I go everyday. Like Blammy said, it becomes addictive. In a good sort of way. I would go crazy if I didn't.
I used to work out alone all the time. Now there is always somebody there that I work out with. After a while you get to know the regulars and peoples schedule. In my case a couple people have asked for advice on working certain muscle groups, so now we just work out together.
They are married with kids, and that's fine. We are there for a different reason. Although the locker rooms and showers can be rather fun!!!!
If your starting out the thing you MUST learn is proper form!! And you don't get that from watching others. To many people have bad form, and if you try to copy that, you won't accomplish much.
I can't tell you how many people I watch and laugh at thinking they are doing such great heavy arm curls, yet they are NOT using their biceps at all, they use their lower back, momentum and their shoulder. Not going to get much of a bicep that way.
I would recommend starting with a trainer, and just for an hour for maybe 3 sessions. Then they can teach you the proper form and more than just some basic stuff.
Feel free to PM me any time.