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The 5G Dragnet


Be Fucking Nice
Aug 11, 2017
Reaction score

You know, I'm glad that I watched this video. I knew there was a health risk to cellular phones, but I didn't realize that it was that big.

But the real reason I'm glad that I watched it is because you get a more in depth look at how "connected" to the internet we are living. Fortunately, myself and my parents haven't fallen into the Connection Trap yet. Unfortunately, I think at some point it is going to be a necessity because that is all the companies are going to sell.

Though I haven't seen anyone with one of those smart mirrors in the bathroom yet, look at how much you can connect right now in a home: TV, Computer (of course), refrigerator, Alexa/iHome, Ovens, vacuums, baby monitors, windows, cars, bathroom scales, thermostats, and even toilets!

Do we really need to be this connected? I don't fucking think so! If someone were to be able to hack into the above house they could track your browsing, see what you have in the fridge, what do you ask Alexa to do, what do you cook, how often do you clean, how many kids you have, where you travel to, how much you weigh, what temp do you like your home at, and how often do you pee or poop. That last one is really giving up the privacy.

We've grown into a society that likes to over share everything. Look at the crap that's on Facebook! Look at the pics that are posting to Instagram. Have you ever used Kik or Snapchat? For those of us that do, look at the type of info we give out on Grindr. I mean Grindr gets so personal that you have the option to say if you are HIV +/- and when you were last tested. How would you like it if you were HIV+ and someone sent that info to your boss or your coworkers with a screenshot of your profile? Fuck me, but that could lead someone to go suicidal.

And the real problem with just how connected we are is that we are teaching the kids that it's completely normal. I remember my senior year in high school we had a day in one of my classes (so basically an hour) of the dangers of internet sharing. Really? One hour? At the same time that everyone is screaming at the kids not to talk to unknowns online, and don't share personal info with strangers, the adults are doing exactly that. And they keep coming out with more ways that your information is going to get shared.

They can have all the Opt Out options that they want, but it's the same as reading the mile long Terms & Conditions. When was the last time that YOU read every word of one of those things, and then declined the service? I bet never!! Even GH has one somewhere I bet. Short list of ones that I've accepted: GH, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, Reddit, Pandora, GoodReads, Flickr, DeviantArt, Pintrest, PornHub, XVideos, etc. Didn't read a one. I just clicked that button.

Right now the way it stands, the sites sign you up with the broadest of data collection, and if you want that to stop, you have to Opt Out. Most of the time that is nearly impossible and you give up long before you're done. I think the law should be that they sign you up with absolutely everything off, and make you Opt In. But still, even if you do Opt Out, how do you know that you've been really shut off. Shit, just look at how long it takes to Opt Out of a mailing list. "You mail still receive our emails for the next seven to ten days". Really? In the speed of the internet I can sign up and get the first one instantly, but it takes seven to ten days to get me off a list? I don' think so!!

We can unlock our homes from work. We can start our car's from the living room. We can see who just rang our door bell. We can see when the kids get home. We are way to fucking connected, and it's only getting worse. Like the "4 Non Blonds" album: we want things bigger, better, faster, and more. And because of that, no matter the warnings about the dangers of 5G and the advancement of connectivity, we are going to let it come.

All those of us like me can do is ask: At what price?


New member
Jul 4, 2019
Reaction score
There was a case where alexa recorded a private conversation between a couple and then randomly called a contact from their phone book and played back the recorded conversation.

Also self-powered recording devices are already in the works. So a spy could plant a bug in your home and it would record and transmit for years without needing a power source.

If you are a good little boy you have no privacy, but no worries either. If you are naughty, for example guys who are protesting in Hong Kong, or Paris, I'd say leaders of such movements are watched. It would be so easy to blackmail them. Out them if they are in the closet. OR they might be out of the closet but HIV+ and want this kept a secret. OR having an affair. Ask yourself, how many secrets do you have?

Privacy is soooooooo yesterday? Have we become such airheads?


Super Vip
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
I've been warning people about this shit for years but they all think I'm a crazy ass technophobe.

Now do you see why I'm moving into a van completely off-grid?


New member
Jul 4, 2019
Reaction score
I've been warning people about this shit for years but they all think I'm a crazy ass technophobe.

Now do you see why I'm moving into a van completely off-grid?

I believe everyone should have the right to live off-grid. It's a noble act carried out by the most principled among us. But perhaps there were always those who wished to go off-grid. The hermits of a thousand years ago, and the secluded monasteries. No doubt many have been burned at the stake over the centuries. But who will do the burning today? Whoever hates the off-grider I suppose. And who is that?


Super Vip
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Are there communities where you can ally with others who want to set up off grid communities?

I suspect that the majority of people if asked to approve or disapprove of those who are off-grid, would totally approve of 'untouched tribes' on South America who have had no contact with the modern world. Leave them alone they say. But they would totally disapprove of the ex "civilised" who want to get away from it all. And would even advocate their arrest.

This chaotic tech-obsessed society of ours must be optional. Imagine forcing such a thing on someone. I shudder at the though.

Not so much off-gridders, but there is a rapidly growing van dwelling community in the US and Canada. For some it's in response to rising housing cost, but for most it's a way to live unencumbered by materialism. They realize that they're working so hard just to provide a place to live that they actually do very little "living"...


Junior Member
Dec 25, 2008
Reaction score
No Luddite here but...

I have not given a passing thought to what soaking yourself in this cocktail of invisible waves can do to the soft tissues of your body but I agree that we have allowed too much intrusive technology into our lives. Due partly to my advanced age, I simply ignore them. I do not tweet, instagram, nor hand over personal info or money into Facebook or Google.


Vodafone sent me an advert about 5G.

"With our fantastic connectivity, at last you can live your life in real time"
Amazing, I must have been born with 5G since I've been living in real time long before cellphones were ever invented.

"Now download a long movie in only three minutes, not the fifteen minutes it takes using 4G, think of all the time you save!"
You don't save any time at all, it still takes two hours to watch a two hour movie. If you really want to save time, download the movie and don't watch it. Even better! download two movies and don't watch either of them, then you save four hours.

"5G soves the problem of signal congestion at busy events like football matches"
How super, now I can pay sixty pounds for a ticket to a football ground and spend the ninety minutes staring at my phone instead of watching the game. That's progress.

So, no thankyou Vodafone, I'll stick with my PAYG burner.


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Vodafone sent me an advert about 5G.

"With our fantastic connectivity, at last you can live your life in real time"
Amazing, I must have been born with 5G since I've been living in real time long before cellphones were ever invented.

"Now download a long movie in only three minutes, not the fifteen minutes it takes using 4G, think of all the time you save!"
You don't save any time at all, it still takes two hours to watch a two hour movie. If you really want to save time, download the movie and don't watch it. Even better! download two movies and don't watch either of them, then you save four hours.

"5G soves the problem of signal congestion at busy events like football matches"
How super, now I can pay sixty pounds for a ticket to a football ground and spend the ninety minutes staring at my phone instead of watching the game. That's progress.

So, no thankyou Vodafone, I'll stick with my PAYG burner.

:rofl::thumbs up::rofl::thumbs up::rofl::thumbs up:
Now I know how I can save time of my life!!!! :rofl::thumbs up::rofl::thumbs up:


...But they still record your location whether you give permission or not.