I have no problem to follow the broad majority opinion in this thread : Without music, please, or at least without those loud, noisy kinds of music that destroyed more gay porn in the 1980s than anything else. I've watched porn so awful - actually, it was German porn - that I just had to turn the video off because of that dreadful noise.
But what I wanted to do is to dig a bit deeper!
I think that one of our most common mistake concerning sound movie is, that almost immediately we start talking about the VISUAL aspect of the movie. Why do I say that this is a mistake? Because it isn't the visual or pictorial side of the movie that gives us that fundamental sense of PRESCENCE. It's the SOUND - not music, but sounds emerging from the environment, bodily movements and voices not necessarily speaking, but making sounds. Sounds of fucking, sounds of sucking, sounds of wanking, sounds of
ming. And kissing and hugging and laughing and whatever - just sounds of intense human life.
This is probably more essential to porn than to any other movie genre.