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Super Vip
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
it doesnt seem that the discussion includes the dude who did the posting. great to have the mods and so on talk about it between them,but if no one explains, then we don't know. that cult of secrecy thing has to go, asap. after all, if it weren't for us posting stuff at all, theres no need for mods. I think its a bad system, but not a case of bad mods. so it needs fixing.

From the Forum Rules:

6.2. As a general policy, if posts are moved or deleted, posters will be notified in advance.


Smartarse from Down Under
Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out in advance whether your post is going to be offensive and likely to be censored or taken down. Read it back to yourself before you click on Post. How does it come across? How would you feel if the post was addressed to you, posted by someone else? That's the simple test. If you would feel hurt or offended by it, then it's highly likely someone else will too. That applies on any board.

The other time I think posts should be censored or removed is when a person keeps arguing a point of view, not because they have anything new to add, but because they feel they must have the last word. Some people seem to think that the winner is the one who keeps arguing the longest.

The most ill-behaved members I have encountered on any forum, with the meanest, nastiest posts, were on a certain music forum, of all places. (That's not counting Gay Universe, which appears to have no form of moderation whatsoever and is therefore open to all kinds of abuse.) The forum I refer to has tens of thousands of members, of whom perhaps a hundred or so could be called active posters, and quite a number of those see the "General Discussion" part of the forum as a place to promote their right-wing, left-wing, religious, spiritual or atheistic views and dismiss anyone who does not share their views as ignorant or stupid. And not just to promote them, but to keep on and on and on promoting them.


Super Vip
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dear NavyMiguel, you're sure to be liberal?
From what you say no.
Unlike conservatives, the true liberal is ready to criticize, even the hard way, the politician who voted and worked badly.
What has Obama done for the gay community? It seems only promises.


From the Forum Rules:

6.2. As a general policy, if posts are moved or deleted, posters will be notified in advance.

Okay, thanks. But if that isnt followed repeatedly, does the mod get fired or what? How about apologies if this policy isnt followed? What I am trying to say is that everyone should be responsible for what they do and say. If someone is gonna delete my stuff, and not tell me why or whatever, then they are creating their own little empire and retreating behind the wall of silence. If this is done, so it's "no rules for mods but rules for everyone else". So is this stated policy, in item 6.2 gonna be enforced?


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Well there is a "Sticky" within the General Discussion Area...

Thanks for that - I thought I had seen something about that somewhere.

But let me add that it doesn't help when the official rules thread doesn't have all the rules. We are always encouraging people to read the rules - I think that would be best if they were all in a single place. Or at least the official rules thread should link to them.

Just my 2 cents.


Super Vip
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
First of all, I find it easy to agree with most posters in this thread on a couple of important points :

1) Respectful conversation : it´s a big problem on many forums with sloppy or non-existant moderation, where aggressive trolls gets the liberty of turning the forum into a playground of hatespeech. Sooner or later the forum will self destruct - the proponents of rudeness and hate will be the only visitors.

2) Easily accessible and well edited forum rules - of course this is a good thing, and probably not very difficult to fix if, as some posters are implying, it needs to be fixed.

Nevertheless, I sense a problematic tendency in this discussion to confuse things, and most of all this : the tendency to reduce the application of rules to the theoretical knowledge of the rules.

We´re not talking about technical rules, but about rules concerning human behaviour.

The application of such rules will always be a question of something more than the mere theoretical knowledge of rules. The nub of the matter will always be - good judgement. While the rule is general, its application is always particular. And judgement is what mediates between the general and the particular.

An old fashioned way of putting this, is to talk about the letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law : To get a reasonable application of the law (the forum rules), sometimes the judge (admin, mods) must ask him/herself - what´s the real point of the law?, why do we have this law at all?, what´s the basic intention of it all?

The old romans knew what will happen, if we have laws, but no judgement in its application : Summum ius, summa iniuria, the highest justice will become the worst injustice.

To end on a much more practical note : If you feel insecure about something, communicate with the admins and mods. I´ve never got silence as an answer, if I PM one of the admins or mods about something that puzzles me. I´ve been moderated a few times (though never concerning verbal abuse, something I think will never happen), but always got a reasonable explanation why. I´m happy with that.:cheers:


The old romans knew what will happen, if we have laws, but no judgement in its application : Summum ius, summa iniuria, the highest justice will become the worst injustice.

personal opinion, that seems like its already happened here, in some ways. a set of rules, but unclear standards and how to apply them, different admin peeps coming down on some guys and then quitting (or being fired, whatever) and no explanation or even an apology if that admin guy was wrong or excessive. doesn't make me feel specially happy about posting. so yeah, someone will easily say just dont post. I have been for most of the time, just reading and seeing whose stuff stays and whose stuff seems to get trashed for what they post. not overly impressed. the free porn is great, those dudes are really fantastic at how they give their stuff freely, and that I really appreciate and hit the thanks a lot. but posting.....this is prolly my last for a while.


Super Vip
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
The gym teacher said: “when I whistle once you jump up into the air and when I whistle twice you slowly jump down.” Well controlled by him, but what happens when he forgets to whistle twice, it leaves you stupidly hanging in the air.

It is difficult to organize things properly. Lawyers are the living proof of this statement. Life is full of conflicts.

But that is real life, the difficult earthly existence as the gateway to a better life in heaven, a place full of love, without violence, and without rules, because decency needs no rules to maintain order.

I don’t believe in god, so for me there will be no heaven. But I cherish my little virtual heaven, Gay Heaven. Let us not spoil this place by behavior like in real life.

Let us all be decent to each other. So we don’t have to consult any rule.


Super Vip
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
personal opinion, that seems like its already happened here, in some ways. a set of rules, but unclear standards and how to apply them, different admin peeps coming down on some guys and then quitting (or being fired, whatever) and no explanation or even an apology if that admin guy was wrong or excessive. doesn't make me feel specially happy about posting. so yeah, someone will easily say just dont post. I have been for most of the time, just reading and seeing whose stuff stays and whose stuff seems to get trashed for what they post. not overly impressed. the free porn is great, those dudes are really fantastic at how they give their stuff freely, and that I really appreciate and hit the thanks a lot. but posting.....this is prolly my last for a while.

It´s sad if tiggertoo doesn´t feel like posting anymore.

But I think there´s some kind of whining tone in this post that I don´t like : The mods and admins haven´t done this, the mods and admins haven´t done that. And on and on and on...

I´m thinking : Well, have you communicated with them? Have you sent a PM asking : " Could you please explain why I got moderated ?" Sending a PM is such an easy thing to do, it just takes a couple of minutes.

Yesterday, one of my posts in the porn movie forum got moderated and removed by squiggle. To put the case simple - I hadn´t done the thinking I should have done before posting, so squiggle did the thinking for me. I got a PM, where he eloquently explained why he had removed the post, and I´m happy with that.

My point is this : If I make mistakes - and if you have made several hundreds of post, you will have made a few mistakes - and expect to be forgiven for making simple mistakes, then you´ll have to forgive mistakes made by others, such as the mods and admins. And being corrected in a friendly way for the mistakes I´ve made - believe me, that´s not a good example of hardships and injustice. Anyone who thinks that has som growing up left to do...