Challenge is the operative word for all of Humanity. We are all challenged and the problems will become greater in the next century. Look across the globe and there are issues of strife, ecology. The only safe place these days seems to be Canada.
I get wired and hostile to the opposition these days because I'm tired of fighting stupid. As a young person, it is natural to give respect, honor and deference to the elders of the world, even when you disagree with them. One assumes they know more, they know what they're doing. Now I'm old enough to see them for what they are: human's who put on their pants the same way I do. Who twice or more a day sit on a can and take a dump just like anyone else. So the deference I once gave to the Catholic church, Conservative Politics over Gay Rights, I don't give them that deference anymore. They are fucking wrong and they have spent years controlling our lives and making our existence miserable. Between not having a lot of years left in life, and a clear understanding of the flaws in the position, I don't feel 'kind' towards them -AT ALL.
The disrespect they have shown Gay people is the same disrespect they show our first Black President. And if they had their way, they strike down every advancement he makes. And they'd strike down every advancement Gays have made. They would just as soon write Constitutional Amendments to block Gay Marriage and Gay Equality on every level of Government. With the same glee and passion they write Anti Abortion legislation.
There was a time in my youth I would have respectful of the Yale and Harvard degrees, the tailored suits, the big money that lines their pockets.
Those great Ivy League schools gave us George Bush.
Those big dollars of the Koch brothers are used to suppress votes, block gay rights and block any agenda that is contrary to their own.
So piss on all that.
Their positions are false and their measures shallow. We live in a time when the effective tax rates are as low as they've been in our modern era. -So if taxes were the key to financial well being, why don't people on the forum here feel richer?
We live in a time where the debt of the United States is falling faster than any time in the past 30 years. -So why isn't anyone on the forum feeling better off? We live in a time where the DOW is at an all time high. Ever. Reflecting wealth upon wealth upon wealth. -So why isn't anyone on the forum raving about good this makes them feel?