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can someone explain religion to me?


Shadow Treader
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
you believe in something and follow rules
the end


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
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religion is a crutch for the weak minded--day in and day out i see people using i am a christian as an excuse to get them to be trusted by everyone else around them----but like in the christian religion there are so many things wrong withing its tellings---

for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son blah blah blah-- god looks down at jesus while he is on the cross sees him and turns his back toward jesus in disgust and shame--- good father figure i say

more people have been killed in the name of god than any other reasons out there combined-- read up on it you will see it is true--god told noah to build a ark and put two of each lifeform on it two of each animal species to prepare for the great flood that will kill those around him so it rains 4o days and 40 nights creating the floods killing everyone but those on the ark----and what is god teaching here dont fuck with him or die?

mary mother of jesus claimed to be a virgin but yet she was pregnant with child--back then it was believed but in todays world she would be called a whore and a liar--- and tests are available to see if the person is really a virgin or not my guess she wasnt--

is there a heaven and a hell or what-----i agree that there is a higher being but not in one god like they do with christianity-- god had created everything in his own image but he has also created the world of evil as he created this area to put lucifer in it created it like a jail cell because lucifer didnt see things as god did so in his own way god created the battle between good and evil so if he has anyone to blame he is to blame himself....

i went to church for yrs listening to the preacherman tell others how we were made in gods image that we were made of his flesh his blood but yet thou shalt not kill is one of the commandments..but yet christianity beliefs was taken from several other religions ...

i do not believe in god call me an athiest if likei just think if you look at everything and compare gods beliefs and how he expects us to live a certain way then maybe what he did shouldnt be put in the holy bible...

as for other religions in the world terrorists praise to kill those in the name of their god but forget that their god was a peaceful god loving god but yet use their gods name to say what they are doing is right.. but the gods is supposed to be about peace love and happiness but all they bring is pain death and loss


New member
Jan 30, 2011
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I think religion is a lot more complex than people make it out to be. I think the two most common thought processes are "religion is evil," and "religion is infallible". Those just seem to be the most vocal groups, though. The idea that religion is just a bunch of fairy tales is a little misguided when there is historical documentation of Jesus -- not much, but enough that says he existed. Religion is totally dependent on whose hands it in. In one way, it can create Osama bin Laden, who used several violent verses of the Quran to justify his crusade against the West, whereas it can also create Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi.
The notion that religious texts are a direct product of God, or whatever a religion believes is false. It's clear that all of these texts were written over a span of time, by multiple individuals, rather than one (although I'm not entirely sure about the historical context of the Quran because it is stated to be the product of singularly the Prophet Mohammed, who was supposedly illiterate when he wrote it). The New Testament, for instance, is just a compilation of what the early Catholic church believed to be the best writings in relation to the life of Jesus (and many writings were excluded).
So, in my opinion, there is no way that religion can be infallible because it was written by humans, who are flawed. On the same context, though, religion can be beautiful and you can find wonderful means to guide your life in it. The primal concepts of several religions are extremely powerful and hold beliefs and stories that I personally find inspiring. Muddled in with all of the beauty there is a lot of things that are bad and that I disagree with, so I simply recognize their existence, but discard them in my life. I've met plenty of people who use their religion to empower themselves to do amazing things, but also met plenty who have become what seem like slaves to it. I see religion as a balancing act, something that you need to closely monitor your usage of so that you can achieve good rather than bad. I also feel like religion is deeply personal, and when one tries to place it on others, its purpose is lost.

I dunno, I'm kind of just rambling here, but ever since I took a course on World Religions, a lot of my opinions have changed. Before I absolutely hated it, but after taking the class I found a lot of really insightful knowledge that I am using to help shape who I want to mold myself to be. Could I have done all of this without religion? Probably, but this has certainly made the process faster. Basically, I think religion sucks when it comes to the concrete (I.E. fact), but wonderful when there's something abstract (I.E. philosophy).


New member
Apr 19, 2009
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What is Religion?

I often think that religion is a belief in something outside ourselves. It's a way of explaining the world. Unfortunately, many use it to do harm.

But as Jesus said, "By their deeds you shall know them." So the words of so called religious people mean nothing. It's what they do. A lot like to say they are saved by faith alone and not by works. That's a cop out.

Jesus said, that "the law and the prophets are summed up in the two great commandments." 1. Love God. He went onto to say that the second is like it. 2. Love your neighbor. I believe the two are like one another because if you love your neighbor, you are loving God. If you love your neighbor your are loving God and it doesn't make any difference if you are an atheist, a Muslim, a Jew etc..

Many don't like this idea because it would put churches out of business. It would also put a lot of so called Christian politicians out of business because they like to use religion to justify their being unchristian deeds such as cutting taxes and programs that help the poor etc while talking about being Christian.

Like Jesus said, "By their deeds you shall know them."


But as Jesus said, "By their deeds you shall know them." So the words of so called religious people mean nothing. It's what they do. A lot like to say they are saved by faith alone and not by works. That's a cop out.

If I might point out something, the phrase 'saved by faith and not by works' actually means that good stuff alone cannot save you - as in Biblical Salvation. Faith (belief) must accompany the works, otherwise any rich guy could do amazing shit with his money and 'buy' his way into Salvation. But I get what you are saying and you're totally on point in emphasizing that a person's actions (deeds) tell the true tale about their lifestyle and spirituality. So good deeds, a forgiving attitude (and behaviour) as well as faith in God form the basic tenets of the Christian lifestyle.


Junior Member
Feb 2, 2009
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Religion in today's society is a way for people to feel like they have something to believe in. Without organized religion people would have to deal with their own faith and ask questions of their own spirituality that, in general, society does not like to ask. With a religion telling you what to believe, what is required of you and giving an explanation to some of the scarier questions (ie what happens after death).


New member
Feb 22, 2011
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Religion is a profitable business and a little bit outdated tool for mind control of the masses.


Feb 20, 2010
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Religion is utter nonsense but people are free to believe whatever they like. Take religion away and many go straight off and take up a whole new set of nonsensical beliefs. But, correct me if Im wrong, I don't think new-age tree huggers or UFO believers have started any wars, pogroms or crusades in which millions are killed! Though I'd keep an eye on conspiracists. They all look mad.


But, correct me if Im wrong, I don't think new-age tree huggers or UFO believers have started any wars, pogroms or crusades in which millions are killed! Though I'd keep an eye on conspiracists. They all look mad.

No correction needed, those groups as mentioned haven't caused any physical mayhem of the extent that religion has sparked wars, etc. However, there are dangerous folk out there in tree-hugger land........such as the ones who believe in criminal actions to push their agenda: like spiking trees with steel nails that can cause a forest worker's chainsaw to jump wildly and possibly dismember him on the recoil. Using destruction of property and even lives to make one's point is insane in my thinking; of course the stated rationale is that "our planet is dying and we need to take drastic measures to make people listen".

When I hear that rhetoric uttered, my response is to want to shoot them all down like dogs. Nasty, barbaric, hateful.........sure is. But anyone who wants to take my life over his beliefs is worthy of the same death that he presupposes for me.


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
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...But anyone who wants to take my life over his beliefs is worthy of the same death that he presupposes for me.

This is an interesting moral statement.

Does this mean that you are justified in killing someone who wants to kill you (but has not taken any actions toward that goal)? Does their mere desire condemn them?

If so, you are not alone. George Bush would certainly agree with this on an international scale.


This is an interesting moral statement.
Does this mean that you are justified in killing someone who wants to kill you (but has not taken any actions toward that goal)? Does their mere desire condemn them?

Not merely their desire. If any action ensues that directly presents a threat to my life or well-being, natural law and common sense say that I have a right to defend myself. I would exercise that right vigorously. I am certain that given my personal beliefs and faith choices, there may be some people out there whose position might be that I am not worthy of life. Bully for them. If all they do is think that way, I have no physical issue with them. But the first step that they take (or any follower of theirs) is grounds for me to apply what is euphemistically called sanction with extreme prejudice. I am not here on this planet to lay down for anyone to step on my neck and the best defense is offense.