nope..fujoshi mean a girl who like fangirls to man loves man stuff hahahaha..well, I still like *straight* guy who loves man is..kind of awesome cuz I have some friends who like that too,,and they told me a sad story how they become that and how they struggle in society, and what's more, so many handsome and cute guy become that include those friends of mine..-__-" after hearing that, I'm interested in this world too,,so far I don't have any objection for them become gay or lesbian although I'm not like them..but I think, everybody have their preference and they world so it's your choice for becoming whatever you want to. so those people who reject them in society is so cruel and they think just because they were normal so they can insult that what you called with human being?hah! yes I know they have the reason too, but we, human, born equally, right? so FIGHTING and keep STRUGGLING everyone!!
well, thanks for welcoming me

so do you guys have a recomendation for me?like gay movies? anime or manga yaoi?hahaha so so excited

and that so long long speech (?) from me,, sorry