To start, not all file servers are dead. I work with Rapid Share and it still works fine. That the money part changed is not more than fair. It is not decent to earn money with stolen property. Of course it is also not decent to share stolen property, but that is legally a more difficult matter, I think. Compare it with a bank who offers the facility of personal safes. You pay to use a safe. The bank offers you privacy. They will not check what you put in it. That is the game, so are the rules. When you put stolen property in your safe it will not be a legal reason to close the bank. Things will change when the bank offers you money to use a personal safe. When they find out that the result of this facility is that many people use it to store stolen property, they will take action to declare that facility illegal.
I know that the USA is rather willful in their behavior, but I don’t think they have the power to impose the rest of the world. In Europe they will find a lot of opponents. Except my country, The Netherlands, which behaves as a lap dog from the USA. But our current government will fall pretty soon and things will change. We have a nice expression in Dutch: the soup will never been eaten as hot as it is served, what actually means do not worry too much.