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Hi everyone. this is my first time posting something this big, but I felt like posting something personal. I dont know if its the right place to put it so if i did something i shouldnt i ask the mods to move/delete the thread as they see fit.
Moving on to the content, English is not my first language so i apologize for the huge wall of text that follows. Hope you like it and im open to suggestions.
-------------- INTRODUCTION: -------------------------------------------
This is a slice of my life story, it revolves around "Max"(me) as the main Character, and the people who made me what i am today.
Unless otherwise specified all characters are caucasian. No racism intended.
All names used are Fictional and do not reflect the real characters name.
"Good" Twin Brother:
The introverted brother. Always hiding in his older brother's shadow.
Physically similar to Matt, but different enough for his friends to know who they are talking to.
He took the "they-look-the-same-so-they-must-be-the-same" ride in school granting him scores identical to his brother,
but, at the same time losing his identity as an individual.
He never had girlfriend nor a boyfriend.
He always questioned his sexual orientation, though he lets it ride and waits to see what happens, believing
the future, although uncertain, is already written and will bring something for him.
"Evil" Twin Brother:
With an authorative personality, he always enjoyed bossing around.
Possibly possessing a god complex(I-think-i-am-god-worship-me-you-fool complex
He treats his brother like shit constantly calling names and scheming to make Max work for him,
maybe taking Max for granted, thinking he wont find anyone as better as him.
The few pleasure he has in life are, When not degrading Max:
Girls; Shouting at the computer; Bossing People Ranging from Friend to Family;
Computer Programming; Web Design; etc...
She is a smart and funny girl. She has a cute face, a lovely smile, and a goddess like brown hair.
Though she has some "junk-in-the-trunk", she makes up for it with some awsome tongue tricks while kissing.
She enjoys all kinds of music, preferring indi-rock. Her favorite movie type is romance. >_>
She also likes to read books ALOT. She's a bit smaller than Max.
Hes 1,85m tall, weight unknown. He has the slim but buff look.
He has a short black hair that curls in his forehead.
Very dark brown eyes complementing his thin black eyebrows, while his nose gently slides down his face with just the right size.
Ending his face, is a small mouth with light pink lips.
His beard appears young but strong. He shaves it when it starts to notice just a little.
Max likes Keith's ears because they grow small hairs inside. (fuzzy :3)
--Keith's History:
- Since young, keith had to help his parents run a restaurant, which made him grow in size and strength.
Hanging around with your parents and old folk isnt very healthy, so Keith chooses to NOT follow their footsteps.
At school Keiths isolates himself never finding someone to relate and not even trying.
His routine starts with going to school, going home, read a book, eat dinner alone(his parents are at the restaurant all day and nnight),
go to sleep, and restart the day.
He isnt very bright when it comes to studies though and falls a couple of years behind. Eventually reaching Max's class.
Never Had someone to care enough for him he lives his days as pure boredom never leaving out of his bubble.
Max saw how Keith was feeling and tried to create a true friendship. (tried to pull him out of his loopwhole is more like it)
- Informatic Center: We make computers, sell them, and some informatic services
------------------------ CHAPTER 1 - Summer Beacon ----------------------------------------
Inspirational Music:
- Flashdance - She Is A Maniac
It was a hot Summer night, in the middle of September.
The sky was clear and you could perfectly see the moon.
I had just turn 17 recently and was hanging out near the beach with some of my friends:
"Rose", my twin brother "Matt", his girlfriend, and some friends. A group totaling 8 teens(4 guys and 4 girls).
We were walking the stone road that connects all the beaches (lol).
Passing by all the beach clubs, even though we were outside, we could perfectly hear what was playing.
Rose and i had crossed arms like a real couple, even though we never got beyond that.
She knew for a long time i was into her, from our group of friends.
Everyone was pushing me to tell her my feelings.
But everytime i got close to her, i would lose my words and go silent (mute button
Either way, we were reaching a dead end near the rocks surrounded by the sea, where the fishermen usually go.
It was high tide, so once in a while the water would crash against the rocks like an old japanese movie opening.
we reached the end, and she faced me with a smile, she took my glasses, and pressed a kiss on my mouth.
I closed my eyes, and we started kissing passionately, we stayed like that for some good 10 minutes.
we smiled to each other and went on to catch up with the group.
That was the day of my first kiss.
--------------------- CHAPTER 2 - Summer Rain ---------------------------------
Beyonce - Sweet Dreams [Medicin Mix]
I was happy, for once i was with the girl i liked. I could think nothing but a bright future.
I could picture living with her in a beautiful house, having 2.5 kids (country average), maybe a dog (always wanted one)
have the perfect wedding, grow old, the usual stuff
The following days, our group continued to gather at each others house, either to party, hangout, watch a movie,
and now, make out
But these days would soon come to an end, because the school season had started.
Me and Rose were spending less and less time with each other, essays, tests, projects, group works, and then i got
an afternoon job to top it off.
This job got me so tired because i had school in the morning starting from 8am, and by lunch time i had to go to
the store(job) and work till 8 pm.
then i would go home (1 hour trip) eat dinner and still do homework. Naturally we would only meet on weekends,
and when her schedule would eat her weekends, we would not even meet that week.
One day at school, there was some student-made jewelry sale(neclaces,rings, earrings, girly stuff
I took a quick look, and did a double take, thats when i saw this nice ring.
It was a Dark blue ring, with small yellow star-like-dots which resembled a starry night sky.
I thought it was cool to offer her so i bought it to offer the next time i meet her.
---------------------------- CHAPTER 3 - Nightfall -------------------------------------
- Heather Headley - In My Mind (Freemasons Mix)
- Armin Van buuren - Broken Tonight
A few months went....
It was early December and a friend from the group was having a birthday party at his house.
Obviously we met there and Rose greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.
I sensed something was wrong but nothing too stressful.
So we watched a movie, told jokes, played some console games (singstars xD), had pizza, had cake, (yum :3)
until it got late.
She promptly asked me if she could talk to me in private before everyone else leaves, to not make it look awkward.
We steped outside, and she stared me and said:
- You know "Max"(first time my fictional name appears xD), we havent been going out as much as we used to lately,
and that made me grow distant from you.
- I guess... i just dont know you enough.
- We can still be friends, just less intimate.
To which i replied:
- I know i havent been able to be there during the week, but i still exchange messages to you, to tell you i care,
and during the weekends i am available despite my schedule, i wanted to be with you, but you gave up on trying.
- I had bought this ring, for the next time i meet you, give it to you. But now, it lost its meaning.
- Keep it, otherwise i'll just throw it away.
So i gave her the ring, and she puts it inside her purse.
I thought she was gonna dump it on the first toilet that comes her way, but then i didnt really care.
She ended with:
- i hope you can understand....
I interrupted:
- I do, i do. Dont worry about it. Im cool.
And with a fake smile i moved on. i accompanied her home, with an empty mind.
The next day, the heart pains...
------------------------------ CHAPTER 2.5 - The (italian) Job (not really xD) ----------------------------------
Bob Sinclair - Love Generation
This afternoon Job started out as school work from my course, in the midst of October.
Basically my Main teacher contacts some job companies,
and the students work there in small groups(ranging from 1-3) for a set number of hours(200 and something) for free.
Its something to make us get used to the work environment and motivate the students.
After the set hours, the company grades the students based on their performance and some capacities.
So i got sent to a micro company(with less than 8 employees) - we can call it InfoCenter -, we 2 other collegues:
"Derek" and "Keith".
Keith, Derek and I were nothing but students, with a friendly relationship.
We kinda helped each other out when we need it.
But i started spending more time with Keith.
Everyday, i would catch the same bus as Keith, to go to Work. The trip was long, so we had a lot of time to talk.
Even though some times he would talk to much (xD).
Everyday i would get to know him better, he would tell me his life stories, talk about his family, his hobbies,
his soccer passion, and what we had in common.
At his age(20) he never had a girlfriend, and i was kinda curious why, but never asked.
To me he seemed straight as an arrow (xD) but never made a comment about a cute girl walking by. (Neither did i)
We would go to the same school, go to work on the same bus, have lunch at the same place, work at the same place...
So it was a matter of time until we started to "male bond". We started to create a nice relationship.
Since he was older he would treat me like his younger brother, Poke, tickle, or harrass me when i wasnt looking,
just to get me mad. And since he was older and stronger, he would always beat me.
We started to be best mates, so i would invite him to hangout with the group and introduce newblood.
He adapted nicely and everyone liked him, which made me praise myself
I was having a good time, and he made those long trips pleasant, and even though i was away from Rose,
i was kinda happy or entertained...
------------------ CHAPTER 4 - ... they tried to make me go to Rehab but i said No, no, YES.... -------------------
Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart
This heart pain felt like a poison. Everytime i think about what she said, it hurts more.
1000 questions racing through my mind: why did she....?; why didnt i...?; why would she..?; What could i have done?....
It felt like a rollercoaster of negative emotions.
In the place where once was a heart, now there was only a dark hole, an uneasy feeling, a lack of apetite,
a crushed pride...
I was lonely again.... ='(
It was not long after, that a collegue friend - "Gary" - invited me (on the next day) to a game convention,
where all the "game nerds" go to play games against each others in tournaments and win prizes.
This was in the middle of December, right before the christmas vacations start.
We would go there to have fun, and perhaps let go of the pain i was going through.
It was a 3 day stay, so we had to take sleeping bags and food to survive (like camping indoors xD).
There, slowly, my heart mended while i would end my questions with self-conforting answers, i was in rehab.(amy w.)
Since Gary and i werent really close, i wouldnt open myself with my problems, which might have made me look cold,
or less talkative. Despite this we played a bit of everything there was: pc, ps3, xbox, even wii
Thats when i found my passion for the wii console and my desire to buy one was born. //offtopic
There were also sports outside for those who wanted free air instead of being confined to a Gym-converted-convention.
These days would pass and soon i returned home, with a half-ass mended heart.
------------------------------- CHAPTER 5 - One's best friend is... Oneself! --------------------------------------
Gaudino and Ultra Nate - Bittersweet Melody (KTF Vocal mix)
Christmas and new year came and went, and all that was left was the remaining food from the after-party.
In January, my first school day was marked as the last day of work, i had worked during the holidays,
given i was out in the game convention, so now i had make up time on the store, and Keith volunteered to go with me,
so i wouldnt have to be alone at the store.
I was both happy and sad at the same time, i had created nice memories in that place.
I enjoyed being there with my friends and the boss was nice enough to give me some money,
even though we were free work slaves
But at the same time i wouldnt be going back there again anytime soon because of the distance.
Meanwhile my friendly group was going through some Drama, a girl said something about one of the boys,
and posted some stuff on hi5 and myspace which caused alot of dilemmas,
and the group started to create factions and people began taking sides, and stopped talking to each others.
Anyway, new year wasnt starting as we expected, at school my twin brother "Matt" started noticing me and
"Keith" hanging out alot and being best buddies.
Ever since we were little, me and Matt had the same friends, starting from first grade, elementary, all the way to highschool.
This time i had made a friend outside of the repetitve circle of brotherhood. (lool)
My brother didnt like this, as he enjoys having power, he quickly devised a plan to take Keith from me.
(Matt has the "nasty rib" which makes him enjoy watching me suffer - dun ask lool)
Everyday he took advantage of "oh-they-are-the-same" and made Keith do things for him, such as buy stuff,
pick on me, carry his stuff, get lunch for him, etc...
And in return, he would praise Keith with fake smiles and evil laughter, and promises of good times.
I started to drift away...
Until two weeks later...
Matt was chatting in msn with Keith, and he asked Keith:
- Hey Keith do you like my brother? which do you prefer me or him?
Keith's Reply:
- Of course its you, i dont like your brother that much honestly...
The stage was set, now he only needed me. So Matt calls me to his room, because he has something to show me.
When i read it, i get devastated:
- I-Is that Keith? Why did he say that? I cant believe it....
- My only true friend! And he hates me. What did i do to him?
- Me? i didnt do anything. Im just showing you who he his.
- You should be glad i showed you this instead of finding out on your back.
I left his room enraged, with tears in my eyes i went to my room,
and i jumped to the bed face down, while grasping the sheets with my hands, i cried....
My mended heart was broken..... Again...
-------------------------------- CHAPTER 6 - Enter... the Darkness ---------------------------------------------
Deadmau5 - Ghosts n Stuff
Noidz - Close Encounter
The tears had left my heart, but the rage was still inside.
"How can someone be so fake, as to purposedly say that on your back?"
That was the question the kept my anger going...
From there on, i started the cold shoulder treatment, and act as he never existed.
I would pass by him, not even greet him, and he would stare at me stupidly.
Sometimes he would poke me to see if i responded, but i would grab his finger and twist it until he stopped doing it.
I was in a foul mood everyday and as i grew darker, so did my schemes...
It would pass his birthday (March),
and i couldnt care less, pardon, i cared, so i made him a very SPECIAL birthday present... >
I could say my photoshop skills are medium at best, but at that time all i cared about was having REVENGE!
So my birthday present to him was:
- A First page of a newspaper with a headline of a Pedophile and how he got caught and what he did to his victims. (very detailed)
+ a picture of him as the Pedophile + apply Dark Arts (photoshop) + Show to whole class. // Dark Arts is kinda like zombify
| _____ |
|~~|O O|~~|
|~~| < |~~| <-- his face in the center
|~~| [] |~~|
"This is it, for what you made me go through, public humiliation shall be your downfall."
The whole class was very amused, even my brother chuckled a couple of times,
all laughed, even the teacher was crying with laughter, all... except for him.
But he showed no emotion whatsoever. He looked at it with indiference, the cold look he gave it made me boil inside.
And instead of achieving my revenge, i got angrier.
It was the end of the school year, and still he never asked not even once, why did i all of the sudden started
to treat him like that. He just went: "oh you're not talking today? fine ill talk to someone else"
And that was what royally pissed me off.
Of course my brother was getting the laugh of his life, as he enjoyed the drama that he had caused,
not even telling Keith why i was angry in the first place.
After school ended (early June), Matt decided to reveal to Keith why i was angry with him, as his "coup de grace"
(AKA Final Death Blow, cherry on top of the cake, etc)
Following the truth, Keith felt manipulated and deceived by Matt, realizing his mistake and how late it was to fix it,
Keith ultimately decides to not talk to Matt ever again as to solve the "twin problem".
---------------------- CHAPTER 5.5 - Memories of a broken Heart -------------------------------------
Plumb - Hang On [Dave Aude Radio Mix]
- I dont know anymore...
- What is going on inside me....
- Is it anguish, despair, anger, happiness, sadness, joy, emotions... good and bad ones...
- This heart break ... its different...
- It feels like shattering glass..
As i wondered to myself what to do, should i move on, how would i do it...
I started to remember why i liked being with him....
I liked his smell, he had a mixture of deodorant, cologne, and chewing gum all mixed into an addcting aroma (im weird xD)
Second: His figure. The simple elements of his face, brought peace and harmony while talking or looking at him. Never boring me.
third: His personality, nice, funny, happy-go-lucky, and at times supportive,
a caring brother-like figure, with lots of space to work with, his heart was still shapeable (able to switch shape
And with each passing day, my heart ached..
- Whats wrong with me?
- Why do i miss that good-for-nothing bastard?
- Is this "Rose-sickness" all over again?
- why him?
- Why must LOVE punish me?
- Why does it hurt so much....?
I dont know how long i can endure this....
----------------------- CHAPTER 7 - What must be done ----------------------------------------------
Wamdue project ft Jonathan Mendelsohn - Forgiveness (EK's Love U Mix)
It was July, one week before i would turn 18...
New Year's Resolution turned upside down, so i decided, i would have fresh start when i turn 18 (legally adult), my Resolution:
- Undo the shit i had done, make peace with everyone, and hopefully end all the drama.
The toughest step, was talking to him, i knew it wasnt easy. I had been praticing a speech for quite some time.
I had no idea how he would react and probably that was what scared me the most.
Still i had to do it, my conscious was eating me inside, so i "manned up"(man up!) and went to his place.
The Sky was cloudy, but it was a hot Summer Day nonetheless.
My heart was pounding, almost wanting to come out and leave me behind in front of his door.
I ringed his house and soon he came, surprised to see me, but with an indifferent look, he asked in a low voice:
- What do you want?
Very nervously, looking at him and down occasionaly i replied:
- I came here, to talk to you and apologise for all those nasty things i did to you.
- I know i did alot of bad things and i dont expect you to forgive, just to hear me out.
- I didnt know you felt like i wasnt you're friend, i considered you more than that and still you said those things...
He interrupted:
- What things? The msn with your brother? I was just joking with him, it wasnt for real!
i raised my voice:
- EVEN JOKINGLY, sometimes what you say may hurt others, im not made of steel to have a cold heart,
- im sorry, i really thought i knew you better!
- The time we spent at InfoCenter and the memories we made there dont mean anything to you?
- ... They do ... but... im sorry. I screwed up. :/
- i dont know what to say...
- I do. You never even tried to ask me why i was angry, you just played along.
- that shows how much you cared...
- i was.. with your brother...
- he said you were crazy because of your ex-girlfriend...
- I... I was feeling down and i needed a friend...
- I thought you were there for me... i fell and hit harder...
- .....
- Im not very good with words, still, i came here to apologize, so...
- im sorry!
- There i said it. Goodbye Keith...
As i start to turn and walk away he grabs my right arm and conjures some words:
- WAIT! Max.
- I dont hate you or your brother... Im just angry we got this all messed up.
- ....
- Do you think... we can still be friends?
Max with a teary eye:
- :')
i shook his hand, and we made up(peace).
I went home...
My chest felt lighter.
And what seemed a cloudy day, had turned to a clear sunny afternoon.
------------------------ End of Chapter 7 ----------------------------
More Chapters will follow later, they contain a more sexually active Max, as his struggle with his feelings for Keith, some plot twists will emerge as to whom will Max stay with.
What happened to Rose? Where is Matt? Will Max finally tell Keith?
If you have any question please write below. thank you for your time
Moving on to the content, English is not my first language so i apologize for the huge wall of text that follows. Hope you like it and im open to suggestions.
-------------- INTRODUCTION: -------------------------------------------
This is a slice of my life story, it revolves around "Max"(me) as the main Character, and the people who made me what i am today.
Unless otherwise specified all characters are caucasian. No racism intended.
All names used are Fictional and do not reflect the real characters name.
"Good" Twin Brother:
The introverted brother. Always hiding in his older brother's shadow.
Physically similar to Matt, but different enough for his friends to know who they are talking to.
He took the "they-look-the-same-so-they-must-be-the-same" ride in school granting him scores identical to his brother,
but, at the same time losing his identity as an individual.
He never had girlfriend nor a boyfriend.
He always questioned his sexual orientation, though he lets it ride and waits to see what happens, believing
the future, although uncertain, is already written and will bring something for him.
"Evil" Twin Brother:
With an authorative personality, he always enjoyed bossing around.
Possibly possessing a god complex(I-think-i-am-god-worship-me-you-fool complex
He treats his brother like shit constantly calling names and scheming to make Max work for him,
maybe taking Max for granted, thinking he wont find anyone as better as him.
The few pleasure he has in life are, When not degrading Max:
Girls; Shouting at the computer; Bossing People Ranging from Friend to Family;
Computer Programming; Web Design; etc...
She is a smart and funny girl. She has a cute face, a lovely smile, and a goddess like brown hair.
Though she has some "junk-in-the-trunk", she makes up for it with some awsome tongue tricks while kissing.
She enjoys all kinds of music, preferring indi-rock. Her favorite movie type is romance. >_>
She also likes to read books ALOT. She's a bit smaller than Max.
Hes 1,85m tall, weight unknown. He has the slim but buff look.
He has a short black hair that curls in his forehead.
Very dark brown eyes complementing his thin black eyebrows, while his nose gently slides down his face with just the right size.
Ending his face, is a small mouth with light pink lips.
His beard appears young but strong. He shaves it when it starts to notice just a little.
Max likes Keith's ears because they grow small hairs inside. (fuzzy :3)
--Keith's History:
- Since young, keith had to help his parents run a restaurant, which made him grow in size and strength.
Hanging around with your parents and old folk isnt very healthy, so Keith chooses to NOT follow their footsteps.
At school Keiths isolates himself never finding someone to relate and not even trying.
His routine starts with going to school, going home, read a book, eat dinner alone(his parents are at the restaurant all day and nnight),
go to sleep, and restart the day.
He isnt very bright when it comes to studies though and falls a couple of years behind. Eventually reaching Max's class.
Never Had someone to care enough for him he lives his days as pure boredom never leaving out of his bubble.
Max saw how Keith was feeling and tried to create a true friendship. (tried to pull him out of his loopwhole is more like it)
- Informatic Center: We make computers, sell them, and some informatic services
------------------------ CHAPTER 1 - Summer Beacon ----------------------------------------
Inspirational Music:
- Flashdance - She Is A Maniac
It was a hot Summer night, in the middle of September.
The sky was clear and you could perfectly see the moon.
I had just turn 17 recently and was hanging out near the beach with some of my friends:
"Rose", my twin brother "Matt", his girlfriend, and some friends. A group totaling 8 teens(4 guys and 4 girls).
We were walking the stone road that connects all the beaches (lol).
Passing by all the beach clubs, even though we were outside, we could perfectly hear what was playing.
Rose and i had crossed arms like a real couple, even though we never got beyond that.
She knew for a long time i was into her, from our group of friends.
Everyone was pushing me to tell her my feelings.
But everytime i got close to her, i would lose my words and go silent (mute button
Either way, we were reaching a dead end near the rocks surrounded by the sea, where the fishermen usually go.
It was high tide, so once in a while the water would crash against the rocks like an old japanese movie opening.
we reached the end, and she faced me with a smile, she took my glasses, and pressed a kiss on my mouth.
I closed my eyes, and we started kissing passionately, we stayed like that for some good 10 minutes.
we smiled to each other and went on to catch up with the group.
That was the day of my first kiss.
--------------------- CHAPTER 2 - Summer Rain ---------------------------------
Beyonce - Sweet Dreams [Medicin Mix]
I was happy, for once i was with the girl i liked. I could think nothing but a bright future.
I could picture living with her in a beautiful house, having 2.5 kids (country average), maybe a dog (always wanted one)
have the perfect wedding, grow old, the usual stuff
The following days, our group continued to gather at each others house, either to party, hangout, watch a movie,
and now, make out
But these days would soon come to an end, because the school season had started.
Me and Rose were spending less and less time with each other, essays, tests, projects, group works, and then i got
an afternoon job to top it off.
This job got me so tired because i had school in the morning starting from 8am, and by lunch time i had to go to
the store(job) and work till 8 pm.
then i would go home (1 hour trip) eat dinner and still do homework. Naturally we would only meet on weekends,
and when her schedule would eat her weekends, we would not even meet that week.
One day at school, there was some student-made jewelry sale(neclaces,rings, earrings, girly stuff
I took a quick look, and did a double take, thats when i saw this nice ring.
It was a Dark blue ring, with small yellow star-like-dots which resembled a starry night sky.
I thought it was cool to offer her so i bought it to offer the next time i meet her.
---------------------------- CHAPTER 3 - Nightfall -------------------------------------
- Heather Headley - In My Mind (Freemasons Mix)
- Armin Van buuren - Broken Tonight
A few months went....
It was early December and a friend from the group was having a birthday party at his house.
Obviously we met there and Rose greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.
I sensed something was wrong but nothing too stressful.
So we watched a movie, told jokes, played some console games (singstars xD), had pizza, had cake, (yum :3)
until it got late.
She promptly asked me if she could talk to me in private before everyone else leaves, to not make it look awkward.
We steped outside, and she stared me and said:
- You know "Max"(first time my fictional name appears xD), we havent been going out as much as we used to lately,
and that made me grow distant from you.
- I guess... i just dont know you enough.
- We can still be friends, just less intimate.
To which i replied:
- I know i havent been able to be there during the week, but i still exchange messages to you, to tell you i care,
and during the weekends i am available despite my schedule, i wanted to be with you, but you gave up on trying.
- I had bought this ring, for the next time i meet you, give it to you. But now, it lost its meaning.
- Keep it, otherwise i'll just throw it away.
So i gave her the ring, and she puts it inside her purse.
I thought she was gonna dump it on the first toilet that comes her way, but then i didnt really care.
She ended with:
- i hope you can understand....
I interrupted:
- I do, i do. Dont worry about it. Im cool.
And with a fake smile i moved on. i accompanied her home, with an empty mind.
The next day, the heart pains...
------------------------------ CHAPTER 2.5 - The (italian) Job (not really xD) ----------------------------------
Bob Sinclair - Love Generation
This afternoon Job started out as school work from my course, in the midst of October.
Basically my Main teacher contacts some job companies,
and the students work there in small groups(ranging from 1-3) for a set number of hours(200 and something) for free.
Its something to make us get used to the work environment and motivate the students.
After the set hours, the company grades the students based on their performance and some capacities.
So i got sent to a micro company(with less than 8 employees) - we can call it InfoCenter -, we 2 other collegues:
"Derek" and "Keith".
Keith, Derek and I were nothing but students, with a friendly relationship.
We kinda helped each other out when we need it.
But i started spending more time with Keith.
Everyday, i would catch the same bus as Keith, to go to Work. The trip was long, so we had a lot of time to talk.
Even though some times he would talk to much (xD).
Everyday i would get to know him better, he would tell me his life stories, talk about his family, his hobbies,
his soccer passion, and what we had in common.
At his age(20) he never had a girlfriend, and i was kinda curious why, but never asked.
To me he seemed straight as an arrow (xD) but never made a comment about a cute girl walking by. (Neither did i)
We would go to the same school, go to work on the same bus, have lunch at the same place, work at the same place...
So it was a matter of time until we started to "male bond". We started to create a nice relationship.
Since he was older he would treat me like his younger brother, Poke, tickle, or harrass me when i wasnt looking,
just to get me mad. And since he was older and stronger, he would always beat me.
We started to be best mates, so i would invite him to hangout with the group and introduce newblood.
He adapted nicely and everyone liked him, which made me praise myself
I was having a good time, and he made those long trips pleasant, and even though i was away from Rose,
i was kinda happy or entertained...
------------------ CHAPTER 4 - ... they tried to make me go to Rehab but i said No, no, YES.... -------------------
Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart
This heart pain felt like a poison. Everytime i think about what she said, it hurts more.
1000 questions racing through my mind: why did she....?; why didnt i...?; why would she..?; What could i have done?....
It felt like a rollercoaster of negative emotions.
In the place where once was a heart, now there was only a dark hole, an uneasy feeling, a lack of apetite,
a crushed pride...
I was lonely again.... ='(
It was not long after, that a collegue friend - "Gary" - invited me (on the next day) to a game convention,
where all the "game nerds" go to play games against each others in tournaments and win prizes.
This was in the middle of December, right before the christmas vacations start.
We would go there to have fun, and perhaps let go of the pain i was going through.
It was a 3 day stay, so we had to take sleeping bags and food to survive (like camping indoors xD).
There, slowly, my heart mended while i would end my questions with self-conforting answers, i was in rehab.(amy w.)
Since Gary and i werent really close, i wouldnt open myself with my problems, which might have made me look cold,
or less talkative. Despite this we played a bit of everything there was: pc, ps3, xbox, even wii
Thats when i found my passion for the wii console and my desire to buy one was born. //offtopic
There were also sports outside for those who wanted free air instead of being confined to a Gym-converted-convention.
These days would pass and soon i returned home, with a half-ass mended heart.
------------------------------- CHAPTER 5 - One's best friend is... Oneself! --------------------------------------
Gaudino and Ultra Nate - Bittersweet Melody (KTF Vocal mix)
Christmas and new year came and went, and all that was left was the remaining food from the after-party.
In January, my first school day was marked as the last day of work, i had worked during the holidays,
given i was out in the game convention, so now i had make up time on the store, and Keith volunteered to go with me,
so i wouldnt have to be alone at the store.
I was both happy and sad at the same time, i had created nice memories in that place.
I enjoyed being there with my friends and the boss was nice enough to give me some money,
even though we were free work slaves
But at the same time i wouldnt be going back there again anytime soon because of the distance.
Meanwhile my friendly group was going through some Drama, a girl said something about one of the boys,
and posted some stuff on hi5 and myspace which caused alot of dilemmas,
and the group started to create factions and people began taking sides, and stopped talking to each others.
Anyway, new year wasnt starting as we expected, at school my twin brother "Matt" started noticing me and
"Keith" hanging out alot and being best buddies.
Ever since we were little, me and Matt had the same friends, starting from first grade, elementary, all the way to highschool.
This time i had made a friend outside of the repetitve circle of brotherhood. (lool)
My brother didnt like this, as he enjoys having power, he quickly devised a plan to take Keith from me.
(Matt has the "nasty rib" which makes him enjoy watching me suffer - dun ask lool)
Everyday he took advantage of "oh-they-are-the-same" and made Keith do things for him, such as buy stuff,
pick on me, carry his stuff, get lunch for him, etc...
And in return, he would praise Keith with fake smiles and evil laughter, and promises of good times.
I started to drift away...
Until two weeks later...
Matt was chatting in msn with Keith, and he asked Keith:
- Hey Keith do you like my brother? which do you prefer me or him?
Keith's Reply:
- Of course its you, i dont like your brother that much honestly...
The stage was set, now he only needed me. So Matt calls me to his room, because he has something to show me.
When i read it, i get devastated:
- I-Is that Keith? Why did he say that? I cant believe it....
- My only true friend! And he hates me. What did i do to him?
- Me? i didnt do anything. Im just showing you who he his.
- You should be glad i showed you this instead of finding out on your back.
I left his room enraged, with tears in my eyes i went to my room,
and i jumped to the bed face down, while grasping the sheets with my hands, i cried....
My mended heart was broken..... Again...
-------------------------------- CHAPTER 6 - Enter... the Darkness ---------------------------------------------
Deadmau5 - Ghosts n Stuff
Noidz - Close Encounter
The tears had left my heart, but the rage was still inside.
"How can someone be so fake, as to purposedly say that on your back?"
That was the question the kept my anger going...
From there on, i started the cold shoulder treatment, and act as he never existed.
I would pass by him, not even greet him, and he would stare at me stupidly.
Sometimes he would poke me to see if i responded, but i would grab his finger and twist it until he stopped doing it.
I was in a foul mood everyday and as i grew darker, so did my schemes...
It would pass his birthday (March),
and i couldnt care less, pardon, i cared, so i made him a very SPECIAL birthday present... >
I could say my photoshop skills are medium at best, but at that time all i cared about was having REVENGE!
So my birthday present to him was:
- A First page of a newspaper with a headline of a Pedophile and how he got caught and what he did to his victims. (very detailed)
+ a picture of him as the Pedophile + apply Dark Arts (photoshop) + Show to whole class. // Dark Arts is kinda like zombify
| _____ |
|~~|O O|~~|
|~~| < |~~| <-- his face in the center
|~~| [] |~~|
"This is it, for what you made me go through, public humiliation shall be your downfall."
The whole class was very amused, even my brother chuckled a couple of times,
all laughed, even the teacher was crying with laughter, all... except for him.
But he showed no emotion whatsoever. He looked at it with indiference, the cold look he gave it made me boil inside.
And instead of achieving my revenge, i got angrier.
It was the end of the school year, and still he never asked not even once, why did i all of the sudden started
to treat him like that. He just went: "oh you're not talking today? fine ill talk to someone else"
And that was what royally pissed me off.
Of course my brother was getting the laugh of his life, as he enjoyed the drama that he had caused,
not even telling Keith why i was angry in the first place.
After school ended (early June), Matt decided to reveal to Keith why i was angry with him, as his "coup de grace"
(AKA Final Death Blow, cherry on top of the cake, etc)
Following the truth, Keith felt manipulated and deceived by Matt, realizing his mistake and how late it was to fix it,
Keith ultimately decides to not talk to Matt ever again as to solve the "twin problem".
---------------------- CHAPTER 5.5 - Memories of a broken Heart -------------------------------------
Plumb - Hang On [Dave Aude Radio Mix]
- I dont know anymore...
- What is going on inside me....
- Is it anguish, despair, anger, happiness, sadness, joy, emotions... good and bad ones...
- This heart break ... its different...
- It feels like shattering glass..
As i wondered to myself what to do, should i move on, how would i do it...
I started to remember why i liked being with him....
I liked his smell, he had a mixture of deodorant, cologne, and chewing gum all mixed into an addcting aroma (im weird xD)
Second: His figure. The simple elements of his face, brought peace and harmony while talking or looking at him. Never boring me.
third: His personality, nice, funny, happy-go-lucky, and at times supportive,
a caring brother-like figure, with lots of space to work with, his heart was still shapeable (able to switch shape
And with each passing day, my heart ached..
- Whats wrong with me?
- Why do i miss that good-for-nothing bastard?
- Is this "Rose-sickness" all over again?
- why him?
- Why must LOVE punish me?
- Why does it hurt so much....?
I dont know how long i can endure this....
----------------------- CHAPTER 7 - What must be done ----------------------------------------------
Wamdue project ft Jonathan Mendelsohn - Forgiveness (EK's Love U Mix)
It was July, one week before i would turn 18...
New Year's Resolution turned upside down, so i decided, i would have fresh start when i turn 18 (legally adult), my Resolution:
- Undo the shit i had done, make peace with everyone, and hopefully end all the drama.
The toughest step, was talking to him, i knew it wasnt easy. I had been praticing a speech for quite some time.
I had no idea how he would react and probably that was what scared me the most.
Still i had to do it, my conscious was eating me inside, so i "manned up"(man up!) and went to his place.
The Sky was cloudy, but it was a hot Summer Day nonetheless.
My heart was pounding, almost wanting to come out and leave me behind in front of his door.
I ringed his house and soon he came, surprised to see me, but with an indifferent look, he asked in a low voice:
- What do you want?
Very nervously, looking at him and down occasionaly i replied:
- I came here, to talk to you and apologise for all those nasty things i did to you.
- I know i did alot of bad things and i dont expect you to forgive, just to hear me out.
- I didnt know you felt like i wasnt you're friend, i considered you more than that and still you said those things...
He interrupted:
- What things? The msn with your brother? I was just joking with him, it wasnt for real!
i raised my voice:
- EVEN JOKINGLY, sometimes what you say may hurt others, im not made of steel to have a cold heart,
- im sorry, i really thought i knew you better!
- The time we spent at InfoCenter and the memories we made there dont mean anything to you?
- ... They do ... but... im sorry. I screwed up. :/
- i dont know what to say...
- I do. You never even tried to ask me why i was angry, you just played along.
- that shows how much you cared...
- i was.. with your brother...
- he said you were crazy because of your ex-girlfriend...
- I... I was feeling down and i needed a friend...
- I thought you were there for me... i fell and hit harder...
- .....
- Im not very good with words, still, i came here to apologize, so...
- im sorry!
- There i said it. Goodbye Keith...
As i start to turn and walk away he grabs my right arm and conjures some words:
- WAIT! Max.
- I dont hate you or your brother... Im just angry we got this all messed up.
- ....
- Do you think... we can still be friends?
Max with a teary eye:
- :')
i shook his hand, and we made up(peace).
I went home...
My chest felt lighter.
And what seemed a cloudy day, had turned to a clear sunny afternoon.
------------------------ End of Chapter 7 ----------------------------
More Chapters will follow later, they contain a more sexually active Max, as his struggle with his feelings for Keith, some plot twists will emerge as to whom will Max stay with.
What happened to Rose? Where is Matt? Will Max finally tell Keith?
If you have any question please write below. thank you for your time