As someone wha has trained in many gymnasia in various cities for years, I can state that, in this country at least, the myth of muscle-hunks having sex with each other at the gym is mostly just that - urban myth. I believe there is a certain amount of wishful thinking involved.
In my experience a bodybuiler is no more likely to be gay than any other male, and in fact I would say less so; quite a lot of them have very conservative social and political views. Of course there are always exceptions, and the likelihood of finding an exception probably depends a good deal on where the gym is located.
For example at one time I attended a gym in Sydney's gay ghetto, where I would estimate that from one third to one half of the clientele were gay. That still doesn't mean that sex happened on the gym floor, though I did witness a couple of encounters in the steam room (and participate in one). At other establishments, in suburbs populated by Mums and Dads with 2.4 children, you would be well advised to take your time and exercise judgment before trying to touch another man.
Invariably, the few times when I have scored in the steam room or sauna or spa or wherever, have been when I was not looking for it. Funny that.