I absolutely adore this game! But so sick of this engine too. Glitch after glitch since Morrowind (2001!) and there's not really anything Obsidian could do about it. But unlike Bethesda these days they actually write flexible plots and fantastic dialogue!
I love Morrowind with all my heart! And so, like an abused housewife, I try so hard with everything from Bethesda and keep going back. I put up with bugs, and scour for mods, and seriously reinstalled Oblivion like five times. I just can't stand how inane everything is in Ob & FO3. Maybe if the engine worked great the content would be tolerable, but it turned out, for me, that if the content worked great, the engine was tolerable... *shrug*
It also helps that it's actually really gay-friendly, unlike a lot of things that try to be. There were points where it was really in-your-face, but it's because they were in-your-face characters. That excuse actually works because there are many people in the game who just happen to be gay, like Arcade, who just tosses it out there with a semi-sarcastic "some lucky man would come sweep me off my feet" if you ask him to follow you, and doesn't ever press the issue (unless you hit on him.)
Compare that to the elf from Dragon Age, who pretty much announces that he won't do his job and kill you because he'd rather suck you off. Compare that to the one gay character in Vegas who sexually harasses you: an NCR medic calls you buttercup every time he sees you! I think that's supposed to be another "what do you do?" for homophobes / the easily harassed - because you probably NEED him if you're talking to people at that camp. Compare again to "NAUGHTY ELF BOY: YES / NO."