"Wisest is he who knows that he does not know."
This is the crux of the question of life: we do not know. Life may have meaning, or it may be utterly meaningless. But to conclude one way or the other is arrogant and simplistic. Some choose the side of caution: there might be meaning, so therefore I will consider the question of life seriously... but most choose nothing. Most of us essentially block it out and refuse to face the fact of their own existence, the 'I'. Who am I? It is a very scary question and it is difficult to really look inwards, into the 'soul', or psyche, or whatever you choose to name it. Easier to find distractions --but what is it exactly that we are distracted from?
I sometimes feel that it all amounts to feeling 'mindless'. Today's society and culture seems more mindless than ever. Why?