I like a man who is confident with his life. I am extremely turned off by feminine men, but I love them to death as friends.
I like a man who is hard working, and dependable, cute, and muscular, but his personality as a masculine man can overshadow the need for some of these 'qualities'.
For example, I really enjoy a co-worker of mine, who is very muscular and skinny, he's like an elf on World of Warcraft.
I also enjoy a friend of mine, who isn't as muscularly toned, but he's wow in the man department, it's weird, he's not the most masculine, but he's really laid back and yet on fire...ya know? so cute...this is the guy that I've spoken of on here that let's me hug and kiss him (on cheek)...omg intoxicating...His name is Andrew, and he is the first guy that I ever enjoyed smelling everything on him, his sweat, his feet, his crotch...yes, I got close enough once while he was asleep and drunk passed out on my floor, but I didn't touch...anyways. I digress...
later all,
jeff c