Super Vip
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Forever Charmed
Chapter 10: Release
Chapter 10: Release
“That was such a great movie”, a young girl said to her boyfriend as they walked home from their date. He had finally kept his promise and taken her to see “Dreamgirls”.
“Did you really like it”, she asked. “It was kind of a chick flick.”
He ran his hand through his hair nervously. “Um… yeah. It was great.”
She knew right then and there that he was lying. Whenever he ran his hand through his hair, he told a lie. It was an unusual trait, but she loved him anyway for telling the fib.
“That’s great”, she replied with a smirk. “Next week, we can see the new “Rocky” one. Deal?”
He looked at her with a huge smile. “Definitely a deal.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss.
“You know”, she said after their lips had parted, “it’s OK if you didn’t like it.”
He continued to walk ahead, her hand still entangled in his. “It’s OK. I really didn’t mind it too much.”
“Sure”, she responded. Suddenly, from behind them, they heard a clanging noise. They both stopped dead in their tracks and looked towards where the noise had come from.
“What was that”, she asked, her voice somewhat trembling.
“It was probably just a cat, babe”, he replied.
They both looked back for another second and then, both turned around to continue their trip to his car. They suddenly came face to face with a man.
The girl let out a short scream before she regained her composure. The scream made her boyfriend jump a bit as well, but he attempted to be much cooler about it.
“Sorry”, the man replied. “Didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“It’s OK”, the boyfriend said as he ran his hand through his hair. “You didn’t frighten us at all.”
The girlfriend looked at her boyfriend and smiled before returning her gaze to the stranger in front of her. “Can we help you, sir?”
“Are you unhappy”, the man asked with an odd smile, his eyes locked on the young man.
“Excuse me”, the boyfriend said, a bit freaked out
“Are you unhappy”, the man repeated, this time with an even bigger smile.
The girl’s happy expression changed, this time to one filled with confusion and a bit of fear. “Um… we need to go now, Aaron”, she said to her boyfriend before grabbing his wrist and turning to walk in the opposite direction.
“What was that all about”, Aaron said as they walked a bit further away.
“I really don’t even want to know”, she replied as she walked a bit faster… and walked right into the strange man again.
“Aaron, are you unhappy”, the strange man repeated, once again holding his gaze on the young man.
“Look, I don’t know who you are or even how the fuck you just did that, but unless you want a severe ass kicking, I suggest you leave us alone.” He grabbed his girlfriend’s hand tighter. “Tara, let’s go.”
As they started to walk, the man grabbed Aaron’s arm. Unbeknownst to Aaron, the man’s hand started to glow a bright red, which traveled into Aaron. Aaron’s eyes flashed the same color as the light from the man’s grasp.
Tara reached into her purse to grab her pepper spray. When she looked up again with the spray in her hand, the man was no longer there.
“Where the hell did he go”, Tara asked shakily. Aaron seemed to stand there a bit dazed.
Tara’s yell shook him out of it. “Yeah, baby?”
“Where did he go?”
“Um, I don’t know, baby”, he replied with a big smile. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s go.” She waited for his nervous trait to occur… but it never happened.
“Aaron, are you OK”, she asked as she touched his face. He brought her hand down to his own.
“Actually, babe, no. I’m not.”
She looked at him through worried eyes. “What’s wrong? What did he do to you?”
“It’s not him”, he answered. “It’s us. No, wait, actually, it’s you.”
“What”, she asked. “What are you saying?”
He looked away from her with a smirk before facing her once more; his eyes taking on a cold feeling. “Baby, I haven’t been happy for a while. I mean, let’s face it. You won’t put out. You make me take you to shitty movies. We do everything you want to do. I’m done with this; all of this. I’d rather stay home and jerk off than deal with your ass anymore.”
“Aaron”, she said with tears in her eyes, “where is this all coming from? What are you trying to say?”
“Figure it out, Tara”, he said, releasing her hand. “This is over. WE are over.”
She looked at him with tear-filled eyes, filled with confusion. He smiled and laughed a bit as the tears started to flow.
“And here we go with the fucking waterworks”; he said as he looked at her with disgust.
She looked up at him; face resigned and slapped him as hard as she could. The weight of the slap caused his face turned with the impact, before looking back at her and laughing.
“Well, I guess you’ll be walking home, bitch”, Aaron said as he turned around and started to walk off. She turned the other way and ran off into the street…
Not noticing the car coming at her.
Aaron heard the sickening screech and thud. He turned around and saw Tara lying in the street as the owner of the car came out to see if she was OK.
“Serves her right”, he said as he pulled a cigarette from his front pocket and lit it up.
From the shadows, the weird man walked out, his eyes gleaming with red.
“To be brutally honest”, Noah started as he sat down in the kitchen with us, “I really don’t have a full idea on why I’m here. Layla and Alan didn’t really tell me much.”
“Of course they wouldn’t tell you”, said Piper. “It might change the future if we knew too much.”
“This seems eerily familiar”, said Paige. “You’re not going to send one of us to Valhalla, are you?”
“Um… I don’t think so”, Noah said, filled with confusion.
“Wow”, Chris said suddenly and started laughing. “Um… sorry, Dad.”
“Different time, different person”, Leo responded as he walked across the table and hugged his son.
“Did I miss something”, Pete asked.
“Well, if you did”, Wyatt continued, “I guess I did, too. I have no clue what they’re talking about.”
“Well, I guess when you have the ability to read a person’s mind”, Noah countered, “you’re usually lost on a daily basis.”
“So, I’m guessing the Elders told you of our powers then”, Wyatt added.
“Not really”, Noah replied. “I just happen to know a lot about this family.”
“And how is that”, asked Phoebe. Noah just smiled in response.
“Never mind”, Phoebe said a bit angrily. “Damn elders.”
“Just to make sure”, Piper said as she stood behind the counter nervously, “you’re not my son, are you?”
Noah laughed a bit and stood to ease Piper’s fears. “No, G.P. I’m not.”
“Um… what’s G.P”, Pete asked.
“Oh. Nothing”, Noah responded, quickly attempting to cover his tracks. "Just something we say in the future. You wouldn't understand."
The others in the kitchen glanced around to see if they could pick something up.
“I can clearly see we’re not going to get anything out of him”, Wyatt said.
“Nope”, Noah responded with a smile. “And don’t try to read my mind either, Pete and Chris. It won’t work.”
“How do you know about that”, Pete asked.
“Wait. You can read minds, too”, Leo questioned towards Pete.
“Um… yeah. Kind of. I didn’t really tell anyone except Chris and Wyatt.”
Amanda looked a bit angered at her son. “And the reason you kept this from us is?”
“Well”, Chris said, “to be honest, he wasn’t really keeping it from you guys. We just sort of found out about his new power.”
“Fine. I’ll leave it alone for now. But, no more keeping secrets. Remember, Pete, you said so yourself.”
“You’re right”, Pete responded. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s OK”, Amanda said as she touched her son’s hand. “I guess I should be getting home. Pete, I take it you’re spending the night?”
“I don’t know, actually”, he responded. “Now that Noah’s here, I’m guessing that there’s really no room for me.”
“There’s always room here for you, babe”, Piper responded. “Noah, I’m guessing you don’t have anywhere else to stay.”
Noah nodded. “Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Halliwell. I can find somewhere to sleep.”
“OK, first rule”, Piper said as she pointed a finger towards Noah. “Call me Mrs. Halliwell again and you die. You can call me Piper.”
Noah smiled and responded, “OK, Piper. I’m guessing I’m on a first name basis with everyone here?”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“OK”, Chris said. “How about this? Pete can sleep with me tonight. I don’t mind the company.”
Noah started to snicker a bit. “Something funny, Noah”, Chris asked.
“Um, no, nothing at all. Please continue.”
“What was that all about”, Pete asked Chris telepathically.
“Don’t ask me”, Chris responded. “There’s something really fucking weird about him.”
“Well, I guess that’s fine”, Piper responded. “So, Noah, you can use Pete’s room for the time being.”
“Sounds fine to me”, Noah said as he stood up and started to exit the kitchen.
“Um”, Phoebe started, “don’t you need help on where Pete’s room is?”
“No”, Noah responded. “I think I can find the way.”
Everyone at the table seemed even more confused, but said nothing.
“Ouch”, Pete said suddenly and grabbed his head in pain.
“You OK, sweetie”, Piper asked him.
“Um… yeah. I’m fine, Mama. It’s just a little headache. I guess that fight took a lot out of me.”
“OK. Well, you guys should get to bed anyway. It’s pretty late and you have school in the morning.”
Chris, Wyatt and Pete all stood up and said their good night’s to everyone, before they too, exited the kitchen.
“So, what really happened”, Chris said as the three of us walked up the stairs.
“Really happened…”, I asked, a bit confused.
“In the kitchen, baby. The headache thing. You tried to read Noah’s mind, didn’t you?”
“Yeah”, I responded. “And it felt like I ran right into a brick wall. I couldn’t get anything out of him.”
“I guess the Elders did something to make you guys unable to do that”, Wyatt said behind us.
“No, not really”, Noah replied as we reached the top of the stairs.
“Word to the wise”, I said to him. “People who try to sneak up on us usually get their asses kicked.”
“Calm down”, Noah said with a smile. “I meant no harm. I just learned how to block that power from my parents. They’re very powerful witches; just like you three.”
I back up a bit from him. “Sorry about that. Guess I got what I deserved by trying to sneak around it.”
“It’s alright”, Noah said with a smile as he continued walking towards our rooms. “It’s only right that you would be a bit curious.”
“So, you really can’t tell us anything more about you, huh”, Wyatt asked.
“You think he would really tell you if he could”, Chris asked.
“It’s worth a try”, Wyatt responded.
“Well”, Noah started, “there really isn’t much to know about me. I’m almost 20, I’m from what you see as “the future”. I’m supposedly a powerful witch and… well, let’s just say the three of us have a lot in common.”
“Like what”, I asked him.
“I guess you’ll find out in due time”, he said to me with a wink.
“I know he didn’t fucking just WINK at you”, Chris said to me telepathically. Suddenly, Noah started to laugh hysterically.
“Um, what’s so funny?, I asked.
“Chris, please. He’s not my type”, Noah said with a smile.
“So, wait”, Chris started, “we can’t hear your thoughts… but you can hear ours?”
“Let’s just say you better keep your thoughts to yourself when I’m around”, he responded. “You never know when you may be thinking something you don’t want me to know.”
“That’s fine”; Chris responded, “but for the time being, do me the same favor and stay out of my head as well.”
“That goes second for me, too”; I added.
“Fine”; Noah responded with a smile, “your thoughts are your own.”
We kept walking to my door. I opened it for Noah and he walked inside.
“So, this is where you sleep”, Noah asked snidely as he looked towards me, then back at the room.
“Um, yeah. Is there a problem with it?”
“Not really”; he said. “Nothing I can’t fix, anyway.”
Noah suddenly snapped his fingers and my bed disappeared.
“What the hell…” I started to say angrily.
“Calm down”, Noah responded with a wave. “I’ll put everything back the way I found it before I go. But, for now…”
He snapped his fingers again and a different bed appeared, much bigger than my own. Also, mounted on the wall was a flat-screen TV.
“Ah”, Noah responded as he plopped down on the bed and relaxed. “Much better.”
“Wicked fucking cool”, Wyatt said as he looked towards the TV. “Do you mind if I hang out in here with you?” Noah patted the space on the bed next to him.
“Awesome”, Wyatt said as he climbed onto the bed.
“You guys wanna join us”, Noah asked. “There’s plenty of room.”
“No thanks”, Chris replied. “Besides, four is a bit of a crowd. And we have school in the morning.”
“Your loss”, Noah said back to Chris. “Hey, Wyatt. Are you hungry?”
“Sure. I’m thinking pizza. Didn’t really get to eat earlier, due to fighting the Source and all.”
Noah snapped his fingers once again and in front of Wyatt appeared a sausage and pepperoni pizza.
“You are definitely cool in my book”, Wyatt said as he grabbed a slice.
“Well, this is our exit”, Chris said as he turned to leave the room. “Good night, Wyatt.” Wyatt simply nodded in response, his mouth was full.
“I guess you don’t talk with your mouth full”, I replied to Wyatt with a lewd wink. He threw up the bird in response.
“I wouldn’t know about that”, Noah said, then with a smile added, “actually, wait… yes I would.”
“Oh, yeah, definitely time to go now”, I responded as I started to walk out.
“Hold up”, Noah said as he jumped off the bed and walked towards us. I turned around to face him and Chris did the same.
“Look, guys, we’ve obviously gotten off on the wrong foot. I’m really sorry if I’m pissing you both off.” He held out his hand for me to shake, a truly concerned look on his face.
I took his hand and shook it. “It’s alright, Noah. It’s been a long night.”
“Exactly”; Chris continued as he followed my suit. “Tomorrow is another day.”
“Let me make it up to you”, he continued. He snapped his fingers again.
“Um, what did you do?”
“Well, when you get to Chris’ room, you’ll find out. Enjoy and see you both in the morning.”
“Hey, Noah”, Wyatt said as he continued eating. “Something to drink, please?”
I smiled at Wyatt before walking out the room. When we got back to Chris’ room, we both stood in awestruck amazement. On his wall was a TV, similar to the one now in my room. Also, there were a couple of pizzas, some soda and a note.
“Obviously, this is Noah’s doing”, Chris responded.
“I guess so”, I said as I walked to where the note was. I picked it up and read it out loud:
“Sorry if I seemed like such an ass. Guess you got to get to know me first. I know you guys are pretty out of it from the fight. Here’s something to start us off new. Enjoy the food and the TV.
P.S. I would’ve made a bigger bed for you two as well, but something tells me you wouldn’t mind the closeness... ;-)"
“What is that supposed to mean”, Chris asked, a bit angered.
“Something tells me he knows about you and I”, I responded as I sat on the bed. “Why am I not surprised?”
“I don’t know, but I really don’t like him too well”, Chris said as he sat beside me. “But, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Besides, he made us food… sort of.”
“That’s true”, I said with a smile. I gave Chris a kiss on the cheek. I started to pull away from him, but he grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him, giving me a more passionate kiss.
“Wow”, I said as our lips separated. “What was that for?”
“Cause I can”, he said with a smile. “Now, how do you turn on this TV?”
I grabbed the note again and turned it around. Sure enough, written on the back…
“Look under the pillow.”
I reached my hand under Chris’ pillow and sure enough, there was a remote.
“I guess he thought up everything”, I said.
“Not really. He forgot the cups and ice.”
“Easily taken care of”, I said with a wave of my hand. I orbed up two glasses filled with ice.
“I love my boyfriend”, Chris said with a smile.
“And I definitely love mine”, I replied. We turned on the television and watched TV while we ate. Although the night had started somewhat messed up, it definitely was ending on a much better note.
I had awoke sometime later, the moon still shining brightly in the sky. I glanced over at the clock. It was 3:30 in the morning and the TV was still on, showing a repeat of the previous night’s news. Chris was snoring lightly while lying on my chest. He looked so adorable like that.
I looked around the room. The pizza was nearly gone and the ice in the glasses had completely melted. With my free arm, I orbed them downstairs into the sink. I couldn’t leave the stuff lying around like that. I kissed Chris on his forehead and moved him over.
“Hmm… baby. Where are you going”, he asked groggily.
“It’s OK”, I said as I stood up. “I’m just clearing up the mess. I’ll be back to bed in a minute.” He moaned, obviously missing my caress, but soon rolled over and went right back to sleep.
I walked to the side of the bed where Chris’ lamp was. I turned it off while grabbing the left over boxes on the floor. I started to turn around, when the news caught my attention. There was a face I recognized on it. I dropped the boxes immediately and grabbed the remote from the nightstand, quickly turning the volume up.
“… horrible accident. Tonight, a young woman was critically injured after being hit by an oncoming car. 17-year old high school student Tara McHenry, ran into traffic, apparently not paying attention. She was struck…”
I quickly turned around and shook Chris’ leg with sadness in my eyes.
“Huh… what”, he said with a jump. He saw the look on my face and immediately knew something was wrong.
“Baby, what’s wrong”, he asked as he quickly went to comfort me. All I could do was point to the TV.
After listening for a few seconds, he grabbed my hand. “Oh, my God. Tara. When did this happen?”
“I’m not sure”, I said shakily. “Probably earlier tonight. This is a rebroadcast of the news.”
He held me close. “Baby”, I said. “She goes to our school. We know her.”
“I know, angel. I know”, he uttered as he rubbed my back.
I turned back to the TV to hear the rest of the report. I guess I couldn’t handle it because after a few seconds more of it, I grabbed the remote and turned it off. Chris laid me down and put his arm around me, holding me close.
“You know”, I said as my eyes started to water, “this was one of my greatest fears.”
“Me holding you”, he asked jokingly, trying to ease the tension. I giggled a bit, but couldn’t hold on to it for long.
“No, Chris. Just that one day, I would turn the TV on and see someone I know on it. In an accident or worse..."
Chris kissed my neck and grabbed my hand as he held me. “She’s going to be fine, love.”
“How do you know”, I said to him through the tears.
“I don’t”, he responded. “But, I don’t want you somehow turning this into your fault. It’s not in the least.”
I sobbed a bit and Chris continued to hold me.
“I guess we can’t save everyone”, I said to him telepathically after a while.
“I know the feeling, baby”; he answered back. “Get some sleep. We have school in the morning… and maybe everything will be better then.”
I desperately wanted to believe his words… but I couldn’t. I fell asleep, my mind still filled with confusion and sadness.
“Thank you for responding to my call”, Drage said to another demon.
“I usually don’t respond to another demon, no matter his ranking”, the other demon responded.
“Do you think it can be done”, Drage questioned.
“Well, it seems like not much of a challenge. But, considering the consequences it could cause, I will happily oblige”, the demon responded with a grin. “As long as you keep your end of the bargain.”
“You have my word”, Drage said. “We will not come after you. You are safe.”
“Very well”, the demon answered as he shimmered away.
Drage smiled wildly as he realized that he was finally getting what he wanted.
“Drage, my love”, Pascal said as he walked up. “With whom were you conversing with?”
The smile on Drage’s face instantly faded. “Damn it”, he muttered silently.
“Oh man. Noah is so fucking cool, guys”, Wyatt exclaimed while we walked into the school the next morning. “I can’t believe you guys don’t like him that much.”
“Well”, I said, “to be honest, I don’t have too much against him, I suppose. I just really don’t know him that well.”
“Exactly”, Chris continued. “We just need some time to see what he’s all about.”
“Well, trust me, he’s totally cool”, Wyatt said with a smirk. “Plus, he’s not so bad on the eyes, either.”
“Um, don’t you sort of have a boyfriend”, I asked Wyatt. He shoved me jokingly.
“Caleb is not my boyfriend, asshole. And even if he was, I’m still allowed to look.”
“OK, OK, point understood”, I responded.
“I just really like Noah. And not like that, either, dork! It’s like... he’s not scared to do what he wants to do, you know? He was telling me all of these crazy stories about his life. Not too much, though... just some scenarios and whatnot. And that power he has is fucking awesome.”
“Um, guys”, Chris interrupted. “Remember where we are?”
“Yeah, so what”, Wyatt answered. “No one knows what we’re talking about anyway. But, it fucking rocks. Look what he conjured up for me!” He went in his shirt and pulled out a chain with rainbow hoops on it. “Isn’t it fucking…”
“Yeah, yeah”, I responded. “Awesome. I know.”
“What’s up your ass this morning”, Wyatt asked, a bit annoyed. “You’re both being extremely bitchy right now.” I looked away for a second and relaxed.
Maybe I was being a bit harsh.
“It’s nothing”, I said.
“He’s worried about the whole thing with Tara”, Chris responded for me. “It really bothered him last night.”
“Oh”, Wyatt said. “I forgot about that.”
“I can’t seem to forget”, I said sadly.
We walked around the corner and there was Caleb at his locker.
“Hey you”, Wyatt said with a smile.
“Hey you yourself”, Caleb said with an equal expression of happiness on his face. “Hey Chris and Pete.”
“Hey Caleb”, we both said in unison.
“Jinx”, I said telepathically to Chris. “You owe me a soda.”
“How about a blowjob, instead”, he responded back. I had to keep myself from moaning out loud at the thought.
“So, good news”, Caleb said to Wyatt. “That family thing I had to do is no longer an issue. Are you still free later?”
“Definitely free. What are you doing after school?”
Caleb looked at Wyatt and said, “What do you think I want to do?”
Oh, yeah. Definitely didn’t need to hear that.
“Well, how about I walk you to homeroom and we discuss it”, Wyatt said with a seductive grin.
“You’re on”, Caleb said with a wink. “See you guys later”, he said to Chris and I as he waved.
“What do you guys think he meant”, Wyatt asked somewhat nervously.
“Bro, if you have to ask us”, Chris responded in a whisper, “then, you need your bisexual privileges revoked.”
“Oh, man”, Wyatt said as he grabbed his books from his locker and ran after Caleb. “Later!”
“I think Wyatt is getting himself in a little too deep”, Chris said with a smirk.
“And he’s loving every minute of it”, I responded with a smile. “Just hope he’s careful.”
“Listen to you”, Chris commented as we walked off to our homeroom. “Sounding like the gay relationship expert.”
“Well, what can I say”, I answered. “I learned from the best.”
“Remind me to definitely kiss you for that one”, Chris said in a whisper. I looked around the hallway and it was nearly empty. I gave Chris a quick peck.
“You’re lucky I can’t make out with you right now”, he said with a smile. We walked around another and I stopped dead in my tracks. There was Aaron Summers, Tara’s boyfriend, against his locker… and another girl that DEFINITELY wasn’t Tara was all over him, rubbing his chest and talking closely.
Chris and I walked up to him. “Hey, Aaron”, Chris said with a light, but embarrassed smile.
He glanced our way. “Oh, hey, Pete and Chris.” He immediately turned his attention back towards the other girl.
“Um… do you mind if we speak to you for a second”, I asked him, a bit pissed off.
“Um… sure”, he said. “Hey Amber, see you later?”
“Definitely”, she said as she kissed him and grabbed his dick through his jeans. I was somewhat disgusted, but said nothing. She eventually walked away, making sure she shook her ass with every movement.
“So, what’s up, guys”, he said as he opened his locker.
“We heard about Tara”, I responded. “Just wanted to know how you were holding up.”
“Well, I’m fine”, he said with a smile.
“So, we noticed”, Chris said. “And obviously, the cheerleading team seems to be helping.”
“Oh, you mean Amber”, he responded. “Yeah, she’s great.”
“OK, I can’t just sit here and act like everything is fine”, I interrupted. “Your girlfriend was hit by a car last night and is in the hospital. Why are you here acting like it’s nothing?”
“First off”, Aaron said as he turned to face me, “me and Tara are no longer an item. Secondly, it’s none of your goddamn business what I do with my time.”
“Maybe it isn’t his business”, Chris countered back, “but it seems like you have no sympathy over what happened to Tara. Even if she isn’t your girlfriend anymore, you still love her, right?”
“I have NOT now, nor have I ever loved that bitch”, Aaron said. “I can’t stand her. Always holding me back, never doing anything I want to do. It’s always about her and I fucking hate it. Now, she’s gone and I’m moving on. End of story.”
“She’s not gone”, I responded, holding back my anger. “How could you talk about her like she’s dead?”
“Because in my eyes”, he said calmly. “She already is dead. When that car hit her, that definitely became the happiest time of my life.”
I looked at him, unable to form words.
“You were there when it happened”, Chris said for me. “How could you be so heartless?”
“Because when it comes to her, I have no heart. She’s nothing to me. I was so unhappy being her little boy-toy and now, it’s over. So, both of you need to mind your fucking business and leave me alone.” He reached into his locker and pulled something out and started to rip it.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, the cheerleading team wants to console me by any means necessary and I have every intention of letting them do so. Goodbye.” He walked off and dropped the ripped item as he walked away.
“What was that all about”, Chris asked. I walked to pick up what he dropped. I picked it up and saw it was a picture of him and Tara ripped in two.
“I’m not sure”, I said very upset. “But, he’s being a little too accepting of what happened.”
“Talk about being a major asshole”, Chris responded as he came up to me. “Let’s just get to homeroom before we’re late.”
I looked at the picture once more before throwing it in the trash. “Yeah”, I responded as we walked off.
“Thanks for meeting up with me for lunch today”, Wyatt said to Noah that afternoon at the sandwich place.
“It’s no problem, man. Besides, it wasn’t like I was doing much of anything anyway. Plus, I really enjoy the company.”
“Thanks. Usually, I eat with Chris and Pete.”
“And the reason you didn’t today is…” Noah questioned as he took a sip of his soda.
“They were kind of acting a bit weird earlier. I didn’t really want to be around them.”
“Aw”, Noah said jokingly, “are they having a lover’s spat? How cutesy of them.” Wyatt nearly spit up his soda, but caught himself.
“You know about Pete and Chris”, he asked, somewhat shocked.
“I know a lot about all of you guys”, Noah replied with a smile. “Including you”, he added with a wink.
“You know, that really sucks”, Wyatt said. “You seem to know everything about us, but we don’t know a thing about you. Except…”
“Except what”, Noah asked calmly.
“Well, you’re a witch like us, for one. You have a pretty cool power. And…”
“And what?”
Wyatt glanced down embarrassed. “You’re pretty fucking hot.” Noah started to laugh a bit.
“Thanks for the compliments, Wyatt. But… you’re really not my type.”
“I wasn’t trying to hit on you”, Wyatt responded, a little more self-assured. “Just an observation. Besides… I’m sort of with someone.”
“Um… I’m not sure I follow. Either you’re with someone or you’re not.”
“Well, to be honest, I feel a little weird talking about this with you. It might freak you out a bit.”
“Why is that”, Noah asked as he wiped his face off with a napkin. “Is it because this person you’re sort of with is a guy?”
Wyatt paused for a moment and sighed, before answering. “Well, yeah. I don’t know how you feel…”
“Let me try to make this a little better for you”, Noah said as he pulled his wallet from his coat pocket. He opened it up and pulled out a picture and handed it to Wyatt.
“Wow. He’s really cute…”; Wyatt started to say.
“Watch what you say there. You’re talking about my boyfriend”; Noah continued.
“Your boyfriend”; Wyatt said with widened eyes. “So, that means you’re…you know.”
“Well, let’s just say if I’m not, the person in that picture would be very disappointed with me.” Wyatt had to smile at that remark.
“His name is Matthew”; Noah continued, “but everyone calls him Matty. We’ve been together for a while. And yes, you can talk to me about being with another guy.” Wyatt handed the picture back to Noah.
“Well, I feel a bit better now. You mind if I move over next to you? I kind of don’t want everyone hearing my business.” Noah patted the seat next to him and Wyatt moved over.
“Hey! Caleb!” I yelled across the lunchroom. I was eating with Chris as usual, but Wyatt was nowhere to be found. Through the crowd, Caleb saw us and walked to where we were sitting.
“Hey. How are you guys doing”, he asked.
I nodded in response and Chris said, “We’re good. Actually, we were wondering if you’ve seen Wyatt. He usually meets up with us at lunch.”
“Um… yeah, actually I have”, he responded. “He said something about eating lunch with some guy named Noah. Do you know him?”
“We do”, I said, not really knowing how to answer the question on how we knew Noah.
“Should I be jealous or something”; Caleb asked.
“Not at all. He’s our cousin from out of town”, Chris continued, obviously catching my confusion.
“Oh”, Caleb responded. “Well, if I see him first, I’ll tell him you guys were looking for him.” He started to walk away.
“Caleb”, Chris said, “you know, if you aren’t eating with anyone, we’d like the company.”
“Yeah”, I continued. “Come sit with us.”
“Are you sure”, Caleb said a bit nervously. “Wyatt said… never mind.”
“OK. Now you definitely have to sit with us”, Chris said. “You can’t walk off after saying something like that. Park it!” Caleb sighed and sat down next to me. I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
“Now, Wyatt said what exactly”, Chris continued.
“OK. You didn’t hear this from me”, Caleb said a bit nervously. “I don’t want to start any trouble.”
“You won’t”, I added. “Now, spill it.”
“He said… you guys were sort of in a bitchy mood today. He’s been trying to avoid you guys until you get over whatever you’re both upset about.”
“Oh”, I responded. “So, that’s why he’s not at lunch with us.”
“Are you guys OK”, Caleb asked. “If you’re not in the best of moods, I can go”, he said as he started to stand up.
“It’s fine”, Chris said as he waved for him to sit back down. “It’s just something we heard about last night. We didn’t mean to take it out on Wyatt… although I thought we had that all settled out.”
“So did I”, I responded. “I guess we were harder on him than we thought.”
“Not to be nosy, but can I ask what all of this is about”, Caleb asked. I told him all about Tara and Aaron and the accident.
“Wow. That is pretty fucked up”, Caleb said. “I’m sorry to hear about that.”
“Not as sorry as I am to have heard it”, I said with a frown. “But, what can I do about it?”
“Nothing, baby”, Chris responded. “Try to let it go.” He reached under the table and held my hand.
“Well, I should get going”, Caleb said suddenly.
“It’s OK”, I started to say, but Caleb cut me off.
“I know it is, but I have something to do before class”, he continued as he stood up. “Thanks for the invite to eat with you guys.”
“No problem”, Chris said. “Feel free to join us anytime.” Caleb smiled in response and then walked away.
“Why do I get the feeling he couldn’t get out of here fast enough”, Chris said.
“Baby, he was probably just freaked about hanging with us. He doesn’t really know us that well.”
“I don’t know, baby. He’s just a bit weird, is all.”
“He’s not that bad”, I continued. “And he likes Wyatt, so he can’t really be as sinister as you’re trying to make him.” Chris sighed.
“I guess you’re right, babe. But, I just feel really off about him. Something just doesn’t seem right.”
“What? Is your “spider sense” tingling”, I asked with a smile. He leaned in close to me.
“Well, if I say it is”, he whispered, “do I get an upside down kiss?” I had to back up from him before I actually did so.
“I guess you’ll have to see… but I’m no Mary Jane”, I responded.
“Not in my movie”, he responded with a wink.
Suddenly, the bell sounded off. Our Spider-Man roll playing would have to wait.
“So, you’ve been with a guy before”, Noah said as he walked Wyatt back to school. “Why are you so nervous about being with one now?”
“Well, I’m not really nervous”, Wyatt responded as he continued walking. “Just… a little behind on the times, so to speak. It was eons ago since I was with Alex and even then, we didn’t go too far.”
“Can I ask you something personal, Wyatt?”
“Well, if this conversation isn’t personal enough, I don’t know what is. So, go right ahead.”
“Are you a virgin?”
“Well…” Wyatt said.
“Ah. That answers enough of my questions. Do you want my advice?”
Wyatt looked directly at Noah. “Please.”
With a smile, Noah started. “A lot of people hold on to their virginity because they see it as something sacred. It’s not something they should give up so easily.”
“So, you think I should take it easy with Caleb”, Wyatt asked.
“Well, you should take it easy with anyone you’re with. But, that’s not what I’m trying to say. At the end of the day, it’s your body and your choice if you want to do something with him. Don’t feel like you’re forced because other people have done it already. And yes, I’m including Chris and Pete in that equation as well. Even if they’re your brothers, it doesn’t mean you have you try to keep up with them.”
“I’m not trying to keep up with them. It’s just that… I feel that I’m ready for this”, Wyatt said. “But, I’m still having doubts. As dumb as it sounds, I’m a little worried. Sex is a big thing and I’m not sure if that’s something I’m ready for just yet.”
“Then, my friend”, Noah replied, “I think you answered your own question.” Wyatt said nothing else and let the thought wander around his mind. He was so caught up in his own thoughts, he didn’t notice the old man standing in front of him.
“Oh”, Wyatt said as he stopped in his tracks. “I am so sorry about that. Are you OK?”
“I’m fine, young man”, the old man answered. “But, what about you?”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you unhappy, Wyatt Halliwell?”
“Do you know this guy”, Noah asked.
“Not at all. How do you know my name?”
“Are you unhappy”, the man repeated with a weird smile on his face.
“I think we’ll be happier once we get you back to school”, Noah said as he grabbed Wyatt’s arm. “Let’s go.”
Noah started to pull Wyatt away when the man grabbed Wyatt’s other arm. Suddenly, Wyatt felt a warmth encase his body as a red glow emitted from the man’s touch, flowing into Wyatt and causing his eyes to flash red.
Noah was finally able to yank Wyatt away.
“Are you OK”, Noah said as he approached Wyatt. Wyatt stood there for a minute, not saying a word.
“Wyatt!”, Noah exclaimed. That seemed to shake Wyatt out of it.
“Um… Noah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure”, Noah asked. “That wasn’t your ordinary homeless person.” He looked back to see where the man had once stood, but he wasn’t there anymore.
“I sort of figured that”, Wyatt replied with an odd smile. “But, I’m fine. I’m sure of it.”
“OK, where the hell did he go”; Noah asked. “People just don’t disappear like that.”
“It doesn’t matter”; Wyatt responded. “I’m fine. He was just some odd creepy guy.”
“Just to make sure, maybe we should go back to the manor and check it out. I got a bad feeling about him.”
“It’s not that serious”, Wyatt replied with a chuckle. “Besides, I still have school. Not all of us can afford to sit around all day doing nothing.”
“Yeah, we should be so lucky”, Noah replied. “OK, if you say you’re fine, I guess I should get you back to school.”
“Exactly. And back to Caleb, too”, Wyatt continued with a lustful tone.
Chris and I were on our way to class after lunch.
“So, excited about your Math test”, he asked as we walked down the hall.
“Yeah. As excited as watching paint dry”, I said back to him.
“Well, you studied, right?”
“Of course I did”, I replied.
“But”, I said telepathically, “when your boyfriend is studying with you and is wearing a t-shirt, a pair of bikini briefs and nothing else, your imagination goes somewhere else other than algebraic equations.”
“So, you did notice”, Chris replied back to me.
“Of course. Why do you think I threw the book back and pulled down those “kini’s” and start to suck you off?”
Chris started to laugh a bit out loud. “OK, OK. I see why you’re so worried. Next time, I’ll wear something a bit more… well, just a bit more.”
I started to laugh back when I saw Aaron with half of the cheerleading squad.
“What a fucking asshole”, I muttered.
“Pete. It’s his life, remember?”
“I know, Chris”, I replied.
“I know you’re upset”, he said telepathically. “Look. Our parents won’t be home later. We can be alone, cuddle and talk. Deal?”
“You got it”, I replied out loud. I looked towards Aaron as he walked out the front door with the girls. As they walked out, Wyatt walked back into the school. We walked towards him.
“Hey”, I said. “Cutting it kind of close, aren’t you?”
“What’s it to you”, Wyatt responded. “Who made you principal?”
“Sorry for giving a damn”, I replied back. “What is with you? And why did you ditch us for lunch?”
“I didn’t ditch you”, he said back. “Aren’t I allowed to have other friends? Besides, I was just with Noah.”
“It’s no problem with us”, Chris said. “We’re just used to you eating lunch with us.”
“Well, no offense, but I wasn’t in the mood to do so today. You both were being really fucking short with me and I didn’t want to hang around that, so I called Noah.”
“Look, we’re sorry about that, but we were both in odd moods this morning”, I said.
“About that Tara girl? Who gives a shit? It’s not like you’re even friends with her.”
“Wyatt”, Chris said.
“Look, whatever. I have no time for this. Have you guys seen Caleb? I’m thinking I’m gonna start our date a little early”, he said with a grin.
“We saw him at lunch. He had to do something before class”, I said.
“Speaking of class”, Chris continued, “don’t you have to be there as well?”
“Fuck class”, Wyatt said. “And since when are you so concerned about my well being? You’re not my parents.”
“Wyatt, calm down”, I said. “What the hell is your problem?”
“You both are… and it’s a problem I’m definitely wanting to avoid. I’m going to go find Caleb and have some fun, if you catch my drift. Excuse me”, he said as he pushed through us. Chris grabbed his arm.
“Is this what we get when you hang out with Noah? You start acting like an asshole to us?”
Wyatt stepped up to Chris. “First of all, Noah is fucking cool. He does what he wants to do and answers to nobody, but because the both of you are such pussies, you’re both afraid of living your life and to accept him for the person he is. Personally, I’m so damn unhappy of playing this game of conforming. And now, I’m going to have some fun. Now, if you don’t mind, would you let me the fuck go and worry about your own selves… and of course, some stranger lying in a hospital bed that probably deserved what she got.”
Chris was as stunned as I was, but let Wyatt’s hand go. We both watched as he walked off.
“Is there something in the water that is just making everyone act like an asshole today”; I asked. I looked towards Chris and he just stood there, visibly upset by Wyatt’s actions.
“Baby”, I said to him telepathically.
“Don’t defend him” he replied back out loud. “Do you really need to take that test?”
“Yeah, I do”, I said with a groan. “Why?”
“Suddenly, I don’t feel like being in school either. Can we just go home?” I looked at the hurt on Chris’ face and obviously, staying in school wasn’t going to do him any good.
“OK, baby”, I said to him telepathically. “Besides, if Noah can make anything he wants to, maybe he can forge a decent letter.” That brought a small smile to Chris’ face, but it wasn’t much of one. He walked to the school doors and held them open for me as I walked out, with him following right behind me.
“So what brought on this cause of action”, Caleb asked as Wyatt drove somewhat recklessly away from the school. “I didn’t really take you for cutting class and all.”
“I just needed a break”, Wyatt responded with a smile. “And I figured you would like to join me.”
“Well, thanks for the invite”, Caleb answered back. “But, I would like to get there in one piece.”
Wyatt started to laugh out loud. “Am I scaring you with the way I’m driving?”
“A little bit, yeah.” Wyatt started to slow down a bit.
“Just for you, sexy.” He continued driving until they reached a spot that overlooked the beach.
“Where are we”; Caleb asked as Wyatt put the car in park.
“This is called Dante’s Cove”; Wyatt responded with a smirk. “I just thought we could come here and spend some time alone together.”
“Really”; Caleb said as he took his seatbelt off. “And why did you want to be alone with me?”
“Well”; Wyatt said as he moved into Caleb’s space. “Let’s just say it wasn’t to do much talking.”
Caleb smiled back as Wyatt grabbed his face and started to fiercely kiss him; his tongue ravaging Caleb’s mouth. Wyatt’s hands roamed all through Caleb’s hair as he climbed onto Caleb’s lap and started to rock into his hips while kissing him. He pulled back for a second and smiled at Caleb.
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“Do you see me complaining”; Caleb replied back with a smirk.
Wyatt smiled back and kissed Caleb once more; heavier with every pass of his tongue across Caleb’s. He reached his hands down and reached under Caleb’s shirt; caressing the soft, hairless skin that was hidden beneath it. He eventually lifted Caleb’s shirt off completely.
“Like what you see”; Caleb asked.
“Well, let’s just put it this way”; Wyatt replied as he moved his lips to Caleb’s nipples and started to suck them one at a time. Caleb moaned loudly as he arched his back. As Wyatt continued to suck on Caleb’s nipples, he ran his hand down to the bulge in Caleb’s pants, rubbing and squeezing his hard dick through his pants.
“Feels nice”; Wyatt said lightly. “Can’t wait to see what that tastes like.”
He started to kiss down Caleb’s chest, past his midsection and to his smooth navel; licking around it as he unbuttoned Caleb’s jeans. He crawled off of Caleb’s lap and back into his own seat.
“Where are you going”, Caleb asked.
“Well, I am going to unbutton your jeans, pull them down and give you the best blowjob you’ve ever received.”
“Wow. Are you sure you want to do this”; Caleb asked. “Do you think we’re going a bit far?”
“Right now, all I care about is shoving your big dick in my mouth”; Wyatt responded as he unzipped Caleb’s jeans. “Do you mind?”
Caleb stood up as much as he could, pulling down his jeans, releasing his hard dick.
“I guess that answers my question”; Wyatt said as he took Caleb’s cock in his hand and jerked it slowly.
“I guess it does”; Caleb whimpered out as the sensation overcame him.
Wyatt started to kiss Caleb once more as he jerked him off slowly, moving his hand to the base of Caleb’s shaft and right back up to the tip. He continued to jerk Caleb off until he felt Caleb’s pre-

“Tasty”; Wyatt replied as he moved down to Caleb’s engorged member… and took it in his mouth completely.
“Holy fuck”; Caleb said as he felt Wyatt’s warm mouth encase his dick. Wyatt started to bob his head up and down at a moderate pace. Caleb moved his hands to Wyatt’s head and lightly stroked it as he received his blowjob.
“That feels so good”; Caleb moaned out as Wyatt continued to suck harder and faster; moving his head at a faster pace. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and moved his mouth off of Caleb’s dick.
“Why did you stop”; Caleb asked; his dick still as hard as a rock, pointing straight up.
“Because I don’t want you to

“Wait a second”; Caleb said. “I don’t think we should be doing this.”
“Why not”; Wyatt asked. “I have condoms and lube, if that’s the problem.”
“That’s not it”; Caleb said as he started to pull his pants up. “This is not the way I want our first time to be.”
“I just got finished wetting the hell out of your dick and NOW you have a problem with how this is happening?”
Caleb stood up and pulled his pants and buttoned them. “Wyatt, I want this. I really want to do this with you.”
“Then, pull those pants back off and fuck me!”
“But, not like this; not in a car in the middle of a beach. I want it to be special; to be… romantic”; Caleb said, even surprising himself. He reached behind him and grabbed his shirt.
“Or you’re just like Chris and Pete; too fucking scared to live your life”; Wyatt said angrily as he sat forward; looking out over the water.
“What do they have to do with this”; Caleb asked. “I’m talking about us.”
“Whatever”; Wyatt said. “It’s obvious you don’t want me. Maybe I should just look elsewhere for some satisfaction. I’m sure there is a better fuck out there.”
“Is that all you see me as? Just a fuck”; Caleb asked; sadness tinged in his voice.
“It doesn’t matter how I see you as”; Wyatt said. “You obviously don’t see me in the same way.”
“That’s not true in the least”; Caleb responded.
“That’s hard to believe”; Wyatt answered back. Caleb moved forward and kissed Wyatt once more. Wyatt grabbed Caleb’s head and kissed him deeper; when suddenly, Caleb pushed him back.
“But, I don’t want us like this”; Caleb said. Suddenly, Caleb stopped speaking and opened the car door.
“Where are you going”; Wyatt asked.
“I have to go. I’m sorry, Wyatt. I’ll see you later.”
“Whatever”; Wyatt said. “I’m out of here.” He drove off and left Caleb standing on the sand of the beach.
“Are you unhappy” came a voice from behind Caleb.
“Yes, I am”; Caleb responded as he turned around to face the demon. “But, tell me, Inhibitionist; why am I so unhappy?”
“I am not sure, Sir. Could your plans have gone awry?”
“No”; he answered. “You did what I asked of you to do. It is…something else.”
“Could it be”, the Inhibitionist asked, “the Transitioning Ritual?”
“You know of this ritual I’ve performed”; Caleb asked as he walked to face the demon.
“Yes, I do. May I ask why you thought it would work to infiltrate the Charmed Ones? There are many other things you could have done…”
“That is none of your business”; Caleb said angrily. “Do you know what is happening to me?”
“I do, sir. You are getting exactly what you wished to achieve by performing the spell.”
“What do you mean”, Caleb asked. “I only wanted to appear human.”
“Well, you cannot get one without the other, it seems”; the demon responded.
“And what does that mean?”
“Let me put it this way. To look the part, one must own the part.”
“Are you telling me… I’m turning human?” The demon nodded in response.
Caleb sunk to the sand and sat, his mind more confused than ever.
“What have I done”; he asked.
“Ahh… skipping out on school, I see”; Noah said as we walked into the living room.
“Yeah. Something like that”; I said as I sat on the couch next to him. Chris sat right next to me.
“Well, I won’t snitch. Like I told Wyatt earlier, I enjoy the company.” Chris groaned after hearing Wyatt’s name and laid his head on my shoulder.
“Did I touch a soft spot or something” Noah asked.
“Chris and Wyatt had a fight of sorts.”
“A fight? What the hell happened, Chris”; Noah asked.
“Nothing I want to get into”; Chris answered. “Can we just drop the subject?”
“It’s fine with me”, Noah responded. “Well, that explains why you’re home, Chris. Pete, why did you follow? Wanted some private make-out time?”
I looked Noah directly in the eye. “First off, I don’t care what you know or even how you know about Chris and me. But, whatever we do together in our relationship is none of your business, got it?”
“Whoa, whoa there”, Noah said as he put his hands up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off or overstep my boundaries. Maybe you’re not in the best of moods, either.”
I realized I was taking out my day’s anger out on him and backed up. “I’m sorry, Noah. I didn’t mean to go off on you like that. It’s just been a fucked up day for me as well.”
“What happened? Wyatt rip you a new one, too?”
I told him what had happened between Aaron and Tara and what was said when I confronted Aaron on it.
“Damn, his girl gets hit by a car and he repays her by mass cheating on her”; Noah said.
“Yep. Gotta love heterosexual men. They sure know the right time to act a damn fool”; Chris added.
“I will never understand the wiring of a straight man’s brain”; Noah continued. “Thank God I’m not one.”
“Me, neither”; Chris and I both said.
At that moment, we all heard the door slam and saw Wyatt walk by.
“Wyatt”; Noah called out, “are you okay?”
“Fuck off”; he replied back as he walked up the stairs into his room.
“What the hell is his problem”; Noah said. “What did I do to him?”
“The same thing we did to him”; Chris said as he sat up. “Absolutely nothing.”
“All we did was ask where he was during lunch and he went off on us”; I said.
“Well, he was fine while he was with me. He asked me some advice on some guy he’s seeing and he seemed to take it well.”
“I guess it didn’t work the way he wanted it to with Caleb”; Chris said. “He seems so unhappy for some reason.”
“You know, I’ve heard that word too many times today”; I said.
“What are you talking about”; Noah asked.
“The word “unhappy”. Aaron said he was unhappy with Tara and Wyatt said he was unhappy with living his life the way he was. Just because you’re so “unhappy”, does that give you the right to act like a fucking asshole?”
I looked towards Chris and Noah after my rant. Chris nodded in agreement in what I said, but Noah looked a bit freaked out.
“Did I scare you or something”; I said to Noah. “You look a bit weirded out or something.”
“No”, Noah replied. “It’s not that.”
“What’s wrong”; Chris asked.
“That word. “Unhappy”. I’ve heard that word today, too.”
“Um… OK. What does that have to do with anything”, I asked.
“When Wyatt and I were heading back to your school, we came up on this old guy. He kept asking Wyatt if he was unhappy. We tried to ignore him, but he grabbed Wyatt’s arm and said it again.”
“And what does some random homeless man have to do with any of this”; I asked. “Other than the fact that he needs to keep his hands to himself?”
“Probably nothing”; Noah said. “But it was just weird is all. I just wanted to be included in the story, I guess.”
“Whatever you say”; I said as I cuddled up next to Chris. That was when I glanced at the TV. For the second time in a day, I saw someone else I recognized.
“Turn that up right now”; I exclaimed. Noah gave me an odd look, but did what I asked of him.
“…second incident in a 24-hour period has caused yet another tragedy for Lincoln High School.”
“Oh my God”; Chris said as he sat up.
“What’s wrong”; Noah asked.
“That’s our school”; I answered as I kept my eyes on the screen.
“In an unusual and unfortunate turn of events, 18-year-old Aaron Summers is now in critical condition at Seaside Memorial Hospital. According to eyewitnesses, Aaron got behind the wheel of his car and sped off while trying to impress a group of students at the school. It was then that Aaron lost control of his vehicle and slammed into an embankment off the road. The car careened to the side of a median and flipped over; causing him to be ejected from the car. He was not wearing a seatbelt. He has suffered numerous injuries; some life-threatening. Just last night, Aaron’s girlfriend, Tara McHenry, was also injured when she ran into oncoming traffic...”
“Not again”; I said as I leaned on to Chris. Chris put his arm around me and held me tight.
“…we spoke to one of the witnesses at the scene of today’s incident…”
“It was so weird. We were standing here and he decided to do some kind of trick with his car. I told him not to do it and tried to remind him of Tara, but he just said that she made him unhappy and he didn’t care. He just didn’t seem to care at all about anything.”
“There’s that word again”; Noah commented. “Unhappy. I don’t get it. What is going on?”
“How fucking creepy and weird is that”; Chris said. “First Tara and now, Aaron?”
I suddenly had a thought. I stood up and started to head towards the stairs.
“What’s going on”; Chris asked.
“I have a bad feeling about this. It’s just a little too coincidental. I’m going to check the Book of Shadows.”
Noah and Chris stood up and followed behind me to the attic.
“What exactly are you looking for”; Noah said as he followed me into the attic, followed by Chris. “What makes you think this is something demonic?”
“Think about it”; I said. “Wyatt and Aaron have had similar attitudes in the past 24 hours that seemingly came out of nowhere. Wyatt started acting weird after that weird guy touched him after lunch and something makes me think that the same weird man has something to do with Aaron’s attitude as well.” I opened up the book and searched through it.
“I think you’re looking for something where there’s just guys being guys”; Noah replied as he walked behind me, followed by Chris.
“I think and severely hope you’re wrong, if only for Wyatt’s sake”; I replied as I found something that I didn’t even know I was looking for. “Noah, does this guy look familiar?” He looked at the book and nodded.
“That’s the guy that touched Wyatt at lunch.”
“The Inhibitionist”; Chris read; “one touch from this demon relieves a person’s unhappiness by allowing them to lose their inhibitions.”
“That would explain Wyatt”; Noah said; “but, what about Aaron?”
“Aaron was a pretty timid guy before this”; I said. “He usually was just kind of Tara’s lap dog and was happy doing whatever she wanted.”
“And now”; Noah finished, “he’s in the hospital after trying to be a “rebel without a cause.”
“OK, obviously, we need to get rid of this demon”; Chris said. “Should I call our parents?”
“No”; Noah replied. “We can do this ourselves, but…we’re going to need Wyatt.”
“Oh, this is going to be a field day”; I said. “Who’s going to go to his room and get him?”
“No one”; Noah replied. He snapped his fingers and suddenly, Wyatt appeared on the couch behind us, with his headphones on his ears, connected to nothing.
“What the fuck are you doing”; he asked angrily as he stood up.
“I thought our powers couldn’t be used on each other”; I asked.
“They can’t be used to hurt each other”; Chris said. “He wasn’t using his powers to cause injury; therefore, here he is.”
“And I’m not staying”; Wyatt said as he prepared to walk away.
“Wyatt, wait up”; Noah said as he grabbed his arm. “There’s a problem.”
“Yeah, there is”; Wyatt responded. “I’m still standing here.” He pushed Noah away and I walked up to him and looked him directly in the eye.
“Look, Wyatt. Right now, I have no better idea than to knock the shit out of you. You’ve been treating us like crap for most of the day and on top of that, you made Chris feel really shitty.”
“So, what’s stopping you”; Wyatt asked, trying to egg me on.
“What’s stopping me”, I continued, “is that it’s not you really acting like this. You’re under a spell.”
“A spell”; Wyatt said with a smirk. “Really? Because I never felt better and more happy.”
“He’s right”; Chris replied as he came up behind me. “The man that touched you earlier… he was a demon. It’s all right there in the Book of Shadows.”
Wyatt glared at me as he walked passed until he reached the mantle where the Book rested. He read from it silently before looking back towards us.
“So, the reason I’m acting like this is because of some demon”; he asked.
“More or less, that’s right”; Noah responded.
“So, what’s the bad side”; Wyatt asked. “I love living without inhibitions. I do what I want to do.”
“Because it’s not all fun and games”; I answered. “There’s a reason that we all have inhibitions. Sometimes, they can get out of control.”
“Well, fuck being in control all of the time. I hate being that Wyatt... the one who sits back and watches the two of you all over each other and gets NOTHING but hard-ons and yearnings for wanting something similar. For once in my life, I’m not afraid of shit and I’m going to go after everything and ANYTHING I want. I’m sorry, but there’s no fucking problem in that with me!”
Wyatt started to walk out of the attic.
“There is a fucking problem with that”; Chris yelled, tears gleaming in his eyes. “Because of this, Aaron is now in the hospital! You want a bad side in all of this? He might die! He was attacked by the same fucking demon and now, because he was so unhappy; he crashed his car trying to impress some ditzy cheerleaders. If we don’t get this demon now or figure out how to break this spell, there’s no telling what will happen to you. I don’t want anything to happen...”
Wyatt looked at Chris as his tears started to fall.
“Chris...”; Wyatt uttered sadly; his voice filled with emotion, watching his brother cry.
Suddenly, Wyatt’s eyes and body shimmered a bright red color and just as suddenly as they had changed, they changed back. Wyatt walked to Chris and hugged him tightly.
“It’s OK”; Wyatt whispered as he held his brother close. “Everything’s OK. I’m me again. I’m sorry.”
Noah walked up to them. “Welcome back, Wyatt.”
Wyatt separated from his brother’s embrace and looked at Noah. “How did you break the spell? What happened?”
“I didn’t do anything”; Noah responded. “I guess a brother’s love is stronger than anything a demon can send out.”
“OK, you guys”; I said as I watched the three of them. “Forgive me for the reunion interruption, but there’s still the matter of this demon. We have to get rid of it before he attacks someone else.”
“I guess we need the scrying tools”; Wyatt said as he walked towards me.
“Actually”; Noah said as he approached us, “no, you don’t.”
“What do you mean”; I asked as he stepped towards the Book of Shadows. “How are we supposed to find this “Inhibitionist”?”
“I suggest you guys get ready”; he said as he closed his eyes. “Got him in my mind and…”
He snapped his fingers and there in front of us appeared the demon known as the Inhibitionist.
“Charmed Ones”; he said with a creepy smile. “I didn’t expect to face you so soon.”
“I’m sure you weren’t”; Noah replied as he stepped next to the three of us. “I bet you also weren’t expecting me.”
“No, I wasn’t”; he replied. “But, it still will be fun taking out another witch.”
“That’s definitely not going to happen”; Wyatt said as he waved his arm and sent the demon flying across the room.
“Time for a spell”; I said as I quickly walked towards the Book to find a vanquishing spell.
Noah replied with a smile. “You really haven’t figured this all out yet, haven’t you guys?” He walked in front of the three of us and said, without looking back, “Consider this my gift to you three for being the new guy.”
The demon stood up to face us and laughed. “Is that all you’ve got?”
Noah started to glow, becoming an almost blinding white light and when the light faded, he had disappeared along with it.
“What did you do to him”; I yelled at the demon.
“I did no such…”, he started to say, but before it could finish his sentence, he stopped in his tracks. He started to smoke and scream.
“What are you doing to me? What are you doing… NO!”
I looked at Chris and Wyatt; standing still and watching the sight before them as well. Obviously, they hadn’t attacked the demon either and were in as much shock as I was.
The Inhibitionist started to smoke all over and suddenly exploded into bits. When the smoke cleared, there stood Noah with a smile.
“So am I part of the group now”; he asked as he dusted himself off. “Ew, demon parts.”
Oh, yeah. He was definitely one of us.
“How are you, my love”; Pascal said to Drage as they sat in the Underworld.
Drage sighed as Pascal entered the room. “I am well.”
“What is with you lately”; Pascal said as he approached his lover. “For some reason, you seem rather upset with me. Did I do something wrong?”
“No”; Drage responded. “You have done nothing wrong.”
He held his lover’s face and looked into his eyes. “There is something wrong. I can see it when I look at you. Please tell me what it is.”
Drage walked away and sat across from Pascal. “There is nothing wrong with me and even if there was, I do not share everything with you.”
Pascal walked to where Drage had sat and smiled. “You are correct. You do not need to share everything that is wrong with you. I am sorry.”
“So am I”; Drage replied.
Pascal looked deep into Drage’s eyes.
“What is it”; Drage asked.
“You know, there really is something different with you. I just cannot figure out what it is.” Drage stood up and walked across the lair.
“I’m the same person I’ve always been”; Drage responded. “It is you that has changed.”
“I have not changed, either, my love”; Pascal answered. “Just because I am now the Source does not mean that I am that different.”
Drage looked the man he was slowly beginning to detest, although he still had no reason why he had began to feel that way.
“You know, that’s an interesting term you just used”; Pascal commented as he walked towards his lover once more.
“What are you talking about now?”
“You said, “I’m the same person”; not “I’m the same demon”.”
Drage realized his error. “You know what I meant, love. There is nothing wrong or different with me. I am fine. Please drop the subject now.”
“I guess you need some time alone”; Pascal said as he stood up. “If you need me, you know where to find me.” Pascal kissed Drage lightly on his lips and then, shimmered away.
“You have changed”; Drage said out loud. “And apparently, so have I.”
The only thing Drage didn’t know is if he would be OK with this change… and if it could be for the better.
“I was such a fucking jerk. I can’t believe I acted that way towards you guys”; Wyatt said as we all hung out in the room that night. Noah had gone to his room to watch some TV, but not before magically changing Wyatt’s bed into a king-size. Chris, Wyatt and I were all lying in Wyatt’s new bed, trying to help him feel better.
“It’s OK, bro”; Chris responded. “That wasn’t your fault.”
“Yes, it kind of was”; Wyatt continued. “The demon set me free of my inhibitions, but in the back of my mind, I had all of that stuff and anger there. It wasn’t all his fault.”
I laid my head on Wyatt’s chest. “Look, Wyatt. We’re all a bit at fault. We weren’t in the best of moods to begin with this morning. And maybe we’ve been putting a lot on you when it comes to me and Chris’ relationship.”
“I don’t mind that at all”; Wyatt said. “I like being you guys’ confidante and best friend. It’s kind of cool and sweet at the same time.”
“Oh, my God”; Chris said as he laid on Wyatt’s chest next to me. “Did Wyatt Halliwell just say “sweet”?”
“I believe we really are rubbing off on him”; I replied with a smile.
“Well, considering your positions right now”; Wyatt said back to us with a lewd wink.
I looked at Chris and we both hit Wyatt at the same time upside his head.
“OK, OK, I was just joking”; he said with a giggle. “But, seriously, I don’t want to secretly have any kind of anger or animosity when it comes to you two. You’re not only my brothers, but you’re my best friends as well.”
“We thought Noah was your new best friend”; I said.
“Nope. He’s cool and all, but he doesn’t compare in the least to you two”; he replied back.
I looked at Chris and winked at him. He caught my drift and we both climbed up and kissed him one at a time; first Chris and then me.
“What was that for”; he asked with a smile. “Not that it wasn’t wanted.”
“Let’s just say your apology is accepted”; I said with an equal smile on my face.
“Without a doubt”; Chris added.
“Then, I feel a bit better”; he replied.
“Good”; Chris said as he crawled from his space and started to leave. I stood up to join him.
“Where are you guys going”; Wyatt asked.
“We’re going to Chris’s room and crawling into his bed”; I answered.
“Can you guys just… never mind”; Wyatt said.
“What”; Chris asked. “What were you going to ask us?”
“Well... There’s plenty of room in my new bed. I was kind of hoping… if you guys would stay here for the night”; he answered with total sincerity. Then, in total Wyatt fashion, he added, “I promise I won’t try anything other than some cuddling.”
Chris and I looked at each other for a second.
“Well”; I said telepathically to Chris.
“It’s up to you, my love”; he responded back. I thought about it for another second and crawled back into my spot on Wyatt’s bed. Chris followed suit and crawled back into his spot as well. I laid back on Wyatt’s chest and Chris joined me.
“So, what happened with Aaron? Is he OK”; Wyatt asked.
“He’s OK, thank God”; I responded. “A little worse for wear, but he’ll be fine.”
“And what about him and Tara?”
“They’re going to be OK too”; Chris said. “He wheeled himself into her room with a dozen of roses, his letterman’s jacket and a necklace, thanks to some help from us and Noah. He made up something about being confused and taking some time to realize what he wanted. She forgave him and decided to work things out with him.”
“That’s good”; Wyatt responded. “So, all is right with the world.”
“Seems like”; I said with a smile. “You know, this is kind of nice… us cuddling and all.”
“It is”; Chris said. “And I’m surprised Wyatt isn’t going to try anything with us.”
“Well, after today”; Wyatt started, “this is just fine with me for now.”
“Did something happen that we don’t know about, bro”; Chris asked.
“Well”; Wyatt said, “I kind of...”
“Kind of what”; I said.
Wyatt glanced away as he said, “Kind of almost had sex with Caleb.”
“You did what”; Chris and I both shouted out.
“Well, I have to apologize to him tomorrow. Long story, but, let’s just say it was definitely interesting.”
“And how was it, honestly”; Chris asked.
“Yep. Tell us everything”; I added.
Wyatt groaned and laughed a bit. This was definitely going to be an interesting night.