Beauty is in the eyes of the ones who look. I have learned that. Here’s a little story about ugliness/beauty which will definitely confirm that beauty is really in the eyes of the ones who look so is ugliness.
I wrote before in this board that I was adopted, yes I'm Haitian/Dominican and I was adopted into a aristocratic whitey family, therefore my dad, mom and one of my sister are very white compared to me and my biological sister (we were adopted together). But here come the fun part, my parents lived in a very small town north of province of Quebec, Canada (about 10000 inhabitants in the "so-called city" and 30000 within the surroundings). Obviously it's a Caucasian world out there and you can imagine what my life was for the 13 years I lived there from 4 to 17 years old before I moved to Montreal, a bigger and more multicultural city. Obviously, I came in as a little prince, black kids are for the most very cute children when they are young and we were pretty much the Cabbage Patch of the whole city. But kids will get older, their voice will change and their face as well.
From the age of 4 to 10 I didn't have the concept of beauty, although I could easily understand that I was very different than the other kids since they were very pale according to me (and to them I was well done, really really well done:rofl

, and they caught sunburn during summer (thing I never had not even once in my whole life, and I'm 35 now, I can stay under a burning sun for hours). But the age of 12, when I started having interest in little girls, well now it hit me.
I was not only different; I was to the other; the outcast, the ugly duckling. Although I didn't feel that ugly, not as ugly as Frederic the fat and dirty kid, but interesting enough the girls would go to him more than to me. This brought me to seriously doubt that I was in anyway attractive and it went all the way to the day I left that darn ignorant village. Although I got to say I had more luck with guys. But how can I compete with Dominic, the green eyes, dirty blond hair kid (a douche bag like none other) but because he had the socially accepted cutie features, girls would lick his dirty underwear’s just to be with him.
So at 13 while all my friends had girlfriends I was the lonesome cowboy, not very good for self-esteem, I can tell you that. Yes I had occasional boyfriends (looking like Dominic

) but I was already different enough by color, I didn't feel the need to tell everyone that I liked boys too :no:. It took me a good two years before I had my first girlfriend, because even though I had sex with dudes (particularly my cousin; no blood bound, I can fuck all my cousins:rofl

. Well I happen to have one of the hot blond of the school, and obviously that created a lot of envy and jealousy among the others (girls as well as boys) and what I would often hear when we'd had our backs turned was - "what the fuck does she finds in him" meaning that I was too ugly for her. But interesting enough my girlfriend had another discourse; she, found me beautiful and she will even tell what was cute on me. But after being the ugly duckling for so many years, the insinuation by others of me being “ugly” did make its way to my head and when someone would come and say that I looked kind of good I wouldn’t believe them, or I’d believe that they’re just being polite. My 15 years old girlfriend died of a car accident at 17, which triggered me to leave that darn village once and for all. So hear this… my concept of beauty is white skin…??? ODD RIGHT, well not that much when one has been raised among the others. I was Mowgli among the wolves, if you guys recall the story; Mowgli didn’t really like being human, he even found himself very ugly compared to his siblings. Well that was exactly how I felt, not at first, but through the year it did make its way.
In those years I became friend with a kid with the Dawn syndrome (still good friends) and his facial Mongolian features made him ugly to the eyes of others, but to me he was the most beautiful dude ever so much this guy had a beautiful mind, a little retard yes, but beautiful, he learn to laugh at his condition and through him I’ve learned to accept my difference and started being indifferent about what people thought of me being cute or not cute because I wasn’t the same color.
Now you might wonder if there was other black in the village, yes there was, but you could count them on your fingers from one hand. They were older and weren’t going out often.
When I moved out from my mud hole village, I moved to Montreal, University was starting and that is of course moving from 10000 inhabitants to 2.4 million with people coming from pretty much everywhere around the world, I started being looked at, in bar girl or dude would approach me, I was being invited to parties. And my first girlfriend I had in Montreal was a Chinese girl… wait why a so beautiful Chinese girl would go with an ugly black guy… until she started just like my first girlfriend did explain that I had nothing ugly on me, nice body, cute eyes, great hair, beautiful smile and the plus of all a brain.
I’ve gain more confidence and understood that there’s different type of beauty for all taste on the planet. What I find ugly is not necessarily ugly in the eye of someone else and the opposite is very true.
Even today, my dude is a beautiful blond guy “a Kyle Ross with better features

” and some people still wonder what the fuck can he find in me (even had some reactions in this forum when I first posted his picture, and some hurry to take the picture and found it on some blogs:thinking: ... hmmm yeah well I knew that already, he's a model, so yes his picture will go around and I'm pretty sure few of mine have went around too and I knew all the websites that had it... but they only had that ONE picture, I have many of those and I have HIM sleeping next to me everynight

)… but whoa I am not that bad (at least the hundreds of clients I had while being an escort didn’t think so, Jean Daniel Cadinot didn’t think so when I modeled for him)
Beauty is also in the attitude; one can be the most beautiful dude or dudette on the planet and still be the worst egocentrically douche bag the earth ever had. To me what make a person very ugly are not their facial or physical appearances, it’s their mind and attitude, if the mind is crap, but he has a cute nose, he’ll still look ugly to me and I don’t want to have nothing to do with this dude.
So that was my concept of ugly vs beauty… it really is just in the eyes of the one who look and in the attitude projected toward others and toward oneself. Therefore cute parents making ugly babies and ugly parents making cute babies is not scientifically proven and therefore cannot be taken seriously. Remove your skin and you’ll see how similar we all are inside.