I beg to differ, being former military myself, I can spot little subtleties that tell me when someone was or is a soldier. The attitude, language, behavior, demeanor, and even posture are all tell tale signs, just as obvious as the "U.S.M.C." tattoos...
While I doubt that many are currently "active duty", I do know for a fact that most of them are former soldiers and reservist. Several, like Kaden and Brian openly admit that they waited until they were out of the service before moving on to porn and others like Cole, did start while still in and got in deep shit for it. And still others have gotten away with it simply because it's gone unnoticed or their commanders just don't give a shit. For those unaware, the gay ban in the military allows the company commander to decide if there is enough "evidence" to court-martial a soldier for "homosexual activity", and many such commanders have been presented with proof positive (including videos of soldiers engaged in gay sex) and have chosen to ignore it rather than loose an otherwise good soldier...
And yes, I'm sure that in the past, Dink has found a civilian that was just too hot not to use, cut his hair and had him play army. But now that he has control over Amateur Straight Guys and is doing "crossover" videos between the sites, he no longer needs to do that...
But whether they are currently enlisted or former military doesn't really matter. Once a soldier, always a soldier...