Wow - W!nston! Birthday?!
So from deep of the bottom of my heart the very best wishes to you and for your new year of life. May all (or better the most) of your wishes come true - but most of all the best of health.
And in this connection I want to tell you that you are for me here one of the very best - a real friend. You have been the first who gave me self-assurance here on GH - back then in the old days of GH where very often we have had fierce debates (it is very pity that these days are over and forbidden -
) Thank you for your private words to calm down myself. Never ever you have been angry with me - but with quiet and well-considered words you always have brought me down again. This and much more I will never forget - W!nston YOU ARE REALLY A FRIEND!
Once more all the very best for your new year of life and may many, many others be following.