What gives me hope is that a few years ago when I decided to pursue my education, I had initially thought that my chance to do this has passed and I should just let bygones be bygones and move forward. However, when I did embark on this journey, there are days when I questioned myself as to what the hell am I doing because there are moments when things become somewhat difficult. But what gives me hope is when I got a letter from the National Society of Collegiate Scholars complimenting me on the impressive progress that I've made and on top of that, they send me an certificate to acknowledge the achievements that I've made thus far with my education and to invite me to become a member of the society. This gives me hope because many times, there are few people who actually know how well I have done so far in school considering I am nearly finished and for someone that I do not know to take out time to let me know how great of a job that I am doing, gives me the hope to do my best for the next eight months until I graduate.