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Steroids & porn stars



Is anyone else bothered by what seems to be an explosion of steroid use among porn performers? Or maybe it's always been at this extreme level but I've just been noticing it more. I think it's gotten a lot worse, but maybe you all feel otherwise.

I am not turned on by a steroided body. The Austin Wolfs and Cade Maddoxes and Devin Francos of the world look ridiculous to me. (and I'll be honest - if Austin lives another 5 years I'll be shocked given his rampant steroid use). Maybe there is a point where some use of steroids can make someone's looks improve, but it seems none of these guys know when to quit. And forget looks - do any of these people realize what they are doing to their bodies? The death toll from steroid use in porn is staggering. Was Tyler Roberts's sad early demise due to steroid use, or did it contribute to it? One thing's for sure based on the visual evidence in his videos - he was a steroid user. Reading through the GoFundMe posts by his family members for his recent illness prior to his death, and the fact that at one point they indicated he was going to need a heart transplant, it's hard to come to any other conclusion for those of us who are in the medical field. All one has to do is look at the shoulders/backs of porn performers and the steroid users could not be any clearer. What I find particularly sad is what seems to be rampant steroid use at Hel!x of all places. Hel!x - allegedly twink heaven. When did steroid use and twinks become synonymous? This is just wrong.

This is not meant to shame any particular performers. But no one should be screwing up their health for short-term looks gain. If you feel you look inadequate, go to the gym, eat better, sleep more, get therapy, and/or all of the above. But taking the steroid shortcut is a tragedy that often doesn't end well. To quote a specific gay physician who was lamenting steroid use among gay men, "30 year old gay men should not have heart disease of someone more than twice their age."


Super Vip
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sad world.

Many of today’s porn stars do use testosterone and other steroids to get in shape, as having a good body is important now days. It's a known fact the pressure to look good in the gay community is high.

I'm not a doctor, but we know that guys who abuse steroids are subject to heart attacks. So that’s probably why you see so many relatively young porn actors dying of heart attacks.

A1ex Jame5, one of the most popular performers at 4ctive Dut7, passed away of a heart attack on 2/15/21 at age 22.

Ju5tin M1ley passed away of a heart attack on 12/3/21 at age 33.

3ryce Evan5 suffered a heart attack in early June 2021 but his death was not made public until three weeks later...


Super Vip
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Heart attacks are way up in athletes also. So I wouldn't be so quick to blame people using drugs. Look at all the young footballers dying of heart attacks.
Agree. Many of today’s athletes do use steroids to increase their performance in sport. It might be better to say almost all top international athletes use steroids.

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Super Vip
Feb 18, 2011
Reaction score
People working in the sex industry are particularly at risk because they are apt to combine excessive roid consumption with excessive coke consumption.
It's a combination that really thrashes the heart of even the fittest of young men.
If you need to use either substance, at least keep them separated from each other.


Dargelos, I'm not attuned to what drugs people are doing these days - never have been into them. Is coke being commonly used in the gay community? I may be clueless, but I thought it was still X, G, etc., i.e. pills, pot, etc.


Super Vip
Feb 18, 2011
Reaction score
Porn stars are a part of the community with a whole lotta cash money. They earn it fast and they spend it fast. Unfortunately on the wrong things.
The rest of us, struggling to pay our bills, don't have the £$£$£$ to get into such bad habits.


May 7, 2020
Reaction score
Porn stars are a part of the community with a whole lotta cash money. They earn it fast and they spend it fast. Unfortunately on the wrong things.
The rest of us, struggling to pay our bills, don't have the £$£$£$ to get into such bad habits.
You'd be surprised at how untrue that statement is. Those who want it, but can't afford it, are very often driven to sell it, or even look to get it from people they pick up. (Not sure if the word tricks is still in use.)

I'm a doc and knew a gay pediatrician who had 2 separate entances to his office. His other entrance was for gay men, to give them steroid injections. One day, I turned on the news, only to see a video of him being led away in handcuffs, for illegally prescribing steroids to patients. This was decades ago, but it wouldn't surprise me if that stuff still goes on. He was short and kind of pudgy, yet he was always surrounded by these hot looking body builders. I could never figure it out. I found out, when I worked for him for a very short time. I didn't want to be involved in that, so I wasn't there long. Now, there are newer drugs that are more difficult to detect with ordinary drug testing of athletes.