunders.
Surely this was just wrong. He should sit there and say nothing.
“Err, when I was about fourteen I got lots of hair on my legs, armpits and chest and I started shaving when I was fifteen.” I reluctantly admitted.
“We have got a very quick developer here Andrew. His body is very well developed indeed. See how his legs are particularly muscled. Come over here and have a look. Do you work out in the gym Chris?,” asked Doctor Adams as Andrew Saunders moved towards me to inspect my legs.
“Err, no but I do lots of jogging and running and I do regular work on my arms with the weights which I have at home,” I replied.
“Yes, that’s pretty obvious actually now that you say it,” stated the Doctor as both he and Mr Saunders began pressing on my upper legs and calves to feel the muscle tone.
“Very impressive indeed,” said Mr Saunders looking straight at me and staying exactly where he was.
"Flex your biceps for me, Chris please", asked the doctor.
I did as requested and stood there with my arms bent and raised to show off my reasonably powerful arms.
I was then prodded and poked several times on each of my biceps by Doctor Adams who commented as he measured the cir
ference of each, "Excellent, young man. Your hard work has paid off. what do you think, Andrew?"
Mr Saunders then also began feeling and probing at my still-flexed biceps, commenting just one word, "Outstanding."
"Simon, what is that awful smell, can you smell it too?" said Mr Saunders.
I was a little puzzled until Doctor Adams piped up,
"Yes Andrew, I think it is Chris's feet that are incredibly smelly. Even by a young boy's usually poor standard of hygiene, it is quite pungent and even with his excessive aftershave," he stated, staring straight at me. I felt ashamed, as my feet have always been quite smelly - and were obviously still smelly now even though I had showered not long before.
"I did have a shower just before I left home, honestly," I said in my defence.
I noticed Mr Saunders was actually smelling at my socks, which he had now picked up from the chair. I also saw the Doctor head over to a sink, pour some water into a bowl and add some liquid soap. He returned and placed the bowl in front of the chair near Mr Saunders.
"Just move Chris's clothes will you please Andrew? Now, Chris, I think I need to give your feet a damn good wash. We shouldn't really have to put up with that awful smell.
Sit on the chair please, go ahead and I will give your feet a good clean. Andrew will you get a towel from the store cupboard next door please?" requested Doctor.
Mr Saunders moved my clothes somewhere completely out of sight, which I found more than a little disconcerting.
I felt like a naughty little boy being ordered to have my feet washed, but I complied subserviently, desperate not to annoy anyone further than I obviously already had done with my feet.
Doctor Adams seemed to strangely enjoy washing my feet, taking way too long to do so and slowly pushing his individual fingers between the gaps between my toes, rubbing up and down several times. Not a word was spoken.
Andrew returned and threw a towel in my direction and the Doctor then proceeded to wipe my feet dry as well. He then lifted my legs up, one after the other, smelling closely at my feet.
"That smells a little bit better doesn't it," said Mr Saunders.
I didn't reply but nodded slightly.
“Okay Chris, stand up please and we will now move onto the next part of the examination,” said Doctor Adams as he surprised me by immediately yanking my boxer shorts from behind down to lie around my ankles, leaving me fully naked as I faced Mr Saunders. My penis and balls were now fully on view to my new boss who was stood just a few feet away again. I froze in fear and shame.
“Step out of the boxers, boy!” shrieked the Doctor unexpectedly and I duly lifted up both feet one by one as instructed. My humiliation was complete, or so I thought. As the boxers lay on the carpet, I could clearly see semen stains on my black boxers, and I am sure that both these men could too, but they didn't say anything. I had worn yesterday's boxers for the interview thinking that no-one else would be seeing them except me and I had jerked off yesterday as well, so must have leaked a bit of
Doctor Adams passed my boxers to Mr Saunders and he just held them, with a fixed gaze on my swinging genitals before he then clearly turned his attention to my jizz stains.
“I notice your buttocks are also extremely hairy Chris and they are certainly very firm too,” said Doc as he began pressing his gloved hands all over my naked buttocks.
“Look Andrew, Chris’s buttocks are also well developed aren't they - and notice the massive amount of hair covering them.”
You guessed it, Mr Saunders then went around behind me and began groping – that’s the only word – my ass, without wearing any gloves, of course. If I said something, I could kiss goodbye to my new job before I even started it, so like a pussy I just stood there and took whatever they threw at me. They knew that I would I suppose. Mr Saunders also ruffled my ass hair a few times for effect, sliding a hand across and around by ass for what seemed an eternity.
My mind went back to the interview when I had told Mr Saunders, "I know that I am very good at following orders". It seemed that he was going to test that comment to the full.
"I have honestly never seen so much body hair Doctor Adams - and he is only an eighteen year old boy," he stated in an aghast tone. There was that word "boy" again.
“Yes Andrew, I know. Can you please bend over and touch your toes, Chris ? instructed the doctor. I did as asked, of course.
I felt my ass cheeks being maneuvered and before I knew it, he stated, “Now I am going to take your rectal temperature, so I will part your cheeks wider and pop a thermometer into your rectum. Please just hold still for the next ninety seconds”.
Ninety seconds for the two men to gaze at my hairy ass hole.
I heard the click of a camera or phone from behind me, and instinctively lifted my body back up, startled.
“Bend back down there immediately Chris! I am taking your rectal temperature here, don’t be so damned awkward . And in case you are wondering about the camera, I need photographs throughout to record the procedure, so Mr Saunders will assist me by taking some photographs during the physical. They don't leave this office. They will stay here and will be put digitally onto your file, no need at all to worry.”
"Oh, okay sorry" I said weakly as I bent down and touched my toes again.
“This boy’s hair really is never ending, Andrew, it is astonishing”, said the doctor as he too actually started ruffling the hair all around my ass hole as we waited for the thermometer to do its work.
“Yes, he certainly has a real mass of body hair all over. His pubic region, backside, anus, legs - everywhere is very hairy indeed,” commented my new boss. “Click” went the camera several times more.
“You should not feel embarrassed by your body hair Chris but also don't ever be ashamed of trimming or shaving any areas either. I would recommend getting rid of this matted thick hair around your anus for cleanliness and medical reasons. In fact I shall do it now for you. You could pick up any number of diseases with all that nasty anal hair.”
He removed the thermometer and stated, “Your body temperature is just perfect, so hop up on the couch on your knees, and stick your bottom in the air. We will just get rid of your anal hair now.”
"Before I do though, Chris just stand against the white wall over here and let Andrew take some full body photos for your files please. The white background works best for the photos,", instructed Doctor.
So I was now photographed totally naked from head to foot, face close-ups, chest close-ups, front body view, various penis close-ups, lots of back views, arms up in the air, close-ups of my legs and feet. I was asked to lift up my penis so that my testicles could be photographed. I was instructed (by Mr Saunders!) to roll back my foreskin so that he could photograph it in that state. Nowhere on my body escaped the camera lens. I reluctantly complied again throughout.
“Okay, onto the next stage of the physical, Andrew, will you pass me the electric razor to start with. It should be over there on my desk”.
"No, I can't see it Simon, it's not there," he replied
"Ah yes, I remember now, it is in Room 4B," said Doctor.
At this point he picked up the phone and began to call someone.
"Hello Mary, would you please nip into Room 4B and get the electric razor and bring it to me please? I need it immediately please," He asked/demanded.
The chit-chat between the two men continued as I stood idly about.
There was a brief knock at the door and in walked Mary, who seemed to enjoy taking in my whole body as I stood there naked in front of them all. I cupped my hands over my penis as she walked in, in a vain attempt to retain my modesty.
"Here you go, Doctor", she said as she stood planted on the spot with no intention of leaving soon. No-one asked her to leave either.
"Okay Chris, pop back onto the couch please, on your knees as before. Bottom in the air and part your buttocks as much as you can so that I can thoroughly remove your anal hair. I will remove some of your buttock hair after that," he stated/asked without seemingly realizing how embarrassing this request was. More so with Mary still in the room.
"Is there anything else you need ? Could I get either of you a cup of tea?," she inquired as though I wasn't in the room or inconvenienced remotely by her presence.
I then heard the buzz of the razor and Doctor Adams began shaving around my anus even though Mary was still stood there, watching intently.
"No, that will be all thanks Mary unless Andrew would like a drink?," he said as he focused the razor even closer to my anus.
No thanks Mary, I am good," replied photographer Andrew.
With that, Mary left the room thankfully and I almost felt relieved just to have the two men staring at my naked body, shaving my most intimate areas and, of course, photographing the occasion.
He then spent the next several minutes using his electric razor to remove what felt like all my buttock hair and also under and around my testicles after which he proceeded to produce some shaving foam, rubbed it all over my bum and started to use a normal razor to remove any remaining stray hairs on my buttocks. Mr Saunders was his able assistant watching and photographing the whole thing.
“That’s better, nice and smooth. Now doesn’t that feel better Chris? Come on, hop off the couch, Chris” said Doctor Adams with what appeared to be a semi-smirk.
“Yes, doctor,” I obediently replied, now seething inside, running my hands along my now hairless ass.
"I think I might also just trim your pubic hair a little too," he said out loud.
"What do you think, Andrew?"
Why wasn't he asking me ?
"Yes, I think you should get rid of most of the pubic hair too, for hygiene reasons Simon. Don't you think so Chris?", said my "boss". Click went the camera for 'before and after' pictures.
"Okay, if you think it is necessary," I replied, again eager to not offend my soon-to-be new boss, knowing that this just was NOT necessary.
The doctor began trimming away at my pubes with the electric razor now and before long I was almost totally bald downstairs. His face was probably only three or four inches away from my cock throughout this ordeal and he manoeuvred my member with one hand casually when needed as he trimmed away. He even ran the razor along my dick, where the hairs grow down the shaft quite a bit underneath.
"Oh, I may have got a little carried away there," said Doctor, laughing as my pubic hair lay all over the couch and floor.
"Andrew, can we have some more body photo shots again please, now that Chris's unruly pubic hair has been dealt with? Photos of his buttocks, anus, penis and testicles too please", he continued.
"Click” went the camera again, as my future boss photographed me fully naked, front, back, head to toe and also got several close-ups of my genitalia once again. It just felt so wrong bending forward and parting my cheeks so that this stranger could take a photo of my anus and lifting my dick up so he could photograph my balls but what else could I do?
"Nothing too strenuous" was Andrew Saunders' original description of this physical to me but my naked ordeal was continuing and soon my foot size was measured, my inside-leg measurement, waist, chest-size, neck and head measurements. Why were these needed, who knows ?
Comments such as "My God, I have never seen such hairy toes as that, I will get a photo," by my boss-to-be did little to make me feel any more at ease.
Doctor then sat down on a low stool next to Mr Saunders and motioned for me to come to him.
I did so and he immediately grabbed hold of my penis, shining a strong spotlight on it as he pushed, pulled and probed both my dick and my testicles. Pulling on my foreskin, then rolling my foreskin back and examining the slit several times. He was only examining it, of course. Yeah sure.
As I stood there being man-handled, there was suddenly a loud knock on the door, after which it immediately sprung wide open before anyone could even reply or say "wait".
Still holding my penis, Doctor looked up and saw a lady stood there, maybe aged in her late twenties.
"Doctor Paisley?" she enquired, looking at both Doctor Adams and "Doctor" Saunders quizzically.
"Oh, I am sorry, I think I might be in the wrong room but your receptionist specifically told me to come to this room, to knock and go straight in," she continued as Doctor still grasped onto my cock and now also lifting my testicles. She clearly took in the scene and glanced every now and again at me - and especially my manhood, holding the door wide open all the time.
"She said it was third door on the right, I am sure," she continued prolonging my agony as two people walked past her on the corridor and also glanced in, briefly stopping to check that they had actually witnessed the scene which they thought they had.
"No, Doctor Paisley is the next door along, the fourth door down. I am very sorry for the confusion madam and I am also sorry that you have been subjected to witnessing young Chris's nudity here," he offered. What about an apology to me ?
"Oh, it's quite alright, Doctor. I am sorry to disturb you and Chris's nudity most certainly isn't a problem, he's a very handsome young man indeed" she said as she began to exit the room, giggling to herself and taking far too long to leave.
"Thank you very much for your understanding," Doctor shouted after her.
I am sure that bitch Mary had deliberately given her the wrong directions just to embarrass me further, but surely not ? What happened to medical personnel being professional?
"Right, where were we ? Okay, when did you last wash your penis Chris ? It is almost as smelly as your feet. I bet even that lady could smell it at the door! Your personal hygiene does appear to be a little bit lacking in general, young man. Aftershave won't hide these odours you know. Do you never wash your penis with your foreskin rolled back?" he asked as he smelt his fingers for effect.
“Yes, Doctor of course I do,” I replied in as forceful a manner as I could manage.
“Well you don’t wash it often enough then. I think that we need to give your penis a damned good wash as well now, don’t you, Andrew?” he said as he headed to get the bowl of water again. Andrew nodded.
This time, he placed the bowl on a stool and merely motioned for me to approach. He was actually going to wash my cock.
He dropped liquid soap onto the top of my penis, sponged it along it’s length and then proceeded to rub my penis up and down with his hand. He tightly forced my foreskin back and firstly washed my bell-end and then moved onto my balls washing them with his sponge, whilst muttering, “I can’t believe this boy’s complete lack of hygiene, Andrew. It is quite disgusting,” Andrew was of course making a photographic record of the event and shaking his head in mock disgust.
He started drying my cock with a towel, and whilst doing so, asked
“When did you last masturbate, Chris?”
“I, er, er, yesterday.” I was taken completely by surprise by this.
He produced a tape measure and began to measure by cock. He announced,
“Your penis is four and a half inches in its limp state. The girth of your penis is also four and a half inches. Photos of the tape and measurements please Andrew...…"
Andrew duly recorded the event with photographs as doctor once more measured my cock length and girth, holding the tape measure so the photo would clearly show the details.
Once completed, Doctor Adams asked,
"How long is your penis when erect, Chris ?”
“It is about six inches doctor but why does that even matter?” I replied.
“I will be the one asking the questions boy, not you. Okay, can we check that please, I need you to masturbate for us so that your penis is nice and hard. Can you do that now for us please Chris ?”
“You want me to jerk off in front of you both?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yes, that is what I am asking, although masturbation is a less vulgar word.
Is this going to be a problem for you ?
“But this can’t be right,” I protested.
“Chris, it is item 26 in the Harrison and Brown check-list for their Physical Examinations Program that Doctor must have an accurate record of your erect penis size and also obtain a sperm sample, to be analysed,” added Mr Saunders ‘helpfully’.
"But why, It can't be necessary just for an office job?" I protested.
“Oh yes. It is totally necessary. Again, the information only stays on your confidential file. Here is the receptacle to collect your semen in. Please hurry because I have another appointment shortly. This is no time for you to start being a prude, young man, please get on with it. We are both busy men and have got much better things to be doing. We don't have all day you know, so please get a move on. I did you a favour fitting you in today - you would do well to remember that” assured/instructed Doctor Adams. I was being bullied into masturbating for them, I knew that much was clear but I couldn't see any way out of the predicament other than to comply.
"You do really want this job, don't you ? Now would be a good time to just end the physical and you can simply walk away if you are having second thoughts," suggested Mr Saunders.
"No, I really do need and want this job," I replied honestly, whilst still holding and subconsciously trying to hide my penis from these two men, as if I still held any dignity.
So, are you going to masturbate for us then Chris?" asked the Doctor again with a further edge of impatience.
"Yes, Doctor," I obediently replied after a short pause, as he again passed the receptacle to me.
"Good boy. Well, please hurry it along because we are both very busy men, as I have already said. You don’t think we enjoy standing here watching you do this, do you?" he both stated and inquired as the two men positioned themselves merely a few feet away from me, waiting for the show – which they certainly did seem to be enjoying. I shook my head, even though I knew otherwise. I suppose that my spirit was well and truly broken now.
And why did he repeatedly keep referring to me as a boy? To re-affirm that he was in control, I suppose and to keep me subservient.
So, with little or no choice, I began jerking off naked in front of these two strangers, being observed and photographed throughout.
“Let me know when you consider yourself to be fully hard please Chris, ?” asked Doctor.
“Yes Doctor,” I said as I continued pulling on my cock in front of the two men.
It felt really strange to interrupt their meaningless conversation about vacations and say, “Excuse me, I am erect Doctor.”
“Well come over here then and I will measure your penis again,” ordered Doctor.
Click went the camera as Doctor manhandled my boner.
"A full body photo whilst Chris is erect please Andrew, front on and side on and a close-up with the tape measurement showing too please," instructed Doctor. Andrew was only too pleased to oblige.
“Oh you underestimated yourself Chris! Your erect penis is actually seven inches long – very impressive I must say for a youngster like you, and the girth of your erection is six and a half inches – also impressive. A real man’s penis on a boy don’t you think Andrew?”
Doctor wrote the measurements on my "chart".
"Indeed Simon, Chris has a big fat tool. He will be popular with the ladies for sure!", said Mr Saunders as he focused, zoomed and clicked the camera with the measure still demonstrating my penis size.
“Chris certainly has more than adequate equipment, doesn't he, Andrew ?”
motioning for him to feel my erection.
“Absolutely, Simon. It is totally rock hard, his erection sits at a very great angle almost touching his chest and it is a very decent size indeed. His testicles remain hanging very low throughout too, have you noticed? They don’t ride up inside”, stated Mr Saunders, cupping my balls, feeling up my cock extensively and grabbing hold of it tightly – like you would hold a hammer. He then three times pulled my erect dick down away from my body and let it ‘twang’ and slap back up against my chest. I just stood there and "followed orders" again.
He looked me in the eye as he did this, saying –without saying- you just dare to say something boy and the job offer has gone.
“That’s one of the advantages of youth, a very solid erection,” stated the good doctor, joining his accomplice by also twanging my cock down and back against my body again.
“Total firmness”, agreed both men. Maybe they would like to bring the receptionist in and show her? No. I had better not suggest it, even in jest, I thought!
“Please continue, Chris and try and catch as much semen as possible, okay ? Unless you would like me to do it ?,” asked Doctor Adams.
“NO! I can do it myself,” I insisted.
It seemed like an eternity as my eager audience watched me stroke my cock but eventually I shot my load. I actually managed to get most of it in the receptacle but the first jet of spunk shot so far that it hit Mr Saunders right on his tie! Ha, that will teach the pervert.
“Very good, Chris. This is a decent quantity of ejaculate considering that you only masturbated less than twenty four hours ago. I counted eight large spurts of ejaculate. Your testicles are certainly working properly. We will send this off for analysis to see whether you are shooting blanks or not."
He laughed at his own ‘joke’.
" You see why we did this now? We would have had an incorrect measurement for your erection on file if we had not insisted on this” Said Doctor with a smirk. I nodded sheepishly, whilst at the same time thinking ‘what the fuck does it matter?’.
“Okay Chris, we are nearly there now. There is not much that we don’t know about you now, and I think it is only fair to tell you and Mr Saunders that everything so far has been a complete success. You are a picture of health.
At this point Andrew Saunders suddenly got up and left the doctor’s surgery without saying anything. Barely sixty seconds later, there was a knock at the door and in walked “Mary”, the receptionist again, without being invited.
“Ah, hello Mary,” said Doctor Adams,
“Young Chris here has just provided us with a semen sample, and I would be obliged if you would please arrange for it to be analysed for me, but beforehand just record his height, weight and also take a blood sample for me please, would you?” he said as he also began to exit the room.
“Yes of course Doctor,” said the girl who obviously was not yet a fully qualified nurse and was barely much older than me. Doctor Adams handed her my pot full of jizz.
So, here I was stood naked again in front of “Mary” and I had a still semi-erect cock which was now smeared with my own semen. She smiled at me, seemed to take in the scenario, glancing up and down my naked body before finally instructing,
"Put this gown on please Chris and follow me". she threw me a paper gown which seemed particularly small but I put it on and tied it. It left my ass completely exposed.
"Follow me, Chris. We need to go to room 4B", she said as she started exiting the room.
And so I walked down the corridor past strangers barefooted and with my ass completely on view. At least she didn't make me make the journey completely naked! We reached Room 4B.
"Oh Janet, I forgot that you were having your lunch in here. Sorry to disturb you but I just need to get young Chris's weight and height recorded for Doctor. We won't be very long.
A woman, aged maybe 40 sat chewing on a tuna sandwich, or at least that's what it smelt like.
"No problem Mary, just go ahead," she said. Did I sense a smirk ? I had no idea who she was.
"Okay Chris, pop the gown off please and follow me," Mary said nonchalantly, as Janet nearly choked on her sandwich. A side portion of male nudity with your lunch madam?
The scales were - obviously - situated right next to Janet, and so I stood naked directly in front of yet another female stranger as Mary fiddled with the scales.
"Does that say 10 stone, 7 lbs do you think Janet ?" she said as Janet walked over and bent down to read the scales, her head just a few inches from my still
-splattered cock.
"Yeah it does," said Janet, continuing
"But I think Doctor usually prefers the reading in kilos," she helpfully advised.
"Oh right, I didn't know that. Chris can you just step off the scales, pick them up and hand them to me please?" asked Mary, indicating where she needed me to stand.
This task meant that I now had to bend down in front of them and presumably put my asshole on view to them. Was all this scenario all pre-planned ? Almost certainly.
The setting was changed and I climbed onto the scales once more.
"147 pounds" advised Janet who was still stood there.
"Okay Chris, can you just stand where the footmarks are on the stadiometer please," she said pointing. She moved the marker to the correct height and declared that my height was 5' 11".
"Put the gown back on Chris and we will go back to Doctor's room to take a blood test," ordered Mary. Janet got back to her tuna sandwich but sat eating it whilst reading through my "private" chart which Mary had apparently left next to her after she had entered my height and weight.
And so my bare ass paraded down the corridor once more. Once back in the room Mary took control again.
“Sit down please.”
I did so, and of course, being naked, the arrangement of my on view balls lying sagging low between my legs felt very embarrassing. My penis had shrunk again now finally so my foreskin covered my cock completely, but a little glob of semen now sat on the end of my dick. I pretended that I hadn’t noticed it. So did Mary, who placed my ejaculate in a safe place.
She then took a blood sample from my arm before asking me to stand up again.
When she knelt down to read the result of my weight, her head was just a few inches from my still
splattered genitals and on getting up again and making eye contact with me said, “Don’t worry Chris. I have seen plenty of men’s penises - and yours is a big one! Wow, it says here that you are four and a half inches limp and seven inches erect. You really have got a massive penis haven't you - and you are only eighteen!. You are a big boy, aren't you!"
It didn’t make me feel in the least bit better -and I couldn’t believe how unprofessional she was being. So much for my 'confidential' file. How many more people are going to read it and see the photos?
"Just come here Chris," she said, motioning me towards her and I did as instructed.
She did no more than cup my balls in her hand, lifting her hand up and down to make my balls do likewise.
"Yes, I thought so," she said. "Really heavy testicles. Nice"
Mary then shocked me by lifting up my penis and feigned that she was examining it, moving her face very close to my cock.
"Yes, nice tool you have got there", she smirked as she let go dramatically.
“I should think that doctor has nearly finished with you now Chris, so just take a seat again will you, he should be back soon.
"When I was looking at your file, Chris, I couldn't help but notice that you live on Brierley Street. That's a coincidence because my elder sister Amanda lives on Brierley Street too! She lives quite a few houses away from you though. I will have to ask her if she knows you," said Mary, with an air of mischief.
I could just imagine her relaying all the embarrassing details to her sister, who luckily I didn't know, or at least I don't think I did. Please God don't let me bump into Mary visiting her sister sometime in the future, I thought. I could just imagine her saying, "Amanda, this is the hairy young lad I told you about with the seven inch penis that I fondled and doctor made shoot his load."
I sat as instructed, and so did Mary. She just sat opposite me, clearly staring at my body and especially my penis and bollocks, making polite conversation which just made me feel all the more awkward and even more naked.
"Our patient, Mrs Stockley told me on her way out that she had accidentally come in this room in error and seen you naked. I bet that was embarrassing wasn't it ! Not that you have got anything to be ashamed of, with your body!" she said.
"I did tell her fourth door on the right, honestly," she said, with facial expressions that said totally the opposite.
All I could reply weakly was, "Oh, okay".
“I have a brother who is about your age Chris. I've not seen his penis for years though".
“I wonder if my brother is as hairy as you?,” she said, for no reason I am sure than to embarrass me further, glancing me up and down again.
"I haven't seen him naked since he was about fifteen but as far as I can remember, his penis isn't anywhere near as big as yours," she informed me.
"I really didn't imagine that your body would be this hairy when you walked into the surgery - or that I would be looking at you totally naked. I thought that you were handsome though," she continued, laying on the embarrassment.
"Doctor shaved off almost all your pubic hair didn't he - and a lot of the hair on your bottom too, but your legs are still really hairy and oh my God your feet are too ! I think that's a bit weird, isn't it. Do many boys have hairy feet?" she stated/asked as she gazed up and down my body unashamedly once more. "I don't know", I replied.
“I like a hairy man though. Hold your arms up so I can see your armpit hair too,” she said, and without thinking, again I just complied. Maybe I was actually enjoying showing my body off to Mary? I didn’t feel like I was enjoying it though as I sat there totally exposed and God knows why I did as she asked.
“Wow, you have a lot of hair there too don’t you! Nice biceps too”, she exclaimed.
By now, the glob of
had grown substantially and was clearly visible to both of us. It threatened to drip onto my leg and Mary said,
“Here’s a tissue, Chris, if you want to wipe yourself,” nodding again at my penis.
So I accepted the tissue and wiped away at my cock as Mary watched intently. It was surreal.
“You produced a lot of semen, didn’t you Chris!” said Mary as she held the pot of
in the air and inspected the quantity. I must admit that there seemed to be a lot in the receptacle but did not reply to her.
She sniffed at it and said, "I've always thought that semen smells funny", pulling a face.
Again I didn't reply.
"Your testicles hang really low don't they. You've got a really nice big nut sack too, obviously working perfectly well too!” she said totally unprofessionally again as she glanced at the pot of semen.
I was aghast at this point to realise that my cock was starting to grow once more. Being eighteen and naked in front of a pretty girl, I was sprouting a boner against my will. It didn't take long for me to get fully erect once more. I was unable to hide it and Mary soon noticed it too of course even though I tried to cover it with my hands.
"Oh wow, you've got a stiffie on. That's amazing. I can't believe how big and fat your cock is now. Stand up and let me see it properly," she asked.
I complied immediately, but again don't really know why I did. Mary just sat ogling my boner, laughing.
Just then, In walked Doctor Adams and surveyed the scene.
"Look Doctor, Chris has got completely hard," said Mary immediately.
"Oh Chris, that's really not acceptable behaviour in front of young Mary. I want you to apologise to her now immediately please,” he demanded, as though I was some pervert, when he was the actual pervert.
Andrew Saunders now re-entered the room as well looking puzzled as he saw me stood there in front of Mary with my seven inch erect penis sticking out proud for all to see.
Despite my frustrations at my embarrassing predicament, I said,
"I apologise for getting erect in front of you Mary. I am not sure why it has happened."
"That's okay Chris," she mockingly replied.
Doctor chirped in with “Good, that all sorted now, Okay thanks for your help Mary, Now I just need to check Chris’s prostate so Chris will you please kneel back on the couch yet again and stick your bottom right up high in the air for me? I will need to lubricate your anus as we will have to push one or two fingers up there. Stay calm and it will be over in a jiffy. You can go now Mary, thanks again”
I couldn’t believe that he had said something so private as that that in front of Mary again, but I suppose having seen me naked with a boner, did it even matter?
Mary gave me a sly glance that said, “I am SO enjoying your discomfort” and smiled as she delayed her exit from the surgery as long as possible, obviously thoroughly enjoying my public nakedness and embarrassment.
Mary was still slowly leaving the room as I crouched there naked with my ass in the air, trying to prolong her luck.
"Are you sure there is nothing else I can help you with Doctor? Could I help at all with this procedure?" asked Mary.
"No, you have been very helpful thank you. That will be all. If you can just get Chris's semen sent for processing please Mary," said Doctor and finally she made her exit.
I did as I was told and felt the cold liquid being applied to my anus. Then I felt fingers sliding into my anus.
I heard the camera clicking multiple times. Then it stopped and a little later, with my ass still being violated seemingly excessively and over enthusiastically, I saw Doctor Adams walk over to the other side of the room and begin to wash his hands. It was Mr. Saunders who was feverishly fingering my ass and he was really going for it at some speed now too. Oh my God! Do I pretend that I have not noticed or do I say something? I pretended that I hadn't noticed, of course.
The fingering got even a little faster still and I suspect that by now two or three fingers were penetrating my ass, maybe even his full hand, it certainly felt like it. My cock got rock hard yet again as a result. I don’t know how long he was ‘at it’ – maybe four or five minutes- but before I knew it I was groaning out loud and had shot another substantial load of jizz onto the couch.
“That’s it, all done, stand up please Chris,” said Doctor. And so once more I stood there in front of these two men with a raging
splattered boner.
I noticed that Mr Saunders was not wearing any gloves.
“Ah, that’s a very common response to a prostate check among young guys like you. It just shows how healthy your semen production is. No damage done. At least Mary isn't here now!” said Doctor Adams as a few more droplets of jizz fell off my cock onto his floor.
“How many times a week do you masturbate Chris?”, asked the doctor, like he was asking me a normal everyday question, such as 'do you take sugar in your tea?'
“Every day probably doctor,” I replied.
“Do you ever masturbate more than once a day?, he continued.
“Sometimes I do”, I replied honestly.
“What is the most times that you have ever masturbated in one day, Chris,”
asked Andrew Saunders, obviously totally confident and feeling in charge of me by now, seeing as he had no right to ask that question, stick his fingers up my bum or even be in the room.
“I have masturbated five times some days,” I said honestly, not really sure again why I was being honest.
“My, that’s quite a lot. Not quite the record amongst my patients though, if they are telling the truth, of course! Please wipe your penis and anus now Chris” said Doctor Adams handing me a box of tissues. A new first for me, wiping my ass watched by two men.
"And have you had sex with a women or a man yet Chris - or are you still a virgin? I forgot to ask you this but I do need to know for your file" enquired Doctor Adams.
"I am still a virgin Doctor, but I have told all my mates that I am not," I told them sheepishly but truthfully. Maybe I secretly enjoyed the shame. I don't know.
”Well, your secret is safe with us and I am sure that will change in the very near future. I certainly wouldn't worry about it at all. And finally Chris, are you a straight boy or are you homosexual?"
"No, Doctor, I am straight," I insisted.
" I only asked because you seemed to get erect easily when I was manhandling your penis", added Doctor, untruthfully, I felt.
"You can get dressed again now Chris anyway. I am pleased to tell you that the physical has been a complete success. You are a supremely fit and healthy boy. I will be happy to report to the directors that you are a 100% suitable candidate. I will also put in my notes that you have assisted us in every way possible. I am delighted to officially inform you now that you have passed the physical with flying colours. Congratulations young man!”, he said as he walked over to shake this embarrassed naked dude's hand like it was an every day occurrence for me. Andrew Saunders did likewise.
"One or two people in the past have been known to raise objections to the procedure, you know, as I guess it can feel a little intrusive in places. We have unfortunately been unable to recommend them for employment ultimately, but you have been very cooperative and are a very healthy specimen. I am sure that you will be relieved to have a 100% positive health report and I know that you will be a credit to Harrison and Brown,“ stated the doctor with a smile directed at his buddy.
I felt like a slut. I had let these men defile my body for their pleasure, even let them both finger my ass and play with my erect cock, but I was about to be rewarded with a new job, working for the man who has just had those same fingers up my ass.
I decided that I would accept the job regardless, never mention this again and try if possible never again to be put in such a position.
Mr Saunders eventually handed me my clothing back and I got dressed as the two men watched me (Mr Saunders initially keeping hold of my boxers and handing them to me separately) and I also noticed Doctor Adams hand my file over to Mr Saunders.
Once dressed, I shook hands with Doc and bizarrely thanked him, then we walked back to the car - that is, me, Mr Saunders, my private file and the camera walked back to the car.
I suspected that the doctor was paid extra for the “thorough” physical by Mr Saunders and that two medical files must exist. The real one with the basic required information and a further set of additional details and photos which Mr Saunders would jerk off over repeatedly. I had well and truly been had, in every sense. They must have realised what a subservient, naïve young lad I was and that I would be afraid to raise any objection at all. After all, who would have believed my word against theirs? I am still not sure where Mary fitted into all this.
On the awkward journey home, my new boss informed me that in view of my ‘good results’ and cooperation during the physical, he would consider increasing my salary from eighteen thousand pounds to twenty-one thousand pounds after three months “if my performance in between was satisfactory”, with a further promise of another substantial raise based on performance after six months. My silence was being bought. I might be able to use this to my advantage, I thought to myself.
“Okay we will see you on Monday then Chris”, he said as he dropped me off, adding arrogantly "although I suppose I have seen everything you have got already!" smirking.
“I bet you are glad that the company physical is only required every two years, aren’t you?! But this really is a good opening for you and I will make sure that you are more than adequately financially rewarded, if you continue to be as co-operative as you have been today.”
Oh no. What the hell have I got myself into ?
My name is Chris Heaton and when I was eighteen, I applied for my first job after leaving school and landed an interview for an office job at a large engineering company - Harrison and Brown - in my town.
Even though I was quite a cocky dude, I was nervous about the interview and really wanted this job as it was situated close to my house, and I was anxious to earn my first ever wage packet.
My interview was at 9.30 am on Friday morning, and I was to report to a Mr Saunders. I put on a shirt, tie and jacket (I didn’t own a suit) and made sure that I had showered and smelt good. I put loads of aftershave on and wanted to make a really good impression. With my C.V. in hand, I sat in the reception area promptly, arriving at 9.20. Shortly after 9.30, Mr Saunders appeared and gestured for me to follow him.
We went down a long corridor to his office and the interview seemingly went very well. He appeared to be a jovial guy and put me at my ease. He suggested partway through the interview that the job was as good as mine and I began to raise my hopes.
“You seem to be a very motivated young man with lots of potential, your credentials are good and you are just the right sort of candidate that we are looking for actually. If you got the job, you would be working directly under me and I would ensure that I give you a very good apprenticeship. I saw one other applicant yesterday, but to be honest you are far more suited to this position than they are. If I was to offer you the job, would you accept it?,” he asked.
“Of course, Mr Saunders, this is a really good position and a good opportunity for me. I would love to work here,” I replied with great conviction.
I went on and tried to argue my case.
"I would like to think that I am a quick learner and I know that I am very good at following orders", I enthused.
“Okay then, I am happy to say that I can offer you the job now. Congratulations, Chris! Welcome to the company. Your salary will be eighteen thousand pounds per year, on an initial three month contract, and we will appraise your work performance and extend the contract at that time. You will get twenty five days holiday and I can also enrol you in the company medical cover and pension,” said Mr Saunders.
“Thank you sir, I really appreciate the opportunity and I won’t let you down, I promise,” I continued, smiling. He leaned over to shake my hand.
“There is just one other outstanding matter that we will need to attend to. You will need to undergo a company physical before we can take you on. Nothing too strenuous you understand, but we have to do this legally, and for a fit young lad like you, there won’t be any problem, I am sure. Ideally I would like you to start on Monday, if possible, but I don’t know whether we can get the physical completed in time. I can give the doctor a call now, if you are agreeable ?” he helpfully suggested.
“Yes please, Mr Saunders, I would like to start as soon as I can. I need the money!,” I truthfully stated.
At this, he got up to go and phone the company doctor and I eagerly awaited his return. Surely this couldn’t be too bad, could it ?
“Great news, Chris, the Doctor has done me a big favor and has managed to squeeze you in at 11 O'Clock today, as he has just had a cancellation. It is at a medical facility across town, and as we only have forty minutes, I will need to run you across there now if we are to fill the appointment on time”, said Mr Saunders as he immediately stood up and began putting his jacket on.
“Come on then Chris, let’s get going. It is no problem for me to drive you there. You aren't in the car, are you?” he asked. I wasn't, of course. I couldn't afford to run a car. this job would change that!
Eager not to offend him or weaken my chances of getting this job, I leaped up and followed my soon to be new boss out of his office.
After twenty minutes of small-chat in his car when he asked me which soccer team I supported, what my parents did, etc etc, we arrived at the Milton Medical Center. It was just 10.45 so we were in good time. I followed Mr Saunders into the Medical Center.
“Good Morning, Hello Mary, I have got Chris Heaton with me. He has got an appointment at 11am with Doctor Simon Adams,” began Mr Saunders.
“Oh yes, he has just told me that he had fitted in this additional appointment. His last patient has just left so feel free to go straight in, third door on the right” smiled “Mary”, who was possibly four or five years older than me and very pretty.
Mr Saunders then walked briskly through the waiting room and I duly followed. He knocked on the third door and a doctor aged in his late 20's/ early 30's immediately appeared and stretched out his hand. “Hello Andrew, good to see you. Do come in,” stated Doctor Adams.
“Hello Simon, I hope you are keeping well,” said Mr. Saunders as he walked into his surgery.
“Come along, Chris. Meet Doctor Adams,” he said as I followed him into the room and shook the doctor’s hand. I couldn’t help wondering why Mr Saunders had actually come into the doctor’s surgery?
“Pleased to meet you, Chris, please take a seat. Mmm I like your aftershave, what is it?” he asked.
I thought this was a little odd but was pleased that my efforts had not gone unnoticed.
"Dolce and Gabanna - The One. I got it for Christmas off my Mum," I answered with perhaps too much detail.
"I really like it," said Doctor.
"So do I, I noticed it as soon as you walked in my office" said Mr Saunders.
Doctor Adams then continued,
“For these company physicals, it is a legal requirement for a representative of Harrison and Brown to be present throughout the examination, to ensure that everything is done according to the book. I am sure that you understand, yes?” he stated matter-of-fact style.
“Oh, are you saying that Mr Saunders is going to stay during the examination?” I asked hesitantly, somewhat bewildered.
“Yes, that is what I have just said. If there is any doubt at all that I have not carried out all required tasks, your medical cover under the company medical scheme could be jeopardized and you would not be covered. You wouldn’t want that, would you Chris?” he asked.
“No, Doctor Adams, I understand,” I replied, again hesitantly.
“Mr Saunders has been present at several of these company physicals, so there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Let’s get started.” He continued.
Mr Saunders just sat in the corner of the small room as the doctor pulled out several sheets and began asking me various questions from the first sheet. He made me feel uncomfortable as he just seemed to stare at me most of the time.
The questionnaire over, Doctor Adams, instructed,
“Right Chris, please remove your shirt, tie, trousers and socks. You can leave your underwear on. Just over to that chair near Mr Saunders and put your clothes on there.
"How’s your golf swing coming on, Andrew?” he nonchalantly continued.
I did as instructed, feeling both men’s eyes watching me throughout. As I lowered my pants, I noticed that Mr Saunders definitely seemed to take an unhealthy interest. I was now stood in just my underwear with my future boss sat two foot away from me and seemingly perusing my hairy legs and my whole body as I exposed it gradually. I was only eighteen, but I was hairy for my age – in most places, as they would no doubt find out shortly.
"Firstly Chris, I will need to check your reflexes, blood pressure, eyesight, hearing and also check your teeth and take swab from your throat" he informed me. When that list was finally completed, he began tapping in different areas down my back and lifting my arms up in the air.
As he did this, Mr Saunders suddenly shouted out,
“You really are a very hairy young man Chris, aren’t you!” which prompted Doctor Adams to add,
“Yes Andrew, I was just thinking the very same thing myself. His armpit and leg hair is particularly extensive and he also has much more chest hair than you normally find on an eighteen year old boy.
I objected silently to the use of the word ‘boy’ and wondered why it was necessary to discuss my body hair at all? I just smiled at the two men without saying anything.
When did you first develop your body hair Chris? Asked Mr Saunders.
Surely this was just wrong. He should sit there and say nothing.
“Err, when I was about fourteen I got lots of hair on my legs, armpits and chest and I started shaving when I was fifteen.” I reluctantly admitted.
“We have got a very quick developer here Andrew. His body is very well developed indeed. See how his legs are particularly muscled. Come over here and have a look. Do you work out in the gym Chris?,” asked Doctor Adams as Andrew Saunders moved towards me to inspect my legs.
“Err, no but I do lots of jogging and running and I do regular work on my arms with the weights which I have at home,” I replied.
“Yes, that’s pretty obvious actually now that you say it,” stated the Doctor as both he and Mr Saunders began pressing on my upper legs and calves to feel the muscle tone.
“Very impressive indeed,” said Mr Saunders looking straight at me and staying exactly where he was.
"Flex your biceps for me, Chris please", asked the doctor.
I did as requested and stood there with my arms bent and raised to show off my reasonably powerful arms.
I was then prodded and poked several times on each of my biceps by Doctor Adams who commented as he measured the cir

Mr Saunders then also began feeling and probing at my still-flexed biceps, commenting just one word, "Outstanding."
"Simon, what is that awful smell, can you smell it too?" said Mr Saunders.
I was a little puzzled until Doctor Adams piped up,
"Yes Andrew, I think it is Chris's feet that are incredibly smelly. Even by a young boy's usually poor standard of hygiene, it is quite pungent and even with his excessive aftershave," he stated, staring straight at me. I felt ashamed, as my feet have always been quite smelly - and were obviously still smelly now even though I had showered not long before.
"I did have a shower just before I left home, honestly," I said in my defence.
I noticed Mr Saunders was actually smelling at my socks, which he had now picked up from the chair. I also saw the Doctor head over to a sink, pour some water into a bowl and add some liquid soap. He returned and placed the bowl in front of the chair near Mr Saunders.
"Just move Chris's clothes will you please Andrew? Now, Chris, I think I need to give your feet a damn good wash. We shouldn't really have to put up with that awful smell.
Sit on the chair please, go ahead and I will give your feet a good clean. Andrew will you get a towel from the store cupboard next door please?" requested Doctor.
Mr Saunders moved my clothes somewhere completely out of sight, which I found more than a little disconcerting.
I felt like a naughty little boy being ordered to have my feet washed, but I complied subserviently, desperate not to annoy anyone further than I obviously already had done with my feet.
Doctor Adams seemed to strangely enjoy washing my feet, taking way too long to do so and slowly pushing his individual fingers between the gaps between my toes, rubbing up and down several times. Not a word was spoken.
Andrew returned and threw a towel in my direction and the Doctor then proceeded to wipe my feet dry as well. He then lifted my legs up, one after the other, smelling closely at my feet.
"That smells a little bit better doesn't it," said Mr Saunders.
I didn't reply but nodded slightly.
“Okay Chris, stand up please and we will now move onto the next part of the examination,” said Doctor Adams as he surprised me by immediately yanking my boxer shorts from behind down to lie around my ankles, leaving me fully naked as I faced Mr Saunders. My penis and balls were now fully on view to my new boss who was stood just a few feet away again. I froze in fear and shame.
“Step out of the boxers, boy!” shrieked the Doctor unexpectedly and I duly lifted up both feet one by one as instructed. My humiliation was complete, or so I thought. As the boxers lay on the carpet, I could clearly see semen stains on my black boxers, and I am sure that both these men could too, but they didn't say anything. I had worn yesterday's boxers for the interview thinking that no-one else would be seeing them except me and I had jerked off yesterday as well, so must have leaked a bit of

Doctor Adams passed my boxers to Mr Saunders and he just held them, with a fixed gaze on my swinging genitals before he then clearly turned his attention to my jizz stains.
“I notice your buttocks are also extremely hairy Chris and they are certainly very firm too,” said Doc as he began pressing his gloved hands all over my naked buttocks.
“Look Andrew, Chris’s buttocks are also well developed aren't they - and notice the massive amount of hair covering them.”
You guessed it, Mr Saunders then went around behind me and began groping – that’s the only word – my ass, without wearing any gloves, of course. If I said something, I could kiss goodbye to my new job before I even started it, so like a pussy I just stood there and took whatever they threw at me. They knew that I would I suppose. Mr Saunders also ruffled my ass hair a few times for effect, sliding a hand across and around by ass for what seemed an eternity.
My mind went back to the interview when I had told Mr Saunders, "I know that I am very good at following orders". It seemed that he was going to test that comment to the full.
"I have honestly never seen so much body hair Doctor Adams - and he is only an eighteen year old boy," he stated in an aghast tone. There was that word "boy" again.
“Yes Andrew, I know. Can you please bend over and touch your toes, Chris ? instructed the doctor. I did as asked, of course.
I felt my ass cheeks being maneuvered and before I knew it, he stated, “Now I am going to take your rectal temperature, so I will part your cheeks wider and pop a thermometer into your rectum. Please just hold still for the next ninety seconds”.
Ninety seconds for the two men to gaze at my hairy ass hole.
I heard the click of a camera or phone from behind me, and instinctively lifted my body back up, startled.
“Bend back down there immediately Chris! I am taking your rectal temperature here, don’t be so damned awkward . And in case you are wondering about the camera, I need photographs throughout to record the procedure, so Mr Saunders will assist me by taking some photographs during the physical. They don't leave this office. They will stay here and will be put digitally onto your file, no need at all to worry.”
"Oh, okay sorry" I said weakly as I bent down and touched my toes again.
“This boy’s hair really is never ending, Andrew, it is astonishing”, said the doctor as he too actually started ruffling the hair all around my ass hole as we waited for the thermometer to do its work.
“Yes, he certainly has a real mass of body hair all over. His pubic region, backside, anus, legs - everywhere is very hairy indeed,” commented my new boss. “Click” went the camera several times more.
“You should not feel embarrassed by your body hair Chris but also don't ever be ashamed of trimming or shaving any areas either. I would recommend getting rid of this matted thick hair around your anus for cleanliness and medical reasons. In fact I shall do it now for you. You could pick up any number of diseases with all that nasty anal hair.”
He removed the thermometer and stated, “Your body temperature is just perfect, so hop up on the couch on your knees, and stick your bottom in the air. We will just get rid of your anal hair now.”
"Before I do though, Chris just stand against the white wall over here and let Andrew take some full body photos for your files please. The white background works best for the photos,", instructed Doctor.
So I was now photographed totally naked from head to foot, face close-ups, chest close-ups, front body view, various penis close-ups, lots of back views, arms up in the air, close-ups of my legs and feet. I was asked to lift up my penis so that my testicles could be photographed. I was instructed (by Mr Saunders!) to roll back my foreskin so that he could photograph it in that state. Nowhere on my body escaped the camera lens. I reluctantly complied again throughout.
“Okay, onto the next stage of the physical, Andrew, will you pass me the electric razor to start with. It should be over there on my desk”.
"No, I can't see it Simon, it's not there," he replied
"Ah yes, I remember now, it is in Room 4B," said Doctor.
At this point he picked up the phone and began to call someone.
"Hello Mary, would you please nip into Room 4B and get the electric razor and bring it to me please? I need it immediately please," He asked/demanded.
The chit-chat between the two men continued as I stood idly about.
There was a brief knock at the door and in walked Mary, who seemed to enjoy taking in my whole body as I stood there naked in front of them all. I cupped my hands over my penis as she walked in, in a vain attempt to retain my modesty.
"Here you go, Doctor", she said as she stood planted on the spot with no intention of leaving soon. No-one asked her to leave either.
"Okay Chris, pop back onto the couch please, on your knees as before. Bottom in the air and part your buttocks as much as you can so that I can thoroughly remove your anal hair. I will remove some of your buttock hair after that," he stated/asked without seemingly realizing how embarrassing this request was. More so with Mary still in the room.
"Is there anything else you need ? Could I get either of you a cup of tea?," she inquired as though I wasn't in the room or inconvenienced remotely by her presence.
I then heard the buzz of the razor and Doctor Adams began shaving around my anus even though Mary was still stood there, watching intently.
"No, that will be all thanks Mary unless Andrew would like a drink?," he said as he focused the razor even closer to my anus.
No thanks Mary, I am good," replied photographer Andrew.
With that, Mary left the room thankfully and I almost felt relieved just to have the two men staring at my naked body, shaving my most intimate areas and, of course, photographing the occasion.
He then spent the next several minutes using his electric razor to remove what felt like all my buttock hair and also under and around my testicles after which he proceeded to produce some shaving foam, rubbed it all over my bum and started to use a normal razor to remove any remaining stray hairs on my buttocks. Mr Saunders was his able assistant watching and photographing the whole thing.
“That’s better, nice and smooth. Now doesn’t that feel better Chris? Come on, hop off the couch, Chris” said Doctor Adams with what appeared to be a semi-smirk.
“Yes, doctor,” I obediently replied, now seething inside, running my hands along my now hairless ass.
"I think I might also just trim your pubic hair a little too," he said out loud.
"What do you think, Andrew?"
Why wasn't he asking me ?
"Yes, I think you should get rid of most of the pubic hair too, for hygiene reasons Simon. Don't you think so Chris?", said my "boss". Click went the camera for 'before and after' pictures.
"Okay, if you think it is necessary," I replied, again eager to not offend my soon-to-be new boss, knowing that this just was NOT necessary.
The doctor began trimming away at my pubes with the electric razor now and before long I was almost totally bald downstairs. His face was probably only three or four inches away from my cock throughout this ordeal and he manoeuvred my member with one hand casually when needed as he trimmed away. He even ran the razor along my dick, where the hairs grow down the shaft quite a bit underneath.
"Oh, I may have got a little carried away there," said Doctor, laughing as my pubic hair lay all over the couch and floor.
"Andrew, can we have some more body photo shots again please, now that Chris's unruly pubic hair has been dealt with? Photos of his buttocks, anus, penis and testicles too please", he continued.
"Click” went the camera again, as my future boss photographed me fully naked, front, back, head to toe and also got several close-ups of my genitalia once again. It just felt so wrong bending forward and parting my cheeks so that this stranger could take a photo of my anus and lifting my dick up so he could photograph my balls but what else could I do?
"Nothing too strenuous" was Andrew Saunders' original description of this physical to me but my naked ordeal was continuing and soon my foot size was measured, my inside-leg measurement, waist, chest-size, neck and head measurements. Why were these needed, who knows ?
Comments such as "My God, I have never seen such hairy toes as that, I will get a photo," by my boss-to-be did little to make me feel any more at ease.
Doctor then sat down on a low stool next to Mr Saunders and motioned for me to come to him.
I did so and he immediately grabbed hold of my penis, shining a strong spotlight on it as he pushed, pulled and probed both my dick and my testicles. Pulling on my foreskin, then rolling my foreskin back and examining the slit several times. He was only examining it, of course. Yeah sure.
As I stood there being man-handled, there was suddenly a loud knock on the door, after which it immediately sprung wide open before anyone could even reply or say "wait".
Still holding my penis, Doctor looked up and saw a lady stood there, maybe aged in her late twenties.
"Doctor Paisley?" she enquired, looking at both Doctor Adams and "Doctor" Saunders quizzically.
"Oh, I am sorry, I think I might be in the wrong room but your receptionist specifically told me to come to this room, to knock and go straight in," she continued as Doctor still grasped onto my cock and now also lifting my testicles. She clearly took in the scene and glanced every now and again at me - and especially my manhood, holding the door wide open all the time.
"She said it was third door on the right, I am sure," she continued prolonging my agony as two people walked past her on the corridor and also glanced in, briefly stopping to check that they had actually witnessed the scene which they thought they had.
"No, Doctor Paisley is the next door along, the fourth door down. I am very sorry for the confusion madam and I am also sorry that you have been subjected to witnessing young Chris's nudity here," he offered. What about an apology to me ?
"Oh, it's quite alright, Doctor. I am sorry to disturb you and Chris's nudity most certainly isn't a problem, he's a very handsome young man indeed" she said as she began to exit the room, giggling to herself and taking far too long to leave.
"Thank you very much for your understanding," Doctor shouted after her.
I am sure that bitch Mary had deliberately given her the wrong directions just to embarrass me further, but surely not ? What happened to medical personnel being professional?
"Right, where were we ? Okay, when did you last wash your penis Chris ? It is almost as smelly as your feet. I bet even that lady could smell it at the door! Your personal hygiene does appear to be a little bit lacking in general, young man. Aftershave won't hide these odours you know. Do you never wash your penis with your foreskin rolled back?" he asked as he smelt his fingers for effect.
“Yes, Doctor of course I do,” I replied in as forceful a manner as I could manage.
“Well you don’t wash it often enough then. I think that we need to give your penis a damned good wash as well now, don’t you, Andrew?” he said as he headed to get the bowl of water again. Andrew nodded.
This time, he placed the bowl on a stool and merely motioned for me to approach. He was actually going to wash my cock.
He dropped liquid soap onto the top of my penis, sponged it along it’s length and then proceeded to rub my penis up and down with his hand. He tightly forced my foreskin back and firstly washed my bell-end and then moved onto my balls washing them with his sponge, whilst muttering, “I can’t believe this boy’s complete lack of hygiene, Andrew. It is quite disgusting,” Andrew was of course making a photographic record of the event and shaking his head in mock disgust.
He started drying my cock with a towel, and whilst doing so, asked
“When did you last masturbate, Chris?”
“I, er, er, yesterday.” I was taken completely by surprise by this.
He produced a tape measure and began to measure by cock. He announced,
“Your penis is four and a half inches in its limp state. The girth of your penis is also four and a half inches. Photos of the tape and measurements please Andrew...…"
Andrew duly recorded the event with photographs as doctor once more measured my cock length and girth, holding the tape measure so the photo would clearly show the details.
Once completed, Doctor Adams asked,
"How long is your penis when erect, Chris ?”
“It is about six inches doctor but why does that even matter?” I replied.
“I will be the one asking the questions boy, not you. Okay, can we check that please, I need you to masturbate for us so that your penis is nice and hard. Can you do that now for us please Chris ?”
“You want me to jerk off in front of you both?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yes, that is what I am asking, although masturbation is a less vulgar word.
Is this going to be a problem for you ?
“But this can’t be right,” I protested.
“Chris, it is item 26 in the Harrison and Brown check-list for their Physical Examinations Program that Doctor must have an accurate record of your erect penis size and also obtain a sperm sample, to be analysed,” added Mr Saunders ‘helpfully’.
"But why, It can't be necessary just for an office job?" I protested.
“Oh yes. It is totally necessary. Again, the information only stays on your confidential file. Here is the receptacle to collect your semen in. Please hurry because I have another appointment shortly. This is no time for you to start being a prude, young man, please get on with it. We are both busy men and have got much better things to be doing. We don't have all day you know, so please get a move on. I did you a favour fitting you in today - you would do well to remember that” assured/instructed Doctor Adams. I was being bullied into masturbating for them, I knew that much was clear but I couldn't see any way out of the predicament other than to comply.
"You do really want this job, don't you ? Now would be a good time to just end the physical and you can simply walk away if you are having second thoughts," suggested Mr Saunders.
"No, I really do need and want this job," I replied honestly, whilst still holding and subconsciously trying to hide my penis from these two men, as if I still held any dignity.
So, are you going to masturbate for us then Chris?" asked the Doctor again with a further edge of impatience.
"Yes, Doctor," I obediently replied after a short pause, as he again passed the receptacle to me.
"Good boy. Well, please hurry it along because we are both very busy men, as I have already said. You don’t think we enjoy standing here watching you do this, do you?" he both stated and inquired as the two men positioned themselves merely a few feet away from me, waiting for the show – which they certainly did seem to be enjoying. I shook my head, even though I knew otherwise. I suppose that my spirit was well and truly broken now.
And why did he repeatedly keep referring to me as a boy? To re-affirm that he was in control, I suppose and to keep me subservient.
So, with little or no choice, I began jerking off naked in front of these two strangers, being observed and photographed throughout.
“Let me know when you consider yourself to be fully hard please Chris, ?” asked Doctor.
“Yes Doctor,” I said as I continued pulling on my cock in front of the two men.
It felt really strange to interrupt their meaningless conversation about vacations and say, “Excuse me, I am erect Doctor.”
“Well come over here then and I will measure your penis again,” ordered Doctor.
Click went the camera as Doctor manhandled my boner.
"A full body photo whilst Chris is erect please Andrew, front on and side on and a close-up with the tape measurement showing too please," instructed Doctor. Andrew was only too pleased to oblige.
“Oh you underestimated yourself Chris! Your erect penis is actually seven inches long – very impressive I must say for a youngster like you, and the girth of your erection is six and a half inches – also impressive. A real man’s penis on a boy don’t you think Andrew?”
Doctor wrote the measurements on my "chart".
"Indeed Simon, Chris has a big fat tool. He will be popular with the ladies for sure!", said Mr Saunders as he focused, zoomed and clicked the camera with the measure still demonstrating my penis size.
“Chris certainly has more than adequate equipment, doesn't he, Andrew ?”
motioning for him to feel my erection.
“Absolutely, Simon. It is totally rock hard, his erection sits at a very great angle almost touching his chest and it is a very decent size indeed. His testicles remain hanging very low throughout too, have you noticed? They don’t ride up inside”, stated Mr Saunders, cupping my balls, feeling up my cock extensively and grabbing hold of it tightly – like you would hold a hammer. He then three times pulled my erect dick down away from my body and let it ‘twang’ and slap back up against my chest. I just stood there and "followed orders" again.
He looked me in the eye as he did this, saying –without saying- you just dare to say something boy and the job offer has gone.
“That’s one of the advantages of youth, a very solid erection,” stated the good doctor, joining his accomplice by also twanging my cock down and back against my body again.
“Total firmness”, agreed both men. Maybe they would like to bring the receptionist in and show her? No. I had better not suggest it, even in jest, I thought!
“Please continue, Chris and try and catch as much semen as possible, okay ? Unless you would like me to do it ?,” asked Doctor Adams.
“NO! I can do it myself,” I insisted.
It seemed like an eternity as my eager audience watched me stroke my cock but eventually I shot my load. I actually managed to get most of it in the receptacle but the first jet of spunk shot so far that it hit Mr Saunders right on his tie! Ha, that will teach the pervert.
“Very good, Chris. This is a decent quantity of ejaculate considering that you only masturbated less than twenty four hours ago. I counted eight large spurts of ejaculate. Your testicles are certainly working properly. We will send this off for analysis to see whether you are shooting blanks or not."
He laughed at his own ‘joke’.
" You see why we did this now? We would have had an incorrect measurement for your erection on file if we had not insisted on this” Said Doctor with a smirk. I nodded sheepishly, whilst at the same time thinking ‘what the fuck does it matter?’.
“Okay Chris, we are nearly there now. There is not much that we don’t know about you now, and I think it is only fair to tell you and Mr Saunders that everything so far has been a complete success. You are a picture of health.
At this point Andrew Saunders suddenly got up and left the doctor’s surgery without saying anything. Barely sixty seconds later, there was a knock at the door and in walked “Mary”, the receptionist again, without being invited.
“Ah, hello Mary,” said Doctor Adams,
“Young Chris here has just provided us with a semen sample, and I would be obliged if you would please arrange for it to be analysed for me, but beforehand just record his height, weight and also take a blood sample for me please, would you?” he said as he also began to exit the room.
“Yes of course Doctor,” said the girl who obviously was not yet a fully qualified nurse and was barely much older than me. Doctor Adams handed her my pot full of jizz.
So, here I was stood naked again in front of “Mary” and I had a still semi-erect cock which was now smeared with my own semen. She smiled at me, seemed to take in the scenario, glancing up and down my naked body before finally instructing,
"Put this gown on please Chris and follow me". she threw me a paper gown which seemed particularly small but I put it on and tied it. It left my ass completely exposed.
"Follow me, Chris. We need to go to room 4B", she said as she started exiting the room.
And so I walked down the corridor past strangers barefooted and with my ass completely on view. At least she didn't make me make the journey completely naked! We reached Room 4B.
"Oh Janet, I forgot that you were having your lunch in here. Sorry to disturb you but I just need to get young Chris's weight and height recorded for Doctor. We won't be very long.
A woman, aged maybe 40 sat chewing on a tuna sandwich, or at least that's what it smelt like.
"No problem Mary, just go ahead," she said. Did I sense a smirk ? I had no idea who she was.
"Okay Chris, pop the gown off please and follow me," Mary said nonchalantly, as Janet nearly choked on her sandwich. A side portion of male nudity with your lunch madam?
The scales were - obviously - situated right next to Janet, and so I stood naked directly in front of yet another female stranger as Mary fiddled with the scales.
"Does that say 10 stone, 7 lbs do you think Janet ?" she said as Janet walked over and bent down to read the scales, her head just a few inches from my still

"Yeah it does," said Janet, continuing
"But I think Doctor usually prefers the reading in kilos," she helpfully advised.
"Oh right, I didn't know that. Chris can you just step off the scales, pick them up and hand them to me please?" asked Mary, indicating where she needed me to stand.
This task meant that I now had to bend down in front of them and presumably put my asshole on view to them. Was all this scenario all pre-planned ? Almost certainly.
The setting was changed and I climbed onto the scales once more.
"147 pounds" advised Janet who was still stood there.
"Okay Chris, can you just stand where the footmarks are on the stadiometer please," she said pointing. She moved the marker to the correct height and declared that my height was 5' 11".
"Put the gown back on Chris and we will go back to Doctor's room to take a blood test," ordered Mary. Janet got back to her tuna sandwich but sat eating it whilst reading through my "private" chart which Mary had apparently left next to her after she had entered my height and weight.
And so my bare ass paraded down the corridor once more. Once back in the room Mary took control again.
“Sit down please.”
I did so, and of course, being naked, the arrangement of my on view balls lying sagging low between my legs felt very embarrassing. My penis had shrunk again now finally so my foreskin covered my cock completely, but a little glob of semen now sat on the end of my dick. I pretended that I hadn’t noticed it. So did Mary, who placed my ejaculate in a safe place.
She then took a blood sample from my arm before asking me to stand up again.
When she knelt down to read the result of my weight, her head was just a few inches from my still

It didn’t make me feel in the least bit better -and I couldn’t believe how unprofessional she was being. So much for my 'confidential' file. How many more people are going to read it and see the photos?
"Just come here Chris," she said, motioning me towards her and I did as instructed.
She did no more than cup my balls in her hand, lifting her hand up and down to make my balls do likewise.
"Yes, I thought so," she said. "Really heavy testicles. Nice"
Mary then shocked me by lifting up my penis and feigned that she was examining it, moving her face very close to my cock.
"Yes, nice tool you have got there", she smirked as she let go dramatically.
“I should think that doctor has nearly finished with you now Chris, so just take a seat again will you, he should be back soon.
"When I was looking at your file, Chris, I couldn't help but notice that you live on Brierley Street. That's a coincidence because my elder sister Amanda lives on Brierley Street too! She lives quite a few houses away from you though. I will have to ask her if she knows you," said Mary, with an air of mischief.
I could just imagine her relaying all the embarrassing details to her sister, who luckily I didn't know, or at least I don't think I did. Please God don't let me bump into Mary visiting her sister sometime in the future, I thought. I could just imagine her saying, "Amanda, this is the hairy young lad I told you about with the seven inch penis that I fondled and doctor made shoot his load."
I sat as instructed, and so did Mary. She just sat opposite me, clearly staring at my body and especially my penis and bollocks, making polite conversation which just made me feel all the more awkward and even more naked.
"Our patient, Mrs Stockley told me on her way out that she had accidentally come in this room in error and seen you naked. I bet that was embarrassing wasn't it ! Not that you have got anything to be ashamed of, with your body!" she said.
"I did tell her fourth door on the right, honestly," she said, with facial expressions that said totally the opposite.
All I could reply weakly was, "Oh, okay".
“I have a brother who is about your age Chris. I've not seen his penis for years though".
“I wonder if my brother is as hairy as you?,” she said, for no reason I am sure than to embarrass me further, glancing me up and down again.
"I haven't seen him naked since he was about fifteen but as far as I can remember, his penis isn't anywhere near as big as yours," she informed me.
"I really didn't imagine that your body would be this hairy when you walked into the surgery - or that I would be looking at you totally naked. I thought that you were handsome though," she continued, laying on the embarrassment.
"Doctor shaved off almost all your pubic hair didn't he - and a lot of the hair on your bottom too, but your legs are still really hairy and oh my God your feet are too ! I think that's a bit weird, isn't it. Do many boys have hairy feet?" she stated/asked as she gazed up and down my body unashamedly once more. "I don't know", I replied.
“I like a hairy man though. Hold your arms up so I can see your armpit hair too,” she said, and without thinking, again I just complied. Maybe I was actually enjoying showing my body off to Mary? I didn’t feel like I was enjoying it though as I sat there totally exposed and God knows why I did as she asked.
“Wow, you have a lot of hair there too don’t you! Nice biceps too”, she exclaimed.
By now, the glob of

“Here’s a tissue, Chris, if you want to wipe yourself,” nodding again at my penis.
So I accepted the tissue and wiped away at my cock as Mary watched intently. It was surreal.
“You produced a lot of semen, didn’t you Chris!” said Mary as she held the pot of

She sniffed at it and said, "I've always thought that semen smells funny", pulling a face.
Again I didn't reply.
"Your testicles hang really low don't they. You've got a really nice big nut sack too, obviously working perfectly well too!” she said totally unprofessionally again as she glanced at the pot of semen.
I was aghast at this point to realise that my cock was starting to grow once more. Being eighteen and naked in front of a pretty girl, I was sprouting a boner against my will. It didn't take long for me to get fully erect once more. I was unable to hide it and Mary soon noticed it too of course even though I tried to cover it with my hands.
"Oh wow, you've got a stiffie on. That's amazing. I can't believe how big and fat your cock is now. Stand up and let me see it properly," she asked.
I complied immediately, but again don't really know why I did. Mary just sat ogling my boner, laughing.
Just then, In walked Doctor Adams and surveyed the scene.
"Look Doctor, Chris has got completely hard," said Mary immediately.
"Oh Chris, that's really not acceptable behaviour in front of young Mary. I want you to apologise to her now immediately please,” he demanded, as though I was some pervert, when he was the actual pervert.
Andrew Saunders now re-entered the room as well looking puzzled as he saw me stood there in front of Mary with my seven inch erect penis sticking out proud for all to see.
Despite my frustrations at my embarrassing predicament, I said,
"I apologise for getting erect in front of you Mary. I am not sure why it has happened."
"That's okay Chris," she mockingly replied.
Doctor chirped in with “Good, that all sorted now, Okay thanks for your help Mary, Now I just need to check Chris’s prostate so Chris will you please kneel back on the couch yet again and stick your bottom right up high in the air for me? I will need to lubricate your anus as we will have to push one or two fingers up there. Stay calm and it will be over in a jiffy. You can go now Mary, thanks again”
I couldn’t believe that he had said something so private as that that in front of Mary again, but I suppose having seen me naked with a boner, did it even matter?
Mary gave me a sly glance that said, “I am SO enjoying your discomfort” and smiled as she delayed her exit from the surgery as long as possible, obviously thoroughly enjoying my public nakedness and embarrassment.
Mary was still slowly leaving the room as I crouched there naked with my ass in the air, trying to prolong her luck.
"Are you sure there is nothing else I can help you with Doctor? Could I help at all with this procedure?" asked Mary.
"No, you have been very helpful thank you. That will be all. If you can just get Chris's semen sent for processing please Mary," said Doctor and finally she made her exit.
I did as I was told and felt the cold liquid being applied to my anus. Then I felt fingers sliding into my anus.
I heard the camera clicking multiple times. Then it stopped and a little later, with my ass still being violated seemingly excessively and over enthusiastically, I saw Doctor Adams walk over to the other side of the room and begin to wash his hands. It was Mr. Saunders who was feverishly fingering my ass and he was really going for it at some speed now too. Oh my God! Do I pretend that I have not noticed or do I say something? I pretended that I hadn't noticed, of course.
The fingering got even a little faster still and I suspect that by now two or three fingers were penetrating my ass, maybe even his full hand, it certainly felt like it. My cock got rock hard yet again as a result. I don’t know how long he was ‘at it’ – maybe four or five minutes- but before I knew it I was groaning out loud and had shot another substantial load of jizz onto the couch.
“That’s it, all done, stand up please Chris,” said Doctor. And so once more I stood there in front of these two men with a raging

I noticed that Mr Saunders was not wearing any gloves.
“Ah, that’s a very common response to a prostate check among young guys like you. It just shows how healthy your semen production is. No damage done. At least Mary isn't here now!” said Doctor Adams as a few more droplets of jizz fell off my cock onto his floor.
“How many times a week do you masturbate Chris?”, asked the doctor, like he was asking me a normal everyday question, such as 'do you take sugar in your tea?'
“Every day probably doctor,” I replied.
“Do you ever masturbate more than once a day?, he continued.
“Sometimes I do”, I replied honestly.
“What is the most times that you have ever masturbated in one day, Chris,”
asked Andrew Saunders, obviously totally confident and feeling in charge of me by now, seeing as he had no right to ask that question, stick his fingers up my bum or even be in the room.
“I have masturbated five times some days,” I said honestly, not really sure again why I was being honest.
“My, that’s quite a lot. Not quite the record amongst my patients though, if they are telling the truth, of course! Please wipe your penis and anus now Chris” said Doctor Adams handing me a box of tissues. A new first for me, wiping my ass watched by two men.
"And have you had sex with a women or a man yet Chris - or are you still a virgin? I forgot to ask you this but I do need to know for your file" enquired Doctor Adams.
"I am still a virgin Doctor, but I have told all my mates that I am not," I told them sheepishly but truthfully. Maybe I secretly enjoyed the shame. I don't know.
”Well, your secret is safe with us and I am sure that will change in the very near future. I certainly wouldn't worry about it at all. And finally Chris, are you a straight boy or are you homosexual?"
"No, Doctor, I am straight," I insisted.
" I only asked because you seemed to get erect easily when I was manhandling your penis", added Doctor, untruthfully, I felt.
"You can get dressed again now Chris anyway. I am pleased to tell you that the physical has been a complete success. You are a supremely fit and healthy boy. I will be happy to report to the directors that you are a 100% suitable candidate. I will also put in my notes that you have assisted us in every way possible. I am delighted to officially inform you now that you have passed the physical with flying colours. Congratulations young man!”, he said as he walked over to shake this embarrassed naked dude's hand like it was an every day occurrence for me. Andrew Saunders did likewise.
"One or two people in the past have been known to raise objections to the procedure, you know, as I guess it can feel a little intrusive in places. We have unfortunately been unable to recommend them for employment ultimately, but you have been very cooperative and are a very healthy specimen. I am sure that you will be relieved to have a 100% positive health report and I know that you will be a credit to Harrison and Brown,“ stated the doctor with a smile directed at his buddy.
I felt like a slut. I had let these men defile my body for their pleasure, even let them both finger my ass and play with my erect cock, but I was about to be rewarded with a new job, working for the man who has just had those same fingers up my ass.
I decided that I would accept the job regardless, never mention this again and try if possible never again to be put in such a position.
Mr Saunders eventually handed me my clothing back and I got dressed as the two men watched me (Mr Saunders initially keeping hold of my boxers and handing them to me separately) and I also noticed Doctor Adams hand my file over to Mr Saunders.
Once dressed, I shook hands with Doc and bizarrely thanked him, then we walked back to the car - that is, me, Mr Saunders, my private file and the camera walked back to the car.
I suspected that the doctor was paid extra for the “thorough” physical by Mr Saunders and that two medical files must exist. The real one with the basic required information and a further set of additional details and photos which Mr Saunders would jerk off over repeatedly. I had well and truly been had, in every sense. They must have realised what a subservient, naïve young lad I was and that I would be afraid to raise any objection at all. After all, who would have believed my word against theirs? I am still not sure where Mary fitted into all this.
On the awkward journey home, my new boss informed me that in view of my ‘good results’ and cooperation during the physical, he would consider increasing my salary from eighteen thousand pounds to twenty-one thousand pounds after three months “if my performance in between was satisfactory”, with a further promise of another substantial raise based on performance after six months. My silence was being bought. I might be able to use this to my advantage, I thought to myself.
“Okay we will see you on Monday then Chris”, he said as he dropped me off, adding arrogantly "although I suppose I have seen everything you have got already!" smirking.
“I bet you are glad that the company physical is only required every two years, aren’t you?! But this really is a good opening for you and I will make sure that you are more than adequately financially rewarded, if you continue to be as co-operative as you have been today.”
Oh no. What the hell have I got myself into ?
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