Electric anti-masturbating device?!
OMG That is INSANE! Didn't they realize that most healthy males have at least one if not many spontaneous erections while they're sleeping? Can you imagine what a pain the ASS this thing must have been...
(Scene: A quiet neighborhood in the outskirts of Prague - 3 a.m...)
dddRRRIIIINNNGGGG!!!! dddRRRRRIIINNNGGGG!!!! (Bell going off!)
Anya: "Yuri! Johan's got a woody again! Go take care of it!"
Yuri: "Ya ya..." (Trudges out of bed to get bucket of cold water)
Johan: "AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" as he's electrocuted by the cold water hitting the electrodes around his cock because his parents were worried about him getting a hardon and possibly enjoying it.
That thing is right where it belongs....in a MUSEUM!
(and SCENE:thumbs up