GayHeaven is open to discussions even those that generate debate - they can be the most enlivening of our threads. Debate is vastly different from an argument.
We all know that we can argue with friends - be they real life or cyber - arguments can get noisy but when they sink to the level of name calling they cease to be an argument and become fights.
The administrative staff is making it known that we will not allow discussions that turn into childish tantrums. When a discussion degenerates into something like this and it is reported to the staff we will take action. That action may involve closing the thread or removing the thread, it may involve silencing the offending poster or penalizing the poster in other ways. When an administrator takes action it means that there was something wrong, wrong enough that it was felt action was needed. That action, whatever it may be, is the last word.
Everyone who joins this forum agrees to abide by our rules and policies.
We have stated our policy regarding discussion threads.