I didn't really like this video or this song, after hearing it once through, I now change the dial to something else with more of a beat. I understand that the message is important, but it doesn't really give me pleasure in my short drive to tedious kingdom.
Now, I know people object to people saying this, but I never like Madonna. She was freeing at first, like Italians, but then a bit gross afterward. Not sure why, but she gave me the goose pimples.
My best friend and I are secret Britney fans, you'll never be able to drag those words out of my mouth, but I do jump and wiggle around with a brush in hand in my house, behind closed doors, windows and curtains.
But on topic, she could be a gay icon, but I don't think so. But then again, she did speak at that rally for us gays and she definitely knows how to spot that gay finger shake.