I'm surprised by how moved I am about the death of a man who would probably have been rude to me if I'd ever dared to approach him to try strike up a conversation!
He was rude, arrogant, opinionated, and an absolute genius! He saw the world differently to other CEOs, he wasn't focused on quarterly earnings and short-term gains, but on making technology that was fun, powerful, and above all, enabling. He knew that the profits and all that would follow. Design a great product, built a great product, and ship a great product, and the rest will look after itself!
It's sad to think there will be no more 'one more thing' moments. It's sad to think of how many more great ideas he could have had, had he only lived to a ripe old age. But that's the wrong thing to dwell on. I'm one of those people who believe that Steve has imparted his DNA into Apple, to the point that the company can now continue his vision without him. If Steve's vision and aspirations really have been moulded into Apple, then he's not gone, his spirit will live on in the people he inspired, and continues to inspire.
Good bye Steve, thanks for thinking different, thanks for innovating, and thanks for leading a pro-equality company that looked after all it's employees, including the gay ones.