If it were normally that easy....
you might be right...bloop..but lets say...
you have a black guy, about 18 years old, who came from a terrible childhood...his mamma was crack whore, his daddy was unknown...and no one was there in his life to give him guidance in morals. Yes, he knows the law, knows right from wrong, but doesn't really know or understand morals.
Lets say his crack mamma, got him hooked on crack too...and so he begins to steal from people to support his crack habit. He just always wanted someone to love he gets a girlfriend and gets her preggers. He finally realizes that he needs to stand up and be a man for his he tries to get off the crack, but can't seem to. He tries to find and hold a job, but no one will hire him in a decent job. So finally he robs a quckie mart to get his girl some milk and vitamins and the in the process, the clerk pulls a gun on he shoots and kills the quckie mart clerk. He is caught and arrested. He is charged and convicted of first degree murder, he only has a first year public defender to help him.
Could you...sentence him to death so easily...he would just get an injection..right? No suffering. BTW...a true story.
Don't get me wrong...he's guilty as hell and I believe in justice...but I believe in a broader justice...just not justice for the dead clerk. I couldn't sentence him to death....but I would also feel bad about justice for the see being a judge..wouldn't be easy..that is if you have a soul.
While the young man is guilty of the much of that guilt does society share in?....where were the programs to help his mother get off crack and be a good mother, where were the programs to help him learn morals...what about the generations (we forget..hundreds of years) of disadvantage that blacks have endured in this country and around the world. What about the young man getting a decent education and skills to enable him to get a decent job. What about programs to help see and have hope?
I'm not saying he doesn't have to pull himself up...because he does...but society needs to have outstretched hands to help him up.
See being a judge sucks if you have a soul...because there aren't easy clean administer justice in an unjust world...would suck so bad. Who makes the rules and for the advantage of who?
My gggrandfather ...among many things...was Chief Justice of the United States....I have his private diaries...and I find...that even the conservative old shit bag that he was...he was tortured by many of his decisions...he was very aware he lived in an unjust world....but, he just accepted it was that way and basically said..."oh well" .
Reading those diaries....was a turning point in my life...I suppose one of the reasons I am the black sheep of the family..the one who hates the system and fights it.