" ... for there is neither good or bad, but thinking makes it so ... " - Hamlet by Shakespeare 
I'd like to think I live by that quote. A lot of things, if not everything, is relative and it is mainly society that dictates what is good or bad. Our upbrining, experiences and who we are as humans help us regulate for ourselves what is good and what is bad. I think, at the end of the day, having an open mind is best.
" Swearing is my vice and I love it " Kiera Knightley.
Swearing is part of my vernacular. People assume that swearing is a sign of your lack of education but believe me, I have a very decent education. Part of being Australian and expressing yourself rawly and strongly involves swearing.
" You spend your whole life stuck in the labrynth, thinking how you'll escape one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present. " - Looking for Alaska by John Green.
I was doing this to myself and when I read the book it rung true. Are you truly living or you're telling yourself you will, imaging how awesome it is .. but you're not. You're using it as a coping mechanism to make you feel better at the present. It's a hard reality to face, I believe.
I'd like to think I live by that quote. A lot of things, if not everything, is relative and it is mainly society that dictates what is good or bad. Our upbrining, experiences and who we are as humans help us regulate for ourselves what is good and what is bad. I think, at the end of the day, having an open mind is best.
" Swearing is my vice and I love it " Kiera Knightley.
Swearing is part of my vernacular. People assume that swearing is a sign of your lack of education but believe me, I have a very decent education. Part of being Australian and expressing yourself rawly and strongly involves swearing.
" You spend your whole life stuck in the labrynth, thinking how you'll escape one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present. " - Looking for Alaska by John Green.
I was doing this to myself and when I read the book it rung true. Are you truly living or you're telling yourself you will, imaging how awesome it is .. but you're not. You're using it as a coping mechanism to make you feel better at the present. It's a hard reality to face, I believe.