Music is a big part of a gay man's life, I think everybody can agree on that. And since this forum is "gayheaven", then I think if we can make it more complete so much the better.
What I initially thought of "Sharing Music" is this: I was thinking primarily of music coming from AMATEUR people members of this forum. I'm sure GayHeaven has more than enough members that some of them would be aspiring singers / song writers. Then perhaps they can posts their own work here with SEPARATE and DISTINC section (NOT just in the "General Discussion" topic/thread). A section that says "AMATEUR MUSIC" with sub section that says "MP3" and "Music Video" etc. --This has the possibility of starting viral videos on the mainstream (who knows GayHeaven might just discover the next Village People).
The other thing is that users will not be necessarily be allowed to posts copyrighted materials (as per videos). As usual, Moderators have the right and obligations to delete copyrighted posts like Moderators normally does with videos. If this can work with videos, why can't it work with music.
The third thing in my mind when I suggests this idea is for PREVIEWING AND CRITIQUING music (either songs or music videos). Something to give buzz to those music we enjoy or hate.
Again, I'm just making suggestions. Please don't bark at me like "josh-the-hot-boy" did because my intension is just to make GayHeaven even more awesome. If making suggestions is not welcome here, then I will not do so again.