Great victory of democracy in Europe
EU Parliament rejects ACTA anti-piracy treaty:
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Today I am a little prouder to be a citizen of Europe.
I have to say, I have a lot of respect for the EU parliament - they act as a good back-stop to the lunacy of many of the EU commissioners.
I'm the kind of citizen who believes in sharing their views with their elected representatives. When I email my representatives in the Irish Parliament I usually hear nothing at all back, and if I do get a reply, it's just a form letter. I contact my MEP, and I get back a coherent answer!
I actually contacted my MEP about ACTA, and was delighted to hear back within a few days with a detailed description of her concerns about the treaty, and explaining her reasoning for voting against it unless a whole list of things changed in the treaty (which didn't).
Good day for people's right over corporate rights.
I just hope our moronic Irish government doesn't go ahead and sign us up without the rest of Europe :/