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Gayheaven doublestandard


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Reaction score
So i make some off the wall comment on another poster's thread about the economy and how some other poster whined about GW and wanting his head. I fire back with wanting BO's head on a platter and I get my post yanked. Surely this site has no moral ground to stand on. I thought Republicans were the only perverts on here. But apparently I stepped on some liberal's birkenstocks and he reveals his overly sensitive vagina in the name of national security. I guess gayheaven must have higher standards than the Huffington Post, where you read countless upon countless amounts of posts of people voicing much harsher words than wanting this President's head on a platter. You neo-cons and spineless liberals go at it...


To be fair, your wording was somewhat stronger than that and had nothing to do with morals. There are better ways of putting things over ;)

The staff member who pulled this, well over a month ago now, by the way, is no longer with us anyway.

We don't remove posts in the discussion area without good reason, no matter what your political point of view.


Super Vip
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
So i make some off the wall comment on another poster's thread about the economy and how some other poster whined about GW and wanting his head. I fire back with wanting BO's head on a platter and I get my post yanked. Surely this site has no moral ground to stand on. I thought Republicans were the only perverts on here. But apparently I stepped on some liberal's birkenstocks and he reveals his overly sensitive vagina in the name of national security. I guess gayheaven must have higher standards than the Huffington Post, where you read countless upon countless amounts of posts of people voicing much harsher words than wanting this President's head on a platter. You neo-cons and spineless liberals go at it...

Somehow I have the impression that you are angry. I know that feeling rather well. I had my problems with mayor JM and PM WK in 2000 after the fireworks disaster in Enschede. My posts to TcT were refused, aside a few exceptions. That made me angry.

You don’t understand my words? The reason is that I placed the axis of the world through my country The Netherlands.

Gay Heaven has members all over the world. The axis of their world is where it should be, through the poles.

When you have reasons to be angry, please express them in a way that everybody can understand them.


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
the thing about posting comments anywhere whether it be here or any where else that lets post comments--one can vent his frustrations without bringing in violence into their comment--i can make a comment about something with adding head on a silver platter or other threatening comments---lets say it this way--if someone posted so and so did this and i would love to have hisher freaking head o n a silver platter or someone needs to stick a grenade up your ass and pull the pen-- is not making a comment but making an idol threat that you you would undoubtably take personal--

then the flaming gets started and the whole comment area just becomes a full blown bitch fest--and no one wants to read it so i think those comments need to be removed ---

if someone asked my opinion about political agenda or gay marriage or anything else--i should be able to post my opinion with others posting i am a dumbass in thinking that way --my opinions and my life is who i am and what makes me who i am--if we all thought the same as others then everyone would be wally and the beave-- will wimpy as parents liek their parents were-- and just imagine beong that way instead of being the way we are today--


GayHeaven's Hottie
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
I thought Republicans were the only perverts on here.
Protip: stop seeing politics in every aspect of life and you'll be happier. I don't think a social board for gays is a good place to have fierce discussions on economy or other subjects that may provoke a flamewar.

Protip #2: ignore internet trolls and flamewar crusaders.

Also, please don't use acronyms that could be unclear for non-Americans. I've figured out what BO is, but GW?
Last edited:


Smartarse from Down Under
Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
If the wording of NavyMiguel's original post was somewhat stronger than his paraphrase above, then I'm glad I never happened to read the original!


post your opinions without anger:) its not hard..just remember others might have there opinions too:) so here on GH...except others opinions with out anger!!!

as G would say..peace:) lol


post your opinions without anger:) its not hard..just remember others might have there opinions too:) so here on GH...except others opinions with out anger!!!

as G would say..peace:) lol

I never thought I would reply this on a post of yours but...



Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
This whole thread reminds me of the time a coloured student accused me of racism because I told him he needed to start attending classes or he'd be automatically failed for non-attendance. He saw the whole world through the filter of race, and assumed that EVERYTHING was because of race. That EVERY bad thing that happened to him was because of his colour, while, in actual fact, he was failing because he was not doing any work!

The post you used to start this thread is vile - it HURLS abuse all around, and is generally rude and insulting. You jumped to un-justified conclusions without evidence, and opened fire. You're going to make no friends with that kind of insult-carpet-bombing approach!

Based on the evidence of your opening post, I'm inclined to believe XMan when he says you were moderated for being abusive, rather than because of you particular political views. Just like my coloured student was not failing because of his race, you are not having your posts deleted because of your politics!



Super Vip
May 18, 2010
Reaction score
NavyMiguel, While I can appreciate your sharp tongue sentence structure showing your creative mind, you come across as simply hostile. "Birkenstock and vagina" in reference to someone you don't even know is first (on the fore) prejudice of sorts and insult intended on the latter. You continue your verbal rampage right through to the end with referring to liberals as spineless. If that is not a lopsided mind set that will see no perspective I don't know one. My best advice is lighten up, open your mind and realize that heads on platters is only one way to gain back a country you dream you have as entitlement. I fully support the idea of a new American revolution but lets not think that verbal barbs are going to make one thing better. Oh, and few other countries respect America with good reason given how we have crushed their well being for our good. We would be a great country if we were a good friend. But we are a country of goons that think lashing out with insults is what people of a "super power nation" have a right to. We are all humans, that should make us one. Be nice!


Super Vip
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
post your opinions without anger:) its not hard..just remember others might have there opinions too:) so here on GH...except others opinions with out anger!!!

as G would say..peace:) lol

couldn't have said it better bigE!



Super Vip
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
We are all humans, that should make us one. Be nice!

Well said Doug - its amazing and fun to talk to people all over the world who live in very diffferent places and have very different perspectives. Differences are good and we should embrace that...and Dougs point brings it all home.

peace buddies;)


We don't remove posts in the discussion area without good reason
Do you admin peeps ever disclose your reasons, so that we can figure out what your standard is, or is it just a case of some admins are more sensitive than others and its a toss up of what gets deleted?


Do you admin peeps ever disclose your reasons, so that we can figure out what your standard is, or is it just a case of some admins are more sensitive than others and its a toss up of what gets deleted?

Each case is different and we don't make a public show, but the individual user is informed .

Most never have posts removed from discussions, but there are obvious reasons why we occasionally have to. As most don't cause disruption or bully or create a bad atmosphere there is no need for the majority to be concerned ;)


Each case is different and we don't make a public show, but the individual user is informed .

Most never have posts removed from discussions, but there are obvious reasons why we occasionally have to. As most don't cause disruption or bully or create a bad atmosphere there is no need for the majority to be concerned ;)

okay. it still would be nice if you guys figured out a way to explain the why, so that newbies like me dont have hassles. I read the rules thing and it is way too vague to be realistic, and what you said earlier about the guy who did the delete leaving the admin group, so that just seems like its all arbitrary and without any logic....maybe other admins wouldnt have deleted the post, maybe....whatever. just sayin it would be nice to have standards that are clear. what is okay to me is prob not okay to others, so how can that work without some definitions of what is acceptable?


It's very easy tiggertoo... read the rules and you know what you can write without risking the deletion of your post. No Admin, Co-Admin, Super-Moderator or Moderator will tolerate any broken rule. If one removes a post, the others usually would have done the same, they were only slower.
When a post is deleted, the reason is in 99.9% because you broke one or more rules. Stay on the nice list and everything is fine. It might be surprising for some people, but discussing is possible with keeping your language clean and without insulting others.

PS: I know what I'm talking about because I'm a former moderator and I know the rules because I was the poor boy who translated them into German.


It's very easy tiggertoo... read the rules and you know what you can write without risking the deletion of your post.

so here is me being 'nice' - and I am gonna disagree with you. the rules that are posted are ambiguous, relating to stuff that seems to be deleted for no apparent reason. it looks like, to me anyway, that some moderation is needed, but what ends up is kinda biased and one-sided, with no reasoning given to help others refine their understanding of what is or isnt acceptable. and if someone has a strong comment to post, isnt that their free speech that should be honored? okay, outright name calling is uncool, but disagreements make peeps think. so is the intent just to be happy and gay (obvious sarcasm) and not deal with serious stuff that may be opinionated? maybe I'll just stick to downloading free porn as long as it lasts, if the discussions are so sterilized.


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
While I am absolutely on board with all appeals for more respectful conversation, I have to say that I think that tiggertoo really does have a couple of good points here.

I just re-read the rules, as well as other threads in the rules section, and I don't see anything that addresses flaming other members and name calling. Which would mean that no matter what he said (and, again, I'm sure I wouldn't have liked it myself), he couldn't have broken a rule because there are no rules about discussion etiquette.

Of course moderators are trying to set some minimal standard of conduct so the forum discussions don't turn into take-no-prisoners battleground. But the rules aren't helping them, and aren't helping members understand when a line has been crossed.

Second, if a moderator pulled a post and never sent a pm to the wayward poster explaining why the message was deleted - that is an instance of the moderator dropping the ball. If tiggertoo's post was deleted because he crossed a line that isn't in the forum rules and no one told him why the message was gone, I think that would leave anyone feeling ambushed and frustrated.

In short, I think that if there is a kind of talk that is beyond the pale and won't be tolerated at GH, then it should be spelled out in the rules.


Super Vip
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
Well there is a "Sticky" within the General Discussion Area


and the relevant sections are these below:

In here you may chat about any subject you like. It can be humorous or serious. Debates are welcome but we only ask that there are no personal insults. Opinions are of course welcome but please no personal attacks on another's views. You can share any news or information and play games and share a joke or funny picture.

The only circumstances in which a Moderator or Administrator will intervene in a discussion is when the conversation taking place is Illegal, Racist or Openly Hostile towards other members.

I didn't see the post from NavyMiguel that was removed so I am unable to comment specifically. Where does robust debate turn into hostile attack, sometimes it is hard to tell... sometimes not. But I do know from my time as SuperMod here that these types of post are not usually removed without discussion.



But I do know from my time as SuperMod here that these types of post are not usually removed without discussion.
it doesnt seem that the discussion includes the dude who did the posting. great to have the mods and so on talk about it between them, but if no one explains, then we don't know. that cult of secrecy thing has to go, asap. after all, if it weren't for us posting stuff at all, theres no need for mods. I think its a bad system, but not a case of bad mods. so it needs fixing.