Ofcourse its ok to be gay...its not the label (gay, bi, curious or straight), the important thing is to acknowledge that you have feelings for guys and its ok and natural/confortable to you.
Its being true to yourself and your feelings. Don't buy into stereotypes that's out there in the society (some people are just insecure and throw anything just to hide that insecurity!)
Personally...I've always been into girls until there's been a kinda nudging, i had to face it and acknowledge that some guys seem to be attracted to me. Never been with a guy, but i've been kissed out of the blue (while being drunk) by a guy at a party (memorable i tell ya :rofl
And there's been instances where a guy tried to woo me. I do have to admit that i admire beauty (inner and outer) in both girls and guys. And all this makes me really curious now