I've been using e-bay since 2003, although not frequently. The first thing to do is to check the seller's reputation. Do not attempt to purchase from sellers with low reputation ratings.
I purchased items across continents and they were delivered safely. I've purchased some religious artifacts from a seller in USA and they were delivered safely to my place in Indonesia.
However, some seller might play tricks with pictures or words describing the item. I once purchased "
a silver pendant with chain", the pendant was real sterling silver, but the chain nevertheless is fake.
My other "unique" experience of using e-bay was I made a complaint to a seller because I hadn't received the item I bought. The item should have arrived in 2 weeks, and it was almost 6 weeks since the date of purchase. The seller immediately sent me a free replacement, which I received on time. It's funny that the first shipment arrived a few days later from the second shipment. I notified the seller about this and offered to pay for the replacement, but the seller said that she admired my being honest with her and refused to be paid for the replacement. The item was a 15 US $ silver bangle and the shipment fees was 20 US $