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RIP Steve Jobs...



sad day:( he will be missed...he created so much for us all:) thanks steve!!! you will be missed:( hope you rest in peace:heart::heart:

you changed the world for better...thanks man:) lol


Sad day indeed :( he will be missed. RIP Mr Jobs, you were indeed a visionary genius


An Obvious Enigma
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
such sad news... RIP Steve

you have directly influenced and affected my life and work in such a positive way

you will be missed sorely :(:(:(


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
we seem to have ended up with two Steve jobs threads - so I'll just quote myself here:

I'm surprised by how moved I am about the death of a man who would probably have been rude to me if I'd ever dared to approach him to try strike up a conversation!

He was rude, arrogant, opinionated, and an absolute genius! He saw the world differently to other CEOs, he wasn't focused on quarterly earnings and short-term gains, but on making technology that was fun, powerful, and above all, enabling. He knew that the profits and all that would follow. Design a great product, built a great product, and ship a great product, and the rest will look after itself!

It's sad to think there will be no more 'one more thing' moments. It's sad to think of how many more great ideas he could have had, had he only lived to a ripe old age. But that's the wrong thing to dwell on. I'm one of those people who believe that Steve has imparted his DNA into Apple, to the point that the company can now continue his vision without him. If Steve's vision and aspirations really have been moulded into Apple, then he's not gone, his spirit will live on in the people he inspired, and continues to inspire.

Good bye Steve, thanks for thinking different, thanks for innovating, and thanks for leading a pro-equality company that looked after all it's employees, including the gay ones.



Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
I created a desktop background from the main page at Apple.com.

This one is at 1280x1024 I can do others easily if people request(I don't think it would look all that great stretched).



Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Even though we kind of knew that this would probably be coming sooner rather than later, I am surprised how deeply this has hit me.

I guess that there are three things about Jobs that come to mind. (And aren't really being said by the media.)

First, before Steve helped create and launch the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and the iPad, (the things for which he is most famous for today) - he was already a legend in American business because her revolutionized the way ordinary people worked with computers. And he had done that not once, but twice in the space of a little more than five years.

  1. There was no such thing as a personal business computer until Jobs invented the concept. Of course, Steve Wozniak engineered the computer. And their Apple II would have been nothing more than a hobbyist's tool, if not for software developers like Dan Bricklin who invented the spreadsheet for the Apple computer as VisiCalc, as well as Gary Kildall's C/PM operating system, Rob Banaby's WordStar, and yes, Bill Gates's Basic programming language. But it was Jobs that saw the marketing potential and ran with it. Apple dominated the PC business for a couple of years before IBM entered the market.
  2. After IBM legitimized and remade the personal computer market, Apple - very much pushed by Jobs' vision - redefined what personal computing would look like with the Macintosh - the first personal business computer built from the ground up on a graphical user interface and a mouse.

Second, perhaps his most far-reaching accomplishment in his second stint at the head of Apple wasn't a gadget - it was facilitating legal digital music (and later movies and TV). Before iTunes, digital media was seen by the recording industry as a scourge. Steve found the way to turn it into a profit center - which took considerable cajoling of record labels, TV networks, and movie studios. I can't think of anyone else that could have pulled it off.

Finally, although he very much deserves the high regard in which he his held in the tech industry and by the many fans of Apple products - in the interest of honesty it has to be said that he was a terrible manager of people. His career at Apple ended in the 1980s because he was sadistic and paranoid. He would kill someone's career on a whim, and was deeply suspicious of any idea that didn't come from him. When he came back in the 1996, he was more skilled, but could be just as capricous. He thrived in secrecy and kept different product teams isolated. Still, the birth of his younger daughters and the first cancer scare in 2004 forced some serious reevaluation, and he became considerably eaiser (though never really easy) to work for.

But visionaries like Jobs are rare, and I guess you have to weigh the value of the ends justifying the means. He will be missed. :cheers:
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I was relaxing on my iPad and happened to open up the news to read what the world was doing and the top headline was Steve Jobs has died.
It is just such a shock, sure it was almost expected but I don't think anyone would have said this year.....
Reading what he has brought to the world through apple u do really think that the world has lost someone that truly changed the world...
Will apple loose that shine and product defining moments??? Time will only tell but I do think the future has lost many new inventions.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
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An icon...

A legend...

RIP Steve Jobs!


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I notice reading through this thread that people are remembering Steve most for the well designed tech he fathered (he didn't invent it, or built it after all), and I couldn't possibly disagree with any of that as I type this on my iMac with my iPhone a few cm from the keyboard, my iPad charging just behind me, and my MacBook Pro sitting in my rucksack! Top Dog has also mentioned the massive impact he's had on the music industry, in turning digital music from piracy to legitimacy, and killing music DRM while he was at it, but there is yet another side to Steve that people often forget.

In those wilderness years, between his first stint at Apple and his second, he busied himself with two projects, NeXT, where he basically invented OS X, and Pixar, where he gave John Lasator the resources he needed to create classics like Toy Story and Wall-e!

Steve was definitely one of the crazy ones:



Junior Member
May 3, 2011
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So, Westboro Baptist Church decides that Steve Jobs is the next person they want to mess with. They wants to picket on his funeral for apparently "teaching sin". I wonder things will go for them when they try screwing with the family and friends of Apple's CEO on funeral day? But you know the messed up thing about it all? They're using his own technology to further their goal of trying to lambast him for his "sinful" ways. Smh.

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New member
Oct 5, 2011
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So, Westboro Baptist Church decides that Steve Jobs is the next person they want to mess with. They wants to picket on his funeral for apparently "teaching sin". I wonder things will go for them when they try screwing with the family and friends of Apple's CEO on funeral day? But you know the messed up thing about it all? They're using his own technology to further their goal of trying to lambast him for his "sinful" ways. Smh.


seriously? this is ridiculous!


An Obvious Enigma
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
spotted this on the twitter feed of our news station, thought i would share it here...

three apples have changed the world:

the one that Eve ate
the one that fell on Newton's head
the one that Steve built



New member
Feb 5, 2009
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Three apples:
As a sinner who studied a bit of physics and once owned an Apple IIe, I think that's enough.


Rest In Peace...Steve You my dude made me rich... I was right to invest in your genius, I was right to believe that a CEO presenting new technologies in his everyday clothes was not only against what they teach in school but was finally bringing some new winds and blowing away the myth balls kings (jeans and t-shirt). It brought me to invest in Apple and I don't regret a penny (loss or win). We never met, but I did love receive letters about your new innovations, projects (personally signed by you)... it has been a decade of great financial relationship because of you. As a shareholder and unknown investor.. thanks a MILLION :). And thank you for showing me how to dress in front of my own staff and investor... I dress the fucking way I want... the clothes one wear doesn't reflect their brain content. And you prove it beautifully. Rest in peace. - one of your followers (not a twitter follower, I hate that crap).
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