I've shared a few experiences and asked questions on this forum a few times. In doing so, I've gotten great responses and helpful advice in the past. My thanks to each one who took the time to give a comment or two. So here's my latest observation: I like flaws. Often in gay culture, we hold each other to a standard that is unreachable (a certain weight,height,color, dick-size, etc.), but I'm beginning to see real flaws in that type of thinking. I stress that I'm not advocating that any trait is acceptable but I find flaws...well interesting. For example, guys who where glasses (call it "the nerdy thing"), or a facial scar, or the guy who has no rhythm but dances his ass off as if no one's looking. Consider this: the deaf guy who is so cute ,but you have no idea how to cross the language divide. Is it even worth the trouble? I have to be honest, I'm sure some physical traits would be very hard for me to look past...a wheelchair would be an incredible challenge. So maybe I think quirky is just fine, but disabilities are not. What do you think? I invite you to be critical of that last statement (if you wish). If what you say is smart, I'll listen.