Damn that stuff is dangerous - it raises blood pressure like nothing!!
I hate the worship of all drugs in clubland, straight or gay.
Then again, in my opinion
you need bloody drugs to be able to listen to that noise lol
I've been to parties and such like at times I haven't been feeling like a drink.
Yes, they are boring totally sober. If you don't drink , then avoid them!!
I once went without a single drop for 5 years!! (Just lost the habit and enjoyed not drinking) I found it refreshing and did different things rather than just go to bars, but any "gatherings" I was forced into going to were incredibly boring!
There is nothing worse than being around people after a drink if you haven't had one!! That's something they never see, they think they're so funny and can't understand why you aren't laughing as well!
Might give it another try actually, I'm not addicted to beer, but I function better without it.
It's a great stress reliever though, so it's difficult not to have those couple of pints at weekend at least.