If he was gay, then access to sex would NOT have been a problem. Even a closeted narcissistic misogynistic psychopath can score on Grindr, not to mention bars, parks, beaches, and university men's rooms. Being closeted is not the same thing as being celibate.
And if he was gay and out, he would have had an even longer line of guys ready to hit on the cute twink with the BMW. Maybe he wasn't boyfriend material, but there are plenty of men willing to sample the merchandise.
He was cursed with being straight. Unfortunately for him, I think most women probably find the psychopath thing a dealbreaker.
And even though there are a huge number of people in the US who know that there is no place for guns in society, the constitution protects our rights to carry military assault weapons down the street.
I'm sorry, but that is absolutely wrong. The NRA and gun rights extremists would have everyone believe that , but they
ALWAYS leave out the beginning of the amendment, which says: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". At NRA headquarters, their plaque states ... "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". How convenient to leave out the part that shows true intent of the Amendment, i.e., maintaining a free country.
At the time of the writing of the Constitution, all men in the country were REQUIRED to be members of the militia, what is today the National Guard. So, they were therefore required to own a gun. But, that changed as the country was no longer under threat of reconquest by the British. Moreover, the Supreme Court has ruled, on numerous occasions, that arms could be regulated. Only in recent years, with the hyper partisan right wing Supreme Court Justices, has this been partially reversed. There is no "absolute" right to any of the 10 Amendments to the Bill of Rights. Even the right to free speech, in the First Amendment is not absolute. There is no right to incitement to violence, for instance. You can't yell the proverbial "fire" in a crowded theater, either, and so on.