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Questions about PSP


V.I.P Member
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
I just got a PSP 3003 /preowned --just to try it-- plus Ace Combat X Skies of Deception.

-What's the best video conversion program... I just tried PSPVC (but kept my existing codec pack) --seems to work well so far.
-I installed Sony Media go... haven't used it yet. What's it for or do folks have any tips about it?
-Should I leave UMD's in the machine when I'm not playing or will that strain the player in some way?
-How long will the battery last or do folks have any power efficiency tips --my country can't afford any more carbon credits :p ).

Generally, how does the PSP compare to other portable consoles? They all seem to be very similar, albeit the PSP is a bit more expensive??



V.I.P Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Actually the PSP is rather interesting to begin with, 3003 is one of the earlier versions of the PSP so it has the rather basic firmware but still it makes it no better than any of the newer versions that came out.

I am not usually the one to tell you which video conversion program is better, for I do not convert my videos half the time so you might have to google search that, sorry.

-Sony Media Go is primarily used for PSP Go's and that is pretty much this download and play kind of media. Although, I have heard bad things about the Media Go for it takes hours and hours to upload games to your PSP. (So, not suggested stick with UMD's)

-Leaving the UMD in your portable player, is fine. It's actually more protected inside your PSP rather than the plastic case.

-Battery Life counts in to many factors. Usually, within the case of the PSP you have to count in the brightness level as with any other portable devices as well as the time used and games that you are playing. The more graphics and harddrive use the more battery it is taken out.

PSP is a great device, but it's rather bulky and undefined yet. It has potential yes, but rather bad timing. Nintendo DS is a lot more interactive when it comes to portable gaming, and with the release and announcement of the Nintendo 3DS it will surely spark a war with the PSP 2 that is coming out sooner or later this year.


V.I.P Member
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
I installed Sony Media Go and it's actually quite decent. Very comparable to iTunes.

Battery life is good -I get maybe a few hours play.

Maybe I'll start a little collection of UMD movies too but I am wondering what the quality/resolution would be like for movies. I ran some conversions via Media go and the quality is just okay. I guess the movie discs provide the best possible resolution though.

SensMe is a handy app if you use ur PSP for music.

Finally -and this surprised me- PSP is not suitable for web browsing, imo. It seems slower that it should be and of course entering text is a bit awkward.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
anything internet related is pretty crap on the 3000 models. the psp in general is feeling pretty dated. here's hoping the NGP is a thousand times better


Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
well... i downgraded mine to ver 1XXX inorder to crack it
and i`m having lots of fun downloading the games

although i found out most games are not really good
(i`m currently having fun with birth by sleep)