Actually Beatniks and Hippies are very different, though the beginnings of the Hippies can be found in the Beatniks.
Kewl daddyeo Beatniks...were the original emos...they hung out in dark coffee houses, read poetry, and wore black clothing, only really did pot, were more likely introverts, and dug jazz, into love more than sex, high fidelity relationships, more intellectual, clean and anal-retentivish...
hey man Hippies...came out of the coffee houses into the sunny parks, dug rock, wore wild color clothing, still did pot but more into the Psychedelics, more likely to be extroverts, into sex more than love, orgies, killed off brain cells, dirty and sloppy...
The establishment sucked then and now....and it is so full of did that happen??
Shit...just realized...I'm a Beatnik mostly