I am for gay marriage, and not settling for civil union. (Not that anybody has to get married, whether you are hetero or homo.) But the choice needs to be there. Here's why:
"Civil union" is a new legal term. Insurance policies can include civil partners, or not; likewise laws can be written to apply to civil partners - or not.
But hundreds of thousands of laws, insurance policies, shopping discounts, inheritance laws, child custody, club memberships, hospital policies, social security and pension benefits, etc. already specify privileges for a married spouse. By letting gay couples marry, they are immediately grafted in to all of these social benefits.
For civil partners it's a different story. Unless a policy, law or benefit specifically mentions civil unions, there is no assurance at all that a partner has any legal standing.
The U.S. tried "separate, but equal" before, and it didn't turn out so well.
No. Gay marriage is a fantasy dream created by flamers (IE: gay people you see on tv.) A will can get you the same return on a 20 partnership as any marriage licences.
I find the very concept of "legal" marriage to be unconstitutional and in violation of the separation of church and state. Marriage is a religious bond, not a legal union.
Civil unions should be used for legal benefits and should be available for all. Marriage should be between you, your church and your God.
This way, if you want your union to be legal, go to the court house. If you feel that the union must also be in the eyes of God, talk to a priest.
This also takes "Defense Of Marriage" out of the governments hand and places it in the clergy. So if the Catholics and Baptist don't want gay marriages, they don't have to perform them, gays can always go to the Episcopalians...
When did the religious lot get to fully own marriage? It has been a legal institution for centuries if not millennia! Sure, it's also been a religious institution for millennia, but that's no reason to just hand it over and let them have it!
If anything, Marriage was a social contract long before it was anything else. It's about your society recognising that two of you are a couple. The religious and legal stuff is all secondary, it's primarily social.
So no, we should not surrender our quest to have our marriages recognised by our governments and our societies. As an agnostic I couldn't give a crap whether churches recognise any marriages, but I expect governments not to discriminate, and indeed, I expect society not to discriminate.
Finally, I think it's a complete pipe-dream to expect straight people to give up on the term marriage for anything but religious ceremonies, it won't happen, so if you settle for 'civil partnerships', you settle for 'separate but equal', and like Topdog said, that doesn't turn out so good when it's tried!
Atheists get married, and so should gays.
From my opinnion: If gays wanna get married and be as miserable as many straigth couples, then go a head. I know though there are happy couples too, but its just that I'm not really into marriage cause I'm not that religious person.
Why not invent a different kind of marriage, non-christian marriage?