There were certainly lots of elements to like. You put a vast team of technically professional creative minds together + hundreds of thousands of dollars + a few years out of everyone's life, there's bound to be elements to love. There were lots of neat little things in the movie.
The cast was excellent and made the best of what was handed to them. It is a shame they weren't handed better. As mentioned, (and I had SOOOOO blocked out of mind) the absolute idiocy of Pa Kent shushing his son about anyone seeing him rescue a dog in the middle of a tornado.... "I'll do it. I'll do it." It is so laughable, at that point one roots for stupid to die. -It is the primal rule of evolution in action. Smart lives. Stupid dies.
Superman does not kill.
End of story.
Batman does not kill. Mickey Mouse does not kill. -Sure, there are adults out there who long for their childhood heroes to 'grow up' with them and become 'adult' too. Shifting from idealized philosophies to some greyer, more nuanced view of the world. -It is as if they are ashamed of the conceits of the genre. "How can anyone be THAT good? I can't be that good? Why do they have to be THAT good?"
Well, true, they don't 'have' to be.....
And now that they aren't NuMarvel and NuDC sell Superman and Batman in the range of 50,000 copies a month. As opposed to several million a month in its heyday.
NuMarvel and NuDC modern comics haven't gained much of any value over time. You can't give them away. Meanwhile, the good stuff -when the conceit of the genre was accepted- you could pay for a year's college tuition.
What the Comics code enforced on the genre as a restriction became the fuel for the golden years of the Silver Age. And when the Comics Code was finally dropped, the bottom fell out of the genre. You want good super hero stories, keep the heroes heroes. Make the delineation between hero and villain clear as can be. Superman does not kill.
Batman does not kill. Spider-man does not kill. Luthor kills. Mangog kills. Zod kills.
The very success of the movie Captain America is built on the central scene where a non-super powered nerd throws himself on a grenade to protect the people around him.
That character trait of 'good' is innate to the character. The costume is just a disguise. The powers are simply a means to the end.
Peter Parker is good to his core. True, he let his guard slip out of a moment of pride, but short of that distraction, he would have acted to protect Ben or anyone else. He too would have thrown himself on a grenade. The costume is just a disguise. His powers only a means to an end.
Supes too.
If that conceit is too much to handle, it is time for those 'adults' to move on to 'adult' story telling. Be they at NuMarvel, NuDC, Sony Pictures, you name it.
-Don't fuck with Mickey Mouse.
Mickey does not kill.
Charlie Brown does not kill.
-If you write him killing someone, he's not Charlie Brown any more.