“But Mum, I don’t want to go, I’m playing for the school soccer team tomorrow afternoon,” I argued in vain.
“Listen, I told you about this appointment six weeks ago. That was plenty of time for you to inform Mr Dawson that you wouldn’t be available. There is no getting out of it, Michael and that’s final,” said my Mum in her strictest tone.
“It is a good job that I rang school yesterday and told them that you would not be in tomorrow afternoon, isn’t it then!,” she continued, gloating.
“Mum, I was eighteen last week, I can ...”
“Well, you act like a bloody six year old Michael, grow up,” she cut me off.
A door slammed as she walked out of the room.
I muttered an inaudible reply to myself in defeat. Mum had booked me in to the doctors for a medical in readiness of my forthcoming change of college. It was, I had just learned, a 2pm appointment tomorrow and I knew that I would need to have it sooner or later. It seemed that tomorrow would have to be the day – at the expense of my hard earned place in the team.
I had been fighting and bickering with my Mum –my only remaining parent- about anything and everything for the past few months. It seemed that I was really pissing her off all the time and she was pissing me off too. Complaining about everything that I did or didn’t do, about my lack of application at school, my behaviour, my cleanliness, etc etc. “You are a typical obnoxious teenager,” she liked to tell me.
Tuesday duly arrived and after enduring three hours of particularly boring lessons including my pet hate, chemistry, the lunchtime bell went and I grabbed a quick bite to eat before catching the bus to the doctor’s surgery – a journey of maybe twenty-five minutes. I was gutted that I would miss playing in the game – which was against one of our biggest rivals. It had taken me months to win my place in the team and I was desperate not to lose it. I play at centre-half and now Phil Heaton would play instead of me and I was really hoping that he played shit! I just couldn’t get the game off my mind.
My bus stop was approaching and I got off to walk the ten or so minutes to the medical centre, a little trepidation was in my heart as to what may be involved.
Pushing the door open, I walked into the reception and tried to sound confident as I booked in with the receptionist.
“Hello, I have an appointment at 2.00pm with Doctor Jenkins. My name is Michael Haig”.
“What’s your date of birth Michael please?” replied an attractive girl maybe only two years older than myself.
“31st January 2000,” I replied.
“And your address is 45 Devon Road?” she continued.
“Yes, that’s it,” I replied, whilst trying to look down her cleavage.
“Doctor Jenkins has been called away this week unfortunately, and so Doctor Mason is handling his appointments instead. Can you please just sign this form and then find a seat and wait to be called,” she asked/informed me.
I duly signed the form without really reading it and walked towards the waiting area, which was really busy.
To my surprise, I saw my Mum sat there, waving and smiling at me. She was sat amongst maybe ten other people, most of who now also stared at me.
“Good, you are on time,” she greeted me with.
“What are you doing here?” I snapped back.
“Just making sure that you actually turned up,” she snapped back.
“Well, I have - so you can just go now, can’t you.”
I got no reply.
Mum asked (in a voice which was purposely too loud so that the people near us could overhear) if I had put on clean socks and underwear, and I lied, saying “yes”.
Ten minutes passed slowly before the receptionist shouted,
“Michael Haig. You can go through to room 16 now.”
I shot a look at my Mum without saying anything and strolled nervously, but trying to look confident, down the corridor trying to find room 16. I found it almost immediately and went straight in without knocking.
I was somewhat shocked to be greeted by a not particularly attractive female doctor, probably aged only 25 or so. I noticed that the room was much larger than any that I had previously been in at this surgery before.
“Hello Michael. Pleased to meet you, I am Doctor Mason, please take a seat.” She smiled and gestured towards one particular seat, as there were several seats dotted around.
“I am sure that you have already been informed, but Doctor Jenkins wife has had a baby at the weekend and I am the short-term replacement for him this week. I will be carrying out your medical today.”
“Lucky me,” I thought to myself.
“I see that you are changing colleges and need a full health check, so shall we get started?
With that she pressed a button on her phone and said, “Hello Claire. I am just about to begin so please let them know. Oh that’s good. Thank you,” and put the phone down.
I was then asked several questions about my general health, level of exercise, sleep patterns. All the time typing something into her keyboard and not looking up - and I could not see her monitor, so hadn’t a clue what she was typing.
Then came a knock on the door.
“Enter”, shouted Doctor Mason and in walked three women, maybe 2-3 years older than me and a guy the same age. I recognised them from sitting alongside me in the waiting room. Following them was my Mum.
“Err, what’s going on?” I asked puzzled.
“What do you mean Michael? Your mother has given us permission for these student nurses to attend your medical – and you have also signed the acceptance form when you arrived today, didn’t you?” said Doctor Mason, waving a piece of paper at me.
“Oh no, there must be some mistake,” I quickly replied.
“No Michael, I have given Doctor permission for student involvement. If you ever bothered to listen to me you would remember that I told you this weeks ago.” My Mum helpfully informed me.
At the same time the doctor showed me my signature underneath a form stating that I agree for trainee nursing staff to sit in on / assist with my medical. The bitch on reception hadn’t bothered to inform me about that.
“Err, okay I might have signed that but what’s my Mum doing in here? It should be my choice whether Mum is allowed in here – I’m eighteen”, I said trying to have authority.
“Look Michael. Whilst you live under my roof, you will do as I say. Do you here ? Don’t start being awkward for Doctor. It’s not like you have got anything that I haven’t seen before, is it?” she said and laughed as though it was funny. Some of the others smiled nervously and silently at her joke.
“Actually Michael, the form which you signed did also say that you give permission for a parent or guardian to be present, and seeing as the student nurses are going to be in attendance, we do prefer a parent to be present, for the sake of good order and to avoid any lawsuits somewhere down the line. So be a good lad will you and start by taking off your shirt ?” she said condescendingly and maybe slightly smugly.
“But I am eighteen...” I started to say before my Mum piped up,
“For God sake Michael, I will start undressing you myself if you don’t take your damned shirt off right this minute”.
And so, I found myself taking off my clothes in front of a female doctor, three young and attractive female student nurses and a male student nurse who looked like he might be more interested in seeing my body than the females. And then of course, there was my Mum who despite what she had said, had not seen me even semi-naked since I was ten years old.
Doctor had put me in the one chair that was right in the middle of everyone, and so I was in the middle of a semi-circle and surrounded by people wherever I looked. My mum was closer than anyone else. Doctor had also turned on one of the brightest lights that I had ever seen – so I was truly illuminated for all to see!
I slowly took of my jacket and shirt, which embarrassingly my Mum took off me and held.
Doctor then started explaining to the students every action she made as she prodded me in various places on my back and stomach with her stethoscope. She then invited all the students to “have a go” with the stethoscope.
After this, she began
“Michael is a schoolboy who has just turned eighteen, and as you will be able to see his upper body is not yet fully developed. Please flex your arms Michael to show your muscles.”
I complied, to show off my rather puny biceps, which doctor and all the student nurses prodded at, one by one before returning to their seats.
“I am sure that you can all see that Michael’s biceps have quite some way to go yet before full adulthood development.” Pointed out Doctor Mason, somewhat harshly, I thought.
Doctor then continued, “Michael does not have any evidence of facial hair developing yet, and has no chest hair at all yet, although there is a little amount of fine vellus hair here on his upper chest. He also has a little hair running up to his navel. Lift your arms up, Michael please.”
“Ah yes, he does have quite a lot of very dark armpit hair. Is Michael’s father a hairy person Mrs Haig ?” Doctor asked.
“Michael’s father is a little bit of a sore point as he left me when Michael was a baby. That’s partly why Michael is cheeky and fights against authority somewhat. But yes Brian was quite a hairy man, certainly on his chest and face,” said Mum.
“Well these things do tend to be hereditary so Michael will probably develop over the next few years.”
”Okay Michael, could you please take off your socks, shoes and trousers now?” she asked without even considering how embarrassing this might be for a young guy in a room full of strangers, mainly female.
I popped off my shoes only for my mum to say, “Michael, you have got huge holes in your socks, for God’s sake,” which wasn’t embarrassing at all.
I took off my socks and began to take down my pants, just as mum came in with,
“I am really sorry everybody about how smelly Michael’s feet are. I just can’t get him to wash as often as he should. I tell him time after time too.”
“Don’t worry Mrs Haig, a lot of teenage boys have smelly feet, but you are right they are quite pungent aren’t they! It’s not a problem though, I am sure that we can manage. We come across much worse than that” joked Doctor at my expense.
“Michael I told you to change your socks and underwear this morning didn’t I. You never listen to me, ” said my embarrassing Mum as she gathered up my offending socks and clung onto them.
I was, by now, stood just in my boxers and felt various sets of eyes peering at me.
“Ah, that’s a surprise. Michael’s legs are very hairy indeed - both above and below the knee, so puberty has well and truly kicked in for this young man, at least below the waist” said Doctor as she ruffled my leg hair to demonstrate the point. What did this all have to do with my state of health?
Mum gathered up my pants, folded them neatly and put them on her lap.
“Okay Michael, I am now going to ask the student nurses to carry out a few tasks for me.
Can you please take Michael’s temperature, record his weight, his height, blood pressure and also measure his chest size, waist size and also check his sight and hearing.”
Each student was allotted a task / tasks to carry out, as they all approached me in turn.
I was informed that I was 6’ 2”, 168 lbs, my hearing was fine, my blood pressure was slightly high – probably due to stress but my body temperature was high at 100.1F. The jury was out on my eyesight apparently, even though I had no problems playing footy!
“I am not happy about that reading. Take a reading under his armpit,” instructed doctor to perhaps the prettiest student nurse. Once again it read as 100.1F.
“Right, well we can do a rectal reading to check it once more. Michael will you remove your boxers please? I will need to check your sexual organs soon anyway,” instructed the doctor and despite my Mum’s eyes being two of the peering twelve eyes watching me, I slid down my boxers, making sure that my bum was facing Mum. It seemed better for the student nurses to see my tackle than my Mum! I knew that my face had gone as red as a beetroot.
I was now totally naked and extremely uncomfortable, which got worse when Mum collected my boxers and exclaimed, “Michael, these boxers are absolutely covered in dried on semen, young man. Did you not change these this morning either?,” she asked as she showed all the others my offending spunk stains. How embarrassing.
“His undies are always covered in
– he doesn’t think I notice!” Mum further offered to one of the Student Nurses.
“Err, yes Mum I did change them,” I lied.
“Well, you’ve
in your pants this morning then. You should be ashamed of yourself,” she said as Doctor returned me to guinea pig mode.
“Okay, so Michael has got a large sized sexual organ, four and a half inches in length and four inches in girth,” she declared as she measured both with her tape measure. Thanks for letting my Mum know this extremely private fact.
“His pubic hair is well developed and quite extensive, and his testicles are large and low hanging and once again are covered with quite thick pubic hairs. I think we should just check his actual testicle reading, so Jenny, can you please check Michael’s testicles with this orchidometer ?
“What’s that Doctor?”, asked my Mum.
“It is an instrument which measures testicle size Mrs Haig. A man’s testicles can range in size from 12ml to 25ml, and the orchidometer tells us the actual size. Jenny here will be able to roll Michael’s testicles in her fingers and check the size against the orchidometer.” Explained Doctor.
“Walk over to the couch please Michael and lie down so that everyone can watch” asked Doctor, and I did as told.
Immediately, all six people got up and stood around me.
And so, an embarrassed looking girl around 22 was now holding onto the testicles of an even more embarrassed eighteen year old dude! I looked up at the ceiling to try to avoid any eye contact as I was pulled, pushed watched and publicly measured.
“I think Michael is a 25ml Doctor,” said Jenny.
“Well, that’s the biggest size going, so why don’t you check it also for me please Alan?”
And so, the camp looking male student nurse was now also playing with my bollocks as everyone continued to watch.
“Yes, he’s a 25 Doctor,” said Alan after what seemed an eternity of holding onto my balls.
Luckily I felt no stirrings of an erection after all this attention.
“Well, I thought his testicles looked large, so now we know that is in fact true,” said Doctor.
“Okay please stand up and turn round Michael please, backside facing me. His bottom is not too hairy at all, but quite firm and well developed,” she said as she prodded at my arse.
On turning around, I was now face on to my Mother who starred solely at my cock.
“Turn back round, Michael please,” and Doctor who continued,
“Michael’s penis is uncut as you will all be able to see, with quite a long overhanging foreskin.
Do you have any problem retracting your foreskin fully ?”
“No Doctor,” I replied glancing at my Mum for some reason.
“Okay well I am going to retract it now,” she said as she grabbed hold of my cock.
Retract it she did, at least three times, before declaring,
“Yes, everything seems to be working just fine – but again I think you could do with giving it a wash when you get home. There is definitely a familiar smell of unwashed teenage boy permeating.”
“I will Doctor”, I said as I glanced again at Mum and the student nurses.
“Michael, you are embarrassing me yet again,” said Mum, shaking her head.
It is amazing that Mum is the one who is embarrassed here as Doctor publicly discusses my penis.
“Surely I am the one being embarrassed here”, I said out loud.
Mum did no more than take a huge slap at my ass. She actually smacked my bare ass in a room full of strangers. All I could say was “Oww!”
It was a real whack and I was sure that the gathered throng of people would now be able to witness a defined red mark on my ass as a result.
“Apologise to doctor and these nice people for your rudeness,” ordered Mum.
“I am sorry for being rude everyone” I dutifully said, even though I wasn’t.
“That’s quite all right Michael. I realise that this is a stressful situation for you,” said Doctor as she grabbed hold of my testicles again and began rolling them around her fingers individually.
“They are very low hanging testicles, perhaps lower than average. Could you look to the right please Michael and cough for me please?” she said.
I looked to the right and was looking right at one of the student nurses.
“And to the left now please Michael,” asked Doctor. I was now looking at Mum. This was just a surreal experience. I was eighteen for God’s sake, not eight.
“Yes, everything seems to be perfectly normal.” Said Doctor. Followed by
“Miss Jenkins, will you come here and just repeat the exercise with Michael please?”
So now I had another pretty young woman holding my balls and barking out instructions at me.
You guessed it, Doctor then asked all the others (apart from Mum, thank God) one by one to do the same. It was just so embarrassing as I coughed and coughed, but at least I didn’t get a stiffy.
“Right, so let’s check your body temperature again Michael. Could you please bend forward over my desk and put one hand on each of your buttocks so that you fully part your cheeks ?” asked Doctor.
So now I had to show my asshole off to my Mum as well. She really has seen just about everything I have got now.
Doctor inserted a thermometer up my ass, whilst giving a running commentary to the gathered crowd as to the “surprising” relative lack of hair around my anus.
Doctor eventually, after what seemed a lifetime, pulled the thermometer out of my ass and declared that my temperature was perfect at 98 degrees F. All the time pressing a hand in the small of my back to keep me lay down over the desk.
“I will just check Michael’s prostate whilst we are checking everything else. It is not normally a problem for a young boy like Michael, but let’s check it just in case. Alan, maybe you could attend to this for me ? Gloves are over there” she said apparently talking to the young male student nurse again. A man was now about to stick his fingers up my ass, in front of my Mum.
“Of course, Doctor”, I heard him eagerly reply as I continued to chew paper, face against the desk.
And then it happened. I felt something huge go up my ass. I don’t know how many fingers it was but after several jerking motions, he finally said, “Everything seems perfectly normal, Doctor. I can feel the prostate and it seems normal”.
“Thank you Alan. And now, can you repeat the exercise too ladies please ?
One by one they gloved up and stuck their fingers up my bum. It felt like it went on for hours and I knew that I was a much deeper shade of beetroot red with embarrassment now.
They all declared themselves satisfied with what they found and Doctor instructed
“Okay, stand back up again now please Michael.”
And as I did so, I now realised that I was fully erect and that semen was starting to spurt out of my cock. I shot seven jets of spunk over the good doctor’s carpet without even touching my dick with my hand at all. There was a deathly silence in the room, until doctor said,
“It happens Michael. Don’t worry. A prostate examination can have that effect, but I have never seen anyone ejaculate quite so forcefully after one like you have just done."
“Let’s just measure your erection for the record, and for the students’ benefit, seeing as we have the chance. Come here young man.” she continued.
And so I stood there as doctor once more produced the tape measure and measured my
-splattered cock, declaring to my Mum and the strangers present that “ Michael’s erect penis is six and a half inches long and six inches in girth,”
before producing a tissue and wiping the spunk off my penis –and also off her tape measure.
I wasn’t expecting it but before I knew it, I felt another huge whack on my backside. My Mum had hit me again.
“Michael, trust you to embarrass me like this again. You always embarrass me. Clean that mess up now off doctor’s carpet – at once!”
And so I got some more tissues and totally naked with my apparently excessively low hanging bollocks swinging about for all to see, kneeled on the floor and wiped up my own spunk to total silence.
“At least you know that your son can produce copious amounts of semen, Mrs Haig. You have a very healthy teenage boy, so please cut him some slack eh?” said doc as she smiled at me. Mum didn’t reply.
“Why don’t you get dressed Michael and I will print off your excellent examination results.” She finished.
I was handed each article of clothing one by one by my mother and dressed again for the crowd.
Individually, each student nurse came upto me, shook my hand and thanked me for letting them attend the examination.
Doctor also took me aside and whispered, “I am sorry if that was stressful for you. You did very well. In retrospect, I don’t think that your Mum should have been present and I apologise for that, but with you both signing the form, I had no choice in the matter. Good luck in your future career young man. Your Mum is a little highly strung isn’t she. Don’t worry, she will realise eventually that you are not her little boy any more.”
I walked out of the surgery with Mum and as soon as we were outside, she started.
“You always have to embarrass me don’t you. Holes in your socks, discharge on your underwear, smelly feet, unwashed genitals, ejaculating in front of everyone. What’s up with you?”
I just replied, “Fuck off Mum. You shouldn’t have been in there, it was you who embarrassed me. Belittling me all the time. Watching me strip naked and have my bits checked out, smacking me on the ass like a kid. Why did you even think of going in there with me? You just should never ever see me with an erect cock, it’s just not right”
“I did it to teach you a lesson, Michael. Yes it was embarrassing for you but I enjoyed every minute of your embarrassment. You have treated me like dirt for months, disrespect me, ignore my requests and instructions, your room is like a pig sty. How about we both treat each with respect from this moment forward? “ she suggested.
And strangely we have both been best friends and got on like a house on fire ever since. I am not sure why.
Not I would suggest anyone else follows this path to recapture a good relationship with their Mum!
“Listen, I told you about this appointment six weeks ago. That was plenty of time for you to inform Mr Dawson that you wouldn’t be available. There is no getting out of it, Michael and that’s final,” said my Mum in her strictest tone.
“It is a good job that I rang school yesterday and told them that you would not be in tomorrow afternoon, isn’t it then!,” she continued, gloating.
“Mum, I was eighteen last week, I can ...”
“Well, you act like a bloody six year old Michael, grow up,” she cut me off.
A door slammed as she walked out of the room.
I muttered an inaudible reply to myself in defeat. Mum had booked me in to the doctors for a medical in readiness of my forthcoming change of college. It was, I had just learned, a 2pm appointment tomorrow and I knew that I would need to have it sooner or later. It seemed that tomorrow would have to be the day – at the expense of my hard earned place in the team.
I had been fighting and bickering with my Mum –my only remaining parent- about anything and everything for the past few months. It seemed that I was really pissing her off all the time and she was pissing me off too. Complaining about everything that I did or didn’t do, about my lack of application at school, my behaviour, my cleanliness, etc etc. “You are a typical obnoxious teenager,” she liked to tell me.
Tuesday duly arrived and after enduring three hours of particularly boring lessons including my pet hate, chemistry, the lunchtime bell went and I grabbed a quick bite to eat before catching the bus to the doctor’s surgery – a journey of maybe twenty-five minutes. I was gutted that I would miss playing in the game – which was against one of our biggest rivals. It had taken me months to win my place in the team and I was desperate not to lose it. I play at centre-half and now Phil Heaton would play instead of me and I was really hoping that he played shit! I just couldn’t get the game off my mind.
My bus stop was approaching and I got off to walk the ten or so minutes to the medical centre, a little trepidation was in my heart as to what may be involved.
Pushing the door open, I walked into the reception and tried to sound confident as I booked in with the receptionist.
“Hello, I have an appointment at 2.00pm with Doctor Jenkins. My name is Michael Haig”.
“What’s your date of birth Michael please?” replied an attractive girl maybe only two years older than myself.
“31st January 2000,” I replied.
“And your address is 45 Devon Road?” she continued.
“Yes, that’s it,” I replied, whilst trying to look down her cleavage.
“Doctor Jenkins has been called away this week unfortunately, and so Doctor Mason is handling his appointments instead. Can you please just sign this form and then find a seat and wait to be called,” she asked/informed me.
I duly signed the form without really reading it and walked towards the waiting area, which was really busy.
To my surprise, I saw my Mum sat there, waving and smiling at me. She was sat amongst maybe ten other people, most of who now also stared at me.
“Good, you are on time,” she greeted me with.
“What are you doing here?” I snapped back.
“Just making sure that you actually turned up,” she snapped back.
“Well, I have - so you can just go now, can’t you.”
I got no reply.
Mum asked (in a voice which was purposely too loud so that the people near us could overhear) if I had put on clean socks and underwear, and I lied, saying “yes”.
Ten minutes passed slowly before the receptionist shouted,
“Michael Haig. You can go through to room 16 now.”
I shot a look at my Mum without saying anything and strolled nervously, but trying to look confident, down the corridor trying to find room 16. I found it almost immediately and went straight in without knocking.
I was somewhat shocked to be greeted by a not particularly attractive female doctor, probably aged only 25 or so. I noticed that the room was much larger than any that I had previously been in at this surgery before.
“Hello Michael. Pleased to meet you, I am Doctor Mason, please take a seat.” She smiled and gestured towards one particular seat, as there were several seats dotted around.
“I am sure that you have already been informed, but Doctor Jenkins wife has had a baby at the weekend and I am the short-term replacement for him this week. I will be carrying out your medical today.”
“Lucky me,” I thought to myself.
“I see that you are changing colleges and need a full health check, so shall we get started?
With that she pressed a button on her phone and said, “Hello Claire. I am just about to begin so please let them know. Oh that’s good. Thank you,” and put the phone down.
I was then asked several questions about my general health, level of exercise, sleep patterns. All the time typing something into her keyboard and not looking up - and I could not see her monitor, so hadn’t a clue what she was typing.
Then came a knock on the door.
“Enter”, shouted Doctor Mason and in walked three women, maybe 2-3 years older than me and a guy the same age. I recognised them from sitting alongside me in the waiting room. Following them was my Mum.
“Err, what’s going on?” I asked puzzled.
“What do you mean Michael? Your mother has given us permission for these student nurses to attend your medical – and you have also signed the acceptance form when you arrived today, didn’t you?” said Doctor Mason, waving a piece of paper at me.
“Oh no, there must be some mistake,” I quickly replied.
“No Michael, I have given Doctor permission for student involvement. If you ever bothered to listen to me you would remember that I told you this weeks ago.” My Mum helpfully informed me.
At the same time the doctor showed me my signature underneath a form stating that I agree for trainee nursing staff to sit in on / assist with my medical. The bitch on reception hadn’t bothered to inform me about that.
“Err, okay I might have signed that but what’s my Mum doing in here? It should be my choice whether Mum is allowed in here – I’m eighteen”, I said trying to have authority.
“Look Michael. Whilst you live under my roof, you will do as I say. Do you here ? Don’t start being awkward for Doctor. It’s not like you have got anything that I haven’t seen before, is it?” she said and laughed as though it was funny. Some of the others smiled nervously and silently at her joke.
“Actually Michael, the form which you signed did also say that you give permission for a parent or guardian to be present, and seeing as the student nurses are going to be in attendance, we do prefer a parent to be present, for the sake of good order and to avoid any lawsuits somewhere down the line. So be a good lad will you and start by taking off your shirt ?” she said condescendingly and maybe slightly smugly.
“But I am eighteen...” I started to say before my Mum piped up,
“For God sake Michael, I will start undressing you myself if you don’t take your damned shirt off right this minute”.
And so, I found myself taking off my clothes in front of a female doctor, three young and attractive female student nurses and a male student nurse who looked like he might be more interested in seeing my body than the females. And then of course, there was my Mum who despite what she had said, had not seen me even semi-naked since I was ten years old.
Doctor had put me in the one chair that was right in the middle of everyone, and so I was in the middle of a semi-circle and surrounded by people wherever I looked. My mum was closer than anyone else. Doctor had also turned on one of the brightest lights that I had ever seen – so I was truly illuminated for all to see!
I slowly took of my jacket and shirt, which embarrassingly my Mum took off me and held.
Doctor then started explaining to the students every action she made as she prodded me in various places on my back and stomach with her stethoscope. She then invited all the students to “have a go” with the stethoscope.
After this, she began
“Michael is a schoolboy who has just turned eighteen, and as you will be able to see his upper body is not yet fully developed. Please flex your arms Michael to show your muscles.”
I complied, to show off my rather puny biceps, which doctor and all the student nurses prodded at, one by one before returning to their seats.
“I am sure that you can all see that Michael’s biceps have quite some way to go yet before full adulthood development.” Pointed out Doctor Mason, somewhat harshly, I thought.
Doctor then continued, “Michael does not have any evidence of facial hair developing yet, and has no chest hair at all yet, although there is a little amount of fine vellus hair here on his upper chest. He also has a little hair running up to his navel. Lift your arms up, Michael please.”
“Ah yes, he does have quite a lot of very dark armpit hair. Is Michael’s father a hairy person Mrs Haig ?” Doctor asked.
“Michael’s father is a little bit of a sore point as he left me when Michael was a baby. That’s partly why Michael is cheeky and fights against authority somewhat. But yes Brian was quite a hairy man, certainly on his chest and face,” said Mum.
“Well these things do tend to be hereditary so Michael will probably develop over the next few years.”
”Okay Michael, could you please take off your socks, shoes and trousers now?” she asked without even considering how embarrassing this might be for a young guy in a room full of strangers, mainly female.
I popped off my shoes only for my mum to say, “Michael, you have got huge holes in your socks, for God’s sake,” which wasn’t embarrassing at all.
I took off my socks and began to take down my pants, just as mum came in with,
“I am really sorry everybody about how smelly Michael’s feet are. I just can’t get him to wash as often as he should. I tell him time after time too.”
“Don’t worry Mrs Haig, a lot of teenage boys have smelly feet, but you are right they are quite pungent aren’t they! It’s not a problem though, I am sure that we can manage. We come across much worse than that” joked Doctor at my expense.
“Michael I told you to change your socks and underwear this morning didn’t I. You never listen to me, ” said my embarrassing Mum as she gathered up my offending socks and clung onto them.
I was, by now, stood just in my boxers and felt various sets of eyes peering at me.
“Ah, that’s a surprise. Michael’s legs are very hairy indeed - both above and below the knee, so puberty has well and truly kicked in for this young man, at least below the waist” said Doctor as she ruffled my leg hair to demonstrate the point. What did this all have to do with my state of health?
Mum gathered up my pants, folded them neatly and put them on her lap.
“Okay Michael, I am now going to ask the student nurses to carry out a few tasks for me.
Can you please take Michael’s temperature, record his weight, his height, blood pressure and also measure his chest size, waist size and also check his sight and hearing.”
Each student was allotted a task / tasks to carry out, as they all approached me in turn.
I was informed that I was 6’ 2”, 168 lbs, my hearing was fine, my blood pressure was slightly high – probably due to stress but my body temperature was high at 100.1F. The jury was out on my eyesight apparently, even though I had no problems playing footy!
“I am not happy about that reading. Take a reading under his armpit,” instructed doctor to perhaps the prettiest student nurse. Once again it read as 100.1F.
“Right, well we can do a rectal reading to check it once more. Michael will you remove your boxers please? I will need to check your sexual organs soon anyway,” instructed the doctor and despite my Mum’s eyes being two of the peering twelve eyes watching me, I slid down my boxers, making sure that my bum was facing Mum. It seemed better for the student nurses to see my tackle than my Mum! I knew that my face had gone as red as a beetroot.
I was now totally naked and extremely uncomfortable, which got worse when Mum collected my boxers and exclaimed, “Michael, these boxers are absolutely covered in dried on semen, young man. Did you not change these this morning either?,” she asked as she showed all the others my offending spunk stains. How embarrassing.
“His undies are always covered in

“Err, yes Mum I did change them,” I lied.
“Well, you’ve

“Okay, so Michael has got a large sized sexual organ, four and a half inches in length and four inches in girth,” she declared as she measured both with her tape measure. Thanks for letting my Mum know this extremely private fact.
“His pubic hair is well developed and quite extensive, and his testicles are large and low hanging and once again are covered with quite thick pubic hairs. I think we should just check his actual testicle reading, so Jenny, can you please check Michael’s testicles with this orchidometer ?
“What’s that Doctor?”, asked my Mum.
“It is an instrument which measures testicle size Mrs Haig. A man’s testicles can range in size from 12ml to 25ml, and the orchidometer tells us the actual size. Jenny here will be able to roll Michael’s testicles in her fingers and check the size against the orchidometer.” Explained Doctor.
“Walk over to the couch please Michael and lie down so that everyone can watch” asked Doctor, and I did as told.
Immediately, all six people got up and stood around me.
And so, an embarrassed looking girl around 22 was now holding onto the testicles of an even more embarrassed eighteen year old dude! I looked up at the ceiling to try to avoid any eye contact as I was pulled, pushed watched and publicly measured.
“I think Michael is a 25ml Doctor,” said Jenny.
“Well, that’s the biggest size going, so why don’t you check it also for me please Alan?”
And so, the camp looking male student nurse was now also playing with my bollocks as everyone continued to watch.
“Yes, he’s a 25 Doctor,” said Alan after what seemed an eternity of holding onto my balls.
Luckily I felt no stirrings of an erection after all this attention.
“Well, I thought his testicles looked large, so now we know that is in fact true,” said Doctor.
“Okay please stand up and turn round Michael please, backside facing me. His bottom is not too hairy at all, but quite firm and well developed,” she said as she prodded at my arse.
On turning around, I was now face on to my Mother who starred solely at my cock.
“Turn back round, Michael please,” and Doctor who continued,
“Michael’s penis is uncut as you will all be able to see, with quite a long overhanging foreskin.
Do you have any problem retracting your foreskin fully ?”
“No Doctor,” I replied glancing at my Mum for some reason.
“Okay well I am going to retract it now,” she said as she grabbed hold of my cock.
Retract it she did, at least three times, before declaring,
“Yes, everything seems to be working just fine – but again I think you could do with giving it a wash when you get home. There is definitely a familiar smell of unwashed teenage boy permeating.”
“I will Doctor”, I said as I glanced again at Mum and the student nurses.
“Michael, you are embarrassing me yet again,” said Mum, shaking her head.
It is amazing that Mum is the one who is embarrassed here as Doctor publicly discusses my penis.
“Surely I am the one being embarrassed here”, I said out loud.
Mum did no more than take a huge slap at my ass. She actually smacked my bare ass in a room full of strangers. All I could say was “Oww!”
It was a real whack and I was sure that the gathered throng of people would now be able to witness a defined red mark on my ass as a result.
“Apologise to doctor and these nice people for your rudeness,” ordered Mum.
“I am sorry for being rude everyone” I dutifully said, even though I wasn’t.
“That’s quite all right Michael. I realise that this is a stressful situation for you,” said Doctor as she grabbed hold of my testicles again and began rolling them around her fingers individually.
“They are very low hanging testicles, perhaps lower than average. Could you look to the right please Michael and cough for me please?” she said.
I looked to the right and was looking right at one of the student nurses.
“And to the left now please Michael,” asked Doctor. I was now looking at Mum. This was just a surreal experience. I was eighteen for God’s sake, not eight.
“Yes, everything seems to be perfectly normal.” Said Doctor. Followed by
“Miss Jenkins, will you come here and just repeat the exercise with Michael please?”
So now I had another pretty young woman holding my balls and barking out instructions at me.
You guessed it, Doctor then asked all the others (apart from Mum, thank God) one by one to do the same. It was just so embarrassing as I coughed and coughed, but at least I didn’t get a stiffy.
“Right, so let’s check your body temperature again Michael. Could you please bend forward over my desk and put one hand on each of your buttocks so that you fully part your cheeks ?” asked Doctor.
So now I had to show my asshole off to my Mum as well. She really has seen just about everything I have got now.
Doctor inserted a thermometer up my ass, whilst giving a running commentary to the gathered crowd as to the “surprising” relative lack of hair around my anus.
Doctor eventually, after what seemed a lifetime, pulled the thermometer out of my ass and declared that my temperature was perfect at 98 degrees F. All the time pressing a hand in the small of my back to keep me lay down over the desk.
“I will just check Michael’s prostate whilst we are checking everything else. It is not normally a problem for a young boy like Michael, but let’s check it just in case. Alan, maybe you could attend to this for me ? Gloves are over there” she said apparently talking to the young male student nurse again. A man was now about to stick his fingers up my ass, in front of my Mum.
“Of course, Doctor”, I heard him eagerly reply as I continued to chew paper, face against the desk.
And then it happened. I felt something huge go up my ass. I don’t know how many fingers it was but after several jerking motions, he finally said, “Everything seems perfectly normal, Doctor. I can feel the prostate and it seems normal”.
“Thank you Alan. And now, can you repeat the exercise too ladies please ?
One by one they gloved up and stuck their fingers up my bum. It felt like it went on for hours and I knew that I was a much deeper shade of beetroot red with embarrassment now.
They all declared themselves satisfied with what they found and Doctor instructed
“Okay, stand back up again now please Michael.”
And as I did so, I now realised that I was fully erect and that semen was starting to spurt out of my cock. I shot seven jets of spunk over the good doctor’s carpet without even touching my dick with my hand at all. There was a deathly silence in the room, until doctor said,
“It happens Michael. Don’t worry. A prostate examination can have that effect, but I have never seen anyone ejaculate quite so forcefully after one like you have just done."
“Let’s just measure your erection for the record, and for the students’ benefit, seeing as we have the chance. Come here young man.” she continued.
And so I stood there as doctor once more produced the tape measure and measured my

before producing a tissue and wiping the spunk off my penis –and also off her tape measure.
I wasn’t expecting it but before I knew it, I felt another huge whack on my backside. My Mum had hit me again.
“Michael, trust you to embarrass me like this again. You always embarrass me. Clean that mess up now off doctor’s carpet – at once!”
And so I got some more tissues and totally naked with my apparently excessively low hanging bollocks swinging about for all to see, kneeled on the floor and wiped up my own spunk to total silence.
“At least you know that your son can produce copious amounts of semen, Mrs Haig. You have a very healthy teenage boy, so please cut him some slack eh?” said doc as she smiled at me. Mum didn’t reply.
“Why don’t you get dressed Michael and I will print off your excellent examination results.” She finished.
I was handed each article of clothing one by one by my mother and dressed again for the crowd.
Individually, each student nurse came upto me, shook my hand and thanked me for letting them attend the examination.
Doctor also took me aside and whispered, “I am sorry if that was stressful for you. You did very well. In retrospect, I don’t think that your Mum should have been present and I apologise for that, but with you both signing the form, I had no choice in the matter. Good luck in your future career young man. Your Mum is a little highly strung isn’t she. Don’t worry, she will realise eventually that you are not her little boy any more.”
I walked out of the surgery with Mum and as soon as we were outside, she started.
“You always have to embarrass me don’t you. Holes in your socks, discharge on your underwear, smelly feet, unwashed genitals, ejaculating in front of everyone. What’s up with you?”
I just replied, “Fuck off Mum. You shouldn’t have been in there, it was you who embarrassed me. Belittling me all the time. Watching me strip naked and have my bits checked out, smacking me on the ass like a kid. Why did you even think of going in there with me? You just should never ever see me with an erect cock, it’s just not right”
“I did it to teach you a lesson, Michael. Yes it was embarrassing for you but I enjoyed every minute of your embarrassment. You have treated me like dirt for months, disrespect me, ignore my requests and instructions, your room is like a pig sty. How about we both treat each with respect from this moment forward? “ she suggested.
And strangely we have both been best friends and got on like a house on fire ever since. I am not sure why.
Not I would suggest anyone else follows this path to recapture a good relationship with their Mum!
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