When I was younger, I used to care what others thought about me because I was brought up in a very judgmental and very opinionated environment. However, as I became an adult and got out on my own, I could give a f**k what others thought. In fact, whenever I was confused or unsure about embarking on something new or taking something to the next level, I would put myself in the company of people whom I know that have a negative impact or opinions on any and everything that concerned my welfare. Therefore, I would take their negativity and make it into a positive encouragement booster which only confirmed to me to take that next step or to embark on that next level that I was confused about. Therefore, whenever someone goes out of their way to say something negative to me in regard to something that I'm projecting as a positive gesture, then I know immediately that I am doing something right because I feel that with all that is happening in the world that an individual would take out time to notice what I am doing, then apparently, it's something about me that they wish they had within themselves.