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Shifting Gear - A Complete short novel


Staff member
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Chapter 1
This story was written in the mid 1990’s. Certain aspects may be a little dated, especially the technology being used, but I think they still have a lot of hard times built into their narrative.


I got the beeper in the first place because my boss was complaining that I
was unreachable most of the time on my route. I repair computers on site
for a well known manufacturer of those wonderful machines. I cover a good
portion of southern Arizona in my travels, and often find myself alone in
some lonesome motel at night. The boss is very good about my expense
account, because I'm very good at what I do.

My company car is equipped with a cell phone, which I also use, with their
permission, to conduct my personal life. I'm a nomad of the electronic age,
and I happen to be gay. I suppose that's a plus in this job, since every
other guy like me out there is married and having impossible problems with
their suspicious wives.

Me, I'm glad I have my beeper. I don't know who owned it before I got it,
but if there's a god in heaven, he must have seen to it that it fell into my
hands when it was turned back in to the cellular company that issued it.
Who ever the guy was, he was one hell of an active dude. The number must be
written in every tearoom and published in every gay publication ever
printed. I even get calls from New Mexico and Southern California, not to
mention Nevada and Utah.

As I move through the state, I get a steady stream of calls. I keep an
Arizona prefix directory with me, and that way I can figure which calls are
local enough to my location to warrant calling back. I don't care where I
find myself when quitting time comes, my beeper gives me options.

I remember the first day I got the precious little red gadget. I picked it
up in Phoenix, from my cellular provider and was attracted to its neat red
transparent casing which allows you to see inside its workings. That
appealed to me because of my trade as a repair man. I clipped it to my belt
and headed out the door feeling a bit foolish having a traveling telephone
number for the first time. I didn't even get to my car before it buzzed and
sent a pleasant sensation into my groin area. Since I hadn't given out the
number to anyone yet, I figured it was a mistake. In the car, I dialed the
number on the beeper and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" The voice was a little on the young side, but sounded

"Uh, Hi. I'm returning your page." I figured he wouldn't recognize my
voice, and say sorry, wrong number or something.

"Oh, hi. My name's Terry. I saw your ad and wondered if you had any time
to get together.

I was puzzled. I hadn't run an ad. "Uh, can you describe the ad; I run so
many." If I could string him along for a few minutes, maybe I'd have some

"Oh sure, I have it right here." He rummaged through some paper, and then
was back in line. "Hot good looking cocksucker wants to get intimate with
your private parts. It could take hours and hours. And your beeper

"Oh that ad. Yeah. So what did you have in mind?"

"Well, could we meet somewhere for a drink or something?"

"It sounds to me like you're looking to get blown right?"

"Uh...Right." He was taken aback by my bluntness.

"So where are you located, and I'll tell you if I have time to work you
into my schedule."


"You know Terry; where you live."

"Oh, I couldn't take you there. I live with my parents."

"How old are you Terry?" He sounded so young suddenly, but you can't
always tell.

"I'm old enough. I was hoping you might have a place we could get together

"Suck dick?"

"Uh huh." He sounded younger by the second.

"Well, it's like this Terry, I'm staying over at a motel on Grand Avenue.
The cross street is Olive. Is that any where near your location?"

"Uh I don't know Olive." His voice was getting a little shaky over the

"Dunlap becomes olive going west from seventeen."

"Oh yeah. I remember now. I'm not that far from there, maybe twenty or
thirty minutes."

"Well, I'll tell you what, I haven't checked in yet, but I'm on my way
there now. Give me your number and I'll call you with my room number.
That'll give me time to get cleaned up for our meeting. I've been on the
road all day, and could use a shower and a shave."

"My mother might answer the phone."

"So? I'm not going to tell her I want to speak to her cock sucking son am
I? Give me a name I can use so she won't be suspicious."

"Uh...um...I guess you could say you were Mr. Coates. He's my weight
trainer and coach at school. I told my mother he might be asking me to do
some lifting this evening."

"What school?" I didn't want to get into some scene with a high school kid
and get myself busted.

"ASU. I'm studying drama on a sports scholarship. Just say you're coach
Coates and that you need me to come lift some weights. She doesn't pay any
attention when its school work."

"Fine, are you home now?"

"Yes, I'm using the phone in the pool house. No one can hear me talking

"O.K. I'll call you soon. I'm almost there now."

I can remember being in that dark closet, and my heart went out to the kid.
It had been one of the most difficult things I'd ever done, trying to
figure out how to meet other guys like myself. I'd guessed wrong a time or
two, and had the bloody noses and black eyes to help in my training. I knew
what he was going through, and maybe I could help him along a little.

As soon as I checked in, I hit the re dial button on the car phone. The
kid was right, his mother picked up. "Is Terry there?"

"Who's calling?"

"I'm Coach Coates, his weight trainer."

"Of course, Mr. Coates. One moment please." I could hear her call her son
though it was muffled by her hand over the receiver.
Then Terry picked up.

"Thanks mom. Hi coach." I heard her replaced her extension.

"Room two fifteen. How long before you can get here?"

"In a flash." His voice was more confident now. "Uh...coach, what time
did you want me until?" I figured his mom was in the room with him.

"How about until ten tonight?" I had no idea what he wanted.

"Great. I'll tell mom so she won't worry." He held the phone away from
his mouth and told his mom that we would be working out until ten at least.
She thought it was late, but because it was Friday night, she guessed it was
all right. "It's all set coach. I'll leave right now and be there as soon
as traffic allows."

"See you soon kid." I stopped the phone call, and popped my trunk open. I
locked my car, and pulled my travel bag out of the trunk and headed for the

I had just finished my shower when there was a tentative knock at my door.
I wrapped a towel around my waist and held it at my hip. "Yes?"

"It's me, Terry." The kid had made record time. His twenty or thirty
minute guesstimate was long. I opened the door and let him step through the
opening. He was a knockout. He was taller than me by a good four inches,
and I'm five eleven. He was dark complexioned with a heavy tan over that,
and his blond hair was cut into an old fashioned crew cut. But it was his
big brown eyes that sent my dick crawling. He was well built and masculine,
but the muscles had not been developed into the massive mounds of flesh that
I pictured when I thought about weight lifters.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Coates, your coach for the evening." He grinned at me and we
shook hands. "Why don't you get comfortable like me Terry, and we can get
to know each other.

He started pulling his ASU tee shirt over his head. The kid wasn't as shy
as I took him for on the phone. "So what's your real name Mr. Coates? You
never told me." He unbuttoned his jeans, and they were in the corner with
his shirt in no time. He wasn't wearing underwear, and his cock was
abnormally large for his body. My dick got harder just looking at his
growing into at least a ten inch log the size of my wrist. My asshole
started to twitch with anticipation.

"What a cock," I whispered, and dropped my towel to the floor. My knees
were soon there with it, and my tongue was licking that luscious dick like a
lollipop. Terry put his hands on my head, and ran his fingers through my
hair. I looked up, and he had his head thrown back and was facing the
ceiling. His body was twitching and shivering with delight at what my
tongue was doing to him. I took a breather.

"You ever done this before Terry?" He shivered and took a deep breath
before he looked at me.

"I had a girl touch it once, but when it got hard, she was afraid of it.
She called it my snake."

"Well, it's a snake all right, and it can crawl into my hole anytime." I
smiled up at him.

"You mean fucking?"

"I mean fucking."

"I've never fucked anybody. That girl said it would tear people apart it
was so big. I thought my only hope of having sex was finding somebody to
suck me off, or maybe jack me off. I don't think you can get it into your

"It may not fit, but I'd like to try."

"Could we? I've wondered what that would feel like forever. It doesn't
matter if you can't, at least you'll try."

I went to the nightstand next to the bed, and rummaged through the
collection of rubbers I'd put there. When you live your life on the road,
you meet all sizes of men, and while I'd never seen a cock this big before,
I did have two or three larger sized condoms. I selected the largest, and
tore it open. Terry jacked his humungus dick and walked over to me. I put
the huge head in my mouth, and had to stretch as far as I could to encompass
it. He moaned and I licked the glans with my cramped tongue.

"Oh coach, that feels fantastic."

I couldn't get anymore of him into my mouth, so he had to be satisfied with
a head job. He started breathing heavy, and I popped the huge dickhead out
of my mouth. I didn't want him to cum yet. With his lack of experience,
I'd have to control this session, or it wouldn't last until ten P.M. I was
determined to play this flute every second I could.

I robed his third leg in latex, and big as the rubber was, it was still a
tight fit. Terry laid back on the edge of the bed on his elbows and
examined his rubberized shaft.

"Never had one of these on before either. I was always too embarrassed to
buy them. I didn't know what size to ask for."

"When you want to buy condoms, just hold your forearm up and tell the
pharmacist its that size. Of course, he'll probably want you to prove it to
him by letting him see it." I chuckled.

"You think he might?" Terry seemed concerned.

"Don't worry about it kid. This dick is going to make lots of guys drool
in the coming years. My advise is to take on all comers and you'll have a
great time. You've got to stop worrying so much about it. You got one of
the biggest dicks ever put on a man, and you should be enjoying what
pleasures it can bring you. Who gives a fuck what some stupid woman says
about it. Believe me men will appreciate you like you would not believe."

I squeezed a handful of lube into my palm, and stroked it onto his standing
shaft. When I touched him, he quivered. I lifted his balls which were not
as gigantic as his cock, but seemed to be in proportion to his shaft when it
wasn't hard. When it was hard, his balls were dwarfed by the massive column
of man meat.

I slapped a generous dollop of lube up my shitter, and worked all my
fingers into it trying to relax and expand my sphincter. I worked my hand
in my butthole for at least ten minutes, all the while, stroking his massive
cock with my free hand. Gradually, I began to feel my ass let go of its
tightness, my fingers were sliding into me past the knuckles. I took a deep
breath, and pushed harder. I felt the ring of muscle stretch even further,
and suddenly my hand was in my asshole up to the wrist.

"Hum," I thought. "This is new." It had never occurred to me to fist
myself. I wiggled the fingers in my butt, and could feel them touching
things only other guys fingers and dicks had touched before. I started to
sweat. The sensations were beyond describing. My own cock had gone limp,
but I felt hornier than I could ever remember being before.

"I think I'm ready to try Terry." I slid my greasy hand out of my ass, and
felt a great emptiness inside. I picked up my wet towel, and wiped my hand
dry. "Just stay where you are," I said. "Let me try to sit on it first.
If I get you in me, then we won't have a problem moving around into more
comfortable positions."

I backed up to him, and reached through my legs for his dick. My mind
reeled at the size of it. My fingers would not completely reach around the
shaft. I was still sweating when I presented the massive flared head to my
bunghole. I can't say what I experienced was exactly pain, more like a
dreadful pressure. My asshole quivered, and almost tightened up, but
suddenly, I felt movement, and the tip of Terry's cock entered my body. I
paused for a breath and wiped my brow with the back of my hand.

"How you doing kid?" I looked at his reflection in the mirror on the wall
opposite the foot of the bed. He was rigid beneath me, but I was riveted by
what I saw. His huge cock looked like a two foot log of flesh going into my
body. I knew it was an illusion, but my stomach began to tremble a little.

Terry just grunted in response to my question. I patted his chest with my
free hand, and lowered myself another inch. Sweat erupted from my arm pits,
and began dripping onto his legs. I was determined, and took several deep
breaths and felt myself begin to slowly slide down his obelisk. I heard him
gasp, and threw a glance to the mirror. Half his giant cock was buried in
my body. I started to shake uncontrollably.

"This may be as much as I can take kid." My voice was strained and I was
talking in gasps.

"It's all right coach," he grunted. It feels fantastic to me. I don't
have to go any deeper."

Suddenly without warning, I felt a change in my gut. It felt like
something had given way. Visions of torn intestines flashed through my
head, but in the next instant, indescribable pleasure flooded through me,
and my body went limp. Terry's cock slid all the way in without effort. I
let out a gasp, and he moaned beneath me. I felt like I was sitting on a
baseball bat, but no baseball bat had ever done what Terry was doing with
his cock inside me. I'm not sure what he was doing, but the sensation was
one of ripples traveling from the entrance of my ass to the top of his dick.

I tried to raise my body up a little but found I lacked the strength. I
took several deep breaths, and tried to collect my muscles, I needed to gain
control again somehow. I felt like a limp rag.

"Coach?" His voice was concerned.

"Um hum?"

"Am I hurting you? You want me to pull out?"

"Don't you dare!" Even I was shocked at the loudness of my voice. It
caused Terry to buck under me, which sent incredible waves of pleasure
through my body.

"I can't move kid," I gasped. "But if you can get me turned over on my
stomach, I think I'd like you to try fucking me."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh yes. I want you to fuck my brains out. Stir my guts up with your
fucking ram rod.

He slowly stood up and I had the sensation I was a coat on a hook. He
carefully laid me on my stomach across the bed without loosing an inch. His
weight lifting had given him tremendous strength in his upper body, and I
felt it as he laid across my back and hugged me with his muscular arms.

"Uh coach, this feels better than anything I've ever felt before. What
should I do now?"

"Start slow fucking me." He took a deep breath, and pulled an inch out of
me. Slowly he pushed it back inside. His second stroke was a little longer,
and felt incredible going back into my ass. His third stroke felt like he'd
pulled a foot out of me, and this time he slipped back in more easily.

"It's getting easier coach."

"I must be lubing somehow. I've heard it can happen."

He began a slow steady rhythm in and out of my ass. I felt like I would
pass out from the pleasure of it. I began to regain the use of my body, and
started helping him by pushing back while he was pushing into me.

"Speed it up a little Terry. I think I can handle it now." He grunted in
my ear, and started humping his dick into my ass faster. Before I knew it,
he was fucking me like a pile driver and I realized my own cock had gotten
hard again and was gushing precum in mass under me. The whole bed felt wet
with it. His huge dick rubbed across my prostate and sent me up the wall.
In an instant, I felt like I was going to explode, and my dick started
flooding the bed under me with shot after shot of my boiling cum.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god!" My breath was coming in ragged gasps and my eyes
were rolling back into my head.

Suddenly Terry plunged into me harder with several thrusts, and then went
rigid. His body was stiff, and I felt his cock convulse inside my body. He
shivered, and convulsed again, and again and again. He took a ragged
breath, and fucked me another stroke and convulsed again. His hot cum felt
like a gush of heat just under my stomach. I was moaning, and shivering
under him. He fucked me a few more strokes and suddenly went limp on my

I expected his cock to subside as mine had already done after shooting its
load of jism, but I could feel he was still rock hard. I wiggled myself on
it a little, and found it was unchanged.

"Can I just keep it in you for a while coach? It feels so wonderful. I
don't know if I'll ever get to do this again."

"Um huh." I reached behind me and patted his butt cheek. "You don't have
to worry about not doing this when I'm in town kid."

"You like it" He was incredulous.

"No kid. I don't like it, I love it." I lifted my butt, and felt him push
against me. He pulled out a little, and pushed back in.

"Can I fuck you again coach? I'm still hard."

"Oh yes you beautiful boy. Fuck me senseless. Leave me heap of quivering
flesh. Fill my ass with gallons of your fresh cream. Cum in me forever."

He wasted no time beginning to stroke into me again. He raised up on his
knees, and started plowing into me from side to side. The feelings in my
body were beyond any fuck I'd ever had before. He took longer the second
time, but when he came, I came with him at the exact time spurt for spurt we
matched our climaxes and it seemed it went on forever.

When it was finished, he collapsed on my back, and we rolled on our sides
with his cock still impaled in my ass. We must have fallen asleep, because
it was two hours before I was aware of the room again. I woke up, and felt
his cock still inside me. When I moved to get up, he turned over and his
massive tool, limp at last, pulled out of my body. The rubber was weighted
at the tip with what appeared to be a cup of cum. He woke up while I was
pulling the filled condom off his beautiful cock. He smiled with sleepy
eyes at me and I leaned over to kiss him on the mouth. Our tongues met and
we knew that we would always be there for each other.

"That was wonderful coach. I never expected to fuck you."

"No? What did you expect?"

"I don't know, maybe getting sucked off. I didn't have any expectations.

"What would you have liked to happen?"

"Oh nothing different, it was great. Better than I imagined. Only..."

"Only what?"

"I figured you would want to fuck me too."

"Oh I do kid, but look at the time." It was a quarter to ten.

"Oh shit! I wanted to feel what it was like to get fucked."

"Tell you what. Can you get free again tomorrow night? I've got business
here in Phoenix tomorrow, and I can put off leaving for another night."

"What time do you want me, and I'll be here. I'll tell my mom I have a
game I want to attend at school. She lets me go to games by myself."

"Same time I guess."

I sent him to the shower so his mother wouldn't smell the heady funky odor
of mansex on him when he got home. I laid on the bed and pulled on my dick
until it was hard again while he cleaned up. When he was dressed, and
stepped out of the bathroom, he sat down on the bed beside me. Without
hesitation, he leaned over my cock, and took it into his mouth. He was
gentle and inexperienced, but with some of my expert training, he could also
become a world class cocksucker. He was already a world class top.

I pulled him up off my dick, and kissed him. "I think it needs a rest.
Let it build up its strength overnight so it can do a good job on your butt
tomorrow." He laughed, and stood up to leave.

"I can't wait coach. He blew me a kiss and was out the door.

I Hadn't been paying attention to my new beeper, mainly because it was in my
pants pocket hanging in the closet. After Terry left, I realized I hadn't
eaten anything since noon, and my stomach was convinced my throat had been
cut. I hopped into the shower and scrubbed off the smell of mansex with
Terry boy, and got dressed. As I was pulling my pants on, the beeper

"What a pleasant sensation," I thought, and tightened my belt.

"Whoa," my mind was blown when I saw the message on the tiny screen.
Seventeen pages! "Damn," I muttered to myself, and left the motel room to
find something to eat. In the car, I scrolled through the list of numbers
on the pager screen, and wrote them down on a pad. Before I finished the
list, the pager buzzed again. Recording the last number to come in, I
cleared the pager and headed out to find a burger joint that was still open.

Eating my Jumbo meal and large coffee, I perused the list of numbers on the
note pad. Several were long distance, so I eliminated them from immediate
consideration. The remaining eleven were Phoenix and vicinity prefixes
which I checked with my trusty Prefix Directory. I used it in my work to
help me schedule my jobs so I always made the best use of my time.

I settled on four numbers with prefixes that indicated they were within a
few minutes of the motel where I was staying. In the car again, sipping my
black coffee, I dialed the first number. No answer after six rings, so I
stopped the call. The second number was answered after the first ring.

"Hello?" There was a definite question in the guy's husky voice. I could
hear what was obviously a porn tape playing in the background, and the guy
was breathing a little ragged.

"Hi, I'm returning a page I received earlier tonight."

"Oh yeah. Just a second, I gotta mute the television." I waited while he
found the remote and killed the groans and husky throated dudes muttering
‘Oh yeah,’ over and over.

When he came back on the line, his voice was a little more stable. "Yeah,
I paged you. Got your number off a wall somewhere."

"Oh yeah?" I was beginning to wonder about my pager's former owner. "Did
I write any thing on the wall with it? I mean I do a lot of traveling, and
leave my number in a lot of men's rooms."

"I think it said you was a wild cocksuckin' fool lookin' for fresh meat.
Or somethin' like that." I didn't respond to his English, and suddenly had
an image of a married guy who's wife thinks his dick's too dirty to touch,
much less suck, home alone for some reason.

"Are you married?" I couldn't resist.

"How'd you know? Wife's gone to Yuma to visit her sister who just had a

"So, what did you have in mind?" I could hear his breath being sucked in;
either he was excited by the video, or he was smoking.

"You like to come over and suck my dick for me?" He seemed to be pleading
a little.

"Well, unless you're a hunk of a stud, I charge for my services." I had to
suppress a chuckle.

"What? I thought if..." He started to sputter a little.

"You thought if you got my number off a toilet wall, that I'd be hot to run
over to your place at the drop of a dime and suck your dick; right?"

"Uh, I guess so..."

"I got to go Charlie, call somebody else." As I stopped the call, I heard
him say; "How much you charge..." before the line went dead. Charlie, or
what ever his name was going to have to make do with his video and hand.
I took a sip of java and dialed the next number.

After the third ring, a woman answered. She sounded like a tough cookie.
I explained that I was returning a page, and didn't know who had called me
from the number.

"Clyde! Did you page some guy?! What did you say your name was?" To me.

"I didn't, but it's Gerry."

"Are you a friend of Clyde's?"

"I can't say as I've ever met him before."

"Well I need to ask you a personal question then." Her voice was taking on
an edge of anger.

"Go ahead. I'll answer if I can." I could hear Clyde coming into the room
asking who it was on the phone.

"Are you a queer?!" Her voice told me she had asked this question before.
Clyde said; "Now honey..."

"Why yes. Why do you ask?" I heard her scream; "You son of a bitch!" before
the receiver was slammed down hard. I hoped Clyde had a gun or knife to
protect himself. I stopped the call, and took another sip of coffee. I
mulled over the two calls and thought there must either be a lot of hetero
guys who were into experimenting, or some really bad closet cases out there.
I pegged the first as a frustrated hetero who just needed to get his dick
worshiped a little. If his wife would do it for him once a month, he would
be satisfied, and she could save their marriage. Instead, he was
frequenting tearooms looking for blow jobs, and calling pager numbers.

Clyde, on the other hand, sounded like he had a history of queer activity
that wifey knew about, and was fed up with. Clyde would be better off
pulling the plug on his straight act and opening the closet door. He and
the wife would both be happier in the long run, if she didn't kill him and
spend the rest of her life behind bars. I sighed, took a sip of coffee and
dialed the last number.


I stopped the call, and started my engine. The motel was darkened down for the night when I pulled into the lot and parked in front of the stairs that led to the
second tier of rooms. I shut off the lights, and killed the engine,
stopping a golden oldie in mid warble on the radio.

In the dome light, I glanced at the list of numbers on the seat. The first
one hadn't answered. "What the hell," I mumbled, and picked up the phone.
This time someone was home.

"Hello this is Jeff. Who am I speaking with?" Ah, what a nice telephone
voice. Jeff exuded confidence and control.

"Hi, my name is Gerry, and I'm returning a page I received earlier this

"Oh, I must have dialed wrong or something. I was calling a friend." He
sounded disappointed.

"What number were you trying to reach?" Maybe it wasn't a wrong number
after all. Jeff read my new pager number to me.

"I hate to tell you this bud, but I was given your friend's pager just
today. I've been getting pages all day for him. He was a popular guy."

"Have you answered all of them?"

"Some. They've been interesting. I even hooked up with one of the most
incredible buttfuckers I've ever had the pleasure to have known."

"Yeah?" He sounded interested in me suddenly.

"Yeah. I didn't measure it but I'd estimate it was right around twelve
inches and the size of my forearm."

"Oooh my," Jeff cooed. "I'd like to meet him sometime."

"Maybe I could arrange it. He's a very young guy and is just coming out.
I believe I popped his cherry."

"You fucked him?"

"No, I let him fuck me with his monster dick. He'd never even had a blow
job before I met him tonight."

"You lucky stiff." Jeff chuckled into the phone.

"Speaking of stiff; what's up?"

"I could use a stiff one right about now."

"Really? Would you travel for it?"

"I might. How far?" I told him the motel name and my room number. and
invited him over to spend the night with me.

"I have to go to work in the morning or I would." He sounded disappointed.

"So, bring your work clothes and you can leave from here. I have to work
tomorrow too, but I don't start until after nine."

"Sounds great Gerry, I'll be right over. Can I bring anything?"

"I've got condoms and plenty of lube. If you want anything to drink,
you'll have to bring it with you."

"I'll bring some Scotch, is that O.K.?"

"Fine with me, I'll get a bucket of Ice. How long do you think it will
take you to get here?"

"Seven or eight minutes max."

"See you then." I stopped the call, and hurried up to the room. It was a
mess. The bed sheet was still damp from me drooling and cuming all over it
earlier. I pulled it off, and put it into the closet out of sight. I took
the top sheet, and tucked it in as a bottom, and made the bed with it's
blanket and spread. I took the plastic bucket and set off down the balcony
for ice. On my way back from the ice machine, a little red sports car
pulled into the lot and cruised down the length of the motel slowly. It
hesitated for a moment then pulled in next to my car and parked.

A tall good looking black man got out of the car. He reached into the
vehicle, and brought out a travel bag, and a brown paper bag obviously
wrapped around a bottle of liquor. This had to be Jeff. His voice had not
a hint of his color on the phone, and I was pleasantly surprised. He looked
up for the first time, and saw me.

"You must be Jeff," I said, smiling down at him from the balcony. His
smile was bright and genuine. "Come on up." I stepped over to my door, and
opened it for more light. Jeff bounded up the stairs two at a time, and
arrived beside me not breathing any heavier than I was. The man was in good
shape for the forty year old I pegged him to be.

In the room, I took his travel bag and hung it in the closet.
When I turned around, he had put the bottle of Scotch on the dresser, and
stepped across the room and took me in his arms. He had powerful muscles
that encircled me in a bear hug. Our lips met, and we exchanged tongue for
a long wet one. When it finally broke up, We both were breathing a little

"Can I fix you a drink?" He smiled his dazzling smile at me and cocked his
head to one side.

"I like it on the rocks with a splash two and two high." I started
unbuttoning my shirt.

"You a bartender?" He spoke over his shoulder from the bathroom where the
ice and Scotch were.

"Put myself through school tending bar, but not any more." We sipped our
drinks and stripped off our clothes slowly while I explained my line of
work. I admired his obviously healthy gym toned body, and he didn't seem to
mind mine. We both kept our shorts on while he told me he was an attorney
for one of the larger firms in Phoenix with connections into a bigger
Washington firm that liked to hire ex Presidents for their masthead. The
environment he moved in was conservative beyond belief, and discretion was
his main concern.

He had known my beeper's former owner for over a year, and they had been
together a dozen or so times in that period. He told me his name was John,
and that he'd been extremely versatile in his sexual appetites. He liked
John for his honesty, as well as for his abilities in bed. John apparently
had a tongue that wouldn't quit.

"That man could eat ass for hours."

"You like that?"

"UH HUH!" He grinned. "A talented rimmer is hard to find these days."

"Well why don't you drop your drawers and assume the position to see if my
tongue will do."

"Oh honey; would you?" Jeff actually clapped his hands together. I liked
this man a lot. He would be fun to know.

"I love it too, and I know what you mean about it being hard to find. I
haven't had a real rim job in so long I can't remember what it feels like."

Jeff stood up and shoved his boxers to the floor and stepped out of them.
I raised my butt up off the bed and slipped my briefs off, throwing them
into the chair where I'd laid my clothes. He leaned over, and planted a wet
sexy kiss on my mouth, then crawled onto the bed and presented his butthole
to me. He was nearly hairless, with only a small patch of wiry pubic hair
that decorated the area above his cock. It was so precisely placed, I
wondered if he shaved it into that shape. His bunghole was clean of hair,
and winked at me like a tiny pink eye. His cock was still flaccid, but
looked to be of a respectable size. I guessed at six to seven inches, and
was not disappointed in my estimate when he pulled a boner for me later.

I positioned myself behind him, and began to lick his sweet smelling
cheeks. I spread his crack, and took a tentative swipe the length of it
with my tongue. He moaned, and pushed back against my tongue. I lapped the
area over his hole, and could feel him making it kiss me as my tongue passed
over it again and again.

"Oh man that feels good." He arched his back and reached for his cock. I
slurped his hole good, and felt it begin to open up for my tongue. I made my
tongue as hard as I could, and pushed it through his relaxing sphincter.

"Oh baby," he shivered as my tongue entered his hole. I forced myself into
him as far as I could reach, and twisted the end of my tongue in his nether
channel. He began to pull on his dick, and I followed his lead with mine.

I tongued him for several minutes until he seemed to lose his senses. He
collapsed on the bed moaning in ecstasy mumbling oh man; over and over. I
couldn't stand it any more, I needed to put my dick in his butthole soon.

"I'm going to fuck you now Jeffrey," I whispered into his little curl of an
ear. He just smiled without opening his eyes or moving. I rummaged in the
nightstand drawer and selected a condom. The lube felt cold, so I massaged
it in my fingers to warm it up before I worked it into him with a finger.
He didn't move a muscle, and maintained his smile and erection while I
prepared him for my entrance.

I laid down behind him with my cock sheathed in latex and lube, and made a
spoon with his butt and my lap. I positioned the head of my dick at his
opening, and pushed gently. I didn't want to break the spell of my rim job.
My cock slid in without obstruction or resistance. In one steady move, I
slid into him all the way.

"Ooh baby you got a big ol' cock in Jeffrey." He spoke of himself in the
third person, but still didn't move.

I pulled out leaving just the head of my dick lodged in his ass. I took a
breath, and pushed back in to him. "Jeffrey honey, I think you've done this
before." He laughed out loud and the rumble of it through his body did
wonderful things to my cock.

"I admit it honey. I'm a slut. When I can't get a man, I use my friend."

"What friend is that baby?"

"My big black dildo honey. Twenty-two inches of ever lovin' rubber."

"Did you bring this monster with you?" I wondered what we could get
started with something like that.

"Do a bear shit in the woods baby? It's in my travel bag. But don't you
stop what your doin' honey. It feels so nice I could just melt." I fucked
him for almost twenty minutes, until I was fighting to control my
ejaculation, and felt I was about to lose the battle.

"Jeff, I'm going to pull out now, or I'll cum. I don't want to lose my
load yet."

The end


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2019
Reaction score
Hot story, stud. I should be so lucky at the intersection of Grand and Olive (Phoenician here). Here's one of my stories based in the 'hood.


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