Jim Goes to College
This is a fictional story. All of the characters are at least 18 years old. In this story, Jim is a freshmen at a small private college and experiences a group sports physical exam. The exam involves lots of young men receiving their exam together in the gym. This is a slow moving and very long story with a lot of detail and background and is told from Jim’s first person perspective. I repeat, it is very long - you have been warned. Over and above everything else, this is a medical fetish story. If you want to read a short story where the medical exam is just an excuse for gratuitous sex, don’t read this story - you’ll probably be bored to tears. But if you get off on the idea of forced medical exams where you are told what to do and have no control over the situation, or highly embarrassing group exams, then you might like it. If you make it all the way to the end, you will be rewarded with a small sexual scene. And finally, please remember that this is pure fiction. I know that most of this would never really happen in real life. But it is, after all, my fantasy.
The story is presented in a whopping 18 parts! Buckle up and prepare for the ride.
{*Part One: Introduction*}
I walked the short distance from my dorm room to Anthony’s, the local pizza joint that is just off campus. As usual, it was filled with hungry college students just like me. I stood just inside the doorway and scanned the restaurant to see if Beth was already there. I didn’t see her at first, but then I saw her at the far end of the restaurant waving her arms to attract my attention.
"Jim, over here," the voice cried out. I waved to her in response as I walked the short distance to her table. As I approached the table Beth stood up to greet me.
"Jim, it’s great to see you again," she said as she gave me a warm hug.
"I’m glad to see you too, Beth, it’s great to see a familiar face."
After our initial greetings, I quickly noticed that Beth wasn’t alone at the table. There was another young and good looking women with her.
"Jim, this is my roommate Ashley."
"Nice to meet you Ashley," I said as I shook her hand.
"This is the second year that Ashley and I are roommates," said Beth.
"Oh, so are you also studying to be a nurse, Ashley?" I asked.
"Yes, that’s right Jim," Ashley answered, "Beth and I are both in the second year of the nursing program. In fact, we seem to attend most of the same classes."
I sat down in the empty chair that was across from them. I was immediately struck with just how good Beth looked. She still had the good looks that I remembered, but she also looked much more mature now. And fit. She was wearing a white blouse and a tight pair of jeans that really showed off her athletic body. In a word, she was hot. And seeing her again brought back a flood of memories for me. While I was growing up, I had a real crush on Beth. I suppose if I hadn’t fallen for her younger sister Mandy, Beth and I might have gotten together.
But while I’d describe Beth as athletic and hot, her roommate Ashley was a real cutie. She was a beautiful blue-eyed blonde that made your heart just melt when she looked at you. And in the few short minutes since I first met her, I could tell that she seemed a bit shy, but that she had a great fun-loving personality. We all agreed that we were hungry, so we immediately placing our order for food.
"So Jim," asked Ashley, "how exactly do you and Beth know each other?"
"Well, Ashley, Beth and I have known each other for years. Her younger sister Mandy is my girlfriend. So I think of Beth here as the older sister that I never had."
"Oh, I see, so is Mandy here at school too?" asked Ashley.
"No, I’m afraid not," said Beth. "She received a full scholarship at the state college back home that she just couldn’t pass up."
"That’s right," I added, "even though I just got here last week, I think I miss Mandy already. But we made plans to see each other again during the winter break. I think I can wait that long. And I feel better already knowing that you’re here, Beth. Like I said, it’s good to see a familiar face when you’re this far from home."
"So, are you all settled into school Jim?" asked Ashley.
"Well, I’m mostly there," I answered. "I’ve got my dorm room all settled with my stuff, and my classes start next week. My roommate hasn’t arrived yet, he’s supposed to be here tomorrow or the next day."
"That’s right, all of the classes really start next week," said Beth. "This week is mostly just about getting settled in and preparing for college life. I know how difficult that can be for new students like you, Jim, so just let me know if you need any help with anything."
"Oh, and I’ll be glad to help you too, Jim," added Ashley. "Just let me know if I can help you with anything."
"Thanks guys," I replied, "I’m sure I’ll need a lot of your help. Right now I’m still just trying to find my way around campus. I find that a lot of the buildings seem to look the same and it’s still easy for me to get lost. Since you mentioned it, maybe you can tell me where the Physical Education and Recreation Center is located. I’m supposed to be there early tomorrow morning and I’m not exactly sure which building that is."
"Oh, that’s an easy one to find. Give me that extra napkin and I’ll draw you a map," replied Ashley. I handed her the extra paper napkin that was next to me and she immediately took out a pen and began drawing me a map.
"It’s funny that you mention the P.E. center, Jim, because Ashley and I will also be there tomorrow," said Beth. "You’re not there tomorrow for a sports physical, are you?"
"Yeah, that’s right, they said I had to report there tomorrow for my physical. How did you know about that? Are you girls having your physicals too?"
"No, not exactly, Jim, the physicals tomorrow are only for the guys. The girls are done the following day," Beth answered. "But Ashley and I will be there tomorrow as volunteers."
"Oh really? You mean they let you do the exams?"
"No, don’t be silly," Beth replied. "They just let the second year nursing students like us assist the doctors and nurses."
"That’s right," added Ashley as she handed me the map she had drawn. "Since we’re just starting our second year, this is the first time that Beth and I have been allowed to volunteer for something like this, so we’re not sure what to expect. We don’t know exactly what we’ll be doing there tomorrow, but they’ll probably just have us shuffle some of the paperwork. We’re really only doing it because we were told that future employers like to see that kind of volunteer work on our transcripts."
"But Jim," asked Beth, "why are you getting a sports physical? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you were never really much of a jock in high school. Are you going out for some sport now?"
"Well," I replied, "I was sort of forced into it. My guidance counselor told me in no uncertain terms that they strongly encourage everyone here to participate in a sport. So since I was more or less forced to choose something, I figured I’d choose something easy like golf."
"Golf?" questioned Ashley. "Really, you need a physical to play golf?"
"Yeah, well, it’s a sport so I guess they still insist on a physical. At least, that’s what they told me. I tried to argue with them about it, but they said all athletes need to report for a physical regardless of the sport."
"Well, I hear there’s usually a big crowd for the physicals, especially for the guys, so you might want to get there early," Ashley said.
"Yes, I was planning on getting there before 9," I replied.
"That should be early enough," Ashley said. "Well, we’ll both be looking for you tomorrow. Maybe if the crowd isn’t too big, we’ll actually see you there."
"Yes, well, I hope so," I replied.
The small talk continued for another 45 minutes while we finished our pizza and drinks. We then said our goodbyes and we went our separate ways, to our respective dorm rooms. I was tired from getting settled into my dorm room earlier in the day, so I quickly drifted off to sleep, enjoying what might be the last night of privacy before my roommate arrived.
{*Part Two: Preparations*}
I was suddenly awakened from a deep sleep when my alarm went off at the scheduled time. As I struggled to pull myself out of bed, I remembered why I got up so early. That’s right, the stupid sports physical. I wanted to make sure that I had time for a quick shower and some breakfast before the exam. I figured that the sports physical wouldn’t be too involved, especially since I was only playing golf. But I wanted to at least make sure I was clean.
I threw on a bath robe, grabbed my towel, shampoo and soap and walked the short distance down the hallway to the men’s bath room. When I arrived, I was glad to find that the shower area was empty. It seemed that, at least for the moment, I had the place all to myself. I grabbed one of the private shower stalls that had a door and began my shower. The bath room has a few private shower stalls with doors in additional to a much larger communal shower area. I don’t consider myself a prude, but I just felt better taking a shower in one of the private stalls. The large communal shower area reminded me too much of my high school P.E. class, which I’d rather try to forget. I wasn’t expecting a full physical exam, but while showering I made sure that I was especially clean all over. After all, this should really be just a quick sports physical since it’s only for golf!
After I finished my shower, I made my way back to my dorm room and got dressed. I’ve had a few physicals in the past and for some reason they always include the dreaded turn-your-head-and-cough part where they check you for a hernia. So I figured that I might have to very briefly lower my jeans for that part. Because of that, I made sure that I pulled on a brand new pair of white cotton boxers. I reasoned that with the loose fitting boxers, they might be able to just reach in and check for hernias without me having to pull them down all the way. At least, that’s what I hoped they would do. I finished dressing by pulling on some clean white socks, my jeans, and a clean T-shirt.
I left the dorm, with my trusty napkin map in hand, and headed toward the campus dining hall for a quick bite of breakfast. After breakfast, I followed the map that Ashley had drawn to my destination. I arrived at the Physical Education and Recreation Center building at 8:30. There was already a crowd of guys moving toward the building, so I basically just followed the crowd.
I entered what appeared to be the main entrance to the building which led into a three-story atrium. I saw several tables in the center of the atrium where guys were registering and receiving paperwork and instructions. So I figured that this must be the starting point for the physicals and I got in line. While I was in the short line, I watched the flurry of activity that was taking place in the building. It seemed like there were students, all male, moving in every possible direction. As the men registered at the table in front of me, they receive paperwork and then walked down a hallway to the right. Other men were walking in the opposite direction down the same hallway, and heading toward the hallway to the left with their paperwork in hand.
After a few short minutes, I reached the front of the line. Only then did I notice that the table had a sign in front of it that said “Pre-participation Physical Registration - Table #1”. It looks like I correctly found the right starting point by just following the crowd. The table was staffed by two female students, both of them about the same age as Beth and Ashley. Both of them were wearing a dark blue polo shirt. I assumed that they were part of the group of second year nursing students like Beth and Ashley. Perhaps this is the type of paperwork shuffling that Beth and Ashley assumed they would be doing.
"Hi, can I have your name please," said one of the young ladies at the table.
"Jim Johnson," I replied.
She immediately began to scan her list of student names, presumably looking for mine.
"Oh, here you are," she said, "You’re a first year student?"
"Yes, that’s right."
As I responded she reached for a packet of paperwork and removed a pre-numbered label from the cover. She then attached the label to her list next to my name. It appeared that each packet of paperwork had a unique number, and this set of paperwork was now being associated with me.
"Alright then," she continued as she handed me the paperwork. "Your first step is to complete all of these medical history forms. If you go down this hallway to your right, you’ll see a table labeled #2 where you should check-in next. Across from that table is a room with tables and chairs where you can complete the forms. There are several places on the forms that require your signature, so please make sure you sign all of them. There are also several disclosures for you to read and sign. Any questions?"
"No, I think I understand, thanks" I replied. I took the packet of forms from the young lady and walked down the hallway to my right. I arrived at table #2 which was also staffed by two young female students. And as I approached the table, I could see that they were both wearing bright white shorts along with the same style of dark blue polo shirt.
"Can I see your paperwork please," one of them said as I approached the table.
"Sure, here you go," I responded, handing them the packet of forms. She read the serial number from the packet of forms and recorded it in her log.
"Alright, go ahead and complete all of these forms for us," she said. "Just find any empty desk in one of those rooms," she said as she pointed to the opposite side of the hallway. "And here are some pens if you didn’t bring one."
"Thanks, I didn’t think to bring one," I said as I retrieved a pen from the table.
"When you’re done please bring the forms back here," she said.
I walked into the first room, found a desk and sat down. There were about six other guys in the room when I entered. All of them were in various stages of completing their paperwork. The first form just had basic information about me. Name, home address, dorm number, phone, that sort of thing. The second form was a medical history which took much more time to complete. While I was filling out the forms, a couple of the other guys in the room completed theirs and left.
The remaining forms all seemed like legal disclosures and releases. One of them was authorization for the doctors and nurses to examine me. Another one was an acknowledgement that I received their official privacy policy. The final form talked about some kind of studies they were conducting. It mentioned something about a human growth and development study and also something called HSDP. But by this time I was tired of filling out forms, so I didn’t bother to read any of these forms completely. I wanted to get this physical over with so I simply signed all of these forms and got up.
I returned to table #2 with my forms in hand.
"Here you go," I said as I handed the forms to the young lady at the table. She was the same girl that I talked with earlier. She took less than a minute to look though the paperwork, checking to make sure that I completed and signed all of the forms.
While the first girl was looking through my paperwork, the other girl at the table seemed to be looking me over and smiling. She wasn’t really staring at me, but she was definitely checking out my body, as if she was undressing me in her mind. She was kind of cute, and maybe she thought the same thing of me. Or maybe she looked at all of the guys that way. Or perhaps she just liked to flirt with the guys. I guess I’ll never know.
Satisfied that everything was in order, the young lady made a notation in her log book. She also placed a small, circular orange sticker on the front page of my packet of forms.
"What’s the orange sticker for?" I asked.
"Oh, that just means that you’ve agreed to everything, including all of the optional disclosures," she answered.
"Oh, I didn’t realize that some of the forms were optional," I replied.
"Well, that’s not really a problem," she answered as she handed me the packet of forms. "The next step is to head back down this hallway, past the table where you signed in and down the other hallway. Down there at the entrance to the gym you’ll find table #3. Just check in with them and they’ll tell you where to go next."
"OK, thanks," I said to the two girls.
As I walked away I heard the girl who was looking at me say something. “You have fun now,” she said to me. I didn’t turn around to respond to her, but I wondered what she meant. What fun could I possibly have during a sports physical?
I walked back down the long hallway, past the initial reception desk where I signed in and down the opposite hallway. I still hadn’t seen any sign of Beth or Ashley, so perhaps they were working at table #3. I finally reached the table, which was staffed by two more young females - not by Beth or Ashley. They were both wearing the now-familiar official outfit consisting of a dark blue polo shirt and white shorts. This table was just outside the gym, located right next to the gym doors, which were all closed. Next to the table was a door labeled “Men’s Locker Room”. As I watched, several other guys in front of me had their paperwork reviewed by the ladies at the table, and then they went through the door into the locker room. So it looked like the physicals were taking place in there. It was now my turn at the head of the relatively short line of males at the table.
"Hi, can I have your paperwork please," said the young lady at the table. "I also need to see your picture ID."
I handed her my packet of forms and my official student photo ID. She looked up at me, comparing me to the picture on my ID. She then compared the information on my ID to the first form that I had completed.
"Here you go," she said as she handed back my ID, "you wouldn’t believe how many guys try to have someone else take their physical for them."
"Really? I didn’t know that it was that big of a deal."
"Oh yes," she said, "each year they catch a few guys trying to cheat. That’s why we now check each student’s ID and match up their forms using our numbering system."
As she was speaking she fastened a wrist band snugly around my left wrist. The band was similar to what you might see in a hospital or emergency room. She then used a hand-held scanner to scan the barcode on the wrist band before entering some additional information using her laptop computer. Finally, she then placed a pre-numbered barcode sticker on a manila folder and scanned it.
"There you go, that will make sure that we don’t get you or your records confused with anyone else," she said.
"Wow, you really are serious about this identify stuff. Why would anyone try to cheat for this?"
"Well," she replied, "I don’t know for sure, but I think it might be for a couple of reasons. I think some guys are just afraid they won’t pass for whatever reason. And then some guys are just embarrassed by the whole thing and don’t want to go through the ordeal."
I didn’t answer her, but thought to myself that those were pretty lame excuses. If you’re afraid you won’t pass, then why even sign up for some sport? And why worry about the embarrassment? After all, it’s just a simple sports exam. It can’t possibly be that bad.
"Here’s a lock and key for you to use in the locker room," she said, handing me the lock. "You can just wear the key around your neck during the exam." I tried the key to make sure it fit the lock and then shoved them into the front pocket of my jeans.
While I was talking with the first girl, the other girl at the desk was placing my forms into the numbered manila folder. She placed letters on the tab of the folder that matched the first letter of my first name and the first four letters of my last, just like they do in a real doctor’s office.
"He’s orange," the second girl said to the first girl as she was looking at my paperwork.
"Oh, right, he is," she said. Upon hearing this news, she produced two hand-operated counters, like the kind you might see in a movie theatre or amusement park to count people. She clicked the first one and then showed the number to the second girl. Both girls now looked at each other and began to grin and look up at me. The second girl now placed a bright green rectangular label prominently on the front of my folder. Both girls now initialed the label. She clicked the second counter and likewise showed it to the second girl.
"So, what’s the green label all about," I asked.
"That just means you were randomly selected to participate in the growth and development study today," said the first girl. "But you were not selected for the HSDP study."
"But I didn’t want to sign up for anything like that," I responded.
"But you are marked as orange," said the second girl. "Orange is supposed to mean that you volunteered to participate." Both girls now shuffled through my paperwork and found the disclosure and release do
ent for the two studies.
"See, you signed it right here," she said as she showed me the form I had signed. "By signing here you agreed that if you were randomly chosen, you would voluntarily participate in the study."
"But, I really don’t want to do any kind of study," I protested, "I guess I didn’t realize what I was signing. Nobody told me that some of the forms were optional!"
"I’m sorry," she said, "but the rules are that once you’re randomly chosen, you have to participate. This is a study that they’ve been doing for a few years now, and we can’t just let you change your mind. That might change the randomness of the study and the final results."
I just looked at the two girls in shock. I thought I was here for a simple sports exam, and now I was being forced into some kind of study.
"So what’s involved in this study, anyway?" I asked.
"Well, we don’t have first-hand knowledge of what’s involved since it’s only for male students," said the second girl, "but we’ve been told that it’s just a few additional tests and measurements immediately following your physical." Both of the girls were now looking at me and smiling, as if they were the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary. I sensed that they knew more about the study than they were telling me, but I obviously wasn’t going to get the full story from them.
"Well, alright, I guess I don’t really have a choice," I replied.
"Thank you for your cooperation, Jim," the first girl said. That was the first time today that anyone called me by my name. She now smiled as she handed me the manila folder of paperwork, complete with the bright green label on the cover.
"Just take this with you into the locker room to begin your exam," she said. "The door is right over there."
{*Part Three: In the Locker Room*}
I took the manila folder from her and walked toward the locker room door. I pulled open the door and walked in. I took just a few steps and then made a ninety degree turn to the right. I was now in a short hallway with another door at the other end. Obviously they setup the entrance to the locker room this way to avoid any accidental exposure when the doors were held open. I pushed open the second door and was now in the men’s locker room.
"Hi, can I see your paperwork please," said a young man who was standing just inside the inner door. He was dressed in a pair of white shorts and a dark blue polo shirt, so I knew he had some official capacity. He looked like he was two or three years older than me. I handed him my folder which he briefly opened to verify that all of the paperwork was in order. He then used a hand-held scanner to first scan the barcode on the cover of the manila folder, and then the barcode on my wrist band.
"What size are you Jim?" he asked, reading my name from the cover of the folder.
"Size? What size are you talking about?" I responded.
"Waist size. What size underwear do you wear?" he asked.
"I wear a 32, but why do you need to know that?" I replied. He ignored my question and simply continued.
"That means you’re a medium," he said. He now turned his back to me and retrieved something from a basket that was on a table behind him. The basket had a big "M" written on it with a black magic marker.
"Here you go, you’ll need this," he said as he handed me the item that he just retrieved from the basket. He also handed me a single sheet of paper with written instructions. "And here are your instructions. Just find any empty locker and you can get started."
I took a quick look at what I was just handed and immediately realized that it was a jockstrap. It was neatly folded into a bundle with the label facing out so you could determine the size. In this case, the size was medium.
"But, I think there must be some mistake," I said, "I don’t think I really need this, do I?" The jockstrap was still neatly folded but I held it out to him as I was talking. "I’m just going to play golf, so maybe I’m in the wrong place. Is there a different place I’m supposed to go for golf physicals?"
"No, you’re in the right place," he replied. "Everyone here follows the same procedures, regardless of what sport they’re playing. And everyone receives the same exact physical. So just find a locker and follow those instructions I gave you." As he was talking to me, another student entered the gym behind me. The young attendant gave me a look that I interpreted as "quit asking so many questions, move along and get out of the way".
I walked past the young man into the first row of lockers. I didn’t want to use any of those since they were in a direct line of sight when you first walk into the locker room. I figured that one of the other rows would provide more privacy. The second row of lockers looked much better. There were a couple of guys already there in various stages of undress. As I walked down the row of lockers, looking for an empty one, I was also looking for any sign of the physical exams. I didn’t see any activity at all, so I assumed that the actual exams were done in some training room that I hadn’t yet seen or worse yet, in the gym.
"Hey, how’s it going?" I said as I passed another young guy. He was solemnly sitting in front of an open locker. He was bare-chested and was reading the page of instructions. I recognized him as the guy that was immediately in front of me at the last check-in table. He seemed to be about my age, so I guessed that he was also a first year student just like me.
"Oh, I’m not really sure right now" he said in reply.
I found an empty locker a few feet past the guy and I sat down. I figured that I should try to be polite, so I extended my hand to him.
"I’m Jim," I said to him.
"I’m Mike," he replied as he shook my hand.
"Well, it’s nice to meet you Mike," I replied. "Are you new here too?"
"Yeah, this is my first year, and also my first time going out for any sport," he said.
"Me too," I said. "Can you believe I have to get a physical just to play golf?"
"Yeah, well, I’m going out for tennis and I’ve got to get one too," he said. "Can you believe these instructions?"
"Well, actually I haven’t read them yet," I said.
"Oh, well, you better go ahead and read them right away so you can get over the shock" he responded. I began to silently read the instructions. The single sheet of paper listed just five steps.
Step one: Locate any available locker. All of your personal belongings should be secured in the locker using the lock and key that was provided to you.
Step two: Disrobe completely, removing all clothing. Note: This includes your underwear and socks. Place all personal clothing, jewelry and other personal items in the locker. Prescription eye glasses should be worn but any rings and watches must be removed. Do not remove your wrist band.
Step three: Wear only the athletic supporter that was provided to you. Please see the locker room attendant if you require a different size.
Step four: Secure your locker using the lock that was provided to you. For your convenience, the key should be worn around your neck.
Step five: Proceed to the gym with your paperwork and the key to your lock.
"You’ve got to be shitting me," I said to Mike. "They expect us to walk into the gym wearing just this jockstrap! That’s just crazy."
"I know," he replied. "I’ve been sitting here for the last couple of minutes trying to decide if I want to go through with this. I mean, I don’t really have to play tennis, do I?"
"No, you don’t have to," I said, "but my guidance counselor did say that they expect everyone to participate in some kind of sport. If I don’t play golf, I’m not sure what I’ll do."
"Yeah, they gave me the same story," he replied, "telling me that it’s especially important for freshmen to participate in some activity. They made it sound like it’s pretty much a requirement. I didn’t know that when I enrolled. If I knew this school had these kinds of rules, I might have just gone to state."
As we were talking, another young guy walked down our row of lockers and stopped at a locker that was between Mike and I. He removed the key from around his neck and started to open his locker. He was already undressed, so we assumed that he had completed his exam and was returning to get dressed. However, we both immediately noticed that he was wearing a pair of loose-fitting, light blue boxer shorts - not a jockstrap.
"So, how did you manage to get away with wearing your boxers?" asked Mike.
"Well I didn’t," he replied. "I only got as far as the first table as you enter the gym. I tried to check-in and they sent me back. They said that I didn’t follow the instructions and couldn’t get my physical until I did."
"You’re kidding," I said, "did you ask them why we all have to wear just a jock?"
"Yes," he replied. "but they just said that those are the rules and that I had to follow them if I wanted to get my physical." As he was talking, the young man slid his boxers off and placed them in the open locker. He was now standing completely nude in front of us.
"I tried to press the issue," the young man continued, "but they just kept on saying that those were the rules. They wouldn’t give me any other explanation. So I guess we don’t really have a choice."
He now held his jockstrap out in front of him and stepped into it. As I watched, he bent over to pull the strap up, pulling the pouch up to cover the ample package between his legs. Once the jock was pulled up to his waist, he reached into the front of the pouch to adjust himself. He then untangled and straightened the rear straps that were framing his ass and finally closed and locked his locker.
"Well, good luck guys, I’m going to try again," he said as he walked toward the entrance to the gym. I starred at his bare ass as he walked away, thinking how embarrassing it must be to walk around like that. But then I remembered that I too would soon be doing exactly the same thing.
Still sitting in front of my open locker, I unfolded the jockstrap that I had been given and took a good look at it. It was a standard jock with a 3 inch waist band. It was my size, medium, and it appeared to be clean and in good condition. But it certainly wasn’t new. It looked like it had probably been worn several dozen times, by several dozen young men just like me. I turned to look at Mike to see what he was doing. He was just sitting there watching me.
"I will if you will," I said to him.
"I don’t want to, but I guess we really don’t have any choice," he replied.
I immediately stood up and began to undress. I first removed my shoes and socks and placed them in the bottom of my open locker. Then I removed my T-shirt which I hung in the locker. I briefly stopped to look at Mike to see how he was progressing. I guess I just wanted to make sure that he was actually going through with it. I saw that he was now down to just his underwear, a pair of snug-fitting white boxer briefs. As I watched, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down in one swift motion. He was facing his locker at the time, so I was able to see only the profile of his nude body.
I turned my attention back to my own task of undressing. I unbuckled my belt and slipped my jeans down and off of my body, hanging them in my locker. I was now down to just my new white boxers. I started out the day thinking that this was just about as far as I’d be asked to undress. I assumed that sometime during my exam, I’d have to drop my jeans and momentarily pull down my boxers. Now all of those plans had changed. I was now about to remove my last piece of clothing and the exam hadn’t even started yet. But there was no time to think about that or what lay ahead of me. I quickly pulled down my boxers, stepped out of them and hung them next to my other clothes in the locker.
I was now completely nude. I picked up the jockstrap and prepared to pull it on. Before doing so, I turned to look at Mike once again. To my surprise, he was now facing me, holding his jockstrap in hand. Apparently I wasn’t the only one that was trying to sneak of peak of the other guy. I turned to face him and our eyes briefly met. He seemed genuinely embarrassed that I caught him looking at me, but I just smiled in return. As I watched, he held the jockstrap out in front of himself, stepped into it and then pulled it up to his waist. It was a standard type of jock with a large waist band, just like mine. I followed suit and did the same thing with my own jockstrap. As I pulled it up, I felt the elastic material of the pouch cling to my genitals, pulling my balls up tightly against my body.
Mike now turned so that his back was to me. I could see that his hands were in the front of his jock pouch and that he was adjusting himself. While he had his back to me, I took the opportunity to do the same thing. I pulled the front of my waistband slightly away from me body with my left hand, allowing me to reach in with my right hand and adjust myself. It was the first time I wore a jock since my sophomore year in high school P.E., so for a split second, I couldn’t remember if it was more comfortable pointing up or down. I finally decided on down since I figured doing that would minimize the bulge in the front of my jock. I also moved my balls around just a bit, since the bottom of the pouch seemed a bit tight and felt like it was pinching. While I was doing this, I had a clear view of Mike’s bare ass. Well, to be accurate, it wasn’t entirely bare. He did have the two rear straps of his jock framing his ass. But everything else was completely bare. I did notice that one of his rear straps was twisted and I wondered if he was going to fix it. Seeing that reminded me to run my fingers down and over the entire length of my own rear straps to make sure they weren’t twisted. As I was doing so, I saw Mike’s hands reach around and adjust the rear straps of his jock. Mike now locked his locker and hung the key around his neck. I did the same.
"Come on," said Mike, "let’s get this over with."
"Yeah, I’m ready," I said in reply, "let’s hurry up so we can get dressed again."
Mike turned away from me and started to walk toward the entrance to the gym. I followed a few feet behind him. As we walked, I couldn’t help but look at his jock-strapped ass and think how embarrassing this situation was. My hands instinctively rubbed against my own bare ass to confirm that I was in the same embarrassing state of undress. I even turned around at one point to see if anyone was walking behind me, self-conscious of anyone seeing me like this from behind.
{*Part Four: In the Gym*}
We quickly reached the door to the gym, pushed it open and entered. We were now at one of the far ends of the gym, adjacent to several small offices that appeared to be used by coaches or trainers. Walking past the offices, we saw that there was a table immediately in front of us, blocking our entrance to the gym. This was obviously where we were supposed to check-in and begin the physical. The table was staffed with two people. Two attractive female people to be precise. For some reason, I wasn’t expecting to see two young ladies sitting in front of me, especially considering the small amount of clothing that I was barely wearing. I guess I figured that there might be a female nurse or doctor doing part of the exam, but I wasn’t prepared right now for these two girls, both dressed in their clean white shorts and sharp looking blue polo shirts, to see me like this. These girls both appeared to be several years older than me.
Mike was the first to reach the table to check-in. He handed the girls his paperwork, which they immediately opened and reviewed. I stood a few feet behind him and waited until he finished. Now that I was at the table, I could see into the entire gym and get a better idea of exactly how this physical was going to proceed. It was a standard size gym with a hardwood floor. It looked like there were multiple exam stations setup throughout the gym. There were dark grey mats placed on the floor around and between each station. Most of the stations had an exam table and looked like they were staffed by one or two people, some male and some female. And of course, everywhere I looked were college guys just like me. Some were waiting in line at a station while others were sitting on an exam table or standing in front of a doctor or nurse. And still others were walking between the stations. But they had one thing in common, they were all dressed in a jockstrap and nothing else, just like me.
"Alright Mike," I heard one of the girls at the table say, "just head over there to station one to get started and we’ll get you out of here in no time at all." As I watched, the girl handed Mike his paperwork. He then left the table, walking to his left and toward the first station. As he walked away, both of the girls turned to look at him, apparently admiring his jock-strapped ass. They didn’t even try to conceal their interest in him, and didn’t seem to care if I caught them looking.
"Next," said one of the girls as she looked at me.
I took a few steps toward the table and handed them my paperwork. As the second girl opened my folder of paperwork and reviewed it, the first one just looked at me and smiled. I could see that her eyes seemed to scan up and down over my near-naked body. I thought about putting my hands in front of me in an attempt to cover up but decided against it. I figured, what the hell, she’s going to see my bare ass as I walk away, so why not just let her enjoy the complete package. I just casually stood there in front of her with my arms at my sides. As I watched, the second girl used a handheld scanner to scan the barcode on my folder.
"Let me have your wrist please," she said, "I need to scan you in." I held out my hand to her and she scanned the barcode on my wrist band.
"I have to ask," I said to the girls, "do they always make the guys dress like this?"
"Oh yes, always," said the first girl, "This is my second year helping out and it’s always the same."
"This is my third year assisting," chimed in the second girl, "and as far as I know, they’ve done it this way for years and years."
"So, what’s the real reason for it?" I asked. "I mean, we could just as easily wear our underwear instead of this stupid jock."
"Well," said the second girl, "as you might expect, we get that question a lot. The official answer is that those are simply the rules and you must abide by them if you want your exam. But if you’re looking for a real reason, I have heard the people that run this every year say that things go much quicker when all of the guys are dressed the same way."
"Yeah, I suppose," I replied, "but I’m still not convinced that’s the entire reason."
"Well," said the second girl again, "it’s also sort of a team building and initiation thing too. You know, all of you guys going through the same thing as if you’re all on one big team together."
"Personally," added the first girl, "I think it’s just a way for them to maintain more control over you guys, to make sure you don’t step out of line. After all, you’re not really going to cause any trouble dressed like that, are you?" As she spoke, she momentarily looked directly at my jockstrap instead of up at my face.
"No, I suppose not," I responded.
The first girl now chimed in again. “I know a lot of you guys complain about it, but I really don’t see why it’s that big of a deal. I mean, you guys have to get completely undressed for your exams anyway, you know, for the coughing part, so I would think that wearing a jockstrap is better than nothing at all. I mean, they could just do this with all of you completely naked if they really wanted to. After all, they do make the rules and that would be really efficient!”
"Yeah, you have a point there," I responded. I thought about asking her if the girl’s physicals are done with all of them in just a tiny thong, but I bit my tongue and decided that arguing with her wouldn’t really help my situation.
The second girl made a few notes in her log book, finished with my folder and then handed it back to me.
"You’re all set, Jim," she said to me, "you can proceed to the first station and get started. Oh, and remember that you were randomly chosen for the development and growth study today, so someone will escort you to the study examination area when you complete the last station of the regular physical."
"Yeah, about that," I said to her, "that was really a mistake and I’ve decided that I really don’t want to do that today. Can you just remove me from that list, please?"
"Oh, well, I’m sorry, but we can’t do that," she responded, "I’m sure you already know that once you’re randomly chosen, you can’t back out. If you really didn’t want to participate, you shouldn’t have signed the waiver." As she was talking to me, she made eye contact with me and smiled.
"Well, there’s not really much to the study, right?" I asked. Both of the girls now looked at each other and grinned before looking back at me.
"Well, Jim," said the first girl, "we’re not really allowed to discuss the details of the study, I’m sure you can understand that." I detected a hint of mocking laughter in her voice as she addressed me. "But, I was assigned to help with the study last year, so I do actually know a thing or two about it and what kinds of things you boys will go through." She turned and looked at the second girl and they both laughed.
"I honestly didn’t work in the study area last year," said the second girl, "but, of course, I have heard bits and pieces about what goes on in there from some of the other volunteers. However, we really aren’t allowed to tell study participants about the details of the study in advance. That’s a very strict rule and we could get into a lot of trouble for breaking it. I don’t think they want to scare off potential participants with a lot of unnecessary details."
"What I am allowed to tell you", continued the first girl, "is that it’s not anything painful, if that’s what you’re worried about." She paused to look up at me and gauge my response before continuing. "But there are some aspects of it that you might find, um, embarrassing. So you might want to be prepared for that." She now seemed to look directly at my crotch as she was talking.
"More embarrassing than standing here in a jockstrap?" I asked.
"Oh, don’t worry so much Jim," said the first girl, "You certainly look healthy so I’m sure you’ll pass your physical without any problems at all. And we haven’t lost a study participant yet, so you’ll survive that too."
"You better move along now," said the second girl, "just go right over there to the first station." Both girls were now looking up at me and smiling.
With my folder of paperwork in hand, I turned to my left and walked toward the first station. When I was a few feet away, I turned to see if they were looking at me as they were with Mike. As it turns out, they were. Both of the girls were turned toward me and looking directly at me as I walked away. One of them even waved goodbye as if to taunt me.
As I arrived at the first station, I saw that Mike had already finished and was on his way to station two.
"Hi, can I have your folder please?" said the young man at the first station. He looked like he was just a couple of years older than me and was dressed in the same uniform as everyone else.
"Sure," I replied, handing him my folder. This station certainly looked simple enough. There was a scale, the kind with the manual weights on top, just like you might find in a doctor’s office. There wasn’t an exam table or anything else. Just the scale. As I watched, the young man scanned the barcode on my folder and then reached out to scan the one attached to my wrist.
"Step on the scale please, facing forward," he ordered.
I mounted the scale and stood still with my arms at my sides. I briefly felt his hand on my lower back, prodding me to move slightly forward on the scale. Once I was in position, he adjusted the weights on the scale and recorded my weight in the folder.
"Turn around please, I need to get your height," he said.
As I turned around on the scale, he positioned the long pole behind me so that it was touching the top of my head.
"Stand up straight," he said, "arms at your sides." I didn’t realize that I had unconsciously moved my hands in front of me when I turned around. I guess I was instinctively trying to cover myself up with my hands. I obeyed his order and moved my arms to my sides, thinking to myself that this was probably not the last time today that I would be asked to uncover myself. In just a few short seconds, he determined my height and recorded it in my folder.
"Alright, congratulations, you’ve completed the easiest station of the morning", he laughingly told me, "please follow the arrows to station two."
{*Part Five: Station Two*}
I reached for my folder, assuming that I was supposed to carry it to the next station, but he stopped me.
"No, we’ll take care of your paperwork from here on," he said, "you don’t have to worry about it anymore today."
I immediately started walking toward the second station. As I did, I saw a pretty young girl walking toward me in the opposite direction. She had just come from the second station and was now almost directly in front of me. She smiled at me as she approached.
"Hi," she said as we briefly made eye contact.
"Hello," I replied as I kept on walking.
As we passed each other, I saw that her eyes had drifted downward. It was obvious that my face wasn’t the part of my body that most interested her as we passed each other. I continued to walk forward a few more feet before turning around to see what she was doing. As I watched, the young man at the first station handed her my folder of paperwork and then she immediately turned around and began to walk back to the second station. Apparently her job was to shuttle the paperwork from one station to another. I still had a few feet to go before reaching the second station, and I suddenly felt very self-conscious walking in my jockstrap. I realized that there was now a pretty young female walking behind me and my ass was completely bare. She had already seen me from the front, and now she had the opportunity to see my bare ass as I walked in front of her.
I reached station two which was staffed by a female doctor (at least I assumed she was a doctor) and a male student that was assisting. The male student was wearing the official-looking white shorts and blue polo shirt while the doctor was wearing a lab coat over some dark slacks. At least the doctors got to choose how they dressed today. There was no line at the station, but they were still finishing up with Mike who was lying flat on the exam table. I waited a few feet away from the exam table and watched the remainder of Mike’s exam. The female doctor was pressing on various parts of his abdomen while the male assistant was standing on the other side of the table and watching. He was holding Mike’s folder of paperwork and making notes when instructed by the doctor.
Mike’s feet were facing me and his legs were spread slightly apart while he was flat on the table. In this position, I had a good view of the mound between his legs. The elastic material of his jock had his package pulled up tightly against his body. As I watched, he raised his legs, bending them at the knee and placing his feet firmly at the edges of the exam table. The doctor now repeated her abdominal examination with Mike in this new position.
With his knees raised and his legs spread apart, I now had a more intimate view of Mike. Not only could I see his full package, I now also had a glimpse of that small piece of material where the front of his jock was sewn together with the two rear straps. This small area of material was now hovering directly over his puckered little hole, which was pink and now also quite visible. I began to have a sinking feeling, knowing that I would soon be put in the same embarrassing position.
As I was watching Mike’s exam and waiting for my turn on the exam table, another young man walked up and got in line behind me.
"Wow, that sure looks embarrassing," he said.
"Yeah, sure does," I replied, turning to look at the young man. He appeared to be a couple of years older than me. He was large and muscular and looked like he could be a football player. And he was wearing only a jockstrap like the rest of us.
"By the way, I’m Tom," he said to me.
"Hi, I’m Jim," I replied, "nice to meet you."
"I don’t usually take up conversations with total strangers like this," he continued, "but I thought that the least I should do is to go ahead and introduce myself. After all, I’m going to be very familiar with you by the time we’re done this morning."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"Well," he continued, "just remember that I’ll be here to watch every part of your exam, no matter how embarrassing it is, including that part right there." As he spoke, he pointed to Mike who still had his knees raised and his legs spread apart.
"Gee, what a way to make a guy feel self-conscious," I replied. "Just you wait, sooner or later someone else will get in line and then you’ll have an audience too."
This Tom character was obviously trying to lighten things up by making a joke, but he was actually right. The odds seemed pretty good that he would be behind me in line and watching every stage of my exam this morning. I was already nervous and embarrassed, but now I had a total stranger behind me as an audience. And he would be able to see everything that they did to me.
"Have you done this before or is this your first time?" I asked.
"This is my third year," he replied, "so I’m over the initial shock of how they do this. Now I just try to get through it as quickly as possible."
They finally finished with Mike’s exam. He got up from the exam table, briefly made eye contact with me, and then walked toward the next station. The male student assistant replaced the paper that was on the table and then motioned for me to come forward.
"Jim Johnson?" he said as he opened my folder of paperwork.
"Yes, that’s me," I replied.
"Have a seat on the table please," he said, patting the top of the exam table.
I took a few steps forward and mounted the table, facing my new acquaintance, Tom. As I sat down, I saw Tom looking at me and smiling. Since he made such an issue of watching me, I decided to have a little bit of fun with him. Rather than trying to cover up, I spread my legs apart and placed my hands on each thigh. This provided Tom with an unobstructed view of everything between my parted legs. I now smiled back at him and he gave me a thumbs up sign. I guess he was enjoying the start of this morning’s show.
The male assistant at the station scanned the barcode on my folder, followed by the one on my wrist band. While he was doing this, the female doctor was using an antibacterial rinse on her hands. He then handed the folder to the female doctor who quickly scanned my medical history. After a few seconds, she handed the folder back to the assistant and began her examination without saying a word to me.
Her examination was routine, yet thorough. She rapidly moved from system to system, starting with my head and methodically working her way down. She checked my eyes, looked in my ears and nose, and had me stick out my tongue and say ah. She held up a finger and had me follow it without moving my head. She moved behind me and placed both hands around my throat in order to check my thyroid. At one point, she used a rubber hammer to tap on my knees, ankles and wrists. All throughout her examination, she spoke to the male assistant, instructing him to check off various body systems on my chart.
Once she completed her examination above the neck, she used her stethoscope to listen to my heart and lungs. She listed to several areas on my chest, asking me to either breathe deeply and hold it, or breathe normally. She also moved to my back and listened there in several locations.
"Lie back, please," she instructed me.
I laid back on the exam table as ordered, while the doctor pulled out the foot extension from the end of the table. This put me into the same position that Mike was in when I arrived at this station. I was flat on my back and my legs were resting comfortably apart and facing Tom. Having seen Mike in this position, I knew that Tom had a pretty good view of the mound between my legs. I also knew that as bad as this position was, it would get worse when she made me bend my knees.
The doctor continued her examination using her stethoscope on several different areas of my chest and lower abdomen. At one point, she pulled the front of my jockstrap down ever so slightly. She then pressed the stethoscope against the uncovered area near my right leg. After listening to my pulse for a few seconds, she repeated the test on my left side. I could feel the warmth of her fingers that were now just inches away from my genitals. This was in sharp contrast with the coldness of the stethoscope against my bare skin.
She now put away her stethoscope and proceeded to palpate my abdomen by tapping on various areas with her fingers. As she did, I suddenly began to feel aroused. Not a lot, but ever so slightly. I don’t know exactly why. Maybe it was the thumping of her fingers against my lower abdomen. Or maybe it was because I knew what was coming up next, and that I’d have to raise my knees. But whatever the reason, I now had that unmistakable feeling of blood beginning to engorge my flaccid penis.
"Raise your knees please," ordered the doctor as she temporarily suspended her examination.
I quickly obeyed her order by raising both of my knees, planting my feet firmly near the edges of the exam table. The doctor pushed in the foot extension since my feet were now on the exam table and not the extension. She now resumed her exam by palpating my lower abdomen again.
As she did, I had time to think about the position I was in. With my knees in the air, I felt the rear straps of my jock being pulled tightly against my body. This also caused the front pouch to be pulled tighter against my genitals. I could also feel cool air against my ass hole, so I knew that my ass was now lifted up off the table. And with my knees parted, I knew that my ass, including my uncovered hole, was now on display for Tom and anyone else to see. I felt embarrassed, but also strangely aroused. I was once again aware that my penis was in a preliminary state of arousal. It wasn’t fully hard yet, but I could feel that it was getting slightly thicker and longer.
The doctor now stopped her palpation and began to push her fingers deeply into my abdomen. As she pushed on different positions, she occasionally asked me to take a deep breath and hold it.
"All done," pronounced the doctor, "You can stand up now."
As she spoke, the male assistant handed her my folder of paperwork to sign. He then helped me to get up from the table.
"On to the next station please," said the male assistant. I noticed that the young girl that I previously saw shuttling paperwork back and forth was standing next to him. It looked like she was waiting to receive my folder of paperwork.
{*Part Six: Station Three*}
Before walking toward the next station, I turned to see Tom’s reaction. He had a smile on his face, indicating that he must have enjoyed watching my exam. And as I started to walk away, I noticed that he had quite a bulge in the front of his jock. It looked like he was partially aroused himself! I didn’t notice that earlier when I was standing next to him. But then again, I didn’t really go out of my way to look down at his jock before since that might have been awkward.
Station three was positioned at the far end of the gym, so I had time to look around as I walked to the station. I looked for any sign of Beth or Ashley, but I didn’t see either of them. They said that they volunteered to help today, so I knew they were here somewhere. I just didn’t know where. And the more that I thought about it, I was glad that I hadn’t seen them yet. Perhaps I’d get lucky and get through this entire ordeal without running into them. It was bad enough walking around like this in front of total strangers, but it would be really embarrassing to run into someone that I know right now.
I arrived at station three, and as was the case before, they were still finishing with Mike’s exam. This station was run by a male doctor with a female student assisting. Mike was sitting on an exam table while the doctor examined his left arm and shoulder. The way the doctor pulled and rotated his arm, I could only assume that this was an orthopedic exam. As I watched, the exam was repeated on his right arm and shoulder. Mike was now ordered to stand in front of the doctor for additional orthopedic tests.
I briefly turned my attention away from Mike’s exam to see if Tom had finished with the previous station. I could see that he was still at the last station and that his exam was progressing. Maybe, just maybe, I might be able to get through this station before Tom caught up with me. It would be nice to do this without an audience, I thought to myself.
As I was looking back toward the last station, I saw the girl that shuffles paperwork back and forth approach my station. She had my manila folder of paperwork which she handed to the female assistant at my station. I expected her to immediately leave but she didn’t. Instead, she just stood there waiting near the exam table at my station. At one point she looked over at me and smiled. I’m not sure what she was supposed to be doing, but she wasn’t in any hurry to leave.
I turned my attention back to Mike’s exam just in time to see him finish with this station and start to walk toward the next station. Before he left, we once again briefly made eye contact. This time Mike smiled and slowly shook his head, expressing his disgust with this entire situation.
The young female assistant motioned for me to come forward. I approached the station while she scanned the barcode on my folder. When I reached the exam table she scanned the barcode on my wrist band. She then quickly changed the paper on the exam table.
"On the table and lie back, please," the young female assistant commanded.
I climbed aboard the exam table and laid back as instructed. The assistant immediately pulled out the leg extension from the bottom of the table. I looked over to see that the girl that was shuffling the paperwork between stations was still there, standing right next to the exam table. We didn’t make eye contact this time because her gaze seemed to be directed toward the front pouch of my jockstrap. I felt helplessly exposed before her, laying on the exam table in my jock and unable to cover myself. And to make matters worse, I felt like I was still partially hard. Was this why she hung around this station so long? Did she just want to get a better look at me? After just a few more seconds, she left and walked back toward station two.
I continued to lay there while the male doctor reviewed my paperwork. Just then a different girl arrived, picked up Mike’s paperwork and immediately left to shuttle it to the next station. Apparently each girl was assigned two or three stations and this was the middle point of the exam. She didn’t seem to pay any special attention to me and simply picked up Mike’s folder and turned around.
The male doctor now turned his attention to me and began my orthopedic exam. He began by examining my ankles, alternatively pulling, rotating and generally manipulating them.
"Any pain here?" he asked.
"No," was my answer.
He briefly examined my toes before turning his attention to my knees, legs and hips. After raising my right leg off of the table, he bent my knee and had me alternate between pushing and pulling my right foot. Apparently this provided the resistance necessary for him to determine if I had any problems in that area. He then raised my knee even higher, almost up to my chest, before swinging my entire right leg outward over the right side of my body.
"Any pain in your hip when I do this?" he asked.
I again answered in the negative. But actually I lied. I was suffering the pain of embarrassment. With my left leg flat on the table and my right knee pulled up to my chest and swung out to my right, I felt more exposed as I had been the entire morning. I felt like everything between my legs, my entire manhood, was now on display. The position made me feel like I was deliberately spreading my legs, inviting everyone to see what I had. Yes, I was still covered by my jockstrap, but I knew that I was still partially hard, and that wasn’t going to subside anytime soon. And to make matters worse, in this position I felt the rear straps of my jock tugging against my body and digging into my ass. The cool air against my exposed ass hole confirmed that it was completely uncovered and visible. I knew that anyone looking at me at that precise moment could publicly see every part of me that I considered private.
Just at this moment, I happened to notice that Tom had arrived at my station and was watching my exam. How long he was there, I’m not sure. When we made eye contact, he gave me a big smile and another big thumbs up.
Still working on my right side, the doctor now straightened my knee and raised my entire right leg high above the table, stretching the muscles in the back of my thigh in the process. One again I felt myself being exposed as my legs were separated from each other.
"Any pain?" he again asked.
"No," I answered.
The doctor now moved to the opposite side of the exam table and began to repeat all of the previous maneuvers on my left side. Once he switched sides, he cleared the field of view for the young female assistant. She was now standing next to the exam table on my right side and could see everything that was being done to me. This time my left knee was raised to my chest and swung out over the left side of my body. Once again I was exposed. I looked up at the assistant and saw that she was intently watching my exam. She wasn’t looking at my face or chest or anything at all above my waist. No, her gaze was directed toward the lower half of my body, toward the pouch of my jockstrap. I knew that she could see everything. I knew that Tom was also watching and could see everything. The thought of being on display like this was just too much. I felt myself getting harder and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.
"Sit up," ordered the doctor.
The female assistant pushed in the leg extension at the bottom of the exam table while I sat up. The doctor now took a quick look at my wrists and elbows and then focused on my shoulders, pushing, pulling and rotating them. All through this part of the exam, I sat on the edge of the exam table with my legs dangling over the edge. I could feel my partially erect cock pressing against the elastic material of my jock pouch. I briefly looked down to confirm that I was indeed pushing out the front of my jockstrap, tenting it. I tried to keep my legs together as much as possible to minimize my exposure but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to completely hide my erection.
I looked up and saw that Tom was still watching my exam. I noticed that the bulge that I saw earlier in his jockstrap had grown. It now looked like a thick snake running down the front of his jock, pointing toward his left. But it didn’t seem to bother him at all. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. He just stood there confidently, his legs spread comfortably apart and his arms at his sides. He didn’t care if anyone saw his erection, or perhaps he was actually proud of it and wanted it to be seen. At that moment, I wasn’t sure.
"Stand up please," said the doctor.
It was now the moment of truth. I was partially erect, and now I was being ordered to stand up. I couldn’t hide anymore. At that instant, I decided that I wouldn’t even try to hide. Perhaps it was Tom’s carefree attitude that inspired me. I stood up in front of the exam table, still facing Tom, but I kept my arms at my sides. Tom immediately saw my erection, I saw it in the expression on his face. His eyebrows were raised and he grinned wildly as he looked down toward the lower half of my uncovered body.
The doctor was still making some notes in my chart, so I took the opportunity to look over at the female assistant. She was standing just a few feet to my left and in front of me. And she was not making eye contact with me. She was staring at the lower half of my body. She saw it, my erection. Her hand was partially covering her mouth as if she wanted to say “oh my”. After just a few seconds, she tilted her head up and looked directly at my face and smiled. I smiled back in the most confident smile I could muster.
"You need to face this way," ordered the female assistant. She was pointing toward the middle of the gym. She obviously knew what position I had to be in to complete the doctor’s exam.
I took a step or two away from the exam table and turned to face the middle of the gym. I was now facing the female assistant with my back to the doctor. Meanwhile, Tom was watching me in profile.
"Keep your feet together, bend over and touch the floor," ordered the doctor.
As ordered, I bent over and touched the floor, effectively mooning the doctor.
"Hold that position," added the doctor.
As he spoke, I felt his hands running up and down my spine, examining each vertebrae to ensure that I didn’t have any problems.
"Stand up," the doctor said, "and I want you to walk over there and back again." As he spoke, he pointed to a spot about five feet away, right next to where Tom was waiting.
I carefully walked to the indicated spot, turned around and just as carefully walked back. As I walked back, I could see that both the doctor and the female assistant were watching me. I was now standing in front of the doctor with my bare backside toward Tom and the female assistant who had moved behind me.
"Now I want you to squat down and then immediately stand up," ordered the doctor.
Still facing the doctor, I obeyed his order, squatting down and then standing up again. As I went down, I felt the rear straps of my jockstrap tug against my body, pulling the front pouch even tighter against my erection.
"One more time, and this time stay down there," he ordered.
I repeated the task, this time staying down until he allowed me to stand up. While I was squatting in front of the doctor, I happened to look down between my parted legs. I saw the full pouch of my jock hanging low between my legs, with my erection straining to break free through the bottom of the pouch.
"Ok, you can stand up now," the doctor said.
"You’re all done here Jim," said the female assistant, "you can go to station four now."
I turned to look back at Tom one more time before walking toward the next station. The snake in the front of his jock was still there, as it was in mine.
{*Part Seven: Station Four*}
As I walked to station four, I once again surveyed the gym, looking for any sign of Beth or Ashley. At first I didn’t see either of them, but then I finally noticed Ashley. She had just entered the gym from one of the side offices that run along the length of the gym. I’m sure it was her since I got a clear view of her face. She was dressed in the same white shorts and dark blue polo shirt as the other volunteers. As I watched, she turned and began walking away from me, back toward the first registration table that is located inside the gym. She was carrying a manila folder and there was a male student walking with her, wearing only a jockstrap of course. It looked as if she was escorting this student back to the front registration table, since they were walking at the same pace and side by side. I wondered why she was escorting a student like this, since there didn’t seem to be any obvious reason for it.
I continued my journey toward station four, taking a few more steps before turning around to see Ashley again. She and her almost-nude male student were now standing at the registration table. As I watched, the girl at the registration table scanned the barcode on the student’s wrist. And just a few seconds after that, the male student left the table and started walking in the direction of the locker room. Meanwhile, Ashley reversed direction and began walking back toward me.
When I saw this, I immediately turned around and decided to quickly finish my journey to station four. Other options briefly flashed through my mind. I thought about waving to her or trying to attract her attention in some way. And I even thought about waiting there until she walked close enough to see me. But then I came to my senses and decided that the best plan was to try to avoid Ashley, as well as Beth if I happened to see her. After all, look at me. I was wearing just a jockstrap and was sporting a pretty good hard-on. Sure, I’ve known Beth for a long time, but she’s never seen me like this! In a bathing suit, sure. Shirtless and in gym shorts playing basketball in the driveway of my parent’s house, sure. But never like this. And certainly not with an erection. And although I really like Beth, and could have even fallen for her at one time, now she’s really more like an older sister than a girlfriend. And Ashley seems like a sweet enough girl, and she’s definitely very cute, but I just met her yesterday. I don’t think you go from pizza and drinks to jockstrap and boner in less than a day. Faced with the reality of actually seeing one of them, my new plan was to get through this humiliating situation without being noticed by either one of them.
As I approached station four I saw that Mike was still waiting in line to receive his exam. For some unknown reason, the line at this station was moving more slowly than the others.
"Hey Mike," I said as I walked up behind him.
"Oh, hi Jim," he replied, "I see you finally caught up with me." Mike partially turned his body toward me as he replied.
"Yeah, I’m surprised this is the first time that’s happened," I said in reply.
Mike now turned his head to the left to see how the exam was progressing, leaving most of his body still angled toward me. While he was looking away, I took the opportunity to look down and take a quick peek at his condition. I really wanted to know if this exam was as arousing for him as it was for me. But apparently it wasn’t. I looked down at the front of his jockstrap but I didn’t see any sign of an erection. His package was clearly outlined in the tight material of the pouch, and he might have been chubbed up just a bit, but no erection.
I now joined Mike in watching the exam in front of him that was still in progress, taking a step or two closer to Mike in order to see better. The student was lying flat on the exam table while the male doctor listened to his chest with his stethoscope. At the same time, the male student assistant was checking his blood pressure.
"I watched most of his exam," said Mike as he turned back toward me, "and it looks like this is a cardiac station. They made him do some exercises to increase his heart rate."
"That doesn’t sound so bad," I said in reply.
I was now standing directly in front of Mike and had turned to face him during our brief conversation. As it turned out, that was a mistake, since Mike just happened to look down at the front of my jockstrap. In hindsight, I guess that was only fair since I did take a quick peek at him. But my problem was a bit more obvious since I still had a fairly hard, thick and long erection that was barely being contained by the pouch of my jock. At first Mike didn’t say anything, he just continued to look down and stare. It was only when I also looked down at myself that Mike spoke.
"It looks like you’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?" he said jokingly to me.
"Yeah, well, I wouldn’t say I’m enjoying it," I replied, "but you know how it is, it just sort of got away from me. And now that I’ve got it, it just won’t go down."
"Don’t worry about it, Jim," he said, "I get hard all the time, in fact I’m surprised I’ve been able to keep it down today walking around like this. And you’re not alone, I’ve seen a few other guys that were hard too."
"Well, thanks for understanding," I said, "I’ve seen a couple of other guys too, including the guy that’s right behind me. It is pretty embarrassing, but hey, it’s not like I can really help it. I just don’t want anyone to get offended or get the wrong idea, you know?"
"Oh, you didn’t offend me at all," he replied, "unless you got that by staring at my bare ass. In that case I might have a problem with it."
"Trust me, Mike, you’re not my type," I replied with a half-hearted laugh.
"Well, this station doesn’t seem too bad," he said, "but you might want to do something about your boner before you get to station five. Look over there."
As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of the next station. Station five was the dreaded genital and hernia exam. I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me to see it, since I knew that sooner or later they’d be checking us in that area. Hell, every exam I’ve ever had includes a quick hernia check. But this was different. This genital exam was being performed out in the open just like all of the other exam stations. I’m not exactly sure why, but for some strange reason I expected some small amount of privacy for this part of the exam. But there was none.
"Next," said the male assistant at our station.
I turned my attention back to this station and saw that the previous student had left and was on his way to station five. Mike was now walking toward the station to be checked in and examined. After changing the paper on the exam table, the male volunteer had Mike take a seat and then scanned his barcodes. The male doctor began his exam by listening to Mike’s heart with his stethoscope. While he was doing this, the student assistant was wrapping a blood pressure cuff around Mike’s left arm.
Now that Mike’s exam had started, I once again turned my attention toward station five. I could see a male student standing in front of a male doctor. The student was still wearing his jockstrap, so perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Maybe the doctor would just briefly reach into his jock to perform his exam. At least, that’s what I was hoping to see. But my hopes were soon dashed to pieces when I saw the student bend over to remove his jockstrap. He was now standing completely nude in front of the male doctor, a female student assistant and anyone else in the gym that cared to watch. I guess they just don’t believe in any privacy at all for these exams, even for this most intimate part.
I turned back to see how Mike’s exam was going. He was now standing in front of the doctor and his assistant. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but the doctor seemed to be giving Mike instructions. Then as I watched, the doctor and assistant took a few steps away from Mike as he began to do jumping jacks. I’ve done jumping jacks before, but I’ve certainly never done them wearing only a jockstrap. I have to say that it was interesting to watch. Each time Mike jumped he assumed a spread-eagle position, simultaneously spreading his feet widely apart and raising his arms high above his head in a wide arc. He would then jump back to the starting position, planting his feet together with his arms lowered to his sides. There was nothing modest at all about this exercise, especially considering his current state of undress. It was as if he was saying “come look at me, I’ve got nothing to hide, come and watch my jockstrap bounce up and down.” After seeing Mike, I wasn’t looking forward to this at all.
Mike continued to do jumping jacks, so I once again turned around to look for any further sign of Beth or Ashley. I focused on the area near the side office where I saw Ashley before, but I didn’t see any sign of her. But as I was turned in that general direction, I now saw Tom walking toward me from station three, so it looked like my audience would be here in time to see me do the jumping jacks.
I briefly turned back to see how Mike was doing. He finally stopped exercising and was now standing in front of the doctor and his assistant. The doctor was once again listening to his heart with a stethoscope while the assistant was placing a cuff on his arm to check his blood pressure. I could see from the movement of Mike’s chest that he was still trying to catch his breath after all of his exercise. I noticed that his chest seemed to glisten with moisture, so it appeared that a few minutes of non-stop jumping jacks was enough for him to quickly work up a sweat. As he stood before the doctor, I noticed that he now seemed to be poured into his jockstrap, as if it was now more snugly clinging to his body. Maybe it was also slightly damp from sweat. That would certainly cause his change in appearance. Or perhaps the exercise simply caused it to be pulled more tightly against the front of his body. Regardless of the reason, Mike’s package was now more prominent and visible than ever.
"Hi Jim," I heard Tom say from behind me.
"Oh, hi Tom," I replied. turning toward him. I quickly glanced down and could see that he still had an impressive erection in his jock. If anything it had gotten even thicker. Tom now looked down at me and smiled.
"Nice boner you’ve got yourself there, Jim," he said. "I saw that you started to get one at the last station, but it looks like it’s gotten longer."
"Yeah, well, what can I say," I replied. Really, what was I supposed to say? My, you’ve got a nice boner there Tom and by the way, how do you like mine?
As I was turned toward Tom, I once again looked at the side office where I previously saw Ashley. This time I saw both of them, Beth and Ashley, coming out of the same side office. They both turned to their left and were walking toward the gym entrance where I first came in. Just like Ashley, Beth was dressed in the standard volunteer uniform. Tom immediately noticed that I was looking at the two girls.
"Do you know those two girls, Jim?" asked Tom.
"Yeah, they’re both friends of mine," I replied.
"Oh, bummer," he said, "I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to be seen like this by anyone that I knew."
"Believe me, I’m totally with you on that," I said in agreement, "and so far I’ve been able to avoid being seen by them."
"Well, I think you’ll be alright," he continued, "it looks like they came out of the room that is used for the research studies. You only need to go in there if you were dumb enough to sign-up for the study and then were unlucky enough to be randomly chosen. They’re not working at any of the normal stations so I think you’re safe. They’re probably just going on a break right now, before their next victim arrives."
My heart sank as I listened to Tom. Little did he know that yes, I was dumb enough to unintentionally sign-up for the study, and yes, I was chosen to participate. If he was right, and he probably was, it meant that Beth and Ashley were working on the study, and that I had an appointment with them in just a few minutes. They would see me like this and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it. I looked over again at Beth and Ashley. As I continued to watch, they both walked through the far exit of the gym and were now once again out of sight. But since they were now gone, were they just on a break, or were they done for the day? Maybe someone else would take over the study area now.
"Next," said the male assistant.
I turned back toward this station and walked the short distance to the exam table.
"Jim Johnson?", asked the assistant as he read my name from the folder in his hand. I nodded in the affirmative.
"Have a seat on the table," he ordered.
I stepped up to the exam table and sat down on the fresh paper. After scanning the barcode on my folder and my wrist, the assistant held my left hand in order to record my pulse. While he was doing this, the male doctor was reviewing my folder. The assistant now put a blood pressure cuff on my left arm and proceeded to record my pressure. Around the same time he began this, the doctor pressed his stethoscope against the bare flesh of my chest. He didn’t ask me to take a deep breath, hold my breath or really to do anything special. He just listened, presumably to my heart.
"Step down please," ordered the doctor as he removed the stethoscope from my chest and his ears. Just a moment prior to this the assistant had finished checking my blood pressure and had remove the cuff from my arm. As ordered, I got up from the exam table and stood before them, and before Tom who was keenly watching my exam. I was once again aware of the erection that I was still sporting. Knowing that I was about to begin several minutes of non-stop exercise, I made a few minor adjustments to my jock, straightening the waist band and adjusting the rear straps. I thought about reaching in and adjusting my erection, but I was afraid that I might make it worse. Right now it was still pointing down and its movement was tightly restricted by my jock. I feared that if I tried to adjust it, it might just pop all the way up and point toward the ceiling. Then I’d have a really noticeable problem. And I really didn’t want everyone to see me reach into my jock to adjust myself either.
"We need to check your cardiac response under stress," said the doctor. "So in just a minute, I’ll need you to take a few steps away from the exam table, and then begin doing some jumping jacks. Do you know how to do jumping jacks?"
"Yeah, sure," I answered.
"Good," continued the doctor, "you’ll need to do them non-stop for about three minutes. When you finish, we’ll check your vitals again while you’re standing. Then finally, we’ll check your rate of recovery while you’re resting on the table. Any questions?"
I just shook my head no.
"Good, then you can begin," ordered the doctor.
I took two steps away from the exam table while the doctor and assistant both moved to a position in front of me, but slightly to my sides. I then began the seemingly never ending cycle of jumping jacks. I jumped, spreading my legs far apart and swinging my arms straight up above my head. Then I jumped again, planting my legs back together and swinging my arms down to my sides. Each time I jumped, I felt the package between my legs bounce up and down. I could actually feel the weight of my erect penis bobbing up and down as I jumped, over and over again. The jockstrap certainly helped to contain it, but it was noticeable to me, and was probably noticeable to anyone watching me.
I looked at the doctor, but he was busy making notes in my folder and wasn’t watching me at all. I then looked at the male assistant who appeared to be looking down at my crotch. Just then he noticed that I was looking in his direction and looked up at me. He simply smiled at me as our eyes met. I wondered if he smiled because he thought that my predicament was amusing, or did he happen to enjoy looking at the boner in my jock. I guess I’ll never know. I then looked out at Tom and could see that he too was enjoying the show that I was putting on for him.
As I continued the jumping jacks I felt the material in the front of my jockstrap being pulled tighter against my body. With each jump I felt the rear straps dig into my bare ass and tug at the bottom of the pouch that was between my legs. I also started to feel a small amount of sweat beginning to appear on parts of my body. I wasn’t exactly dripping in sweat, but it was starting to become noticeable under my arms, on my chest and especially in my jock pouch. It was more noticeable in that particular area because, well, that’s the only area of my body that was covered in material. And that stretchy, clingy material was in the process of being pulled even tighter against my body each time I jumped. But the good news is that it felt like my erection just might be going down. I couldn’t really look down to see right now, but it didn’t feel as heavy as before. I was still semi-erect, but maybe, just maybe it would go down before I had to go to station five.
"Ok, you can stop now," said the assistant looking at his watch.
I stopped the exercise and stood before the doctor and his assistant who immediately descended upon me. The doctor pressed his stethoscope to my chest while the assistant checked my blood pressure again. As I stood there, I had time to once again look for any sign of Beth and Ashley. As luck would have it, I happened to see them returning to the gym. They had just entered from the far end of the gym and were walking in my direction. As I watched, they both turned toward the same office at the side of the gym where I saw them before. Once there, they entered the office and were out of my sight. If that really was the study area as Tom said, then there was no doubt now that I was going to see them and not someone else. And they were going to see me.
"Up on the table, Jim, on your back this time," ordered the assistant.
I promptly turned around, stepped up to the exam table and laid down. As I was getting on the table, I took a quick look down at my jock to confirm that my erection was finally subsiding. It wasn’t completely gone, but it was much less noticeable now. For one final time, the doctor and assistant checked my vitals, listening to my chest, and checking my blood pressure and pulse.
"Alright, you’re all done here," said the doctor. "You can go to the next station now."
This is a fictional story. All of the characters are at least 18 years old. In this story, Jim is a freshmen at a small private college and experiences a group sports physical exam. The exam involves lots of young men receiving their exam together in the gym. This is a slow moving and very long story with a lot of detail and background and is told from Jim’s first person perspective. I repeat, it is very long - you have been warned. Over and above everything else, this is a medical fetish story. If you want to read a short story where the medical exam is just an excuse for gratuitous sex, don’t read this story - you’ll probably be bored to tears. But if you get off on the idea of forced medical exams where you are told what to do and have no control over the situation, or highly embarrassing group exams, then you might like it. If you make it all the way to the end, you will be rewarded with a small sexual scene. And finally, please remember that this is pure fiction. I know that most of this would never really happen in real life. But it is, after all, my fantasy.
The story is presented in a whopping 18 parts! Buckle up and prepare for the ride.
{*Part One: Introduction*}
I walked the short distance from my dorm room to Anthony’s, the local pizza joint that is just off campus. As usual, it was filled with hungry college students just like me. I stood just inside the doorway and scanned the restaurant to see if Beth was already there. I didn’t see her at first, but then I saw her at the far end of the restaurant waving her arms to attract my attention.
"Jim, over here," the voice cried out. I waved to her in response as I walked the short distance to her table. As I approached the table Beth stood up to greet me.
"Jim, it’s great to see you again," she said as she gave me a warm hug.
"I’m glad to see you too, Beth, it’s great to see a familiar face."
After our initial greetings, I quickly noticed that Beth wasn’t alone at the table. There was another young and good looking women with her.
"Jim, this is my roommate Ashley."
"Nice to meet you Ashley," I said as I shook her hand.
"This is the second year that Ashley and I are roommates," said Beth.
"Oh, so are you also studying to be a nurse, Ashley?" I asked.
"Yes, that’s right Jim," Ashley answered, "Beth and I are both in the second year of the nursing program. In fact, we seem to attend most of the same classes."
I sat down in the empty chair that was across from them. I was immediately struck with just how good Beth looked. She still had the good looks that I remembered, but she also looked much more mature now. And fit. She was wearing a white blouse and a tight pair of jeans that really showed off her athletic body. In a word, she was hot. And seeing her again brought back a flood of memories for me. While I was growing up, I had a real crush on Beth. I suppose if I hadn’t fallen for her younger sister Mandy, Beth and I might have gotten together.
But while I’d describe Beth as athletic and hot, her roommate Ashley was a real cutie. She was a beautiful blue-eyed blonde that made your heart just melt when she looked at you. And in the few short minutes since I first met her, I could tell that she seemed a bit shy, but that she had a great fun-loving personality. We all agreed that we were hungry, so we immediately placing our order for food.
"So Jim," asked Ashley, "how exactly do you and Beth know each other?"
"Well, Ashley, Beth and I have known each other for years. Her younger sister Mandy is my girlfriend. So I think of Beth here as the older sister that I never had."
"Oh, I see, so is Mandy here at school too?" asked Ashley.
"No, I’m afraid not," said Beth. "She received a full scholarship at the state college back home that she just couldn’t pass up."
"That’s right," I added, "even though I just got here last week, I think I miss Mandy already. But we made plans to see each other again during the winter break. I think I can wait that long. And I feel better already knowing that you’re here, Beth. Like I said, it’s good to see a familiar face when you’re this far from home."
"So, are you all settled into school Jim?" asked Ashley.
"Well, I’m mostly there," I answered. "I’ve got my dorm room all settled with my stuff, and my classes start next week. My roommate hasn’t arrived yet, he’s supposed to be here tomorrow or the next day."
"That’s right, all of the classes really start next week," said Beth. "This week is mostly just about getting settled in and preparing for college life. I know how difficult that can be for new students like you, Jim, so just let me know if you need any help with anything."
"Oh, and I’ll be glad to help you too, Jim," added Ashley. "Just let me know if I can help you with anything."
"Thanks guys," I replied, "I’m sure I’ll need a lot of your help. Right now I’m still just trying to find my way around campus. I find that a lot of the buildings seem to look the same and it’s still easy for me to get lost. Since you mentioned it, maybe you can tell me where the Physical Education and Recreation Center is located. I’m supposed to be there early tomorrow morning and I’m not exactly sure which building that is."
"Oh, that’s an easy one to find. Give me that extra napkin and I’ll draw you a map," replied Ashley. I handed her the extra paper napkin that was next to me and she immediately took out a pen and began drawing me a map.
"It’s funny that you mention the P.E. center, Jim, because Ashley and I will also be there tomorrow," said Beth. "You’re not there tomorrow for a sports physical, are you?"
"Yeah, that’s right, they said I had to report there tomorrow for my physical. How did you know about that? Are you girls having your physicals too?"
"No, not exactly, Jim, the physicals tomorrow are only for the guys. The girls are done the following day," Beth answered. "But Ashley and I will be there tomorrow as volunteers."
"Oh really? You mean they let you do the exams?"
"No, don’t be silly," Beth replied. "They just let the second year nursing students like us assist the doctors and nurses."
"That’s right," added Ashley as she handed me the map she had drawn. "Since we’re just starting our second year, this is the first time that Beth and I have been allowed to volunteer for something like this, so we’re not sure what to expect. We don’t know exactly what we’ll be doing there tomorrow, but they’ll probably just have us shuffle some of the paperwork. We’re really only doing it because we were told that future employers like to see that kind of volunteer work on our transcripts."
"But Jim," asked Beth, "why are you getting a sports physical? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you were never really much of a jock in high school. Are you going out for some sport now?"
"Well," I replied, "I was sort of forced into it. My guidance counselor told me in no uncertain terms that they strongly encourage everyone here to participate in a sport. So since I was more or less forced to choose something, I figured I’d choose something easy like golf."
"Golf?" questioned Ashley. "Really, you need a physical to play golf?"
"Yeah, well, it’s a sport so I guess they still insist on a physical. At least, that’s what they told me. I tried to argue with them about it, but they said all athletes need to report for a physical regardless of the sport."
"Well, I hear there’s usually a big crowd for the physicals, especially for the guys, so you might want to get there early," Ashley said.
"Yes, I was planning on getting there before 9," I replied.
"That should be early enough," Ashley said. "Well, we’ll both be looking for you tomorrow. Maybe if the crowd isn’t too big, we’ll actually see you there."
"Yes, well, I hope so," I replied.
The small talk continued for another 45 minutes while we finished our pizza and drinks. We then said our goodbyes and we went our separate ways, to our respective dorm rooms. I was tired from getting settled into my dorm room earlier in the day, so I quickly drifted off to sleep, enjoying what might be the last night of privacy before my roommate arrived.
{*Part Two: Preparations*}
I was suddenly awakened from a deep sleep when my alarm went off at the scheduled time. As I struggled to pull myself out of bed, I remembered why I got up so early. That’s right, the stupid sports physical. I wanted to make sure that I had time for a quick shower and some breakfast before the exam. I figured that the sports physical wouldn’t be too involved, especially since I was only playing golf. But I wanted to at least make sure I was clean.
I threw on a bath robe, grabbed my towel, shampoo and soap and walked the short distance down the hallway to the men’s bath room. When I arrived, I was glad to find that the shower area was empty. It seemed that, at least for the moment, I had the place all to myself. I grabbed one of the private shower stalls that had a door and began my shower. The bath room has a few private shower stalls with doors in additional to a much larger communal shower area. I don’t consider myself a prude, but I just felt better taking a shower in one of the private stalls. The large communal shower area reminded me too much of my high school P.E. class, which I’d rather try to forget. I wasn’t expecting a full physical exam, but while showering I made sure that I was especially clean all over. After all, this should really be just a quick sports physical since it’s only for golf!
After I finished my shower, I made my way back to my dorm room and got dressed. I’ve had a few physicals in the past and for some reason they always include the dreaded turn-your-head-and-cough part where they check you for a hernia. So I figured that I might have to very briefly lower my jeans for that part. Because of that, I made sure that I pulled on a brand new pair of white cotton boxers. I reasoned that with the loose fitting boxers, they might be able to just reach in and check for hernias without me having to pull them down all the way. At least, that’s what I hoped they would do. I finished dressing by pulling on some clean white socks, my jeans, and a clean T-shirt.
I left the dorm, with my trusty napkin map in hand, and headed toward the campus dining hall for a quick bite of breakfast. After breakfast, I followed the map that Ashley had drawn to my destination. I arrived at the Physical Education and Recreation Center building at 8:30. There was already a crowd of guys moving toward the building, so I basically just followed the crowd.
I entered what appeared to be the main entrance to the building which led into a three-story atrium. I saw several tables in the center of the atrium where guys were registering and receiving paperwork and instructions. So I figured that this must be the starting point for the physicals and I got in line. While I was in the short line, I watched the flurry of activity that was taking place in the building. It seemed like there were students, all male, moving in every possible direction. As the men registered at the table in front of me, they receive paperwork and then walked down a hallway to the right. Other men were walking in the opposite direction down the same hallway, and heading toward the hallway to the left with their paperwork in hand.
After a few short minutes, I reached the front of the line. Only then did I notice that the table had a sign in front of it that said “Pre-participation Physical Registration - Table #1”. It looks like I correctly found the right starting point by just following the crowd. The table was staffed by two female students, both of them about the same age as Beth and Ashley. Both of them were wearing a dark blue polo shirt. I assumed that they were part of the group of second year nursing students like Beth and Ashley. Perhaps this is the type of paperwork shuffling that Beth and Ashley assumed they would be doing.
"Hi, can I have your name please," said one of the young ladies at the table.
"Jim Johnson," I replied.
She immediately began to scan her list of student names, presumably looking for mine.
"Oh, here you are," she said, "You’re a first year student?"
"Yes, that’s right."
As I responded she reached for a packet of paperwork and removed a pre-numbered label from the cover. She then attached the label to her list next to my name. It appeared that each packet of paperwork had a unique number, and this set of paperwork was now being associated with me.
"Alright then," she continued as she handed me the paperwork. "Your first step is to complete all of these medical history forms. If you go down this hallway to your right, you’ll see a table labeled #2 where you should check-in next. Across from that table is a room with tables and chairs where you can complete the forms. There are several places on the forms that require your signature, so please make sure you sign all of them. There are also several disclosures for you to read and sign. Any questions?"
"No, I think I understand, thanks" I replied. I took the packet of forms from the young lady and walked down the hallway to my right. I arrived at table #2 which was also staffed by two young female students. And as I approached the table, I could see that they were both wearing bright white shorts along with the same style of dark blue polo shirt.
"Can I see your paperwork please," one of them said as I approached the table.
"Sure, here you go," I responded, handing them the packet of forms. She read the serial number from the packet of forms and recorded it in her log.
"Alright, go ahead and complete all of these forms for us," she said. "Just find any empty desk in one of those rooms," she said as she pointed to the opposite side of the hallway. "And here are some pens if you didn’t bring one."
"Thanks, I didn’t think to bring one," I said as I retrieved a pen from the table.
"When you’re done please bring the forms back here," she said.
I walked into the first room, found a desk and sat down. There were about six other guys in the room when I entered. All of them were in various stages of completing their paperwork. The first form just had basic information about me. Name, home address, dorm number, phone, that sort of thing. The second form was a medical history which took much more time to complete. While I was filling out the forms, a couple of the other guys in the room completed theirs and left.
The remaining forms all seemed like legal disclosures and releases. One of them was authorization for the doctors and nurses to examine me. Another one was an acknowledgement that I received their official privacy policy. The final form talked about some kind of studies they were conducting. It mentioned something about a human growth and development study and also something called HSDP. But by this time I was tired of filling out forms, so I didn’t bother to read any of these forms completely. I wanted to get this physical over with so I simply signed all of these forms and got up.
I returned to table #2 with my forms in hand.
"Here you go," I said as I handed the forms to the young lady at the table. She was the same girl that I talked with earlier. She took less than a minute to look though the paperwork, checking to make sure that I completed and signed all of the forms.
While the first girl was looking through my paperwork, the other girl at the table seemed to be looking me over and smiling. She wasn’t really staring at me, but she was definitely checking out my body, as if she was undressing me in her mind. She was kind of cute, and maybe she thought the same thing of me. Or maybe she looked at all of the guys that way. Or perhaps she just liked to flirt with the guys. I guess I’ll never know.
Satisfied that everything was in order, the young lady made a notation in her log book. She also placed a small, circular orange sticker on the front page of my packet of forms.
"What’s the orange sticker for?" I asked.
"Oh, that just means that you’ve agreed to everything, including all of the optional disclosures," she answered.
"Oh, I didn’t realize that some of the forms were optional," I replied.
"Well, that’s not really a problem," she answered as she handed me the packet of forms. "The next step is to head back down this hallway, past the table where you signed in and down the other hallway. Down there at the entrance to the gym you’ll find table #3. Just check in with them and they’ll tell you where to go next."
"OK, thanks," I said to the two girls.
As I walked away I heard the girl who was looking at me say something. “You have fun now,” she said to me. I didn’t turn around to respond to her, but I wondered what she meant. What fun could I possibly have during a sports physical?
I walked back down the long hallway, past the initial reception desk where I signed in and down the opposite hallway. I still hadn’t seen any sign of Beth or Ashley, so perhaps they were working at table #3. I finally reached the table, which was staffed by two more young females - not by Beth or Ashley. They were both wearing the now-familiar official outfit consisting of a dark blue polo shirt and white shorts. This table was just outside the gym, located right next to the gym doors, which were all closed. Next to the table was a door labeled “Men’s Locker Room”. As I watched, several other guys in front of me had their paperwork reviewed by the ladies at the table, and then they went through the door into the locker room. So it looked like the physicals were taking place in there. It was now my turn at the head of the relatively short line of males at the table.
"Hi, can I have your paperwork please," said the young lady at the table. "I also need to see your picture ID."
I handed her my packet of forms and my official student photo ID. She looked up at me, comparing me to the picture on my ID. She then compared the information on my ID to the first form that I had completed.
"Here you go," she said as she handed back my ID, "you wouldn’t believe how many guys try to have someone else take their physical for them."
"Really? I didn’t know that it was that big of a deal."
"Oh yes," she said, "each year they catch a few guys trying to cheat. That’s why we now check each student’s ID and match up their forms using our numbering system."
As she was speaking she fastened a wrist band snugly around my left wrist. The band was similar to what you might see in a hospital or emergency room. She then used a hand-held scanner to scan the barcode on the wrist band before entering some additional information using her laptop computer. Finally, she then placed a pre-numbered barcode sticker on a manila folder and scanned it.
"There you go, that will make sure that we don’t get you or your records confused with anyone else," she said.
"Wow, you really are serious about this identify stuff. Why would anyone try to cheat for this?"
"Well," she replied, "I don’t know for sure, but I think it might be for a couple of reasons. I think some guys are just afraid they won’t pass for whatever reason. And then some guys are just embarrassed by the whole thing and don’t want to go through the ordeal."
I didn’t answer her, but thought to myself that those were pretty lame excuses. If you’re afraid you won’t pass, then why even sign up for some sport? And why worry about the embarrassment? After all, it’s just a simple sports exam. It can’t possibly be that bad.
"Here’s a lock and key for you to use in the locker room," she said, handing me the lock. "You can just wear the key around your neck during the exam." I tried the key to make sure it fit the lock and then shoved them into the front pocket of my jeans.
While I was talking with the first girl, the other girl at the desk was placing my forms into the numbered manila folder. She placed letters on the tab of the folder that matched the first letter of my first name and the first four letters of my last, just like they do in a real doctor’s office.
"He’s orange," the second girl said to the first girl as she was looking at my paperwork.
"Oh, right, he is," she said. Upon hearing this news, she produced two hand-operated counters, like the kind you might see in a movie theatre or amusement park to count people. She clicked the first one and then showed the number to the second girl. Both girls now looked at each other and began to grin and look up at me. The second girl now placed a bright green rectangular label prominently on the front of my folder. Both girls now initialed the label. She clicked the second counter and likewise showed it to the second girl.
"So, what’s the green label all about," I asked.
"That just means you were randomly selected to participate in the growth and development study today," said the first girl. "But you were not selected for the HSDP study."
"But I didn’t want to sign up for anything like that," I responded.
"But you are marked as orange," said the second girl. "Orange is supposed to mean that you volunteered to participate." Both girls now shuffled through my paperwork and found the disclosure and release do

"See, you signed it right here," she said as she showed me the form I had signed. "By signing here you agreed that if you were randomly chosen, you would voluntarily participate in the study."
"But, I really don’t want to do any kind of study," I protested, "I guess I didn’t realize what I was signing. Nobody told me that some of the forms were optional!"
"I’m sorry," she said, "but the rules are that once you’re randomly chosen, you have to participate. This is a study that they’ve been doing for a few years now, and we can’t just let you change your mind. That might change the randomness of the study and the final results."
I just looked at the two girls in shock. I thought I was here for a simple sports exam, and now I was being forced into some kind of study.
"So what’s involved in this study, anyway?" I asked.
"Well, we don’t have first-hand knowledge of what’s involved since it’s only for male students," said the second girl, "but we’ve been told that it’s just a few additional tests and measurements immediately following your physical." Both of the girls were now looking at me and smiling, as if they were the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary. I sensed that they knew more about the study than they were telling me, but I obviously wasn’t going to get the full story from them.
"Well, alright, I guess I don’t really have a choice," I replied.
"Thank you for your cooperation, Jim," the first girl said. That was the first time today that anyone called me by my name. She now smiled as she handed me the manila folder of paperwork, complete with the bright green label on the cover.
"Just take this with you into the locker room to begin your exam," she said. "The door is right over there."
{*Part Three: In the Locker Room*}
I took the manila folder from her and walked toward the locker room door. I pulled open the door and walked in. I took just a few steps and then made a ninety degree turn to the right. I was now in a short hallway with another door at the other end. Obviously they setup the entrance to the locker room this way to avoid any accidental exposure when the doors were held open. I pushed open the second door and was now in the men’s locker room.
"Hi, can I see your paperwork please," said a young man who was standing just inside the inner door. He was dressed in a pair of white shorts and a dark blue polo shirt, so I knew he had some official capacity. He looked like he was two or three years older than me. I handed him my folder which he briefly opened to verify that all of the paperwork was in order. He then used a hand-held scanner to first scan the barcode on the cover of the manila folder, and then the barcode on my wrist band.
"What size are you Jim?" he asked, reading my name from the cover of the folder.
"Size? What size are you talking about?" I responded.
"Waist size. What size underwear do you wear?" he asked.
"I wear a 32, but why do you need to know that?" I replied. He ignored my question and simply continued.
"That means you’re a medium," he said. He now turned his back to me and retrieved something from a basket that was on a table behind him. The basket had a big "M" written on it with a black magic marker.
"Here you go, you’ll need this," he said as he handed me the item that he just retrieved from the basket. He also handed me a single sheet of paper with written instructions. "And here are your instructions. Just find any empty locker and you can get started."
I took a quick look at what I was just handed and immediately realized that it was a jockstrap. It was neatly folded into a bundle with the label facing out so you could determine the size. In this case, the size was medium.
"But, I think there must be some mistake," I said, "I don’t think I really need this, do I?" The jockstrap was still neatly folded but I held it out to him as I was talking. "I’m just going to play golf, so maybe I’m in the wrong place. Is there a different place I’m supposed to go for golf physicals?"
"No, you’re in the right place," he replied. "Everyone here follows the same procedures, regardless of what sport they’re playing. And everyone receives the same exact physical. So just find a locker and follow those instructions I gave you." As he was talking to me, another student entered the gym behind me. The young attendant gave me a look that I interpreted as "quit asking so many questions, move along and get out of the way".
I walked past the young man into the first row of lockers. I didn’t want to use any of those since they were in a direct line of sight when you first walk into the locker room. I figured that one of the other rows would provide more privacy. The second row of lockers looked much better. There were a couple of guys already there in various stages of undress. As I walked down the row of lockers, looking for an empty one, I was also looking for any sign of the physical exams. I didn’t see any activity at all, so I assumed that the actual exams were done in some training room that I hadn’t yet seen or worse yet, in the gym.
"Hey, how’s it going?" I said as I passed another young guy. He was solemnly sitting in front of an open locker. He was bare-chested and was reading the page of instructions. I recognized him as the guy that was immediately in front of me at the last check-in table. He seemed to be about my age, so I guessed that he was also a first year student just like me.
"Oh, I’m not really sure right now" he said in reply.
I found an empty locker a few feet past the guy and I sat down. I figured that I should try to be polite, so I extended my hand to him.
"I’m Jim," I said to him.
"I’m Mike," he replied as he shook my hand.
"Well, it’s nice to meet you Mike," I replied. "Are you new here too?"
"Yeah, this is my first year, and also my first time going out for any sport," he said.
"Me too," I said. "Can you believe I have to get a physical just to play golf?"
"Yeah, well, I’m going out for tennis and I’ve got to get one too," he said. "Can you believe these instructions?"
"Well, actually I haven’t read them yet," I said.
"Oh, well, you better go ahead and read them right away so you can get over the shock" he responded. I began to silently read the instructions. The single sheet of paper listed just five steps.
Step one: Locate any available locker. All of your personal belongings should be secured in the locker using the lock and key that was provided to you.
Step two: Disrobe completely, removing all clothing. Note: This includes your underwear and socks. Place all personal clothing, jewelry and other personal items in the locker. Prescription eye glasses should be worn but any rings and watches must be removed. Do not remove your wrist band.
Step three: Wear only the athletic supporter that was provided to you. Please see the locker room attendant if you require a different size.
Step four: Secure your locker using the lock that was provided to you. For your convenience, the key should be worn around your neck.
Step five: Proceed to the gym with your paperwork and the key to your lock.
"You’ve got to be shitting me," I said to Mike. "They expect us to walk into the gym wearing just this jockstrap! That’s just crazy."
"I know," he replied. "I’ve been sitting here for the last couple of minutes trying to decide if I want to go through with this. I mean, I don’t really have to play tennis, do I?"
"No, you don’t have to," I said, "but my guidance counselor did say that they expect everyone to participate in some kind of sport. If I don’t play golf, I’m not sure what I’ll do."
"Yeah, they gave me the same story," he replied, "telling me that it’s especially important for freshmen to participate in some activity. They made it sound like it’s pretty much a requirement. I didn’t know that when I enrolled. If I knew this school had these kinds of rules, I might have just gone to state."
As we were talking, another young guy walked down our row of lockers and stopped at a locker that was between Mike and I. He removed the key from around his neck and started to open his locker. He was already undressed, so we assumed that he had completed his exam and was returning to get dressed. However, we both immediately noticed that he was wearing a pair of loose-fitting, light blue boxer shorts - not a jockstrap.
"So, how did you manage to get away with wearing your boxers?" asked Mike.
"Well I didn’t," he replied. "I only got as far as the first table as you enter the gym. I tried to check-in and they sent me back. They said that I didn’t follow the instructions and couldn’t get my physical until I did."
"You’re kidding," I said, "did you ask them why we all have to wear just a jock?"
"Yes," he replied. "but they just said that those are the rules and that I had to follow them if I wanted to get my physical." As he was talking, the young man slid his boxers off and placed them in the open locker. He was now standing completely nude in front of us.
"I tried to press the issue," the young man continued, "but they just kept on saying that those were the rules. They wouldn’t give me any other explanation. So I guess we don’t really have a choice."
He now held his jockstrap out in front of him and stepped into it. As I watched, he bent over to pull the strap up, pulling the pouch up to cover the ample package between his legs. Once the jock was pulled up to his waist, he reached into the front of the pouch to adjust himself. He then untangled and straightened the rear straps that were framing his ass and finally closed and locked his locker.
"Well, good luck guys, I’m going to try again," he said as he walked toward the entrance to the gym. I starred at his bare ass as he walked away, thinking how embarrassing it must be to walk around like that. But then I remembered that I too would soon be doing exactly the same thing.
Still sitting in front of my open locker, I unfolded the jockstrap that I had been given and took a good look at it. It was a standard jock with a 3 inch waist band. It was my size, medium, and it appeared to be clean and in good condition. But it certainly wasn’t new. It looked like it had probably been worn several dozen times, by several dozen young men just like me. I turned to look at Mike to see what he was doing. He was just sitting there watching me.
"I will if you will," I said to him.
"I don’t want to, but I guess we really don’t have any choice," he replied.
I immediately stood up and began to undress. I first removed my shoes and socks and placed them in the bottom of my open locker. Then I removed my T-shirt which I hung in the locker. I briefly stopped to look at Mike to see how he was progressing. I guess I just wanted to make sure that he was actually going through with it. I saw that he was now down to just his underwear, a pair of snug-fitting white boxer briefs. As I watched, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down in one swift motion. He was facing his locker at the time, so I was able to see only the profile of his nude body.
I turned my attention back to my own task of undressing. I unbuckled my belt and slipped my jeans down and off of my body, hanging them in my locker. I was now down to just my new white boxers. I started out the day thinking that this was just about as far as I’d be asked to undress. I assumed that sometime during my exam, I’d have to drop my jeans and momentarily pull down my boxers. Now all of those plans had changed. I was now about to remove my last piece of clothing and the exam hadn’t even started yet. But there was no time to think about that or what lay ahead of me. I quickly pulled down my boxers, stepped out of them and hung them next to my other clothes in the locker.
I was now completely nude. I picked up the jockstrap and prepared to pull it on. Before doing so, I turned to look at Mike once again. To my surprise, he was now facing me, holding his jockstrap in hand. Apparently I wasn’t the only one that was trying to sneak of peak of the other guy. I turned to face him and our eyes briefly met. He seemed genuinely embarrassed that I caught him looking at me, but I just smiled in return. As I watched, he held the jockstrap out in front of himself, stepped into it and then pulled it up to his waist. It was a standard type of jock with a large waist band, just like mine. I followed suit and did the same thing with my own jockstrap. As I pulled it up, I felt the elastic material of the pouch cling to my genitals, pulling my balls up tightly against my body.
Mike now turned so that his back was to me. I could see that his hands were in the front of his jock pouch and that he was adjusting himself. While he had his back to me, I took the opportunity to do the same thing. I pulled the front of my waistband slightly away from me body with my left hand, allowing me to reach in with my right hand and adjust myself. It was the first time I wore a jock since my sophomore year in high school P.E., so for a split second, I couldn’t remember if it was more comfortable pointing up or down. I finally decided on down since I figured doing that would minimize the bulge in the front of my jock. I also moved my balls around just a bit, since the bottom of the pouch seemed a bit tight and felt like it was pinching. While I was doing this, I had a clear view of Mike’s bare ass. Well, to be accurate, it wasn’t entirely bare. He did have the two rear straps of his jock framing his ass. But everything else was completely bare. I did notice that one of his rear straps was twisted and I wondered if he was going to fix it. Seeing that reminded me to run my fingers down and over the entire length of my own rear straps to make sure they weren’t twisted. As I was doing so, I saw Mike’s hands reach around and adjust the rear straps of his jock. Mike now locked his locker and hung the key around his neck. I did the same.
"Come on," said Mike, "let’s get this over with."
"Yeah, I’m ready," I said in reply, "let’s hurry up so we can get dressed again."
Mike turned away from me and started to walk toward the entrance to the gym. I followed a few feet behind him. As we walked, I couldn’t help but look at his jock-strapped ass and think how embarrassing this situation was. My hands instinctively rubbed against my own bare ass to confirm that I was in the same embarrassing state of undress. I even turned around at one point to see if anyone was walking behind me, self-conscious of anyone seeing me like this from behind.
{*Part Four: In the Gym*}
We quickly reached the door to the gym, pushed it open and entered. We were now at one of the far ends of the gym, adjacent to several small offices that appeared to be used by coaches or trainers. Walking past the offices, we saw that there was a table immediately in front of us, blocking our entrance to the gym. This was obviously where we were supposed to check-in and begin the physical. The table was staffed with two people. Two attractive female people to be precise. For some reason, I wasn’t expecting to see two young ladies sitting in front of me, especially considering the small amount of clothing that I was barely wearing. I guess I figured that there might be a female nurse or doctor doing part of the exam, but I wasn’t prepared right now for these two girls, both dressed in their clean white shorts and sharp looking blue polo shirts, to see me like this. These girls both appeared to be several years older than me.
Mike was the first to reach the table to check-in. He handed the girls his paperwork, which they immediately opened and reviewed. I stood a few feet behind him and waited until he finished. Now that I was at the table, I could see into the entire gym and get a better idea of exactly how this physical was going to proceed. It was a standard size gym with a hardwood floor. It looked like there were multiple exam stations setup throughout the gym. There were dark grey mats placed on the floor around and between each station. Most of the stations had an exam table and looked like they were staffed by one or two people, some male and some female. And of course, everywhere I looked were college guys just like me. Some were waiting in line at a station while others were sitting on an exam table or standing in front of a doctor or nurse. And still others were walking between the stations. But they had one thing in common, they were all dressed in a jockstrap and nothing else, just like me.
"Alright Mike," I heard one of the girls at the table say, "just head over there to station one to get started and we’ll get you out of here in no time at all." As I watched, the girl handed Mike his paperwork. He then left the table, walking to his left and toward the first station. As he walked away, both of the girls turned to look at him, apparently admiring his jock-strapped ass. They didn’t even try to conceal their interest in him, and didn’t seem to care if I caught them looking.
"Next," said one of the girls as she looked at me.
I took a few steps toward the table and handed them my paperwork. As the second girl opened my folder of paperwork and reviewed it, the first one just looked at me and smiled. I could see that her eyes seemed to scan up and down over my near-naked body. I thought about putting my hands in front of me in an attempt to cover up but decided against it. I figured, what the hell, she’s going to see my bare ass as I walk away, so why not just let her enjoy the complete package. I just casually stood there in front of her with my arms at my sides. As I watched, the second girl used a handheld scanner to scan the barcode on my folder.
"Let me have your wrist please," she said, "I need to scan you in." I held out my hand to her and she scanned the barcode on my wrist band.
"I have to ask," I said to the girls, "do they always make the guys dress like this?"
"Oh yes, always," said the first girl, "This is my second year helping out and it’s always the same."
"This is my third year assisting," chimed in the second girl, "and as far as I know, they’ve done it this way for years and years."
"So, what’s the real reason for it?" I asked. "I mean, we could just as easily wear our underwear instead of this stupid jock."
"Well," said the second girl, "as you might expect, we get that question a lot. The official answer is that those are simply the rules and you must abide by them if you want your exam. But if you’re looking for a real reason, I have heard the people that run this every year say that things go much quicker when all of the guys are dressed the same way."
"Yeah, I suppose," I replied, "but I’m still not convinced that’s the entire reason."
"Well," said the second girl again, "it’s also sort of a team building and initiation thing too. You know, all of you guys going through the same thing as if you’re all on one big team together."
"Personally," added the first girl, "I think it’s just a way for them to maintain more control over you guys, to make sure you don’t step out of line. After all, you’re not really going to cause any trouble dressed like that, are you?" As she spoke, she momentarily looked directly at my jockstrap instead of up at my face.
"No, I suppose not," I responded.
The first girl now chimed in again. “I know a lot of you guys complain about it, but I really don’t see why it’s that big of a deal. I mean, you guys have to get completely undressed for your exams anyway, you know, for the coughing part, so I would think that wearing a jockstrap is better than nothing at all. I mean, they could just do this with all of you completely naked if they really wanted to. After all, they do make the rules and that would be really efficient!”
"Yeah, you have a point there," I responded. I thought about asking her if the girl’s physicals are done with all of them in just a tiny thong, but I bit my tongue and decided that arguing with her wouldn’t really help my situation.
The second girl made a few notes in her log book, finished with my folder and then handed it back to me.
"You’re all set, Jim," she said to me, "you can proceed to the first station and get started. Oh, and remember that you were randomly chosen for the development and growth study today, so someone will escort you to the study examination area when you complete the last station of the regular physical."
"Yeah, about that," I said to her, "that was really a mistake and I’ve decided that I really don’t want to do that today. Can you just remove me from that list, please?"
"Oh, well, I’m sorry, but we can’t do that," she responded, "I’m sure you already know that once you’re randomly chosen, you can’t back out. If you really didn’t want to participate, you shouldn’t have signed the waiver." As she was talking to me, she made eye contact with me and smiled.
"Well, there’s not really much to the study, right?" I asked. Both of the girls now looked at each other and grinned before looking back at me.
"Well, Jim," said the first girl, "we’re not really allowed to discuss the details of the study, I’m sure you can understand that." I detected a hint of mocking laughter in her voice as she addressed me. "But, I was assigned to help with the study last year, so I do actually know a thing or two about it and what kinds of things you boys will go through." She turned and looked at the second girl and they both laughed.
"I honestly didn’t work in the study area last year," said the second girl, "but, of course, I have heard bits and pieces about what goes on in there from some of the other volunteers. However, we really aren’t allowed to tell study participants about the details of the study in advance. That’s a very strict rule and we could get into a lot of trouble for breaking it. I don’t think they want to scare off potential participants with a lot of unnecessary details."
"What I am allowed to tell you", continued the first girl, "is that it’s not anything painful, if that’s what you’re worried about." She paused to look up at me and gauge my response before continuing. "But there are some aspects of it that you might find, um, embarrassing. So you might want to be prepared for that." She now seemed to look directly at my crotch as she was talking.
"More embarrassing than standing here in a jockstrap?" I asked.
"Oh, don’t worry so much Jim," said the first girl, "You certainly look healthy so I’m sure you’ll pass your physical without any problems at all. And we haven’t lost a study participant yet, so you’ll survive that too."
"You better move along now," said the second girl, "just go right over there to the first station." Both girls were now looking up at me and smiling.
With my folder of paperwork in hand, I turned to my left and walked toward the first station. When I was a few feet away, I turned to see if they were looking at me as they were with Mike. As it turns out, they were. Both of the girls were turned toward me and looking directly at me as I walked away. One of them even waved goodbye as if to taunt me.
As I arrived at the first station, I saw that Mike had already finished and was on his way to station two.
"Hi, can I have your folder please?" said the young man at the first station. He looked like he was just a couple of years older than me and was dressed in the same uniform as everyone else.
"Sure," I replied, handing him my folder. This station certainly looked simple enough. There was a scale, the kind with the manual weights on top, just like you might find in a doctor’s office. There wasn’t an exam table or anything else. Just the scale. As I watched, the young man scanned the barcode on my folder and then reached out to scan the one attached to my wrist.
"Step on the scale please, facing forward," he ordered.
I mounted the scale and stood still with my arms at my sides. I briefly felt his hand on my lower back, prodding me to move slightly forward on the scale. Once I was in position, he adjusted the weights on the scale and recorded my weight in the folder.
"Turn around please, I need to get your height," he said.
As I turned around on the scale, he positioned the long pole behind me so that it was touching the top of my head.
"Stand up straight," he said, "arms at your sides." I didn’t realize that I had unconsciously moved my hands in front of me when I turned around. I guess I was instinctively trying to cover myself up with my hands. I obeyed his order and moved my arms to my sides, thinking to myself that this was probably not the last time today that I would be asked to uncover myself. In just a few short seconds, he determined my height and recorded it in my folder.
"Alright, congratulations, you’ve completed the easiest station of the morning", he laughingly told me, "please follow the arrows to station two."
{*Part Five: Station Two*}
I reached for my folder, assuming that I was supposed to carry it to the next station, but he stopped me.
"No, we’ll take care of your paperwork from here on," he said, "you don’t have to worry about it anymore today."
I immediately started walking toward the second station. As I did, I saw a pretty young girl walking toward me in the opposite direction. She had just come from the second station and was now almost directly in front of me. She smiled at me as she approached.
"Hi," she said as we briefly made eye contact.
"Hello," I replied as I kept on walking.
As we passed each other, I saw that her eyes had drifted downward. It was obvious that my face wasn’t the part of my body that most interested her as we passed each other. I continued to walk forward a few more feet before turning around to see what she was doing. As I watched, the young man at the first station handed her my folder of paperwork and then she immediately turned around and began to walk back to the second station. Apparently her job was to shuttle the paperwork from one station to another. I still had a few feet to go before reaching the second station, and I suddenly felt very self-conscious walking in my jockstrap. I realized that there was now a pretty young female walking behind me and my ass was completely bare. She had already seen me from the front, and now she had the opportunity to see my bare ass as I walked in front of her.
I reached station two which was staffed by a female doctor (at least I assumed she was a doctor) and a male student that was assisting. The male student was wearing the official-looking white shorts and blue polo shirt while the doctor was wearing a lab coat over some dark slacks. At least the doctors got to choose how they dressed today. There was no line at the station, but they were still finishing up with Mike who was lying flat on the exam table. I waited a few feet away from the exam table and watched the remainder of Mike’s exam. The female doctor was pressing on various parts of his abdomen while the male assistant was standing on the other side of the table and watching. He was holding Mike’s folder of paperwork and making notes when instructed by the doctor.
Mike’s feet were facing me and his legs were spread slightly apart while he was flat on the table. In this position, I had a good view of the mound between his legs. The elastic material of his jock had his package pulled up tightly against his body. As I watched, he raised his legs, bending them at the knee and placing his feet firmly at the edges of the exam table. The doctor now repeated her abdominal examination with Mike in this new position.
With his knees raised and his legs spread apart, I now had a more intimate view of Mike. Not only could I see his full package, I now also had a glimpse of that small piece of material where the front of his jock was sewn together with the two rear straps. This small area of material was now hovering directly over his puckered little hole, which was pink and now also quite visible. I began to have a sinking feeling, knowing that I would soon be put in the same embarrassing position.
As I was watching Mike’s exam and waiting for my turn on the exam table, another young man walked up and got in line behind me.
"Wow, that sure looks embarrassing," he said.
"Yeah, sure does," I replied, turning to look at the young man. He appeared to be a couple of years older than me. He was large and muscular and looked like he could be a football player. And he was wearing only a jockstrap like the rest of us.
"By the way, I’m Tom," he said to me.
"Hi, I’m Jim," I replied, "nice to meet you."
"I don’t usually take up conversations with total strangers like this," he continued, "but I thought that the least I should do is to go ahead and introduce myself. After all, I’m going to be very familiar with you by the time we’re done this morning."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"Well," he continued, "just remember that I’ll be here to watch every part of your exam, no matter how embarrassing it is, including that part right there." As he spoke, he pointed to Mike who still had his knees raised and his legs spread apart.
"Gee, what a way to make a guy feel self-conscious," I replied. "Just you wait, sooner or later someone else will get in line and then you’ll have an audience too."
This Tom character was obviously trying to lighten things up by making a joke, but he was actually right. The odds seemed pretty good that he would be behind me in line and watching every stage of my exam this morning. I was already nervous and embarrassed, but now I had a total stranger behind me as an audience. And he would be able to see everything that they did to me.
"Have you done this before or is this your first time?" I asked.
"This is my third year," he replied, "so I’m over the initial shock of how they do this. Now I just try to get through it as quickly as possible."
They finally finished with Mike’s exam. He got up from the exam table, briefly made eye contact with me, and then walked toward the next station. The male student assistant replaced the paper that was on the table and then motioned for me to come forward.
"Jim Johnson?" he said as he opened my folder of paperwork.
"Yes, that’s me," I replied.
"Have a seat on the table please," he said, patting the top of the exam table.
I took a few steps forward and mounted the table, facing my new acquaintance, Tom. As I sat down, I saw Tom looking at me and smiling. Since he made such an issue of watching me, I decided to have a little bit of fun with him. Rather than trying to cover up, I spread my legs apart and placed my hands on each thigh. This provided Tom with an unobstructed view of everything between my parted legs. I now smiled back at him and he gave me a thumbs up sign. I guess he was enjoying the start of this morning’s show.
The male assistant at the station scanned the barcode on my folder, followed by the one on my wrist band. While he was doing this, the female doctor was using an antibacterial rinse on her hands. He then handed the folder to the female doctor who quickly scanned my medical history. After a few seconds, she handed the folder back to the assistant and began her examination without saying a word to me.
Her examination was routine, yet thorough. She rapidly moved from system to system, starting with my head and methodically working her way down. She checked my eyes, looked in my ears and nose, and had me stick out my tongue and say ah. She held up a finger and had me follow it without moving my head. She moved behind me and placed both hands around my throat in order to check my thyroid. At one point, she used a rubber hammer to tap on my knees, ankles and wrists. All throughout her examination, she spoke to the male assistant, instructing him to check off various body systems on my chart.
Once she completed her examination above the neck, she used her stethoscope to listen to my heart and lungs. She listed to several areas on my chest, asking me to either breathe deeply and hold it, or breathe normally. She also moved to my back and listened there in several locations.
"Lie back, please," she instructed me.
I laid back on the exam table as ordered, while the doctor pulled out the foot extension from the end of the table. This put me into the same position that Mike was in when I arrived at this station. I was flat on my back and my legs were resting comfortably apart and facing Tom. Having seen Mike in this position, I knew that Tom had a pretty good view of the mound between my legs. I also knew that as bad as this position was, it would get worse when she made me bend my knees.
The doctor continued her examination using her stethoscope on several different areas of my chest and lower abdomen. At one point, she pulled the front of my jockstrap down ever so slightly. She then pressed the stethoscope against the uncovered area near my right leg. After listening to my pulse for a few seconds, she repeated the test on my left side. I could feel the warmth of her fingers that were now just inches away from my genitals. This was in sharp contrast with the coldness of the stethoscope against my bare skin.
She now put away her stethoscope and proceeded to palpate my abdomen by tapping on various areas with her fingers. As she did, I suddenly began to feel aroused. Not a lot, but ever so slightly. I don’t know exactly why. Maybe it was the thumping of her fingers against my lower abdomen. Or maybe it was because I knew what was coming up next, and that I’d have to raise my knees. But whatever the reason, I now had that unmistakable feeling of blood beginning to engorge my flaccid penis.
"Raise your knees please," ordered the doctor as she temporarily suspended her examination.
I quickly obeyed her order by raising both of my knees, planting my feet firmly near the edges of the exam table. The doctor pushed in the foot extension since my feet were now on the exam table and not the extension. She now resumed her exam by palpating my lower abdomen again.
As she did, I had time to think about the position I was in. With my knees in the air, I felt the rear straps of my jock being pulled tightly against my body. This also caused the front pouch to be pulled tighter against my genitals. I could also feel cool air against my ass hole, so I knew that my ass was now lifted up off the table. And with my knees parted, I knew that my ass, including my uncovered hole, was now on display for Tom and anyone else to see. I felt embarrassed, but also strangely aroused. I was once again aware that my penis was in a preliminary state of arousal. It wasn’t fully hard yet, but I could feel that it was getting slightly thicker and longer.
The doctor now stopped her palpation and began to push her fingers deeply into my abdomen. As she pushed on different positions, she occasionally asked me to take a deep breath and hold it.
"All done," pronounced the doctor, "You can stand up now."
As she spoke, the male assistant handed her my folder of paperwork to sign. He then helped me to get up from the table.
"On to the next station please," said the male assistant. I noticed that the young girl that I previously saw shuttling paperwork back and forth was standing next to him. It looked like she was waiting to receive my folder of paperwork.
{*Part Six: Station Three*}
Before walking toward the next station, I turned to see Tom’s reaction. He had a smile on his face, indicating that he must have enjoyed watching my exam. And as I started to walk away, I noticed that he had quite a bulge in the front of his jock. It looked like he was partially aroused himself! I didn’t notice that earlier when I was standing next to him. But then again, I didn’t really go out of my way to look down at his jock before since that might have been awkward.
Station three was positioned at the far end of the gym, so I had time to look around as I walked to the station. I looked for any sign of Beth or Ashley, but I didn’t see either of them. They said that they volunteered to help today, so I knew they were here somewhere. I just didn’t know where. And the more that I thought about it, I was glad that I hadn’t seen them yet. Perhaps I’d get lucky and get through this entire ordeal without running into them. It was bad enough walking around like this in front of total strangers, but it would be really embarrassing to run into someone that I know right now.
I arrived at station three, and as was the case before, they were still finishing with Mike’s exam. This station was run by a male doctor with a female student assisting. Mike was sitting on an exam table while the doctor examined his left arm and shoulder. The way the doctor pulled and rotated his arm, I could only assume that this was an orthopedic exam. As I watched, the exam was repeated on his right arm and shoulder. Mike was now ordered to stand in front of the doctor for additional orthopedic tests.
I briefly turned my attention away from Mike’s exam to see if Tom had finished with the previous station. I could see that he was still at the last station and that his exam was progressing. Maybe, just maybe, I might be able to get through this station before Tom caught up with me. It would be nice to do this without an audience, I thought to myself.
As I was looking back toward the last station, I saw the girl that shuffles paperwork back and forth approach my station. She had my manila folder of paperwork which she handed to the female assistant at my station. I expected her to immediately leave but she didn’t. Instead, she just stood there waiting near the exam table at my station. At one point she looked over at me and smiled. I’m not sure what she was supposed to be doing, but she wasn’t in any hurry to leave.
I turned my attention back to Mike’s exam just in time to see him finish with this station and start to walk toward the next station. Before he left, we once again briefly made eye contact. This time Mike smiled and slowly shook his head, expressing his disgust with this entire situation.
The young female assistant motioned for me to come forward. I approached the station while she scanned the barcode on my folder. When I reached the exam table she scanned the barcode on my wrist band. She then quickly changed the paper on the exam table.
"On the table and lie back, please," the young female assistant commanded.
I climbed aboard the exam table and laid back as instructed. The assistant immediately pulled out the leg extension from the bottom of the table. I looked over to see that the girl that was shuffling the paperwork between stations was still there, standing right next to the exam table. We didn’t make eye contact this time because her gaze seemed to be directed toward the front pouch of my jockstrap. I felt helplessly exposed before her, laying on the exam table in my jock and unable to cover myself. And to make matters worse, I felt like I was still partially hard. Was this why she hung around this station so long? Did she just want to get a better look at me? After just a few more seconds, she left and walked back toward station two.
I continued to lay there while the male doctor reviewed my paperwork. Just then a different girl arrived, picked up Mike’s paperwork and immediately left to shuttle it to the next station. Apparently each girl was assigned two or three stations and this was the middle point of the exam. She didn’t seem to pay any special attention to me and simply picked up Mike’s folder and turned around.
The male doctor now turned his attention to me and began my orthopedic exam. He began by examining my ankles, alternatively pulling, rotating and generally manipulating them.
"Any pain here?" he asked.
"No," was my answer.
He briefly examined my toes before turning his attention to my knees, legs and hips. After raising my right leg off of the table, he bent my knee and had me alternate between pushing and pulling my right foot. Apparently this provided the resistance necessary for him to determine if I had any problems in that area. He then raised my knee even higher, almost up to my chest, before swinging my entire right leg outward over the right side of my body.
"Any pain in your hip when I do this?" he asked.
I again answered in the negative. But actually I lied. I was suffering the pain of embarrassment. With my left leg flat on the table and my right knee pulled up to my chest and swung out to my right, I felt more exposed as I had been the entire morning. I felt like everything between my legs, my entire manhood, was now on display. The position made me feel like I was deliberately spreading my legs, inviting everyone to see what I had. Yes, I was still covered by my jockstrap, but I knew that I was still partially hard, and that wasn’t going to subside anytime soon. And to make matters worse, in this position I felt the rear straps of my jock tugging against my body and digging into my ass. The cool air against my exposed ass hole confirmed that it was completely uncovered and visible. I knew that anyone looking at me at that precise moment could publicly see every part of me that I considered private.
Just at this moment, I happened to notice that Tom had arrived at my station and was watching my exam. How long he was there, I’m not sure. When we made eye contact, he gave me a big smile and another big thumbs up.
Still working on my right side, the doctor now straightened my knee and raised my entire right leg high above the table, stretching the muscles in the back of my thigh in the process. One again I felt myself being exposed as my legs were separated from each other.
"Any pain?" he again asked.
"No," I answered.
The doctor now moved to the opposite side of the exam table and began to repeat all of the previous maneuvers on my left side. Once he switched sides, he cleared the field of view for the young female assistant. She was now standing next to the exam table on my right side and could see everything that was being done to me. This time my left knee was raised to my chest and swung out over the left side of my body. Once again I was exposed. I looked up at the assistant and saw that she was intently watching my exam. She wasn’t looking at my face or chest or anything at all above my waist. No, her gaze was directed toward the lower half of my body, toward the pouch of my jockstrap. I knew that she could see everything. I knew that Tom was also watching and could see everything. The thought of being on display like this was just too much. I felt myself getting harder and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.
"Sit up," ordered the doctor.
The female assistant pushed in the leg extension at the bottom of the exam table while I sat up. The doctor now took a quick look at my wrists and elbows and then focused on my shoulders, pushing, pulling and rotating them. All through this part of the exam, I sat on the edge of the exam table with my legs dangling over the edge. I could feel my partially erect cock pressing against the elastic material of my jock pouch. I briefly looked down to confirm that I was indeed pushing out the front of my jockstrap, tenting it. I tried to keep my legs together as much as possible to minimize my exposure but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to completely hide my erection.
I looked up and saw that Tom was still watching my exam. I noticed that the bulge that I saw earlier in his jockstrap had grown. It now looked like a thick snake running down the front of his jock, pointing toward his left. But it didn’t seem to bother him at all. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. He just stood there confidently, his legs spread comfortably apart and his arms at his sides. He didn’t care if anyone saw his erection, or perhaps he was actually proud of it and wanted it to be seen. At that moment, I wasn’t sure.
"Stand up please," said the doctor.
It was now the moment of truth. I was partially erect, and now I was being ordered to stand up. I couldn’t hide anymore. At that instant, I decided that I wouldn’t even try to hide. Perhaps it was Tom’s carefree attitude that inspired me. I stood up in front of the exam table, still facing Tom, but I kept my arms at my sides. Tom immediately saw my erection, I saw it in the expression on his face. His eyebrows were raised and he grinned wildly as he looked down toward the lower half of my uncovered body.
The doctor was still making some notes in my chart, so I took the opportunity to look over at the female assistant. She was standing just a few feet to my left and in front of me. And she was not making eye contact with me. She was staring at the lower half of my body. She saw it, my erection. Her hand was partially covering her mouth as if she wanted to say “oh my”. After just a few seconds, she tilted her head up and looked directly at my face and smiled. I smiled back in the most confident smile I could muster.
"You need to face this way," ordered the female assistant. She was pointing toward the middle of the gym. She obviously knew what position I had to be in to complete the doctor’s exam.
I took a step or two away from the exam table and turned to face the middle of the gym. I was now facing the female assistant with my back to the doctor. Meanwhile, Tom was watching me in profile.
"Keep your feet together, bend over and touch the floor," ordered the doctor.
As ordered, I bent over and touched the floor, effectively mooning the doctor.
"Hold that position," added the doctor.
As he spoke, I felt his hands running up and down my spine, examining each vertebrae to ensure that I didn’t have any problems.
"Stand up," the doctor said, "and I want you to walk over there and back again." As he spoke, he pointed to a spot about five feet away, right next to where Tom was waiting.
I carefully walked to the indicated spot, turned around and just as carefully walked back. As I walked back, I could see that both the doctor and the female assistant were watching me. I was now standing in front of the doctor with my bare backside toward Tom and the female assistant who had moved behind me.
"Now I want you to squat down and then immediately stand up," ordered the doctor.
Still facing the doctor, I obeyed his order, squatting down and then standing up again. As I went down, I felt the rear straps of my jockstrap tug against my body, pulling the front pouch even tighter against my erection.
"One more time, and this time stay down there," he ordered.
I repeated the task, this time staying down until he allowed me to stand up. While I was squatting in front of the doctor, I happened to look down between my parted legs. I saw the full pouch of my jock hanging low between my legs, with my erection straining to break free through the bottom of the pouch.
"Ok, you can stand up now," the doctor said.
"You’re all done here Jim," said the female assistant, "you can go to station four now."
I turned to look back at Tom one more time before walking toward the next station. The snake in the front of his jock was still there, as it was in mine.
{*Part Seven: Station Four*}
As I walked to station four, I once again surveyed the gym, looking for any sign of Beth or Ashley. At first I didn’t see either of them, but then I finally noticed Ashley. She had just entered the gym from one of the side offices that run along the length of the gym. I’m sure it was her since I got a clear view of her face. She was dressed in the same white shorts and dark blue polo shirt as the other volunteers. As I watched, she turned and began walking away from me, back toward the first registration table that is located inside the gym. She was carrying a manila folder and there was a male student walking with her, wearing only a jockstrap of course. It looked as if she was escorting this student back to the front registration table, since they were walking at the same pace and side by side. I wondered why she was escorting a student like this, since there didn’t seem to be any obvious reason for it.
I continued my journey toward station four, taking a few more steps before turning around to see Ashley again. She and her almost-nude male student were now standing at the registration table. As I watched, the girl at the registration table scanned the barcode on the student’s wrist. And just a few seconds after that, the male student left the table and started walking in the direction of the locker room. Meanwhile, Ashley reversed direction and began walking back toward me.
When I saw this, I immediately turned around and decided to quickly finish my journey to station four. Other options briefly flashed through my mind. I thought about waving to her or trying to attract her attention in some way. And I even thought about waiting there until she walked close enough to see me. But then I came to my senses and decided that the best plan was to try to avoid Ashley, as well as Beth if I happened to see her. After all, look at me. I was wearing just a jockstrap and was sporting a pretty good hard-on. Sure, I’ve known Beth for a long time, but she’s never seen me like this! In a bathing suit, sure. Shirtless and in gym shorts playing basketball in the driveway of my parent’s house, sure. But never like this. And certainly not with an erection. And although I really like Beth, and could have even fallen for her at one time, now she’s really more like an older sister than a girlfriend. And Ashley seems like a sweet enough girl, and she’s definitely very cute, but I just met her yesterday. I don’t think you go from pizza and drinks to jockstrap and boner in less than a day. Faced with the reality of actually seeing one of them, my new plan was to get through this humiliating situation without being noticed by either one of them.
As I approached station four I saw that Mike was still waiting in line to receive his exam. For some unknown reason, the line at this station was moving more slowly than the others.
"Hey Mike," I said as I walked up behind him.
"Oh, hi Jim," he replied, "I see you finally caught up with me." Mike partially turned his body toward me as he replied.
"Yeah, I’m surprised this is the first time that’s happened," I said in reply.
Mike now turned his head to the left to see how the exam was progressing, leaving most of his body still angled toward me. While he was looking away, I took the opportunity to look down and take a quick peek at his condition. I really wanted to know if this exam was as arousing for him as it was for me. But apparently it wasn’t. I looked down at the front of his jockstrap but I didn’t see any sign of an erection. His package was clearly outlined in the tight material of the pouch, and he might have been chubbed up just a bit, but no erection.
I now joined Mike in watching the exam in front of him that was still in progress, taking a step or two closer to Mike in order to see better. The student was lying flat on the exam table while the male doctor listened to his chest with his stethoscope. At the same time, the male student assistant was checking his blood pressure.
"I watched most of his exam," said Mike as he turned back toward me, "and it looks like this is a cardiac station. They made him do some exercises to increase his heart rate."
"That doesn’t sound so bad," I said in reply.
I was now standing directly in front of Mike and had turned to face him during our brief conversation. As it turned out, that was a mistake, since Mike just happened to look down at the front of my jockstrap. In hindsight, I guess that was only fair since I did take a quick peek at him. But my problem was a bit more obvious since I still had a fairly hard, thick and long erection that was barely being contained by the pouch of my jock. At first Mike didn’t say anything, he just continued to look down and stare. It was only when I also looked down at myself that Mike spoke.
"It looks like you’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?" he said jokingly to me.
"Yeah, well, I wouldn’t say I’m enjoying it," I replied, "but you know how it is, it just sort of got away from me. And now that I’ve got it, it just won’t go down."
"Don’t worry about it, Jim," he said, "I get hard all the time, in fact I’m surprised I’ve been able to keep it down today walking around like this. And you’re not alone, I’ve seen a few other guys that were hard too."
"Well, thanks for understanding," I said, "I’ve seen a couple of other guys too, including the guy that’s right behind me. It is pretty embarrassing, but hey, it’s not like I can really help it. I just don’t want anyone to get offended or get the wrong idea, you know?"
"Oh, you didn’t offend me at all," he replied, "unless you got that by staring at my bare ass. In that case I might have a problem with it."
"Trust me, Mike, you’re not my type," I replied with a half-hearted laugh.
"Well, this station doesn’t seem too bad," he said, "but you might want to do something about your boner before you get to station five. Look over there."
As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of the next station. Station five was the dreaded genital and hernia exam. I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me to see it, since I knew that sooner or later they’d be checking us in that area. Hell, every exam I’ve ever had includes a quick hernia check. But this was different. This genital exam was being performed out in the open just like all of the other exam stations. I’m not exactly sure why, but for some strange reason I expected some small amount of privacy for this part of the exam. But there was none.
"Next," said the male assistant at our station.
I turned my attention back to this station and saw that the previous student had left and was on his way to station five. Mike was now walking toward the station to be checked in and examined. After changing the paper on the exam table, the male volunteer had Mike take a seat and then scanned his barcodes. The male doctor began his exam by listening to Mike’s heart with his stethoscope. While he was doing this, the student assistant was wrapping a blood pressure cuff around Mike’s left arm.
Now that Mike’s exam had started, I once again turned my attention toward station five. I could see a male student standing in front of a male doctor. The student was still wearing his jockstrap, so perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Maybe the doctor would just briefly reach into his jock to perform his exam. At least, that’s what I was hoping to see. But my hopes were soon dashed to pieces when I saw the student bend over to remove his jockstrap. He was now standing completely nude in front of the male doctor, a female student assistant and anyone else in the gym that cared to watch. I guess they just don’t believe in any privacy at all for these exams, even for this most intimate part.
I turned back to see how Mike’s exam was going. He was now standing in front of the doctor and his assistant. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but the doctor seemed to be giving Mike instructions. Then as I watched, the doctor and assistant took a few steps away from Mike as he began to do jumping jacks. I’ve done jumping jacks before, but I’ve certainly never done them wearing only a jockstrap. I have to say that it was interesting to watch. Each time Mike jumped he assumed a spread-eagle position, simultaneously spreading his feet widely apart and raising his arms high above his head in a wide arc. He would then jump back to the starting position, planting his feet together with his arms lowered to his sides. There was nothing modest at all about this exercise, especially considering his current state of undress. It was as if he was saying “come look at me, I’ve got nothing to hide, come and watch my jockstrap bounce up and down.” After seeing Mike, I wasn’t looking forward to this at all.
Mike continued to do jumping jacks, so I once again turned around to look for any further sign of Beth or Ashley. I focused on the area near the side office where I saw Ashley before, but I didn’t see any sign of her. But as I was turned in that general direction, I now saw Tom walking toward me from station three, so it looked like my audience would be here in time to see me do the jumping jacks.
I briefly turned back to see how Mike was doing. He finally stopped exercising and was now standing in front of the doctor and his assistant. The doctor was once again listening to his heart with a stethoscope while the assistant was placing a cuff on his arm to check his blood pressure. I could see from the movement of Mike’s chest that he was still trying to catch his breath after all of his exercise. I noticed that his chest seemed to glisten with moisture, so it appeared that a few minutes of non-stop jumping jacks was enough for him to quickly work up a sweat. As he stood before the doctor, I noticed that he now seemed to be poured into his jockstrap, as if it was now more snugly clinging to his body. Maybe it was also slightly damp from sweat. That would certainly cause his change in appearance. Or perhaps the exercise simply caused it to be pulled more tightly against the front of his body. Regardless of the reason, Mike’s package was now more prominent and visible than ever.
"Hi Jim," I heard Tom say from behind me.
"Oh, hi Tom," I replied. turning toward him. I quickly glanced down and could see that he still had an impressive erection in his jock. If anything it had gotten even thicker. Tom now looked down at me and smiled.
"Nice boner you’ve got yourself there, Jim," he said. "I saw that you started to get one at the last station, but it looks like it’s gotten longer."
"Yeah, well, what can I say," I replied. Really, what was I supposed to say? My, you’ve got a nice boner there Tom and by the way, how do you like mine?
As I was turned toward Tom, I once again looked at the side office where I previously saw Ashley. This time I saw both of them, Beth and Ashley, coming out of the same side office. They both turned to their left and were walking toward the gym entrance where I first came in. Just like Ashley, Beth was dressed in the standard volunteer uniform. Tom immediately noticed that I was looking at the two girls.
"Do you know those two girls, Jim?" asked Tom.
"Yeah, they’re both friends of mine," I replied.
"Oh, bummer," he said, "I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to be seen like this by anyone that I knew."
"Believe me, I’m totally with you on that," I said in agreement, "and so far I’ve been able to avoid being seen by them."
"Well, I think you’ll be alright," he continued, "it looks like they came out of the room that is used for the research studies. You only need to go in there if you were dumb enough to sign-up for the study and then were unlucky enough to be randomly chosen. They’re not working at any of the normal stations so I think you’re safe. They’re probably just going on a break right now, before their next victim arrives."
My heart sank as I listened to Tom. Little did he know that yes, I was dumb enough to unintentionally sign-up for the study, and yes, I was chosen to participate. If he was right, and he probably was, it meant that Beth and Ashley were working on the study, and that I had an appointment with them in just a few minutes. They would see me like this and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it. I looked over again at Beth and Ashley. As I continued to watch, they both walked through the far exit of the gym and were now once again out of sight. But since they were now gone, were they just on a break, or were they done for the day? Maybe someone else would take over the study area now.
"Next," said the male assistant.
I turned back toward this station and walked the short distance to the exam table.
"Jim Johnson?", asked the assistant as he read my name from the folder in his hand. I nodded in the affirmative.
"Have a seat on the table," he ordered.
I stepped up to the exam table and sat down on the fresh paper. After scanning the barcode on my folder and my wrist, the assistant held my left hand in order to record my pulse. While he was doing this, the male doctor was reviewing my folder. The assistant now put a blood pressure cuff on my left arm and proceeded to record my pressure. Around the same time he began this, the doctor pressed his stethoscope against the bare flesh of my chest. He didn’t ask me to take a deep breath, hold my breath or really to do anything special. He just listened, presumably to my heart.
"Step down please," ordered the doctor as he removed the stethoscope from my chest and his ears. Just a moment prior to this the assistant had finished checking my blood pressure and had remove the cuff from my arm. As ordered, I got up from the exam table and stood before them, and before Tom who was keenly watching my exam. I was once again aware of the erection that I was still sporting. Knowing that I was about to begin several minutes of non-stop exercise, I made a few minor adjustments to my jock, straightening the waist band and adjusting the rear straps. I thought about reaching in and adjusting my erection, but I was afraid that I might make it worse. Right now it was still pointing down and its movement was tightly restricted by my jock. I feared that if I tried to adjust it, it might just pop all the way up and point toward the ceiling. Then I’d have a really noticeable problem. And I really didn’t want everyone to see me reach into my jock to adjust myself either.
"We need to check your cardiac response under stress," said the doctor. "So in just a minute, I’ll need you to take a few steps away from the exam table, and then begin doing some jumping jacks. Do you know how to do jumping jacks?"
"Yeah, sure," I answered.
"Good," continued the doctor, "you’ll need to do them non-stop for about three minutes. When you finish, we’ll check your vitals again while you’re standing. Then finally, we’ll check your rate of recovery while you’re resting on the table. Any questions?"
I just shook my head no.
"Good, then you can begin," ordered the doctor.
I took two steps away from the exam table while the doctor and assistant both moved to a position in front of me, but slightly to my sides. I then began the seemingly never ending cycle of jumping jacks. I jumped, spreading my legs far apart and swinging my arms straight up above my head. Then I jumped again, planting my legs back together and swinging my arms down to my sides. Each time I jumped, I felt the package between my legs bounce up and down. I could actually feel the weight of my erect penis bobbing up and down as I jumped, over and over again. The jockstrap certainly helped to contain it, but it was noticeable to me, and was probably noticeable to anyone watching me.
I looked at the doctor, but he was busy making notes in my folder and wasn’t watching me at all. I then looked at the male assistant who appeared to be looking down at my crotch. Just then he noticed that I was looking in his direction and looked up at me. He simply smiled at me as our eyes met. I wondered if he smiled because he thought that my predicament was amusing, or did he happen to enjoy looking at the boner in my jock. I guess I’ll never know. I then looked out at Tom and could see that he too was enjoying the show that I was putting on for him.
As I continued the jumping jacks I felt the material in the front of my jockstrap being pulled tighter against my body. With each jump I felt the rear straps dig into my bare ass and tug at the bottom of the pouch that was between my legs. I also started to feel a small amount of sweat beginning to appear on parts of my body. I wasn’t exactly dripping in sweat, but it was starting to become noticeable under my arms, on my chest and especially in my jock pouch. It was more noticeable in that particular area because, well, that’s the only area of my body that was covered in material. And that stretchy, clingy material was in the process of being pulled even tighter against my body each time I jumped. But the good news is that it felt like my erection just might be going down. I couldn’t really look down to see right now, but it didn’t feel as heavy as before. I was still semi-erect, but maybe, just maybe it would go down before I had to go to station five.
"Ok, you can stop now," said the assistant looking at his watch.
I stopped the exercise and stood before the doctor and his assistant who immediately descended upon me. The doctor pressed his stethoscope to my chest while the assistant checked my blood pressure again. As I stood there, I had time to once again look for any sign of Beth and Ashley. As luck would have it, I happened to see them returning to the gym. They had just entered from the far end of the gym and were walking in my direction. As I watched, they both turned toward the same office at the side of the gym where I saw them before. Once there, they entered the office and were out of my sight. If that really was the study area as Tom said, then there was no doubt now that I was going to see them and not someone else. And they were going to see me.
"Up on the table, Jim, on your back this time," ordered the assistant.
I promptly turned around, stepped up to the exam table and laid down. As I was getting on the table, I took a quick look down at my jock to confirm that my erection was finally subsiding. It wasn’t completely gone, but it was much less noticeable now. For one final time, the doctor and assistant checked my vitals, listening to my chest, and checking my blood pressure and pulse.
"Alright, you’re all done here," said the doctor. "You can go to the next station now."