truthfully, i don't know how to answer this question. yes, in large urban cities, for the most part, people a more accepting. on the other hand, these days, i see 2 rather disturbing trends. 1) there is a lot more girl bullying going on, in both elementary and high schools, and 2) with boys coming out earlier in life, i see (for better or worse) a lot more effeminate(ness) - new word, not one i particularly like, nor is it a 'trait' to which i am attracted (but that's just me). i am afraid that this probably leads to more ridicule. so, while society, in general, may be more accepting, unless children are 'taught' to be more accepting of others, and see their parents doing so, as well, i tend to lean toward the 'not wanting/wishing a niece/nephew of mine to be gay.'