First of all, I find it easy to agree with most posters in this thread on a couple of important points :
1) Respectful conversation : it´s a big problem on many forums with sloppy or non-existant moderation, where aggressive trolls gets the liberty of turning the forum into a playground of hatespeech. Sooner or later the forum will self destruct - the proponents of rudeness and hate will be the only visitors.
2) Easily accessible and well edited forum rules - of course this is a good thing, and probably not very difficult to fix if, as some posters are implying, it needs to be fixed.
Nevertheless, I sense a problematic tendency in this discussion to confuse things, and most of all this : the tendency to reduce the application of rules to the theoretical knowledge of the rules.
We´re not talking about technical rules, but about rules concerning human behaviour.
The application of such rules will always be a question of something more than the mere theoretical knowledge of rules. The nub of the matter will always be - good judgement. While the rule is general, its application is always particular. And judgement is what mediates between the general and the particular.
An old fashioned way of putting this, is to talk about the letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law : To get a reasonable application of the law (the forum rules), sometimes the judge (admin, mods) must ask him/herself - what´s the real point of the law?, why do we have this law at all?, what´s the basic intention of it all?
The old romans knew what will happen, if we have laws, but no judgement in its application : Summum ius, summa iniuria, the highest justice will become the worst injustice.
To end on a much more practical note : If you feel insecure about something, communicate with the admins and mods. I´ve never got silence as an answer, if I PM one of the admins or mods about something that puzzles me. I´ve been moderated a few times (though never concerning verbal abuse, something I think will never happen), but always got a reasonable explanation why. I´m happy with that.:cheers: