Card is well known in the "anti-gay" movement, and for at least 20 years, when he had an anti-gay column in a photocopy nutjob newsletter. I have read his offensive, degrading commentary regarding LGBT as "sub-human," filthy, disgusting, perverted, less than pigs, etc. with disgust.
Though he was "outed" for his hatred of gays for the movie, he has given lectures, written articles and blogs, put comments in his books and actively advocated his hateful views. He apologizes for none of it, and most of us are too polite to point out that something as minor as a decent haircut totally eludes him.
Many people have theorized he's a closet gay guy. I don't know of any evidence but these anti-gay views parallel Mormon teachings, and he is a fanatical and generous contributor to Mormons and other anti-LGBT organizations. Prop 8 in California last year would have allowed LGBT to marry and the Mormon and Catholic churches actively funded and "lead from behind" in the campaign against LGBT marriage. Though it is true he sold the rights to Ender's Game long ago, and at far too low a price, it is not true, he made another fortune from the movie. He was given the typical Hollywood bonus based on the somewhat surprising success of the movie. This was done on the down-low of course. But he can finance his anti-LGBT campaign for the rest of his life from his cash from the movie.
FYI Card writes under his own name and pseudonyms, advocating eliminating or criminalizing anything LGBT. He is a toxic creature; bitter and hateful. I bet his books would have a really different POV without some aggressive editing to make them palatable to the general public! Though less clear in the movie, a frequent theme of Card's is the State-sponsored, systematic torturing of children, mentally and physically, for the good of "society." From what I can tell, he's all in favor of the practice.
About a month ago I saw an Ender's Game paperback display next to a "celebrate LGBT" display -- talk about ironic and inappropriate product placement! I talked to the Manager of the book chain store and, much to his credit, the manager moved the ender display (a stand-alone thing) back into the rear bowels of the science fiction section!
A not unfitting location for Card himself.